143 lines
3.0 KiB
143 lines
3.0 KiB
#import "/src/utils.typ": *
#let offsets = (
(1, 0),
(0, 1),
(-1, 0),
(0, -1)
#let get-lowest(nodes, scores) = {
let lowest-score = none
let lowest-i = none
for (i, (x, y)) in nodes.enumerate() {
let score = scores.at(y).at(x)
if lowest-i == none or score < lowest-score {
lowest-score = score
lowest-i = i
if lowest-i == none {
return lowest-i
#let make-path(parents, end) = {
let path = (end,)
let (x, y) = end
let pos = parents.at(y).at(x)
while pos != none {
(x, y) = pos
path.insert(0, pos)
pos = parents.at(y).at(x)
return path
#let find-path(w, h, grid) = {
let end = (w - 1, h - 1)
let (x, y) = (0, 0)
let open = ((x, y),)
let closed = ()
let g-scores = ((0,) * w,) * h
let f-scores = ((calc.inf,) * w,) * h
let parents = ((none,)*w,)*h
while open.len() != 0 {
let cur = open.remove(get-lowest(open, f-scores))
if cur == end {
return make-path(parents, cur)
let g-score = g-scores.at(y).at(x)
let f-score = f-scores.at(y).at(x)
let (x, y) = cur
for (dx, dy) in offsets {
let (x2, y2) = (x + dx, y + dy)
if x2 < 0 or x2 >= w or y2 < 0 or y2 >= h {
if grid.at(y2).at(x2) {
if (x2, y2) in closed {
let g = x2 + y2
let h = calc.abs(end.first() - x2) + calc.abs(end.last() - y2)
let f = g + h
if f < f-scores.at(y2).at(x2) {
g-scores.at(y2).at(x2) = g
f-scores.at(y2).at(x2) = f
parents.at(y2).at(x2) = (x, y)
open.push((x2, y2))
panic("No path was found")
#let solve(input, w: 0, h: 0, n-bytes: 0) = {
assert(w != 0, message: "Width cannot be 0")
assert(h != 0, message: "Height cannot be 0")
let grid = ((false,) * w,) * h
let obstacles = input.split("\n")
for obs in obstacles.slice(0, n-bytes) {
let (x, y) = obs.split(",").map(int)
grid.at(y).at(x) = true
let path = find-path(w, h, grid)
return path.len() - 1
#let visualize(input, w: 0, h: 0, n-bytes: 0, s: 2em) = {
let grid_ = ((false,) * w,) * h
let obstacles = input.split("\n")
for obs in obstacles.slice(0, n-bytes) {
let (x, y) = obs.split(",").map(int)
grid_.at(y).at(x) = true
let path = find-path(w, h, grid_)
for (x, y) in path {
grid_.at(y).at(x) = grid.cell(fill: green.lighten(60%))[O]
let cells = grid_.flatten().map(c => {
if c == false []
else if c == true {grid.cell(fill: red.lighten(60%))[\#]}
else {c}
columns: (s,) * w,
rows: (s,) * h,
align: center + horizon,
stroke: black,
18, 1,
solve.with(w: 71, h: 71, n-bytes: 1024),
example: (
(result: 22, args: (w: 7, h: 7, n-bytes: 12)),
visualize: visualize.with(w: 7, h: 7, n-bytes: 12)
#set page(width: auto, height: auto)
#visualize(get-input(18), w: 71, h: 71, n-bytes: 1024, s: 1em)
*/ |