ARCHITECTURE test OF lcdController_tester IS constant clockPeriod: time := (1.0/clockFrequency) * 1 sec; signal clock_int: std_ulogic := '1'; constant testInterval: time := 5 us; BEGIN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- reset and clock reset <= '1', '0' after 2*clockPeriod; clock_int <= not clock_int after clockPeriod/2; clock <= transport clock_int after clockPeriod*9/10; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- send sequence process begin ascii <= (others => '0'); send <= '0'; wait until falling_edge(busy); wait for testInterval; -- send single character wait until rising_edge(clock_int); ascii <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(character'pos('a'), ascii'length)); send <= '1', '0' after clockPeriod; wait until rising_edge(busy); wait until falling_edge(busy); wait for testInterval; -- send character stream for index in character'pos('b') to character'pos('d') loop ascii <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(index, ascii'length)); send <= '1', '0' after clockPeriod; wait until rising_edge(busy); wait until falling_edge(busy); wait for 1 ns; end loop; wait for testInterval; -- end of simulation assert false report "End of simulation" severity failure; wait; end process; END ARCHITECTURE test;