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 ## Description [(Back to top)](#table-of-contents) Laboratory file for semesterproject chronometer for first year bachelor students. As it changes each year, all you have to do is search on Moodle Cyberlearn for the course number and select the one starting with the last two digits of the current year. Course number is 2131 for SYND The course full name is composed as a concatenation of year (YY), school name, course ID and course name: "YY_HES-SO-VS_2131_Electricite / Elektrotechnik ELN" ## How To Use [(Back to top)](#table-of-contents) To clone and run this application, you'll need [Git]( and [HDL Designer]( as well as [Modelsim]( installed on your computer. From your command line:  ### Launch ```bash # Change to location for the Sourcecode on your PC for Example Base of Drive U: U: # Clone this repository git clone # Go into the repository cd eln_cursor # Run the app ## Linux ./eln_cursor.bash ## Windows .\eln_cursor.bat ``` ### Update Student **Fork** to the latest modification from **Master** Repo ```bash # goto your student fork repo location cd u:\eln_cursor\ # add upstream Master remote git remote add upstream # like "git pull" which is fetch + merge) git fetch upstream git merge upstream/master master # Push the changes into your own fork repo git push origin master ``` ## Credits [(Back to top)](#table-of-contents) * COF * PRC * ZAS ## License [(Back to top)](#table-of-contents) :copyright: [All rights reserved](LICENSE) --- ## Find us on > []( · > Facebook [@hessovalais]( · > Twitter [@hessovalais]( · > LinkedIn [HES-SO Valais-Wallis]( · > Youtube [HES-SO Valais-Wallis](