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o 13
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o 20
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o 3
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delay  = 1 ns         ( time     ) "
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dataIn <= std_ulogic_vector(data);
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o 6
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o 11
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LED2 <= '0';
LED4 <= '0';
spare <= (others => '0');
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n "addr"
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n "reset"
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o 4
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n "dataIn"
t "std_ulogic_vector"
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o 6
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uid 1227,0
ro 90
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n "rd"
t "std_ulogic"
o 7
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n "wrH"
t "std_ulogic"
o 8
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n "cs"
t "std_ulogic"
o 9
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n "wrL"
t "std_ulogic"
o 10
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m 1
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n "dataOut"
t "std_logic_vector"
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o 11
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m 1
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n "testOut"
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b "(1 TO 16)"
o 12
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addressBitNb = addressBitNb    ( positive ) "
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o 7
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ro 270
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o 1
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o 2
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m 1
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o 3
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o 16
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o 23
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o 24
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o 25
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ro 270
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o 26
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xt "19000,5000,42250,25000"
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