2024-02-23 13:01:05 +00:00
ARCHITECTURE studentVersion OF charToMorseController IS
2024-04-09 09:46:35 +00:00
signal isA, isB, isC, isD, isE, isF, isG, isH,
isI, isJ, isK, isL, isM, isN, isO, isP,
isQ, isR, isS, isT, isU, isV, isW, isX,
isY, isZ,
is0, is1, is2, is3, is4, is5, is6, is7,
is8, is9 : std_ulogic;
--type registers_type is array (1 to 5) of T_MORSE;
signal register1: T_MORSE;
signal register2: T_MORSE;
signal register3: T_MORSE;
signal register4: T_MORSE;
signal register5: T_MORSE;
signal general_current_state, general_next_state : GENERAL_STATE_TYPE;
signal sending_current_state, sending_next_state : SENDING_STATE_TYPE;
2024-02-23 13:01:05 +00:00
-- conditions for morse units
2024-04-09 09:46:35 +00:00
isA <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-0" & x"1") else '0'; -- 1-0 0001
isB <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-0" & x"2") else '0'; -- 1-0 0010
isC <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-0" & x"3") else '0'; -- 1-0 0011
isD <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-0" & x"4") else '0'; -- 1-0 0100
isE <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-0" & x"5") else '0'; -- 1-0 0101
isF <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-0" & x"6") else '0'; -- 1-0 0110
isG <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-0" & x"7") else '0'; -- 1-0 0111
isH <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-0" & x"8") else '0'; -- 1-0 1000
isI <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-0" & x"9") else '0'; -- 1-0 1001
isJ <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-0" & x"A") else '0'; -- 1-0 1010
isK <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-0" & x"B") else '0'; -- 1-0 1011
isL <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-0" & x"C") else '0'; -- 1-0 1100
isM <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-0" & x"D") else '0'; -- 1-0 1101
isN <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-0" & x"E") else '0'; -- 1-0 1110
isO <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-0" & x"F") else '0'; -- 1-0 1111
isP <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-1" & x"0") else '0'; -- 1-1 0000
isQ <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-1" & x"1") else '0'; -- 1-1 0001
isR <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-1" & x"2") else '0'; -- 1-1 0010
isS <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-1" & x"3") else '0'; -- 1-1 0011
isT <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-1" & x"4") else '0'; -- 1-1 0100
isU <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-1" & x"5") else '0'; -- 1-1 0101
isV <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-1" & x"6") else '0'; -- 1-1 0110
isW <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-1" & x"7") else '0'; -- 1-1 0111
isX <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-1" & x"8") else '0'; -- 1-1 1000
isY <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-1" & x"9") else '0'; -- 1-1 1001
isZ <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-1" & x"A") else '0'; -- 1-1 1010
is0 <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "011" & x"0") else '0'; -- 011 0000
is1 <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "011" & x"1") else '0'; -- 011 0001
is2 <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "011" & x"2") else '0'; -- 011 0010
is3 <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "011" & x"3") else '0'; -- 011 0011
is4 <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "011" & x"4") else '0'; -- 011 0100
is5 <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "011" & x"5") else '0'; -- 011 0101
is6 <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "011" & x"6") else '0'; -- 011 0110
is7 <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "011" & x"7") else '0'; -- 011 0111
is8 <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "011" & x"8") else '0'; -- 011 1000
is9 <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "011" & x"9") else '0'; -- 011 1001
process(reset, clock) begin
if reset = '1' then
general_current_state <= waitForChar;
sending_current_state <= waiting;
elsif rising_edge(clock) then
general_current_state <= general_next_state;
sending_current_state <= sending_next_state;
end if;
end process;
process(general_current_state) begin
case general_current_state is
when waitForChar =>
register1 <= END_WORD;
register2 <= END_WORD;
register3 <= END_WORD;
register4 <= END_WORD;
register5 <= END_WORD;
if charNotReady = '0' then
general_next_state <= storeChar;
general_next_state <= waitForChar;
end if;
when storeChar =>
if isA then
register1 <= SHORT;
register2 <= LONG;
general_next_state <= sendRegisters;
elsif isB then
register1 <= LONG;
register2 <= SHORT;
register3 <= SHORT;
register4 <= SHORT;
general_next_state <= sendRegisters;
elsif isC then
register1 <= LONG;
register2 <= SHORT;
register3 <= LONG;
register4 <= SHORT;
general_next_state <= sendRegisters;
elsif isD then
register1 <= LONG;
register2 <= SHORT;
register3 <= SHORT;
general_next_state <= sendRegisters;
elsif isE then
register1 <= SHORT;
general_next_state <= sendRegisters;
elsif isF then
register1 <= SHORT;
register2 <= SHORT;
register3 <= LONG;
register4 <= SHORT;
general_next_state <= sendRegisters;
elsif isG then
register1 <= LONG;
register2 <= LONG;
register3 <= SHORT;
general_next_state <= sendRegisters;
elsif isH then
register1 <= SHORT;
register2 <= SHORT;
register3 <= SHORT;
register4 <= SHORT;
general_next_state <= sendRegisters;
elsif isI then
register1 <= SHORT;
register2 <= SHORT;
general_next_state <= sendRegisters;
elsif isJ then
register1 <= SHORT;
register2 <= LONG;
register3 <= LONG;
register4 <= LONG;
general_next_state <= sendRegisters;
elsif isK then
register1 <= LONG;
register2 <= SHORT;
register3 <= LONG;
general_next_state <= sendRegisters;
elsif isL then
register1 <= SHORT;
register2 <= LONG;
register3 <= SHORT;
register4 <= SHORT;
general_next_state <= sendRegisters;
elsif isM then
register1 <= LONG;
register2 <= LONG;
general_next_state <= sendRegisters;
elsif isN then
register1 <= LONG;
register2 <= SHORT;
general_next_state <= sendRegisters;
elsif isO then
register1 <= LONG;
register2 <= LONG;
register3 <= LONG;
general_next_state <= sendRegisters;
elsif isP then
register1 <= SHORT;
register2 <= LONG;
register3 <= LONG;
register4 <= SHORT;
general_next_state <= sendRegisters;
elsif isQ then
register1 <= LONG;
register2 <= LONG;
register3 <= SHORT;
register4 <= LONG;
general_next_state <= sendRegisters;
elsif isR then
register1 <= SHORT;
register2 <= LONG;
register3 <= SHORT;
general_next_state <= sendRegisters;
elsif isS then
register1 <= SHORT;
register2 <= SHORT;
register3 <= SHORT;
general_next_state <= sendRegisters;
elsif isT then
register1 <= LONG;
general_next_state <= sendRegisters;
elsif isU then
register1 <= SHORT;
register2 <= SHORT;
register3 <= LONG;
general_next_state <= sendRegisters;
elsif isV then
register1 <= SHORT;
register2 <= SHORT;
register3 <= SHORT;
register4 <= LONG;
general_next_state <= sendRegisters;
elsif isW then
register1 <= SHORT;
register2 <= LONG;
register3 <= LONG;
general_next_state <= sendRegisters;
elsif isX then
register1 <= LONG;
register2 <= SHORT;
register3 <= SHORT;
register4 <= LONG;
general_next_state <= sendRegisters;
elsif isY then
register1 <= LONG;
register2 <= SHORT;
register3 <= LONG;
register4 <= LONG;
general_next_state <= sendRegisters;
elsif isZ then
register1 <= LONG;
register2 <= LONG;
register3 <= SHORT;
register4 <= SHORT;
general_next_state <= sendRegisters;
elsif is0 then
register1 <= LONG;
register2 <= LONG;
register3 <= LONG;
register4 <= LONG;
register5 <= LONG;
general_next_state <= sendRegisters;
elsif is1 then
register1 <= SHORT;
register2 <= LONG;
register3 <= LONG;
register4 <= LONG;
register5 <= LONG;
general_next_state <= sendRegisters;
elsif is2 then
register1 <= SHORT;
register2 <= SHORT;
register3 <= LONG;
register4 <= LONG;
register5 <= LONG;
general_next_state <= sendRegisters;
elsif is3 then
register1 <= SHORT;
register2 <= SHORT;
register3 <= SHORT;
register4 <= LONG;
register5 <= LONG;
general_next_state <= sendRegisters;
elsif is4 then
register1 <= SHORT;
register2 <= SHORT;
register3 <= SHORT;
register4 <= SHORT;
register5 <= LONG;
general_next_state <= sendRegisters;
elsif is5 then
register1 <= SHORT;
register2 <= SHORT;
register3 <= SHORT;
register4 <= SHORT;
register5 <= SHORT;
general_next_state <= sendRegisters;
elsif is6 then
register1 <= LONG;
register2 <= SHORT;
register3 <= SHORT;
register4 <= SHORT;
register5 <= SHORT;
general_next_state <= sendRegisters;
elsif is7 then
register1 <= LONG;
register2 <= LONG;
register3 <= SHORT;
register4 <= SHORT;
register5 <= SHORT;
general_next_state <= sendRegisters;
elsif is8 then
register1 <= LONG;
register2 <= LONG;
register3 <= LONG;
register4 <= SHORT;
register5 <= SHORT;
general_next_state <= sendRegisters;
elsif is9 then
register1 <= LONG;
register2 <= LONG;
register3 <= LONG;
register4 <= LONG;
register5 <= SHORT;
general_next_state <= sendRegisters;
register1 <= END_WORD;
register2 <= END_WORD;
register3 <= END_WORD;
register4 <= END_WORD;
register5 <= END_WORD;
general_next_state <= storeChar;
end if;
when sendRegisters =>
sending_next_state <= sendR1;
when sended =>
register1 <= END_WORD;
register2 <= END_WORD;
register3 <= END_WORD;
register4 <= END_WORD;
register5 <= END_WORD;
general_next_state <= waitForChar;
end case;
end process;
process(sending_current_state) begin
end process;
2024-02-23 13:01:05 +00:00
morseOut <= '0';
startCounter <= '0';
unitNb <= (others => '-');
END ARCHITECTURE studentVersion;