# circuiteria Circuiteria is a [Typst](https://typst.app) package for drawing block circuit diagrams using the [CeTZ](https://typst.app/universe/package/cetz) package.

Perry the platypus

## Examples
A bit of eveything
Wires everywhere
Groups Rotated
> **Note**\ > These circuit layouts were copied from a digital design course given by prof. S. Zahno and recreated using this package *Click on the example image to jump to the code.* ## Usage For more information, see the [manual](manual.pdf) To use this package, simply import [circuiteria](https://typst.app/universe/package/circuiteria) and call the `circuit` function: ```typ #import "@preview/circuiteria:0.2.0" #circuiteria.circuit({ import circuiteria: * ... }) ```