-- VHDL Entity Board.morse_ebs3.symbol -- -- Created: -- by - axel.amand.UNKNOWN (WE7860) -- at - 08:06:36 08.05.2023 -- -- Generated by Mentor Graphics' HDL Designer(TM) 2019.2 (Build 5) -- LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; USE ieee.numeric_std.all; ENTITY morse_ebs3 IS PORT( RxD : IN std_ulogic; clock : IN std_ulogic; morseIn : IN std_uLogic; reset_n : IN std_ulogic; RxD_synch : OUT std_ulogic; TxD : OUT std_ulogic; morseEnvelope : OUT std_ulogic; morseOut : OUT std_ulogic ); -- Declarations END morse_ebs3 ; -- VHDL Entity Board.inverterIn.symbol -- -- Created: -- by - francois.francois (Aphelia) -- at - 13:07:14 02/19/19 -- -- Generated by Mentor Graphics' HDL Designer(TM) 2019.2 (Build 5) -- LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; ENTITY inverterIn IS PORT( in1 : IN std_uLogic; out1 : OUT std_uLogic ); -- Declarations END inverterIn ; ARCHITECTURE sim OF inverterIn IS BEGIN out1 <= NOT in1; END ARCHITECTURE sim; -- VHDL Entity Board.DFF.symbol -- -- Created: -- by - francois.francois (Aphelia) -- at - 13:07:05 02/19/19 -- -- Generated by Mentor Graphics' HDL Designer(TM) 2019.2 (Build 5) -- LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; ENTITY DFF IS PORT( CLK : IN std_uLogic; CLR : IN std_uLogic; D : IN std_uLogic; Q : OUT std_uLogic ); -- Declarations END DFF ; ARCHITECTURE sim OF DFF IS BEGIN process(clk, clr) begin if clr = '1' then q <= '0'; elsif rising_edge(clk) then q <= d; end if; end process; END ARCHITECTURE sim; -- VHDL Entity Morse.morseDecoder.symbol -- -- Created: -- by - francois.francois (Aphelia) -- at - 09:13:01 03/29/19 -- -- Generated by Mentor Graphics' HDL Designer(TM) 2019.2 (Build 5) -- LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; USE ieee.numeric_std.all; ENTITY morseDecoder IS GENERIC( clockFrequency : real := 100.0E6; uartBaudRate : real := 115.2E3; uartDataBitNb : positive := 8; unitDuration : real := 100.0E-3; toneFrequency : real := 300.0; deglitchBitNb : natural := 8 ); PORT( morseCode : IN std_ulogic; clock : IN std_ulogic; reset : IN std_ulogic; TxD : OUT std_ulogic; morseEnvelope : OUT std_ulogic ); -- Declarations END morseDecoder ; -- VHDL Entity Memory.FIFO_bram.symbol -- -- Created: -- by - francois.francois (Aphelia) -- at - 13:45:15 08/28/19 -- -- Generated by Mentor Graphics' HDL Designer(TM) 2019.2 (Build 5) -- LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; USE ieee.numeric_std.all; ENTITY FIFO_bram IS GENERIC( dataBitNb : positive := 8; depth : positive := 8 ); PORT( write : IN std_ulogic; clock : IN std_ulogic; reset : IN std_ulogic; dataOut : OUT std_ulogic_vector (dataBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0); read : IN std_ulogic; dataIn : IN std_ulogic_vector (dataBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0); empty : OUT std_ulogic; full : OUT std_ulogic ); -- Declarations END FIFO_bram ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Copyright 2012 HES-SO Valais Wallis (www.hevs.ch) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program IS distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with -- this program. If not, see -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Common Lib -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Authors: -- cof: [François Corthay](francois.corthay@hevs.ch) -- guo: [Oliver A. Gubler](oliver.gubler@hevs.ch) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Changelog: -- 2016-06 : guo -- added function sel -- 2015-06 : guo -- added counterBitNb -- added documentation -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; PACKAGE CommonLib IS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Returns the number of bits needed to represent the given val -- Examples: -- requiredBitNb(1) = 1 (1) -- requiredBitNb(2) = 2 (10) -- requiredBitNb(3) = 2 (11) function requiredBitNb(val : integer) return integer; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Returns the number of bits needed to count val times (0 to val-1) -- Examples: -- counterBitNb(1) = 1 (0) -- counterBitNb(2) = 1 (0->1) -- counterBitNb(3) = 2 (0->1->10) function counterBitNb(val : integer) return integer; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Functions to return one or the other input based on a boolean. -- Can be used to build conditional constants. -- Example: -- constant bonjour_c : string := sel(ptpRole = master, "fpga20", "fpga02"); function sel(Cond : BOOLEAN; If_True, If_False : integer) return integer; function sel(Cond : BOOLEAN; If_True, If_False : string) return string; function sel(Cond : BOOLEAN; If_True, If_False : std_ulogic_vector) return std_ulogic_vector; function sel(Cond : BOOLEAN; If_True, If_False : unsigned) return unsigned; function sel(Cond : BOOLEAN; If_True, If_False : signed) return signed; END CommonLib; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Copyright 2012 HES-SO Valais Wallis (www.hevs.ch) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program IS distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with -- this program. If not, see -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Often used functions -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Authors: -- cof: [François Corthay](francois.corthay@hevs.ch) -- guo: [Oliver A. Gubler](oliver.gubler@hevs.ch) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Changelog: -- 2016-06 : guo -- added function sel -- 2015-06 : guo -- added counterBitNb -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PACKAGE BODY CommonLib IS function requiredBitNb (val : integer) return integer is variable powerOfTwo, bitNb : integer; begin powerOfTwo := 1; bitNb := 0; while powerOfTwo <= val loop powerOfTwo := 2 * powerOfTwo; bitNb := bitNb + 1; end loop; return bitNb; end requiredBitNb; function counterBitNb (val : integer) return integer is variable powerOfTwo, bitNb : integer; begin powerOfTwo := 1; bitNb := 0; while powerOfTwo < val loop powerOfTwo := 2 * powerOfTwo; bitNb := bitNb + 1; end loop; return bitNb; end counterBitNb; function sel(Cond : BOOLEAN; If_True, If_False : integer) return integer is begin if (Cond = TRUE) then return (If_True); else return (If_False); end if; end function sel; function sel(Cond : BOOLEAN; If_True, If_False : string) return string is begin if (Cond = TRUE) then return (If_True); else return (If_False); end if; end function sel; function sel(Cond : BOOLEAN; If_True, If_False : std_ulogic_vector) return std_ulogic_vector is begin if (Cond = TRUE) then return (If_True); else return (If_False); end if; end function sel; function sel(Cond : BOOLEAN; If_True, If_False : unsigned) return unsigned is begin if (Cond = TRUE) then return (If_True); else return (If_False); end if; end function sel; function sel(Cond : BOOLEAN; If_True, If_False : signed) return signed is begin if (Cond = TRUE) then return (If_True); else return (If_False); end if; end function sel; END CommonLib; -- library Common; use work.CommonLib.all; architecture RTL of FIFO_bram is subtype register_type is std_ulogic_vector(dataIn'high downto 0); type memory_type is array (0 to depth-1) of register_type; signal writeCounter: unsigned(requiredBitNb(depth-1)-1 downto 0); signal readCounter: unsigned(writeCounter'range); signal memoryArray: memory_type; type fifoStateType is ( sEmpty, sFull, sRead, sWrite, sWriteFirst, sReadWrite, sWait ); signal fifoState: fifoStateType; signal emptyCondition, fullCondition, empty_int: std_ulogic; begin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- read and write counters updateWriteCounter: process(reset, clock) begin if reset = '1' then writeCounter <= (others => '0'); elsif rising_edge(clock) then if (write = '1') and (fullCondition = '0') then writeCounter <= writeCounter + 1; end if; end if; end process updateWriteCounter; updateReadCounter: process(reset, clock) begin if reset = '1' then readCounter <= (others => '0'); elsif rising_edge(clock) then if (read = '1') and (empty_int = '0') then readCounter <= readCounter + 1; end if; end if; end process updateReadCounter; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- memory access writeMem: process(clock) begin if rising_edge(clock) then if (write = '1') and (fullCondition = '0') then memoryArray(to_integer(writeCounter)) <= dataIn; end if; end if; end process writeMem; readMem: process(reset, clock) begin if reset = '1' then dataOut <= (others => '0'); elsif rising_edge(clock) then if (read = '0') or (empty_int = '1') then dataOut <= memoryArray(to_integer(readCounter)); else dataOut <= memoryArray(to_integer(readCounter+1)); end if; end if; end process readMem; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- controls emptyCondition <= '1' when ( (fifoState = sRead) and (writeCounter = readCounter) ) or (fifoState = sEmpty) else '0'; fullCondition <= '1' when ( (fifoState = sWrite) and (writeCounter = readCounter) ) or (fifoState = sFull) else '0'; fifoControl: process(reset, clock) begin if reset = '1' then fifoState <= sEmpty; elsif rising_edge(clock) then case fifoState is when sEmpty => if write = '1' then fifoState <= sWriteFirst; end if; when sFull => if (read = '1') then fifoState <= sRead; end if; when sRead => if (read = '1') and (write = '1') then fifoState <= sReadWrite; elsif write = '1' then fifoState <= sWrite; elsif emptyCondition = '1' then fifoState <= sEmpty; elsif read = '1' then fifoState <= sRead; else fifoState <= sWait; end if; when sWriteFirst => if (read = '1') and (write = '1') then fifoState <= sReadWrite; elsif write = '1' then fifoState <= sWrite; elsif read = '1' then fifoState <= sRead; else fifoState <= sWait; end if; when sWrite => if (read = '1') and (write = '1') then fifoState <= sReadWrite; elsif read = '1' then fifoState <= sRead; elsif fullCondition = '1' then fifoState <= sFull; elsif write = '1' then fifoState <= sWrite; else fifoState <= sWait; end if; when sReadWrite => if (read = '0') and (write = '0') then fifoState <= sWait; elsif (read = '1') and (write = '0') then fifoState <= sRead; elsif (write = '1') and (read = '0') then fifoState <= sWrite; end if; when sWait => if (read = '1') and (write = '1') then fifoState <= sReadWrite; elsif read = '1' then fifoState <= sRead; elsif write = '1' then fifoState <= sWrite; end if; when others => null; end case; end if; end process fifoControl; full <= '1' when (fifoState = sFull) or (fullCondition = '1') else '0'; empty_int <= '1' when (fifoState = sEmpty) or (fifoState = sWriteFirst) or ( (emptyCondition = '1') and (fifoState = sRead) ) else '0'; empty <= empty_int; end RTL; -- VHDL Entity Morse.morseToCharDecoder.symbol -- -- Created: -- by - francois.francois (Aphelia) -- at - 09:13:01 03/29/19 -- -- Generated by Mentor Graphics' HDL Designer(TM) 2019.2 (Build 5) -- LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; USE ieee.numeric_std.all; ENTITY morseToCharDecoder IS GENERIC( unitCountDivide : positive := 100; unitCountBitNb : positive := 2; characterBitNb : positive := 8 ); PORT( clock : IN std_ulogic; reset : IN std_ulogic; charValid : OUT std_ulogic; symbolDuration : IN unsigned (unitCountBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0); symbolValid : IN std_ulogic; symbolValue : IN std_ulogic; charOut : OUT std_ulogic_vector (characterBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0) ); -- Declarations END morseToCharDecoder ; ARCHITECTURE masterVersion OF morseToCharDecoder IS constant shortDuration : positive := 1; constant longDuration : positive := 3; constant veryLongDuration : positive := 5; signal isShort, isLong, isVeryLong : std_ulogic; type decoderStateType is ( idle, atA, atB, atC, atD, atE, atF, atG, atH, atI, atJ, atK, atL, atM, atN, atO, atP, atQ, atR, atS, atT, atU, atV, atW, atX, atY, atZ, atO1, atO2, atU2, at0, at1, at2, at3, at4, at5, at6, at7, at8, at9, endOfCharacter, endOfWord ); signal decoderState : decoderStateType; BEGIN -- decode symbol lengths isShort <= '1' when symbolDuration = shortDuration else '0'; isLong <= '1' when symbolDuration = longDuration else '0'; isVeryLong <= '1' when symbolDuration = veryLongDuration else '0'; -- decode Morse Code updateState: process(reset, clock) begin if reset = '1' then decoderState <= idle; elsif rising_edge(clock) then if symbolValid = '1' then case decoderState is when idle => if symbolValue = '1' then if isShort = '1' then decoderState <= atE; else decoderState <= atT; end if; end if; when atA => if symbolValue = '0' then if isLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfCharacter; elsif isVeryLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfWord; end if; else if isShort = '1' then decoderState <= atR; else decoderState <= atW; end if; end if; when atB => if symbolValue = '0' then if isLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfCharacter; elsif isVeryLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfWord; end if; else if isShort = '1' then decoderState <= at6; else decoderState <= idle; end if; end if; when atC => if symbolValue = '0' then if isLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfCharacter; elsif isVeryLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfWord; end if; else decoderState <= idle; end if; when atD => if symbolValue = '0' then if isLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfCharacter; elsif isVeryLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfWord; end if; else if isShort = '1' then decoderState <= atB; else decoderState <= atX; end if; end if; when atE => if symbolValue = '0' then if isLong = '1' then -- end of character decoderState <= endOfCharacter; elsif isVeryLong = '1' then -- end of word decoderState <= endOfWord; end if; else -- next character symbol if isShort = '1' then decoderState <= atI; else decoderState <= atA; end if; end if; when atF => if symbolValue = '0' then if isLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfCharacter; elsif isVeryLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfWord; end if; else decoderState <= idle; end if; when atG => if symbolValue = '0' then if isLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfCharacter; elsif isVeryLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfWord; end if; else if isShort = '1' then decoderState <= atZ; else decoderState <= atQ; end if; end if; when atH => if symbolValue = '0' then if isLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfCharacter; elsif isVeryLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfWord; end if; else if isShort = '1' then decoderState <= at5; else decoderState <= at4; end if; end if; when atI => if symbolValue = '0' then if isLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfCharacter; elsif isVeryLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfWord; end if; else if isShort = '1' then decoderState <= atS; else decoderState <= atU; end if; end if; when atJ => if symbolValue = '0' then if isLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfCharacter; elsif isVeryLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfWord; end if; else if isShort = '1' then decoderState <= idle; else decoderState <= at1; end if; end if; when atK => if symbolValue = '0' then if isLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfCharacter; elsif isVeryLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfWord; end if; else if isShort = '1' then decoderState <= atC; else decoderState <= atY; end if; end if; when atL => if symbolValue = '0' then if isLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfCharacter; elsif isVeryLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfWord; end if; else decoderState <= idle; end if; when atM => if symbolValue = '0' then if isLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfCharacter; elsif isVeryLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfWord; end if; else if isShort = '1' then decoderState <= atG; else decoderState <= atO; end if; end if; when atN => if symbolValue = '0' then if isLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfCharacter; elsif isVeryLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfWord; end if; else if isShort = '1' then decoderState <= atD; else decoderState <= atK; end if; end if; when atO => if symbolValue = '0' then if isLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfCharacter; elsif isVeryLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfWord; end if; else if isShort = '1' then decoderState <= atO1; else decoderState <= atO2; end if; end if; when atO1 => if symbolValue = '0' then if isLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfCharacter; elsif isVeryLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfWord; end if; else if isShort = '1' then decoderState <= at8; else decoderState <= idle; end if; end if; when atO2 => if symbolValue = '0' then if isLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfCharacter; elsif isVeryLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfWord; end if; else if isShort = '1' then decoderState <= at9; else decoderState <= at0; end if; end if; when atP => if symbolValue = '0' then if isLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfCharacter; elsif isVeryLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfWord; end if; else decoderState <= idle; end if; when atQ => if symbolValue = '0' then if isLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfCharacter; elsif isVeryLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfWord; end if; else decoderState <= idle; end if; when atR => if symbolValue = '0' then if isLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfCharacter; elsif isVeryLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfWord; end if; else if isShort = '1' then decoderState <= atL; else decoderState <= idle; end if; end if; when atS => if symbolValue = '0' then if isLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfCharacter; elsif isVeryLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfWord; end if; else if isShort = '1' then decoderState <= atH; else decoderState <= atV; end if; end if; when atT => if symbolValue = '0' then if isLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfCharacter; elsif isVeryLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfWord; end if; else if isShort = '1' then decoderState <= atN; else decoderState <= atM; end if; end if; when atU => if symbolValue = '0' then if isLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfCharacter; elsif isVeryLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfWord; end if; else if isShort = '1' then decoderState <= atF; else decoderState <= atU2; end if; end if; when atU2 => if symbolValue = '0' then if isLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfCharacter; elsif isVeryLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfWord; end if; else if isShort = '1' then decoderState <= idle; else decoderState <= at2; end if; end if; when atV => if symbolValue = '0' then if isLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfCharacter; elsif isVeryLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfWord; end if; else if isShort = '1' then decoderState <= idle; else decoderState <= at3; end if; end if; when atW => if symbolValue = '0' then if isLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfCharacter; elsif isVeryLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfWord; end if; else if isShort = '1' then decoderState <= atP; else decoderState <= atJ; end if; end if; when atX => if symbolValue = '0' then if isLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfCharacter; elsif isVeryLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfWord; end if; else decoderState <= idle; end if; when atY => if symbolValue = '0' then if isLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfCharacter; elsif isVeryLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfWord; end if; else decoderState <= idle; end if; when atZ => if symbolValue = '0' then if isLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfCharacter; elsif isVeryLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfWord; end if; else if isShort = '1' then decoderState <= at7; else decoderState <= idle; end if; end if; when at0 | at1 | at2 | at3 | at4 | at5 | at6 | at7 | at8 | at9 => if symbolValue = '0' then if isLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfCharacter; elsif isVeryLong = '1' then decoderState <= endOfWord; end if; else decoderState <= idle; end if; when others => null; end case; else case decoderState is when endOfCharacter => decoderState <= idle; when endOfWord => decoderState <= idle; when others => null; end case; end if; end if; end process updateState; -- provide character provideCharacter: process(reset, clock) -- could be combinatorial, but made sequential for easier debug begin if reset = '1' then charValid <= '0'; charOut <= (others => '0'); elsif rising_edge(clock) then charValid <= '0'; if (symbolValid = '1') and (symbolValue = '0') then if (isLong = '1') or (isVeryLong = '1') then charValid <= '1'; case decoderState is when atA => charOut <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(character'pos('a'), charOut'length)); when atB => charOut <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(character'pos('b'), charOut'length)); when atC => charOut <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(character'pos('c'), charOut'length)); when atD => charOut <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(character'pos('d'), charOut'length)); when atE => charOut <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(character'pos('e'), charOut'length)); when atF => charOut <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(character'pos('f'), charOut'length)); when atG => charOut <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(character'pos('g'), charOut'length)); when atH => charOut <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(character'pos('h'), charOut'length)); when atI => charOut <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(character'pos('i'), charOut'length)); when atJ => charOut <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(character'pos('j'), charOut'length)); when atK => charOut <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(character'pos('k'), charOut'length)); when atL => charOut <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(character'pos('l'), charOut'length)); when atM => charOut <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(character'pos('m'), charOut'length)); when atN => charOut <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(character'pos('n'), charOut'length)); when atO => charOut <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(character'pos('o'), charOut'length)); when atP => charOut <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(character'pos('p'), charOut'length)); when atQ => charOut <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(character'pos('q'), charOut'length)); when atR => charOut <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(character'pos('r'), charOut'length)); when atS => charOut <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(character'pos('s'), charOut'length)); when atT => charOut <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(character'pos('t'), charOut'length)); when atU => charOut <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(character'pos('u'), charOut'length)); when atV => charOut <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(character'pos('v'), charOut'length)); when atW => charOut <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(character'pos('w'), charOut'length)); when atX => charOut <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(character'pos('x'), charOut'length)); when atY => charOut <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(character'pos('y'), charOut'length)); when atZ => charOut <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(character'pos('z'), charOut'length)); when at0 => charOut <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(character'pos('0'), charOut'length)); when at1 => charOut <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(character'pos('1'), charOut'length)); when at2 => charOut <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(character'pos('2'), charOut'length)); when at3 => charOut <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(character'pos('3'), charOut'length)); when at4 => charOut <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(character'pos('4'), charOut'length)); when at5 => charOut <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(character'pos('5'), charOut'length)); when at6 => charOut <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(character'pos('6'), charOut'length)); when at7 => charOut <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(character'pos('7'), charOut'length)); when at8 => charOut <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(character'pos('8'), charOut'length)); when at9 => charOut <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(character'pos('9'), charOut'length)); when others => charOut <= (others => '-'); end case; end if; elsif decoderState = endOfWord then charValid <= '1'; charOut <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(character'pos(' '), charOut'length)); end if; end if; end process provideCharacter; END ARCHITECTURE masterVersion; -- VHDL Entity Morse.envelopeRetreiver.symbol -- -- Created: -- by - francois.francois (Aphelia) -- at - 09:13:01 03/29/19 -- -- Generated by Mentor Graphics' HDL Designer(TM) 2019.2 (Build 5) -- LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; USE ieee.numeric_std.all; ENTITY envelopeRetreiver IS GENERIC( toneDivide : positive := 100E3; deglitchBitNb : positive := 8 ); PORT( clock : IN std_ulogic; reset : IN std_ulogic; morseWithTone : IN std_ulogic; morseEnvelope : OUT std_ulogic ); -- Declarations END envelopeRetreiver ; -- library Common; use work.CommonLib.all; ARCHITECTURE masterVersion OF envelopeRetreiver IS signal morseDelayed, morseRising : std_ulogic; constant toneCounterBitNb: positive := requiredBitNb(toneDivide-1) + 1; signal toneCounter, tonePeriod: unsigned(toneCounterBitNb-1 downto 0); constant triggerShift : positive := 3; constant triggerMin : positive := toneDivide - toneDivide/2**triggerShift; constant triggerMax : positive := toneDivide + toneDivide/2**triggerShift; signal morseTriggered : std_ulogic; signal deglitchCounter: unsigned(deglitchBitNb-1 downto 0); BEGIN -- find input rising edge delayMorseIn: process(reset, clock) begin if reset = '1' then morseDelayed <= '1'; elsif rising_edge(clock) then morseDelayed <= morseWithTone; end if; end process delayMorseIn; morseRising <= '1' when (morseWithTone = '1') and (morseDelayed = '0') else '0'; -- count period of incoming signal countInputPeriod: process(reset, clock) begin if reset = '1' then toneCounter <= (others => '0'); tonePeriod <= (others => '0'); elsif rising_edge(clock) then if morseRising = '1' then toneCounter <= (others => '0'); tonePeriod <= toneCounter; elsif toneCounter+1 /= 0 then toneCounter <= toneCounter + 1; end if; end if; end process countInputPeriod; -- trigger morse signal triggerMorse: process(tonePeriod, toneCounter) begin morseTriggered <= '1'; if tonePeriod < triggerMin then morseTriggered <= '0'; end if; if tonePeriod > triggerMax then morseTriggered <= '0'; end if; if toneCounter > triggerMax then morseTriggered <= '0'; end if; end process triggerMorse; -- deglitch morse signal countDeglitchDuration: process(reset, clock) begin if reset = '1' then deglitchCounter <= (others => '0'); elsif rising_edge(clock) then if morseTriggered = '1' then if deglitchCounter+1 /= 0 then deglitchCounter <= deglitchCounter + 1; end if; else if deglitchCounter /= 0 then deglitchCounter <= deglitchCounter - 1; end if; end if; end if; end process countDeglitchDuration; trigDeglitchCounter: process(reset, clock) begin if reset = '1' then morseEnvelope <= '0'; elsif rising_edge(clock) then if deglitchCounter+1 = 0 then morseEnvelope <= '1'; end if; if deglitchCounter = 0 then morseEnvelope <= '0'; end if; end if; end process trigDeglitchCounter; END ARCHITECTURE masterVersion; -- VHDL Entity Morse.symbolLengthCounter.symbol -- -- Created: -- by - francois.francois (Aphelia) -- at - 09:13:01 03/29/19 -- -- Generated by Mentor Graphics' HDL Designer(TM) 2019.2 (Build 5) -- LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; USE ieee.numeric_std.all; ENTITY symbolLengthCounter IS GENERIC( unitCountDivide : positive := 100; unitCountBitNb : positive := 2 ); PORT( clock : IN std_ulogic; reset : IN std_ulogic; morseCode : IN std_ulogic; symbolDuration : OUT unsigned (unitCountBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0); symbolValid : OUT std_ulogic; symbolValue : OUT std_ulogic ); -- Declarations END symbolLengthCounter ; -- library Common; use work.CommonLib.all; ARCHITECTURE masterVersion OF symbolLengthCounter IS signal morseDelayed, morseChanged : std_ulogic; signal unitCounter : unsigned(requiredBitNb(unitCountDivide/2-1)-1 downto 0); signal unitDone : std_ulogic; signal durationCounter : unsigned(unitCountBitNb+1-1 downto 0); constant shortDuration : positive := 1; constant longDuration : positive := 3; constant veryLongDuration : positive := 5; BEGIN -- find input change delayMorseCode: process(reset, clock) begin if reset = '1' then morseDelayed <= '1'; elsif rising_edge(clock) then morseDelayed <= morseCode; end if; end process delayMorseCode; morseChanged <= '1' when morseDelayed /= morseCode else '0'; -- count half unit duration countHalfUnitPeriod: process(reset, clock) begin if reset = '1' then unitCounter <= (others => '0'); elsif rising_edge(clock) then if morseChanged = '1' then unitCounter <= (others => '0'); elsif unitDone = '1' then unitCounter <= (others => '0'); else unitCounter <= unitCounter + 1; end if; end if; end process countHalfUnitPeriod; unitDone <= '1' when unitCounter = unitCountDivide/2-1 else '0'; -- count unit number countUnitNumber: process(reset, clock) begin if reset = '1' then durationCounter <= (others => '0'); elsif rising_edge(clock) then if morseChanged = '1' then durationCounter <= (others => '0'); elsif unitDone = '1' then if durationCounter+1 /= 0 then durationCounter <= durationCounter + 1; end if; end if; end if; end process countUnitNumber; -- provide symbol information provideSymbolInformation: process(reset, clock) -- could be combinatorial, but made sequential for easier debug begin if reset = '1' then symbolValid <= '0'; symbolValue <= '0'; symbolDuration <= (others => '0'); elsif rising_edge(clock) then symbolValid <= '0'; if morseChanged = '1' then symbolValue <= not morseCode; symbolValid <= '0'; symbolDuration <= (others => '0'); if (durationCounter >= 2*shortDuration-1) and (durationCounter <= 2*shortDuration+1) then symbolValid <= '1'; symbolDuration <= to_unsigned(shortDuration, symbolDuration'length); end if; if (durationCounter >= 2*longDuration-1) and (durationCounter <= 2*longDuration+1) then symbolValid <= '1'; symbolDuration <= to_unsigned(longDuration, symbolDuration'length); end if; end if; if (durationCounter = 2*veryLongDuration-1) and (unitDone = '1') then symbolValue <= morseCode; symbolValid <= '1'; symbolDuration <= to_unsigned( veryLongDuration, symbolDuration'length ); end if; end if; end process provideSymbolInformation; END ARCHITECTURE masterVersion; -- VHDL Entity RS232.serialPortTransmitter.symbol -- -- Created: -- by - francois.francois (Aphelia) -- at - 13:45:48 08/28/19 -- -- Generated by Mentor Graphics' HDL Designer(TM) 2019.2 (Build 5) -- LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; USE ieee.numeric_std.all; ENTITY serialPortTransmitter IS GENERIC( dataBitNb : positive := 8; baudRateDivide : positive := 2083 ); PORT( TxD : OUT std_ulogic; clock : IN std_ulogic; reset : IN std_ulogic; dataIn : IN std_ulogic_vector (dataBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0); send : IN std_ulogic; busy : OUT std_ulogic ); -- Declarations END serialPortTransmitter ; -- library Common; use work.CommonLib.all; architecture RTL of serialPortTransmitter is signal dividerCounter: unsigned(requiredBitNb(baudRateDivide)-1 downto 0); signal dividerCounterReset: std_uLogic; signal txData: std_ulogic_vector(dataBitNb-1 downto 0); signal send1: std_uLogic; signal txShiftEnable: std_uLogic; signal txShiftReg: std_ulogic_vector(dataBitNb+1 downto 0); signal txSendingByte: std_uLogic; signal txSendingByteAndStop: std_uLogic; begin divide: process(reset, clock) begin if reset = '1' then dividerCounter <= (others => '0'); elsif rising_edge(clock) then if dividerCounterReset = '1' then dividerCounter <= to_unsigned(1, dividerCounter'length); else dividerCounter <= dividerCounter + 1; end if; end if; end process divide; endOfCount: process(dividerCounter, send1) begin if dividerCounter = baudRateDivide then dividerCounterReset <= '1'; elsif send1 = '1' then dividerCounterReset <= '1'; else dividerCounterReset <= '0'; end if; end process endOfCount; txShiftEnable <= dividerCounterReset; storeData: process(reset, clock) begin if reset = '1' then txData <= (others => '1'); elsif rising_edge(clock) then if send = '1' then txData <= dataIn; end if; end if; end process storeData; delaySend: process(reset, clock) begin if reset = '1' then send1 <= '0'; elsif rising_edge(clock) then send1 <= send; end if; end process delaySend; shiftReg: process(reset, clock) begin if reset = '1' then txShiftReg <= (others => '1'); elsif rising_edge(clock) then if txShiftEnable = '1' then if send1 = '1' then txShiftReg <= '0' & txData & '0'; else txShiftReg(txShiftReg'high-1 downto 0) <= txShiftReg(txShiftReg'high downto 1); txShiftReg(txShiftReg'high) <= '1'; end if; end if; end if; end process shiftReg; txSendingByte <= '1' when (txShiftReg(txShiftReg'high downto 1) /= (txShiftReg'high downto 1 => '1')) else '0'; txSendingByteAndStop <= '1' when txShiftReg /= (txShiftReg'high downto 0 => '1') else '0'; TxD <= txShiftReg(0) when txSendingByte = '1' else '1'; busy <= txSendingByteAndStop or send1 or send; end RTL; -- -- VHDL Architecture Morse.morseDecoder.struct -- -- Created: -- by - axel.amand.UNKNOWN (WE7860) -- at - 08:02:13 08.05.2023 -- -- Generated by Mentor Graphics' HDL Designer(TM) 2019.2 (Build 5) -- LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; USE ieee.numeric_std.all; -- LIBRARY Memory; -- LIBRARY Morse; -- LIBRARY RS232; ARCHITECTURE struct OF morseDecoder IS -- Architecture declarations constant unitCountBitNb: positive := 3; constant fifoDepth : positive := 8; -- Internal signal declarations SIGNAL symbolValue : std_ulogic; SIGNAL symbolValid : std_ulogic; SIGNAL symbolDuration : unsigned(unitCountBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL charValid : std_ulogic; SIGNAL charOut : std_ulogic_vector(uartDataBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL txWord : std_ulogic_vector(uartDataBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL txBusy : std_ulogic; SIGNAL txSend : std_ulogic; SIGNAL txFifoEmpty : std_ulogic; -- Implicit buffer signal declarations SIGNAL morseEnvelope_internal : std_ulogic; -- Component Declarations COMPONENT FIFO_bram GENERIC ( dataBitNb : positive := 8; depth : positive := 8 ); PORT ( write : IN std_ulogic ; clock : IN std_ulogic ; reset : IN std_ulogic ; dataOut : OUT std_ulogic_vector (dataBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0); read : IN std_ulogic ; dataIn : IN std_ulogic_vector (dataBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0); empty : OUT std_ulogic ; full : OUT std_ulogic ); END COMPONENT; COMPONENT envelopeRetreiver GENERIC ( toneDivide : positive := 100E3; deglitchBitNb : positive := 8 ); PORT ( clock : IN std_ulogic ; reset : IN std_ulogic ; morseWithTone : IN std_ulogic ; morseEnvelope : OUT std_ulogic ); END COMPONENT; COMPONENT morseToCharDecoder GENERIC ( unitCountDivide : positive := 100; unitCountBitNb : positive := 2; characterBitNb : positive := 8 ); PORT ( clock : IN std_ulogic ; reset : IN std_ulogic ; charValid : OUT std_ulogic ; symbolDuration : IN unsigned (unitCountBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0); symbolValid : IN std_ulogic ; symbolValue : IN std_ulogic ; charOut : OUT std_ulogic_vector (characterBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0) ); END COMPONENT; COMPONENT symbolLengthCounter GENERIC ( unitCountDivide : positive := 100; unitCountBitNb : positive := 2 ); PORT ( clock : IN std_ulogic ; reset : IN std_ulogic ; morseCode : IN std_ulogic ; symbolDuration : OUT unsigned (unitCountBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0); symbolValid : OUT std_ulogic ; symbolValue : OUT std_ulogic ); END COMPONENT; COMPONENT serialPortTransmitter GENERIC ( dataBitNb : positive := 8; baudRateDivide : positive := 2083 ); PORT ( TxD : OUT std_ulogic ; clock : IN std_ulogic ; reset : IN std_ulogic ; dataIn : IN std_ulogic_vector (dataBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0); send : IN std_ulogic ; busy : OUT std_ulogic ); END COMPONENT; -- Optional embedded configurations -- pragma synthesis_off -- FOR ALL : FIFO_bram USE ENTITY Memory.FIFO_bram; -- FOR ALL : envelopeRetreiver USE ENTITY Morse.envelopeRetreiver; -- FOR ALL : morseToCharDecoder USE ENTITY Morse.morseToCharDecoder; -- FOR ALL : serialPortTransmitter USE ENTITY RS232.serialPortTransmitter; -- FOR ALL : symbolLengthCounter USE ENTITY Morse.symbolLengthCounter; -- pragma synthesis_on BEGIN -- Architecture concurrent statements -- HDL Embedded Text Block 2 eb2 process(reset, clock) begin if reset = '1' then txSend <= '0'; elsif rising_edge(clock) then if ( (txFifoEmpty = '0') and (txBusy = '0') ) then txSend <= '1'; else txSend <= '0'; end if; end if; end process; -- Instance port mappings. I0 : FIFO_bram GENERIC MAP ( dataBitNb => uartDataBitNb, depth => fifoDepth ) PORT MAP ( write => charValid, clock => clock, reset => reset, dataOut => txWord, read => txSend, dataIn => charOut, empty => txFifoEmpty, full => OPEN ); I_env : envelopeRetreiver GENERIC MAP ( toneDivide => integer(clockFrequency/toneFrequency + 0.5), deglitchBitNb => deglitchBitNb ) PORT MAP ( clock => clock, reset => reset, morseWithTone => morseCode, morseEnvelope => morseEnvelope_internal ); I_dec : morseToCharDecoder GENERIC MAP ( unitCountDivide => integer(clockFrequency*unitDuration + 0.5), unitCountBitNb => unitCountBitNb, characterBitNb => uartDataBitNb ) PORT MAP ( clock => clock, reset => reset, charValid => charValid, symbolDuration => symbolDuration, symbolValid => symbolValid, symbolValue => symbolValue, charOut => charOut ); I_len : symbolLengthCounter GENERIC MAP ( unitCountDivide => integer(clockFrequency*unitDuration + 0.5), unitCountBitNb => unitCountBitNb ) PORT MAP ( clock => clock, reset => reset, morseCode => morseEnvelope_internal, symbolDuration => symbolDuration, symbolValid => symbolValid, symbolValue => symbolValue ); I_tx : serialPortTransmitter GENERIC MAP ( dataBitNb => uartDataBitNb, baudRateDivide => integer(clockFrequency/uartBaudRate + 0.5) ) PORT MAP ( TxD => TxD, clock => clock, reset => reset, dataIn => txWord, send => txSend, busy => txBusy ); -- Implicit buffered output assignments morseEnvelope <= morseEnvelope_internal; END struct; -- VHDL Entity Morse.morseEncoder.symbol -- -- Created: -- by - francois.francois (Aphelia) -- at - 09:13:01 03/29/19 -- -- Generated by Mentor Graphics' HDL Designer(TM) 2019.2 (Build 5) -- LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; USE ieee.numeric_std.all; ENTITY morseEncoder IS GENERIC( clockFrequency : real := 100.0E6; uartBaudRate : real := 115.2E3; uartDataBitNb : positive := 8; unitDuration : real := 100.0E-3; toneFrequency : real := 300.0 ); PORT( morseCode : OUT std_ulogic; clock : IN std_ulogic; reset : IN std_ulogic; RxD : IN std_ulogic ); -- Declarations END morseEncoder ; -- VHDL Entity Morse.charToMorse.symbol -- -- Created: -- by - axel.amand.UNKNOWN (WE7860) -- at - 14:49:52 28.04.2023 -- -- Generated by Mentor Graphics' HDL Designer(TM) 2019.2 (Build 5) -- LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; USE ieee.numeric_std.all; ENTITY charToMorse IS GENERIC( characterBitNb : positive := 8; unitCountDivide : positive := 10E3 ); PORT( morseOut : OUT std_ulogic; clock : IN std_ulogic; reset : IN std_ulogic; charIn : IN std_ulogic_vector (characterBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0); readChar : OUT std_ulogic; charNotReady : IN std_ulogic ); -- Declarations END charToMorse ; -- VHDL Entity Morse.unitCounter.symbol -- -- Created: -- by - francois.francois (Aphelia) -- at - 09:13:01 03/29/19 -- -- Generated by Mentor Graphics' HDL Designer(TM) 2019.2 (Build 5) -- LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; USE ieee.numeric_std.all; ENTITY unitCounter IS GENERIC( unitCountDivide : positive := 10E3; unitCountBitNb : positive := 3 ); PORT( clock : IN std_ulogic; reset : IN std_ulogic; startCounter : IN std_ulogic; unitNb : IN unsigned (unitCountBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0); done : OUT std_ulogic ); -- Declarations END unitCounter ; -- library Common; use work.CommonLib.all; ARCHITECTURE masterVersion OF unitCounter IS signal unitCounter: unsigned(requiredBitNb(unitCountDivide)-1 downto 0); signal unitCountDone: std_ulogic; signal unitNbCounter: unsigned(unitnB'range); signal unitNbCountDone: std_ulogic; BEGIN -- count unit base period countUnitDuration: process(reset, clock) begin if reset = '1' then unitCounter <= (others => '0'); elsif rising_edge(clock) then if unitCounter = 0 then if (startCounter = '1') or (unitNbCounter > 0) then unitCounter <= unitCounter + 1; end if; else if unitCountDone = '0' then unitCounter <= unitCounter + 1; else unitCounter <= (others => '0'); end if; end if; end if; end process countUnitDuration; unitCountDone <= '1' when unitCounter = unitCountDivide else '0'; -- count unit period number countPeriods: process(reset, clock) begin if reset = '1' then unitNbCounter <= (others => '0'); elsif rising_edge(clock) then if unitNbCounter = 0 then if startCounter = '1' then unitNbCounter <= unitNbCounter + 1; end if; else if unitNbCountDone = '0' then if unitCountDone = '1' then unitNbCounter <= unitNbCounter + 1; end if; else unitNbCounter <= (others => '0'); end if; end if; end if; end process countPeriods; unitNbCountDone <= '1' when (unitNbCounter = unitNb) and (unitCountDone = '1') else '0'; done <= unitNbCountDone; END ARCHITECTURE masterVersion; -- VHDL Entity Morse.charToMorseController.symbol -- -- Created: -- by - francois.francois (Aphelia) -- at - 09:13:01 03/29/19 -- -- Generated by Mentor Graphics' HDL Designer(TM) 2019.2 (Build 5) -- LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; USE ieee.numeric_std.all; ENTITY charToMorseController IS GENERIC( characterBitNb : positive := 8; unitCountBitNb : positive := 3 ); PORT( morseOut : OUT std_ulogic; clock : IN std_ulogic; reset : IN std_ulogic; charNotReady : IN std_ulogic; char : IN std_ulogic_vector (characterBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0); startCounter : OUT std_ulogic; unitNb : OUT unsigned (unitCountBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0); counterDone : IN std_ulogic; readChar : OUT std_ulogic ); -- Declarations END charToMorseController ; ARCHITECTURE masterVersion OF charToMorseController IS -- sequence for characters type characterStateType is ( idle, waitReg, sA, sB, sC, sD, sE, sF, sG, sH, sI, sJ, sK, sL, sM, sN, sO, sP, sQ, sR, sS, sT, sU, sV, sW, sX, sY, sZ, s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s2a, s8a, s9a, popChar, waitEndOfChar ); signal characterState : characterStateType; signal isA, isB, isC, isD, isE, isF, isG, isH, isI, isJ, isK, isL, isM, isN, isO, isP, isQ, isR, isS, isT, isU, isV, isW, isX, isY, isZ, is0, is1, is2, is3, is4, is5, is6, is7, is8, is9 : std_ulogic; signal gotoE, gotoI, gotoS, gotoH, goto5, gotoF, gotoL, gotoR, gotoP, gotoN, gotoD, gotoB, goto6, gotoC, gotoG, gotoZ, goto7, goto8, goto9, gotoT : std_ulogic; -- inter-FSM signalling signal sendDot, sendDash, sendSeparator, sendDotDashDone: std_ulogic; -- sequence for morse units type sequencerStateType is ( idle, startDot, sendingDot, startDash, sendingDash, startSeparator, waitingSeparator, startSeparator2, waitingSeparator2, dotDashDone ); signal sequencerState : sequencerStateType; BEGIN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- conditions for morse units isA <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-0" & x"1") else '0'; isB <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-0" & x"2") else '0'; isC <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-0" & x"3") else '0'; isD <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-0" & x"4") else '0'; isE <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-0" & x"5") else '0'; isF <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-0" & x"6") else '0'; isG <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-0" & x"7") else '0'; isH <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-0" & x"8") else '0'; isI <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-0" & x"9") else '0'; isJ <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-0" & x"A") else '0'; isK <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-0" & x"B") else '0'; isL <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-0" & x"C") else '0'; isM <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-0" & x"D") else '0'; isN <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-0" & x"E") else '0'; isO <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-0" & x"F") else '0'; isP <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-1" & x"0") else '0'; isQ <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-1" & x"1") else '0'; isR <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-1" & x"2") else '0'; isS <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-1" & x"3") else '0'; isT <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-1" & x"4") else '0'; isU <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-1" & x"5") else '0'; isV <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-1" & x"6") else '0'; isW <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-1" & x"7") else '0'; isX <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-1" & x"8") else '0'; isY <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-1" & x"9") else '0'; isZ <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "1-1" & x"A") else '0'; is0 <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "011" & x"0") else '0'; is1 <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "011" & x"1") else '0'; is2 <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "011" & x"2") else '0'; is3 <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "011" & x"3") else '0'; is4 <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "011" & x"4") else '0'; is5 <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "011" & x"5") else '0'; is6 <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "011" & x"6") else '0'; is7 <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "011" & x"7") else '0'; is8 <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "011" & x"8") else '0'; is9 <= '1' when std_match(unsigned(char), "011" & x"9") else '0'; goto5 <= is5; gotoH <= ish or goto5 or is4; gotoS <= isS or gotoH or isV or is3; gotoF <= isF; gotoI <= isI or gotoS or isU or gotoF or is2; gotoL <= isL; gotoR <= isR or gotoL; gotoP <= isP; gotoE <= isE or gotoI or isA or gotoR or isW or gotoP or isJ or is1; goto6 <= is6; gotoB <= isB or goto6; gotoD <= isD or gotoB or isX; gotoC <= isC; gotoN <= isN or gotoD or isK or gotoC or isY; goto7 <= is7; gotoZ <= isZ or goto7; gotoG <= isG or gotoZ or isQ; goto8 <= is8; goto9 <= is9; gotoT <= isT or gotoN or isM or gotoG or isO or goto8 or goto9 or is0; -- sequence for morse units sendCharacterState: process(reset, clock) begin if reset = '1' then characterState <= idle; elsif rising_edge(clock) then case characterState is -- start when idle => if charnotReady = '0' then characterState <= waitReg; end if; when waitReg => if gotoE = '1' then characterState <= sE; elsif gotoT = '1' then characterState <= sT; else characterState <= popChar; end if; -- level 1 when sE => if sendDotDashDone = '1' then if isE = '1' then characterState <= popChar; elsif gotoI = '1' then characterState <= sI; else characterState <= sA; end if; end if; when sT => if sendDotDashDone = '1' then if isT = '1' then characterState <= popChar; elsif gotoN = '1' then characterState <= sN; else characterState <= sM; end if; end if; -- level 2 when sI => if sendDotDashDone = '1' then if isI = '1' then characterState <= popChar; elsif gotoS = '1' then characterState <= sS; else characterState <= sU; end if; end if; when sA => if sendDotDashDone = '1' then if isA = '1' then characterState <= popChar; elsif gotoR = '1' then characterState <= sR; else characterState <= sW; end if; end if; when sN => if sendDotDashDone = '1' then if isN = '1' then characterState <= popChar; elsif gotoD = '1' then characterState <= sD; else characterState <= sK; end if; end if; when sM => if sendDotDashDone = '1' then if isM = '1' then characterState <= popChar; elsif gotoG = '1' then characterState <= sG; else characterState <= sO; end if; end if; -- level 3a when sS => if sendDotDashDone = '1' then if isS = '1' then characterState <= popChar; elsif gotoH = '1' then characterState <= sH; else characterState <= sV; end if; end if; when sU => if sendDotDashDone = '1' then if isU = '1' then characterState <= popChar; elsif gotoF = '1' then characterState <= sF; else characterState <= s2a; end if; end if; when sR => if sendDotDashDone = '1' then if isR = '1' then characterState <= popChar; elsif gotoL = '1' then characterState <= sL; else characterState <= popChar; end if; end if; when sW => if sendDotDashDone = '1' then if isW = '1' then characterState <= popChar; elsif gotoP = '1' then characterState <= sP; else characterState <= sJ; end if; end if; -- level 3b when sD => if sendDotDashDone = '1' then if isD = '1' then characterState <= popChar; elsif gotoB = '1' then characterState <= sB; else characterState <= sX; end if; end if; when sK => if sendDotDashDone = '1' then if isK = '1' then characterState <= popChar; elsif gotoC = '1' then characterState <= sC; else characterState <= sY; end if; end if; when sG => if sendDotDashDone = '1' then if isG = '1' then characterState <= popChar; elsif gotoZ = '1' then characterState <= sZ; else characterState <= sQ; end if; end if; when sO => if sendDotDashDone = '1' then if isO = '1' then characterState <= popChar; elsif goto8 = '1' then characterState <= s8a; else characterState <= s9a; end if; end if; -- level 4a when sH => if sendDotDashDone = '1' then if isH = '1' then characterState <= popChar; elsif goto5 = '1' then characterState <= s5; else characterState <= s4; end if; end if; when sV => if sendDotDashDone = '1' then if isV = '1' then characterState <= popChar; else characterState <= s3; end if; end if; when sF => if sendDotDashDone = '1' then characterState <= popChar; end if; when s2a => if sendDotDashDone = '1' then characterState <= s2; end if; -- level 4b when sL => if sendDotDashDone = '1' then characterState <= popChar; end if; when sP => if sendDotDashDone = '1' then characterState <= popChar; end if; when sJ => if sendDotDashDone = '1' then if isJ = '1' then characterState <= popChar; else characterState <= s1; end if; end if; -- level 4c when sB => if sendDotDashDone = '1' then if isB = '1' then characterState <= popChar; elsif goto6 = '1' then characterState <= s6; else characterState <= popChar; end if; end if; when sX => if sendDotDashDone = '1' then characterState <= popChar; end if; when sC => if sendDotDashDone = '1' then characterState <= popChar; end if; when sY => if sendDotDashDone = '1' then characterState <= popChar; end if; -- level 4d when sZ => if sendDotDashDone = '1' then if isZ = '1' then characterState <= popChar; elsif goto7 = '1' then characterState <= s7; else characterState <= popChar; end if; end if; when sQ => if sendDotDashDone = '1' then characterState <= popChar; end if; when s8a => if sendDotDashDone = '1' then characterState <= s8; end if; when s9a => if sendDotDashDone = '1' then if goto9 = '1' then characterState <= s9; else characterState <= s0; end if; end if; -- level 5 when s5 | s4 | s3 | s2 | s1 | s6 | s7 | s8 | s9 | s0 => if sendDotDashDone = '1' then characterState <= popChar; end if; -- end of character when popChar => characterState <= waitEndOfChar; when waitEndOfChar => if sendDotDashDone = '1' then characterState <= idle; end if; when others => characterState <= idle; end case; end if; end process sendCharacterState; sendCharacterOutput: process(characterState) begin sendDot <= '0'; sendDash <= '0'; sendSeparator <= '0'; readChar <= '0'; case characterState is -- level 1 when sE => sendDot <= '1'; when sT => sendDash <= '1'; -- level 2 when sI => sendDot <= '1'; when sA => sendDash <= '1'; when sN => sendDot <= '1'; when sM => sendDash <= '1'; -- level 3a when sS => sendDot <= '1'; when sU => sendDash <= '1'; when sR => sendDot <= '1'; when sW => sendDash <= '1'; -- level 3b when sD => sendDot <= '1'; when sK => sendDash <= '1'; when sG => sendDot <= '1'; when sO => sendDash <= '1'; -- level 4a when sH => sendDot <= '1'; when sV => sendDash <= '1'; when sF => sendDot <= '1'; when s2a => sendDash <= '1'; -- level 4b when sL => sendDot <= '1'; when sP => sendDot <= '1'; when sJ => sendDash <= '1'; -- level 4c when sB => sendDot <= '1'; when sX => sendDash <= '1'; when sC => sendDot <= '1'; when sY => sendDash <= '1'; -- level 4d when sZ => sendDot <= '1'; when sQ => sendDash <= '1'; when s8a => sendDot <= '1'; when s9a => sendDash <= '1'; -- level 5 when s5 => sendDot <= '1'; when s4 => sendDash <= '1'; when s3 => sendDash <= '1'; when s2 => sendDash <= '1'; when s1 => sendDash <= '1'; when s6 => sendDot <= '1'; when s7 => sendDot <= '1'; when s8 => sendDot <= '1'; when s9 => sendDot <= '1'; when s0 => sendDash <= '1'; -- end of character when popChar => readChar <= '1'; sendSeparator <= '1'; when others => null; end case; end process sendCharacterOutput; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- sequence for morse units sendDotDashState: process(reset, clock) begin if reset = '1' then sequencerState <= idle; elsif rising_edge(clock) then case sequencerState is -- idle when idle => if sendDot = '1' then sequencerState <= startDot; elsif sendDash = '1' then sequencerState <= startDash; elsif sendSeparator = '1' then sequencerState <= startSeparator2; end if; -- dot when startDot => sequencerState <= sendingDot; when sendingDot => if counterDone = '1' then sequencerState <= startSeparator; end if; -- dash when startDash => sequencerState <= sendingDash; when sendingDash => if counterDone = '1' then sequencerState <= startSeparator; end if; -- morse symbol separator when startSeparator => sequencerState <= waitingSeparator; when waitingSeparator => if counterDone = '1' then sequencerState <= dotDashDone; end if; -- character separator when startSeparator2 => sequencerState <= waitingSeparator2; when waitingSeparator2 => if counterDone = '1' then sequencerState <= dotDashDone; end if; -- done when dotDashDone => sequencerState <= idle; end case; end if; end process sendDotDashState; sendDotDashOutput: process(sequencerState) begin startCounter <= '0'; unitNb <= (others => '-'); sendDotDashDone <= '0'; morseOut <= '0'; case sequencerState is when startDot | startDash => startCounter <= '1'; morseOut <= '1'; when sendingDot => morseOut <= '1'; unitNb <= to_unsigned(1, unitNb'length); when sendingDash => morseOut <= '1'; unitNb <= to_unsigned(3, unitNb'length); when startSeparator => startCounter <= '1'; when waitingSeparator => unitNb <= to_unsigned(1, unitNb'length); when startSeparator2 => startCounter <= '1'; when waitingSeparator2 => unitNb <= to_unsigned(2, unitNb'length); when dotDashDone => sendDotDashDone <= '1'; when others => null; end case; end process sendDotDashOutput; END ARCHITECTURE masterVersion; -- -- VHDL Architecture Morse.charToMorse.struct -- -- Created: -- by - axel.amand.UNKNOWN (WE7860) -- at - 14:49:52 28.04.2023 -- -- Generated by Mentor Graphics' HDL Designer(TM) 2019.2 (Build 5) -- LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; USE ieee.numeric_std.all; -- LIBRARY Morse; ARCHITECTURE struct OF charToMorse IS -- Architecture declarations constant unitCountBitNb: positive := 3; -- Internal signal declarations SIGNAL startCounter : std_ulogic; SIGNAL done : std_ulogic; SIGNAL unitNb : unsigned(unitCountBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0); -- Component Declarations COMPONENT charToMorseController GENERIC ( characterBitNb : positive := 8; unitCountBitNb : positive := 3 ); PORT ( morseOut : OUT std_ulogic ; clock : IN std_ulogic ; reset : IN std_ulogic ; charNotReady : IN std_ulogic ; char : IN std_ulogic_vector (characterBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0); startCounter : OUT std_ulogic ; unitNb : OUT unsigned (unitCountBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0); counterDone : IN std_ulogic ; readChar : OUT std_ulogic ); END COMPONENT; COMPONENT unitCounter GENERIC ( unitCountDivide : positive := 10E3; unitCountBitNb : positive := 3 ); PORT ( clock : IN std_ulogic ; reset : IN std_ulogic ; startCounter : IN std_ulogic ; unitNb : IN unsigned (unitCountBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0); done : OUT std_ulogic ); END COMPONENT; -- Optional embedded configurations -- pragma synthesis_off -- FOR ALL : charToMorseController USE ENTITY Morse.charToMorseController; -- FOR ALL : unitCounter USE ENTITY Morse.unitCounter; -- pragma synthesis_on BEGIN -- Instance port mappings. I_ctl : charToMorseController GENERIC MAP ( characterBitNb => characterBitNb, unitCountBitNb => unitCountBitNb ) PORT MAP ( morseOut => morseOut, clock => clock, reset => reset, charNotReady => charNotReady, char => charIn, startCounter => startCounter, unitNb => unitNb, counterDone => done, readChar => readChar ); I_cnt : unitCounter GENERIC MAP ( unitCountDivide => unitCountDivide, unitCountBitNb => unitCountBitNb ) PORT MAP ( clock => clock, reset => reset, startCounter => startCounter, unitNb => unitNb, done => done ); END struct; -- VHDL Entity Morse.toneGenerator.symbol -- -- Created: -- by - francois.francois (Aphelia) -- at - 09:13:01 03/29/19 -- -- Generated by Mentor Graphics' HDL Designer(TM) 2019.2 (Build 5) -- LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; USE ieee.numeric_std.all; ENTITY toneGenerator IS GENERIC( toneDivide : positive := 100E3 ); PORT( tone : OUT std_ulogic; clock : IN std_ulogic; reset : IN std_ulogic ); -- Declarations END toneGenerator ; -- library Common; use work.CommonLib.all; ARCHITECTURE masterVersion OF toneGenerator IS constant toneCounterBitNb: positive := requiredBitNb(toneDivide-1); signal toneCounter: unsigned(toneCounterBitNb-1 downto 0); constant toneMin : natural := (2**toneCounterBitNb - toneDivide) / 2; constant toneMax : natural := toneMin + toneDivide; BEGIN divide: process(reset, clock) begin if reset = '1' then toneCounter <= to_unsigned(toneMin, toneCounter'length); elsif rising_edge(clock) then if toneCounter = toneMax then toneCounter <= to_unsigned(toneMin, toneCounter'length); else toneCounter <= toneCounter + 1; end if; end if; end process divide; tone <= toneCounter(toneCounter'high); END ARCHITECTURE masterVersion; -- VHDL Entity RS232.serialPortReceiver.symbol -- -- Created: -- by - francois.francois (Aphelia) -- at - 13:45:48 08/28/19 -- -- Generated by Mentor Graphics' HDL Designer(TM) 2019.2 (Build 5) -- LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; USE ieee.numeric_std.all; ENTITY serialPortReceiver IS GENERIC( dataBitNb : positive := 8; baudRateDivide : positive := 2083 ); PORT( RxD : IN std_ulogic; clock : IN std_ulogic; reset : IN std_ulogic; dataOut : OUT std_ulogic_vector (dataBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0); dataValid : OUT std_ulogic ); -- Declarations END serialPortReceiver ; -- library Common; use work.CommonLib.all; architecture RTL of serialPortReceiver is signal dividerCounter: unsigned(requiredBitNb(baudRateDivide-1)-1 downto 0); signal dividerCounterReset: std_uLogic; signal rxDelayed: std_uLogic; signal dividerCounterSynchronize: std_uLogic; signal rxSample: std_uLogic; signal rxShiftReg: std_ulogic_vector(dataBitNb-1 downto 0); signal rxReceiving: std_uLogic; signal rxDataValid: std_uLogic; signal rxCounter: unsigned(requiredBitNb(dataBitNb)-1 downto 0); begin divide: process(reset, clock) begin if reset = '1' then dividerCounter <= (others => '0'); elsif rising_edge(clock) then if dividerCounterSynchronize = '1' then dividerCounter <= to_unsigned(baudRateDivide/2, dividerCounter'length); elsif dividerCounterReset = '1' then dividerCounter <= (others => '0'); else dividerCounter <= dividerCounter + 1; end if; end if; end process divide; endOfCount: process(dividerCounter) begin if dividerCounter = baudRateDivide-1 then dividerCounterReset <= '1'; else dividerCounterReset <= '0'; end if; end process endOfCount; delayRx: process(reset, clock) begin if reset = '1' then rxDelayed <= '0'; elsif rising_edge(clock) then rxDelayed <= RxD; end if; end process delayRx; rxSynchronize: process(RxD, rxDelayed) begin if RxD /= rxDelayed then dividerCounterSynchronize <= '1'; else dividerCounterSynchronize <= '0'; end if; end process rxSynchronize; rxSample <= dividerCounterReset and not dividerCounterSynchronize; shiftReg: process(reset, clock) begin if reset = '1' then rxShiftReg <= (others => '0'); elsif rising_edge(clock) then if rxSample = '1' then rxShiftReg(rxShiftReg'high-1 downto 0) <= rxShiftReg(rxShiftReg'high downto 1); rxShiftReg(rxShiftReg'high) <= RxD; end if; end if; end process shiftReg; detectReceive: process(reset, clock) begin if reset = '1' then rxReceiving <= '0'; rxDataValid <= '0'; elsif rising_edge(clock) then if rxSample = '1' then if rxCounter = dataBitNb-1 then rxDataValid <= '1'; elsif RxD = '0' then rxReceiving <= '1'; end if; elsif rxDataValid = '1' then rxReceiving <= '0'; rxDataValid <= '0'; end if; end if; end process detectReceive; countRxBitNb: process(reset, clock) begin if reset = '1' then rxCounter <= (others => '0'); elsif rising_edge(clock) then if rxSample = '1' then if rxReceiving = '1' then rxCounter <= rxCounter + 1; else rxCounter <= (others => '0'); end if; end if; end if; end process countRxBitNb; dataOut <= rxShiftReg; dataValid <= rxDataValid; end RTL; -- -- VHDL Architecture Morse.morseEncoder.struct -- -- Created: -- by - axel.amand.UNKNOWN (WE7860) -- at - 14:50:20 28.04.2023 -- -- Generated by Mentor Graphics' HDL Designer(TM) 2019.2 (Build 5) -- LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; USE ieee.numeric_std.all; -- LIBRARY Memory; -- LIBRARY Morse; -- LIBRARY RS232; ARCHITECTURE struct OF morseEncoder IS -- Architecture declarations constant fifoDepth : positive := 100; -- Internal signal declarations SIGNAL characterReg : std_ulogic_vector(uartDataBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL characterIn : std_ulogic_vector(uartDataBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL characterValid : std_ulogic; SIGNAL morseOut : std_ulogic; SIGNAL tone : std_ulogic; SIGNAL charNotReady : std_ulogic; SIGNAL readChar : std_ulogic; -- Component Declarations COMPONENT FIFO_bram GENERIC ( dataBitNb : positive := 8; depth : positive := 8 ); PORT ( write : IN std_ulogic ; clock : IN std_ulogic ; reset : IN std_ulogic ; dataOut : OUT std_ulogic_vector (dataBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0); read : IN std_ulogic ; dataIn : IN std_ulogic_vector (dataBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0); empty : OUT std_ulogic ; full : OUT std_ulogic ); END COMPONENT; COMPONENT charToMorse GENERIC ( characterBitNb : positive := 8; unitCountDivide : positive := 10E3 ); PORT ( morseOut : OUT std_ulogic ; clock : IN std_ulogic ; reset : IN std_ulogic ; charIn : IN std_ulogic_vector (characterBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0); readChar : OUT std_ulogic ; charNotReady : IN std_ulogic ); END COMPONENT; COMPONENT toneGenerator GENERIC ( toneDivide : positive := 100E3 ); PORT ( tone : OUT std_ulogic ; clock : IN std_ulogic ; reset : IN std_ulogic ); END COMPONENT; COMPONENT serialPortReceiver GENERIC ( dataBitNb : positive := 8; baudRateDivide : positive := 2083 ); PORT ( RxD : IN std_ulogic ; clock : IN std_ulogic ; reset : IN std_ulogic ; dataOut : OUT std_ulogic_vector (dataBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0); dataValid : OUT std_ulogic ); END COMPONENT; -- Optional embedded configurations -- pragma synthesis_off -- FOR ALL : FIFO_bram USE ENTITY Memory.FIFO_bram; -- FOR ALL : charToMorse USE ENTITY Morse.charToMorse; -- FOR ALL : serialPortReceiver USE ENTITY RS232.serialPortReceiver; -- FOR ALL : toneGenerator USE ENTITY Morse.toneGenerator; -- pragma synthesis_on BEGIN -- Architecture concurrent statements -- HDL Embedded Text Block 1 eb1 morseCode <= morseOut and tone; -- Instance port mappings. I_FIFO : FIFO_bram GENERIC MAP ( dataBitNb => uartDataBitNb, depth => fifoDepth ) PORT MAP ( write => characterValid, clock => clock, reset => reset, dataOut => characterReg, read => readChar, dataIn => characterIn, empty => charNotReady, full => OPEN ); I_enc : charToMorse GENERIC MAP ( characterBitNb => uartDataBitNb, unitCountDivide => integer(clockFrequency*unitDuration + 0.5) ) PORT MAP ( morseOut => morseOut, clock => clock, reset => reset, charNotReady => charNotReady, charIn => characterReg, readChar => readChar ); I_tone : toneGenerator GENERIC MAP ( toneDivide => integer(clockFrequency/toneFrequency + 0.5) ) PORT MAP ( tone => tone, clock => clock, reset => reset ); I_UART : serialPortReceiver GENERIC MAP ( dataBitNb => uartDataBitNb, baudRateDivide => integer(clockFrequency/uartBaudRate + 0.5) ) PORT MAP ( RxD => RxD, clock => clock, reset => reset, dataOut => characterIn, dataValid => characterValid ); END struct; -- VHDL netlist generated by SCUBA Diamond (64-bit) -- Module Version: 5.7 --C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\ispfpga\bin\nt64\scuba.exe -w -n pll -lang vhdl -synth synplify -bus_exp 7 -bb -arch sa5p00 -type pll -fin 100.00 -fclkop 60 -fclkop_tol 10.0 -fclkos 75 -fclkos_tol 10.0 -phases 0 -fclkos2 50 -fclkos2_tol 10.0 -phases2 0 -fclkos3 10 -fclkos3_tol 10.0 -phases3 0 -phase_cntl STATIC -enable_s -enable_s2 -enable_s3 -pllLocked -fb_mode 1 -fdc C:/temp/clocker/pll/pll.fdc -- Offers 10MHz, 50MHz, 60MHz and 75MHz clocks library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; library ECP5U; use ECP5U.components.all; ENTITY pll IS PORT( clkIn100M : IN std_ulogic; en75M : IN std_ulogic; en50M : IN std_ulogic; en10M : IN std_ulogic; clk60MHz : OUT std_ulogic; clk75MHz : OUT std_ulogic; clk50MHz : OUT std_ulogic; clk10MHz : OUT std_ulogic; pllLocked : OUT std_ulogic ); -- Declarations END pll ; architecture rtl of pll is -- internal signal declarations signal REFCLK: std_logic; signal CLKOS3_t: std_logic; signal CLKOS2_t: std_logic; signal CLKOS_t: std_logic; signal CLKOP_t: std_logic; signal scuba_vhi: std_logic; signal scuba_vlo: std_logic; attribute FREQUENCY_PIN_CLKOS3 : string; attribute FREQUENCY_PIN_CLKOS2 : string; attribute FREQUENCY_PIN_CLKOS : string; attribute FREQUENCY_PIN_CLKOP : string; attribute FREQUENCY_PIN_CLKI : string; attribute ICP_CURRENT : string; attribute LPF_RESISTOR : string; attribute FREQUENCY_PIN_CLKOS3 of PLLInst_0 : label is "10.000000"; attribute FREQUENCY_PIN_CLKOS2 of PLLInst_0 : label is "50.000000"; attribute FREQUENCY_PIN_CLKOS of PLLInst_0 : label is "75.000000"; attribute FREQUENCY_PIN_CLKOP of PLLInst_0 : label is "60.000000"; attribute FREQUENCY_PIN_CLKI of PLLInst_0 : label is "100.000000"; attribute ICP_CURRENT of PLLInst_0 : label is "5"; attribute LPF_RESISTOR of PLLInst_0 : label is "16"; attribute syn_keep : boolean; attribute NGD_DRC_MASK : integer; attribute NGD_DRC_MASK of rtl : architecture is 1; begin -- component instantiation statements scuba_vhi_inst: VHI port map (Z=>scuba_vhi); scuba_vlo_inst: VLO port map (Z=>scuba_vlo); PLLInst_0: EHXPLLL generic map (PLLRST_ENA=> "DISABLED", INTFB_WAKE=> "DISABLED", STDBY_ENABLE=> "DISABLED", DPHASE_SOURCE=> "DISABLED", CLKOS3_FPHASE=> 0, CLKOS3_CPHASE=> 59, CLKOS2_FPHASE=> 0, CLKOS2_CPHASE=> 11, CLKOS_FPHASE=> 0, CLKOS_CPHASE=> 7, CLKOP_FPHASE=> 0, CLKOP_CPHASE=> 9, PLL_LOCK_MODE=> 0, CLKOS_TRIM_DELAY=> 0, CLKOS_TRIM_POL=> "FALLING", CLKOP_TRIM_DELAY=> 0, CLKOP_TRIM_POL=> "FALLING", OUTDIVIDER_MUXD=> "DIVD", CLKOS3_ENABLE=> "DISABLED", OUTDIVIDER_MUXC=> "DIVC", CLKOS2_ENABLE=> "DISABLED", OUTDIVIDER_MUXB=> "DIVB", CLKOS_ENABLE=> "DISABLED", OUTDIVIDER_MUXA=> "DIVA", CLKOP_ENABLE=> "ENABLED", CLKOS3_DIV=> 60, CLKOS2_DIV=> 12, CLKOS_DIV=> 8, CLKOP_DIV=> 10, CLKFB_DIV=> 3, CLKI_DIV=> 5, FEEDBK_PATH=> "CLKOP") port map (CLKI=>clkIn100M, CLKFB=>CLKOP_t, PHASESEL1=>scuba_vlo, PHASESEL0=>scuba_vlo, PHASEDIR=>scuba_vlo, PHASESTEP=>scuba_vlo, PHASELOADREG=>scuba_vlo, STDBY=>scuba_vlo, PLLWAKESYNC=>scuba_vlo, RST=>scuba_vlo, ENCLKOP=>scuba_vlo, ENCLKOS=>en75M, ENCLKOS2=>en50M, ENCLKOS3=>en10M, CLKOP=>CLKOP_t, CLKOS=>CLKOS_t, CLKOS2=>CLKOS2_t, CLKOS3=>CLKOS3_t, LOCK=>pllLocked, INTLOCK=>open, REFCLK=>REFCLK, CLKINTFB=>open); clk10MHz <= CLKOS3_t; clk50MHz <= CLKOS2_t; clk75MHz <= CLKOS_t; clk60MHz <= CLKOP_t; end rtl; -- -- VHDL Architecture Board.morse_ebs3.struct -- -- Created: -- by - axel.amand.UNKNOWN (WE7860) -- at - 08:06:36 08.05.2023 -- -- Generated by Mentor Graphics' HDL Designer(TM) 2019.2 (Build 5) -- LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; USE ieee.numeric_std.all; -- LIBRARY Board; -- LIBRARY Lattice; -- LIBRARY Morse; ARCHITECTURE struct OF morse_ebs3 IS -- Architecture declarations constant clockFrequency: real := 60.0E6; constant uartBaudRate: real := 9.6E3; constant uartDataBitNb: positive := 7; constant morseUnitDuration: real := 100.0E-3; -- 1/2 * 10 Hz constant morseToneFrequency: real := 3135.96; -- sol 3eme octave constant deglitchBitNb: positive := 16; -- Internal signal declarations SIGNAL clk_sys : std_ulogic; SIGNAL logic0 : std_ulogic; SIGNAL logic1 : std_uLogic; SIGNAL morseIn_synch : std_uLogic; SIGNAL reset1 : std_ulogic; SIGNAL resetSynch : std_ulogic; SIGNAL resetSynch_n : std_ulogic; -- Implicit buffer signal declarations SIGNAL RxD_synch_internal : std_ulogic; -- Component Declarations COMPONENT DFF PORT ( CLK : IN std_uLogic ; CLR : IN std_uLogic ; D : IN std_uLogic ; Q : OUT std_uLogic ); END COMPONENT; COMPONENT inverterIn PORT ( in1 : IN std_uLogic ; out1 : OUT std_uLogic ); END COMPONENT; COMPONENT pll PORT ( clkIn100M : IN std_ulogic ; en75M : IN std_ulogic ; en50M : IN std_ulogic ; en10M : IN std_ulogic ; clk60MHz : OUT std_ulogic ; clk75MHz : OUT std_ulogic ; clk50MHz : OUT std_ulogic ; clk10MHz : OUT std_ulogic ; pllLocked : OUT std_ulogic ); END COMPONENT; COMPONENT morseDecoder GENERIC ( clockFrequency : real := 100.0E6; uartBaudRate : real := 115.2E3; uartDataBitNb : positive := 8; unitDuration : real := 100.0E-3; toneFrequency : real := 300.0; deglitchBitNb : natural := 8 ); PORT ( morseCode : IN std_ulogic ; clock : IN std_ulogic ; reset : IN std_ulogic ; TxD : OUT std_ulogic ; morseEnvelope : OUT std_ulogic ); END COMPONENT; COMPONENT morseEncoder GENERIC ( clockFrequency : real := 100.0E6; uartBaudRate : real := 115.2E3; uartDataBitNb : positive := 8; unitDuration : real := 100.0E-3; toneFrequency : real := 300.0 ); PORT ( morseCode : OUT std_ulogic ; clock : IN std_ulogic ; reset : IN std_ulogic ; RxD : IN std_ulogic ); END COMPONENT; -- Optional embedded configurations -- pragma synthesis_off -- FOR ALL : DFF USE ENTITY Board.DFF; -- FOR ALL : inverterIn USE ENTITY Board.inverterIn; -- FOR ALL : morseDecoder USE ENTITY Morse.morseDecoder; -- FOR ALL : morseEncoder USE ENTITY Morse.morseEncoder; -- FOR ALL : pll USE ENTITY Lattice.pll; -- pragma synthesis_on BEGIN -- Architecture concurrent statements -- HDL Embedded Text Block 6 eb6 logic1 <= '1'; -- HDL Embedded Text Block 7 eb7 logic0 <= '0'; -- Instance port mappings. I7 : DFF PORT MAP ( CLK => clk_sys, CLR => resetSynch, D => RxD, Q => RxD_synch_internal ); I8 : DFF PORT MAP ( CLK => clock, CLR => reset1, D => logic1, Q => resetSynch_n ); I9 : DFF PORT MAP ( CLK => clk_sys, CLR => resetSynch, D => morseIn, Q => morseIn_synch ); I3 : inverterIn PORT MAP ( in1 => reset_n, out1 => reset1 ); I4 : inverterIn PORT MAP ( in1 => resetSynch_n, out1 => resetSynch ); I_pll : pll PORT MAP ( clkIn100M => clock, en75M => logic0, en50M => logic0, en10M => logic0, clk60MHz => clk_sys, clk75MHz => OPEN, clk50MHz => OPEN, clk10MHz => OPEN, pllLocked => OPEN ); I_dec : morseDecoder GENERIC MAP ( clockFrequency => clockFrequency, uartBaudRate => uartBaudRate, uartDataBitNb => uartDataBitNb, unitDuration => morseUnitDuration, toneFrequency => morseToneFrequency, deglitchBitNb => deglitchBitNb ) PORT MAP ( morseCode => morseIn_synch, clock => clk_sys, reset => resetSynch, TxD => TxD, morseEnvelope => morseEnvelope ); I_enc : morseEncoder GENERIC MAP ( clockFrequency => clockFrequency, uartBaudRate => uartBaudRate, uartDataBitNb => uartDataBitNb, unitDuration => morseUnitDuration, toneFrequency => morseToneFrequency ) PORT MAP ( morseCode => morseOut, clock => clk_sys, reset => resetSynch, RxD => RxD_synch_internal ); -- Implicit buffered output assignments RxD_synch <= RxD_synch_internal; END struct;