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xt "61001,5400,64001,6600"
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ju 2
blo "64001,6400"
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m 1
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n "outX"
t "std_ulogic"
o 1
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uid 1531,0
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uid 1532,0
ro 90
va (VaSet
vasetType 1
fg "0,65535,0"
xt "48250,33625,49000,34375"
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uid 1533,0
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uid 1534,0
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xt "50000,33400,53300,34600"
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n "reset"
t "std_ulogic"
o 4
*48 (CptPort
uid 1535,0
ps "OnEdgeStrategy"
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uid 1536,0
ro 90
va (VaSet
vasetType 1
fg "0,65535,0"
xt "65000,7625,65750,8375"
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uid 1537,0
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m 1
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n "outY"
t "std_ulogic"
o 5
*49 (CptPort
uid 1539,0
ps "OnEdgeStrategy"
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uid 1540,0
ro 90
va (VaSet
vasetType 1
fg "0,65535,0"
xt "48250,7625,49000,8375"
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uid 1541,0
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xt "50000,7400,54000,8600"
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n "dataIn"
t "std_ulogic_vector"
b "(dataBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)"
o 6
*50 (CptPort
uid 1543,0
ps "OnEdgeStrategy"
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uid 1544,0
ro 90
va (VaSet
vasetType 1
fg "0,65535,0"
xt "48250,13625,49000,14375"
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uid 1545,0
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n "rd"
t "std_ulogic"
o 7
*51 (CptPort
uid 1547,0
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ro 90
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uid 1549,0
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xt "50000,15400,52600,16600"
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n "wrH"
t "std_ulogic"
o 8
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xt "50000,19400,51900,20600"
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n "cs"
t "std_ulogic"
o 9
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n "wrL"
t "std_ulogic"
o 10
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m 1
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n "dataOut"
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o 11
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m 1
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n "testOut"
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b "(1 TO 16)"
o 12
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n "selSinCos"
t "std_ulogic"
o 13
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m 1
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o 14
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m 1
decl (Decl
n "CLK_X"
t "std_ulogic"
o 17
*59 (CptPort
uid 1579,0
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m 1
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n "CS_X_n"
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o 15
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m 1
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n "SDI_X"
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o 16
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m 1
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n "CS_Y_n"
t "std_ulogic"
o 19
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m 1
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n "SDI_Y"
t "std_ulogic"
o 20
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m 1
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n "CLK_Y"
t "std_ulogic"
o 18
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n "CLK"
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o 17
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n "CS_n"
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o 15
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n "SDI"
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o 16
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n "Iout"
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o 4
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n "CLK"
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o 17
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o 15
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n "SDI"
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o 16
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n "Iout"
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o 4
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o 7
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o 8
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o 6
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constant dataBitNb: positive := 16;
constant signalBitNb: positive := 16;
constant clockFrequency : real := 60.0E6;
--constant clockFrequency : real := 66.0E6;"
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