64 lines
2.1 KiB
64 lines
2.1 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Abort if any command returns != 0
set -e
cd $(dirname "$0")
header() {
echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "> $@..."
echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------"
header "Checking RISC-V GCC toolchain"
header "Checking 'riscv-arch-test' GitHub repository (submodule)"
git submodule update --init
header "Copying neorv32 test-target into riscv-arch-test framework"
cd ../sw/isa-test
if [ -d "$target_device" ]; then rm -rf "$target_device"; fi
cp -vr port-neorv32 "$target_device"
header "Making local copy of NEORV32 'rtl' and 'sim' folders"
export NEORV32_LOCAL_RTL=${NEORV32_LOCAL_RTL:-$(pwd)/work}
rm -rf "$NEORV32_LOCAL_RTL"
cp -r ../rtl "$NEORV32_LOCAL_RTL"
header "Starting RISC-V architecture tests"
# work in progress FIXME
printf "\n\e[1;33mWARNING! 'rv32e/*' tests are work in progress! \e[0m\n\n"
makeArgs="-C $(pwd)/../sw/isa-test/riscv-arch-test NEORV32_ROOT=$(pwd)/.. XLEN=32 RISCV_TARGET=neorv32"
makeTargets='clean build run verify'
[ -n "$1" ] && SUITES="$@" || SUITES='I C M privilege Zifencei'
for suite in $SUITES; do
case "$suite" in
I) make --silent $makeArgs SIM_TIME=850us RISCV_DEVICE=I $makeTargets;;
C) make --silent $makeArgs SIM_TIME=400us RISCV_DEVICE=C $makeTargets;;
M) make --silent $makeArgs SIM_TIME=800us RISCV_DEVICE=M $makeTargets;;
privilege) make --silent $makeArgs SIM_TIME=200us RISCV_DEVICE=privilege $makeTargets;;
Zifencei) make --silent $makeArgs SIM_TIME=200us RISCV_DEVICE=Zifencei RISCV_TARGET_FLAGS=-DNEORV32_NO_DATA_INIT $makeTargets;;
rv32e_C) make --silent $makeArgs SIM_TIME=200us RISCV_DEVICE=../rv32e_unratified/C $makeTargets;;
rv32e_E) make --silent $makeArgs SIM_TIME=200us RISCV_DEVICE=../rv32e_unratified/E $makeTargets;;
rv32e_M) make --silent $makeArgs SIM_TIME=200us RISCV_DEVICE=../rv32e_unratified/M $makeTargets;;
printf "\nRISC-V architecture tests completed successfully"