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tm "InstanceNameMgr"
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uid 4910,0
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sTC 0
sT 1
archFileType "UNKNOWN"
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uid 5011,0
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n "ioIn"
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o 11
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n "txd0"
t "std_ulogic"
o 8
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n "rxd0"
t "std_ulogic"
o 3
suid 81,0
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font "Verdana,8,0"
xt "-1000,9400,10300,10400"
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*98 (CptPort
uid 5631,0
ps "OnEdgeStrategy"
shape (Triangle
uid 5632,0
ro 90
va (VaSet
vasetType 1
fg "0,65535,0"
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n "clock"
t "std_ulogic"
o 7
suid 1,0
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vasetType 1
fg "0,65535,0"
xt "84000,46625,84750,47375"
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uid 5637,0
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thePort (LogicalPort
m 1
decl (Decl
n "outX"
t "std_ulogic"
o 3
suid 3,0
*100 (CptPort
uid 5639,0
ps "OnEdgeStrategy"
shape (Triangle
uid 5640,0
ro 90
va (VaSet
vasetType 1
fg "0,65535,0"
xt "84000,48625,84750,49375"
tg (CPTG
uid 5641,0
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f (Text
uid 5642,0
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xt "80001,48400,83001,49600"
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blo "83001,49400"
thePort (LogicalPort
m 1
decl (Decl
n "outY"
t "std_ulogic"
o 4
suid 5,0
*101 (CptPort
uid 5643,0
ps "OnEdgeStrategy"
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uid 5644,0
ro 270
va (VaSet
vasetType 1
fg "0,65535,0"
xt "84000,50625,84750,51375"
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uid 5645,0
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stg "RightVerticalLayoutStrategy"
f (Text
uid 5646,0
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xt "77201,50400,83001,51600"
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blo "83001,51400"
thePort (LogicalPort
decl (Decl
n "selSinCos"
t "std_ulogic"
o 5
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uid 5649,0
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n "reset"
t "std_ulogic"
o 6
suid 2017,0
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xt "69000,38400,71800,39600"
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m 1
decl (Decl
n "TxD"
t "std_ulogic"
o 1
suid 2018,0
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ro 90
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xt "67250,40625,68000,41375"
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xt "69000,40400,71800,41600"
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thePort (LogicalPort
decl (Decl
n "RxD"
t "std_ulogic"
o 2
suid 2019,0
*105 (CptPort
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uid 5660,0
ro 90
va (VaSet
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fg "0,65535,0"
xt "84000,38625,84750,39375"
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uid 5661,0
ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy"
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thePort (LogicalPort
m 1
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n "ioEn"
t "std_ulogic_vector"
b "(ioNb-1 DOWNTO 0)"
o 8
suid 2020,0
*106 (CptPort
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stg "RightVerticalLayoutStrategy"
f (Text
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xt "79500,40400,83000,41600"
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blo "83000,41400"
thePort (LogicalPort
m 1
decl (Decl
n "ioOut"
t "std_ulogic_vector"
b "(ioNb-1 DOWNTO 0)"
o 9
suid 2021,0
*107 (CptPort
uid 5667,0
ps "OnEdgeStrategy"
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ro 270
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stg "RightVerticalLayoutStrategy"
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xt "80300,42400,83000,43600"
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n "ioIn"
t "std_ulogic_vector"
b "(ioNb-1 DOWNTO 0)"
o 10
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uid 5671,0
ps "OnEdgeStrategy"
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uid 5672,0
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vasetType 1
fg "0,65535,0"
xt "75625,34250,76375,35000"
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uid 5673,0
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stg "RightVerticalLayoutStrategy"
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uid 5674,0
va (VaSet
xt "74000,36000,78600,37200"
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ju 2
blo "78600,37000"
thePort (LogicalPort
m 1
decl (Decl
n "testOut"
t "std_ulogic_vector"
b "(1 TO testOutBitNb)"
o 11
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va (VaSet
font "Verdana,8,0"
xt "68000,58600,93800,61600"
st "ioNb                = ioNb                   ( positive )  
testOutBitNb        = testOutBitNb           ( positive )  
patternAddressBitNb = patternAddressBitNb    ( positive )  "
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name "testOutBitNb"
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name "patternAddressBitNb"
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value "patternAddressBitNb"
ordering 1
portVis (PortSigDisplay
sTC 0
archFileType "UNKNOWN"
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pts [
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sat 32
eat 32
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st 0
sf 1
si 0
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tm "WireNameMgr"
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uid 44,0
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xt "28000,83000,32092,83000"
pts [
start &4
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sat 32
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st 0
sf 1
si 0
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uid 47,0
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uid 48,0
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xt "27000,81600,32800,83000"
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start &19
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sat 32
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sf 1
si 0
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uid 577,0
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uid 578,0
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xt "112000,45600,115800,47000"
st "xOut"
blo "112000,46800"
tm "WireNameMgr"
on &18
*116 (Wire
uid 900,0
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uid 901,0
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vasetType 3
xt "51000,41000,67250,41000"
pts [
start &104
end &90
sat 32
eat 32
stc 0
st 0
sf 1
si 0
tg (WTG
uid 902,0
ps "ConnStartEndStrategy"
stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy"
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uid 903,0
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font "Verdana,12,0"
xt "52000,39600,58500,41000"
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uid 947,0
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xt "28000,37000,67250,39000"
pts [
start &103
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sat 32
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st 0
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si 0
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tm "WireNameMgr"
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si 0
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uid 1167,0
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start &24
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sat 2
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si 0
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uid 1182,0
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xt "101000,13600,105000,15000"
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tm "WireNameMgr"
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*120 (Wire
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xt "96000,17000,104000,17000"
pts [
start &24
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sat 2
eat 32
sty 1
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sf 1
si 0
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uid 1277,0
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es 0
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si 0
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uid 1409,0
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blo "28000,40800"
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*122 (Wire
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xt "42000,47000,48000,49000"
pts [
end &89
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blo "41000,48800"
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xt "42000,45000,45000,45000"
pts [
end &87
sat 16
eat 32
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st 0
sf 1
si 0
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uid 1427,0
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uid 1428,0
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st "clock"
blo "41000,44800"
tm "WireNameMgr"
on &2
*124 (Wire
uid 1716,0
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uid 1717,0
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xt "38000,81000,48000,83000"
pts [
start &38
end &46
sat 32
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sf 1
si 0
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uid 1720,0
ps "ConnStartEndStrategy"
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uid 1721,0
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blo "39000,82800"
tm "WireNameMgr"
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*125 (Wire
uid 1722,0
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uid 1723,0
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vasetType 3
xt "43000,79000,45000,79000"
pts [
end &44
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eat 32
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sf 1
si 0
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uid 1726,0
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xt "41000,77600,44800,79000"
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blo "41000,78800"
tm "WireNameMgr"
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*126 (Wire
uid 1759,0
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pts [
start &43
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sat 32
eat 2
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si 0
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tm "WireNameMgr"
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*127 (Wire
uid 3821,0
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xt "99000,57000,102000,57000"
pts [
end &62
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si 0
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uid 3825,0
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uid 3826,0
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xt "101000,55600,104800,57000"
st "clock"
blo "101000,56800"
tm "WireNameMgr"
on &2
*128 (Wire
uid 3827,0
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uid 3828,0
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xt "111908,53000,116000,53000"
pts [
start &54
end &52
ss 0
sat 32
eat 32
stc 0
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sf 1
si 0
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uid 3829,0
ps "ConnStartEndStrategy"
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uid 3830,0
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st "selSinCos_n"
blo "113000,52800"
tm "WireNameMgr"
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*129 (Wire
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xt "84750,51000,93000,53000"
pts [
start &101
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sat 32
eat 32
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sf 1
si 0
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uid 3835,0
ps "ConnStartEndStrategy"
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blo "86000,52800"
tm "WireNameMgr"
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*130 (Wire
uid 3837,0
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uid 3838,0
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xt "99000,53000,106000,53000"
pts [
start &61
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sat 32
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sf 1
si 0
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uid 3839,0
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uid 3840,0
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xt "98000,51600,104900,53000"
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blo "98000,52800"
tm "WireNameMgr"
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*131 (Wire
uid 3988,0
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uid 3989,0
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xt "51000,75000,56092,75000"
pts [
start &47
end &73
ss 0
sat 32
eat 32
stc 0
st 0
sf 1
si 0
tg (WTG
uid 3990,0
ps "ConnStartEndStrategy"
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xt "48000,73600,58300,75000"
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blo "48000,74800"
tm "WireNameMgr"
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*132 (Wire
uid 3994,0
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xt "62000,53000,67250,75000"
pts [
start &102
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es 0
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eat 32
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sf 1
si 0
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uid 4000,0
ps "ConnStartEndStrategy"
stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy"
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uid 4001,0
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xt "63000,73600,71600,75000"
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blo "63000,74800"
tm "WireNameMgr"
on &82
*133 (Wire
uid 4004,0
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uid 4005,0
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lineWidth 2
xt "76000,15000,80000,34250"
pts [
start &108
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sat 32
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sf 1
si 0
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uid 4008,0
ps "ConnStartEndStrategy"
stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy"
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uid 4009,0
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xt "72000,13600,77600,15000"
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blo "72000,14800"
tm "WireNameMgr"
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*134 (Wire
uid 4397,0
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xt "96000,59000,102000,61000"
pts [
end &64
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