/************************************************************************//** * \file ext_keyboard.h * \brief Function to use the extension keyboard * \author pascal (dot) sartoretti (at) hevs (dot) ch ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef __EXT_26PIN_H #define __EXT_26PIN_H #include #include "stm32f7xx_hal.h" #define nCS_FREQ_GEN_Pin GPIO_PIN_6 #define nCS_FREQ_GEN_GPIO_Port GPIOF typedef enum { SINUS, TRIANGLE, SQUARE }f_mode; /************************************************************************//** * \brief Inits the Sparkfun frequency generator connected to SPI * port on the 26 pin connector pins below: * SCK = pin 3 * MOSI = pin 2 * nCS = pin 4 ***************************************************************************/ int32_t Ext_FreqGen_Init (void); /************************************************************************//** * \brief Sets a frequency on Sparfun generator output * \param frequency The frequency in hertz (below 20 Hz signal is bad) * \param mode The signal mode (SINUS,TRIANGLE,SQUARE) * * The signal is centered at about 1.61 volt +/- 0.53 volts ***************************************************************************/ void Ext_FreqGen_Set(uint32_t frequency,f_mode mode); /************************************************************************//** * \brief Inits the debug pin PF9 ***************************************************************************/ int32_t Ext_Debug_Init(void); #endif /* __BOARD_LED_H */