package Entity; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Interpolation; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2; import ch.hevs.gdx2d.components.bitmaps.Spritesheet; import ch.hevs.gdx2d.lib.GdxGraphics; public abstract class Character extends Entity{ public enum Direction{ UP, DOWN, RIGHT, LEFT, NULL } /** * The currently selected sprite for animation */ int textureX = 0; int textureY = 1; float speed = 1; float dt = 0; int currentFrame = 0; int nFrames = 4; final float FRAME_TIME = 0.1f; // Duration of each frime private String img; protected int pv; public Character(String name, int x, int y, String img, String map){ super(name, x, y, map); this.img = img; } @Override public void init() { super.init(); ss = new Spritesheet("./resources/" + img + ".png", SPRITE_WIDTH, SPRITE_HEIGHT); } @Override public void graphicRender(GdxGraphics g) { super.graphicRender(g); animate(; draw(g); } /** * Update the position and the texture of the hero. * @param elapsedTime The time [s] elapsed since the last time which this method was called. */ public void animate(double elapsedTime) { float frameTime = FRAME_TIME / speed; position = new Vector2(lastPosition); if(isMoving()) { dt += elapsedTime; float alpha = (dt+frameTime*currentFrame)/(frameTime*nFrames); position.interpolate(newPosition, alpha,Interpolation.linear); }else{ dt = 0; } if (dt > frameTime) { dt -= frameTime; currentFrame = (currentFrame + 1) % nFrames; if(currentFrame == 0){ move = false; lastPosition = new Vector2(newPosition); position = new Vector2(newPosition); } } } /** * @return True if the entity is actually doing a step. */ public boolean isMoving(){ return move; } /** * @param speed The new speed of the hero. */ public void setSpeed(float speed){ this.speed = speed; } /** * Do a step on the given direction * @param direction The direction to go. */ public void go(Direction direction){ move = true; switch(direction){ case RIGHT: newPosition.add(SPRITE_WIDTH, 0); break; case LEFT: newPosition.add(-SPRITE_WIDTH, 0); break; case UP: newPosition.add(0, SPRITE_HEIGHT); break; case DOWN: newPosition.add(0, -SPRITE_HEIGHT); break; default: break; } turn(direction); } /** * Turn the hero on the given direction without do any step. * @param direction The direction to turn. */ public void turn(Direction direction){ switch(direction){ case RIGHT: textureY = 2; break; case LEFT: textureY = 1; break; case UP: textureY = 3; break; case DOWN: textureY = 0; break; default: break; } } /** * Draw the character on the graphic object. * @param g Graphic object. */ public void draw(GdxGraphics g) { g.draw(ss.sprites[textureY][currentFrame], position.x, position.y); } public int getPv() { return pv; } abstract protected void removedPv(int pv); }