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2023-11-26 20:13:49 +01:00

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* File Name : OSWrappers.cpp
* @attention
* <h2><center>&copy; Copyright (c) 2021 STMicroelectronics.
* All rights reserved.</center></h2>
* This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
* SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
#include <stm32f7xx_hal.h>
#include <TouchGFXHAL.hpp>
#include <touchgfx/hal/OSWrappers.hpp>
static volatile uint32_t fb_sem;
static volatile uint32_t vsync_sem;
using namespace touchgfx;
* Initialize frame buffer semaphore and queue/mutex for VSYNC signal.
void OSWrappers::initialize()
fb_sem = 0;
vsync_sem = 0;
* Take the frame buffer semaphore. Blocks until semaphore is available.
void OSWrappers::takeFrameBufferSemaphore()
fb_sem = 1;
* Release the frame buffer semaphore.
void OSWrappers::giveFrameBufferSemaphore()
fb_sem = 0;
* Attempt to obtain the frame buffer semaphore. If semaphore is not available, do
* nothing.
* Note must return immediately! This function does not care who has the taken the semaphore,
* it only serves to make sure that the semaphore is taken by someone.
void OSWrappers::tryTakeFrameBufferSemaphore()
fb_sem = 1;
* Release the frame buffer semaphore in a way that is safe in interrupt context. Called
* from ISR.
* Release the frame buffer semaphore in a way that is safe in interrupt context.
* Called from ISR.
void OSWrappers::giveFrameBufferSemaphoreFromISR()
fb_sem = 0;
* Signal that a VSYNC has occurred. Should make the vsync queue/mutex available.
* Note This function is called from an ISR, and should (depending on OS) trigger a
* scheduling.
void OSWrappers::signalVSync()
vsync_sem = 1;
* Signal that the rendering of the frame has completed. Used by
* some systems to avoid using any previous vsync.
void OSWrappers::signalRenderingDone()
vsync_sem = 0;
* This function checks if a VSync occurred after last rendering.
* The function is used in systems that cannot wait in waitForVSync
* (because they are also checking other event sources.
* @note signalRenderingDone is typically used together with this function.
* @return True if VSync occurred.
bool OSWrappers::isVSyncAvailable()
return vsync_sem;
* This function check if a VSYNC has occured.
* If VSYNC has occured, signal TouchGFX to start a rendering
void OSWrappers::waitForVSync()
vsync_sem = 0;
* A function that causes executing task to sleep for a number of milliseconds.
* A function that causes executing task to sleep for a number of milliseconds.
* This function is OPTIONAL. It is only used by the TouchGFX in the case of
* a specific frame refresh strategy (REFRESH_STRATEGY_OPTIM_SINGLE_BUFFER_TFT_CTRL).
* Due to backwards compatibility, in order for this function to be useable by the HAL
* the function must be explicitly registered:
* hal.registerTaskDelayFunction(&OSWrappers::taskDelay)
* see HAL::setFrameRefreshStrategy(FrameRefreshStrategy s)
* see HAL::registerTaskDelayFunction(void (*delayF)(uint16_t))
void OSWrappers::taskDelay(uint16_t ms)
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