architecture studentVersion of ex_24_1_4 is
signal oldA: std_ulogic;
signal oldB: std_ulogic;
process(reset, clock) begin
if reset = '1' then
en <= '0';
dir <= '0';
oldA <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(clock) then
oldA <= a;
oldB <= b;
if (a='1' and oldA='0') then
en <= '1';
if b = '0' then
dir <= '1';
end if;
elsif (b='1' and oldB='0') then
if a = '0' then
elsif (a='0' and oldA='1') then
if b = '1' then
elsif (b='0' and oldB='1') then
if a = '1' then
end process;
end studentVersion;