LIBRARY std; USE std.textio.ALL; LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_textio.ALL; LIBRARY Common_test; USE Common_test.testutils.all; ARCHITECTURE test OF universalTester IS constant clockPeriod : time := 1.0/66E6 * 1 sec; signal sClock : std_uLogic := '1'; signal sReset : std_uLogic ; signal testInfo : string(1 to 40) := (others => ' '); BEGIN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- reset and clock sReset <= '1', '0' after 3.5*clockPeriod; rst <= sReset; sClock <= not sClock after clockPeriod/2; clk <= transport sClock after 0.9*clockPeriod; btns <= (others => '1'), (others=>'0') after 4.15 us; process -- Wait list -- 3 clk for beq -- 4 clk for others -- 5 clk for lw begin en <= '0'; testInfo <= pad("Wait reset", testInfo'length); wait until rst = '0'; while true loop en <= '1'; testInfo <= pad("Running", testInfo'length); wait; end loop; end process; END ARCHITECTURE test;