93 lines
3.6 KiB
93 lines
3.6 KiB
LIBRARY Common_test;
USE Common_test.testUtils.all;
ARCHITECTURE test OF uvmRs232_tester IS
-- reset and clock
constant clockPeriod: time := (1.0/clockFrequency) * 1 sec;
signal clock_int: std_uLogic := '1';
-- RS232 speed
constant rs232Period: time := (1.0/rs232BaudRate) * 1 sec;
-- RS232 Rx
signal rs232RxChar : character := ' ';
-- RS232 Tx
signal rs232TxString : string(1 to 32);
signal rs232SendString: std_uLogic;
signal rs232SendDone: std_uLogic;
-- reset and clock
reset <= '1', '0' after 2*clockPeriod;
clock_int <= not clock_int after clockPeriod/2;
clock <= transport clock_int after clockPeriod*9/10;
-- Tx sequence
txSequence : process
rs232SendString <= '0';
rs232TxString <= (others => ' ');
wait for 500 us;
-- send 'Hi'
rs232TxString <= pad("Hi", rs232TxString'length);
rs232SendString <= '1', '0' after 1 ns;
wait until rs232SendDone = '1';
-- end of transmission
end process txSequence;
-- RS232 Rx
storeRxByte: process(clock_int)
if rising_edge(clock_int) then
if dataValid = '1' then
rs232RxChar <= character'val(to_integer(unsigned(dataOut)));
end if;
end if;
end process storeRxByte;
-- RS232 Tx
rsSendString: process
constant rs232CharPeriod : time := 15*rs232Period;
variable outStringRight: natural;
variable outchar: character;
-- wait for command
send <= '0';
dataIn <= (others => '0');
rs232SendDone <= '0';
wait until rising_edge(rs232SendString);
-- find string length
outStringRight := rs232TxString'right;
while rs232TxString(outStringRight) = ' ' loop
outStringRight := outStringRight-1;
end loop;
-- send characters
for index in rs232TxString'left to outStringRight loop
outchar := rs232TxString(index);
dataIn <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(
character'pos(outchar), dataIn'length
wait until rising_edge(clock_int);
send <= '1', '0' after clockPeriod;
wait for rs232CharPeriod;
end loop;
-- send carriage return
outchar := cr;
dataIn <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(
character'pos(outchar), dataIn'length
wait until rising_edge(clock_int);
send <= '1', '0' after clockPeriod;
wait for rs232CharPeriod;
-- signal end of sending
rs232SendDone <= '1';
wait for 1 ns;
end process rsSendString;