# rivet-typst RIVET _(Register / Instruction Visualizer & Explainer Tool)_ is a [Typst](https://typst.app) package for visualizing binary instructions or describing the contents of a register, using the [CeTZ](https://typst.app/universe/package/cetz) package. It is based on the [homonymous Python script](https://git.kb28.ch/HEL/rivet/) ## Examples
A bit of eveything
RISC-V memory instructions (blueprint)
*Click on the example image to jump to the code.* ## Usage For information, see the [manual](manual.pdf) To use this package, simply import `schema` [src/lib.typ](src/lib.typ) and call `schema.load` to parse a schema description. Then use `schema.render` to render it, et voilĂ  ! ```typ #import "src/lib.typ": schema #let doc = schema.load("path/to/schema.yaml") #schema.render(doc) ``` ## Installing > TODO