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signalBitNb    = signalBitNb       ( positive )  
clockFrequency = clockFrequency    ( real     )  
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tristate: process(ioEn, ioOut)
  for index in io'range loop
    if ioEn(index) = '1' then
      io(index) <= ioOut(index);
      io(index) <= 'Z';
    end if;
  end loop;
end process tristate;

ioIn <= std_ulogic_vector(io);

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lowpassInY <= (others => outY);
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ps "ConnStartEndStrategy"
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ss 0
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constant testOutBitNb: positive := 16;
constant patternAddressBitNb: positive := 9;

constant signalBitNb: positive := 16;
constant lowpassShiftBitNb: positive := 8;
constant clockFrequency : real := 60.0E6;
--constant clockFrequency : real := 66.0E6;"
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