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"C:\\dev\\sem-labs\\06-07-08-09-SystemOnChip\\Prefs\\..\\SystemOnChip\\hds\\beamer@periph\\" ) (vvPair variable "p_logical" value "C:\\dev\\sem-labs\\06-07-08-09-SystemOnChip\\Prefs\\..\\SystemOnChip\\hds\\beamerPeriph\\" ) (vvPair variable "package_name" value "<Undefined Variable>" ) (vvPair variable "project_name" value "hds" ) (vvPair variable "series" value "HDL Designer Series" ) (vvPair variable "task_ADMS" value "<TBD>" ) (vvPair variable "task_AsmPath" value "$HEI_LIBS_DIR/NanoBlaze/hdl" ) (vvPair variable "task_DesignCompilerPath" value "<TBD>" ) (vvPair variable "task_HDSPath" value "$HDS_HOME" ) (vvPair variable "task_ISEBinPath" value "$ISE_HOME" ) (vvPair variable "task_ISEPath" value "$ISE_WORK_DIR" ) (vvPair variable "task_LeonardoPath" value "<TBD>" ) (vvPair variable "task_ModelSimPath" value "$MODELSIM_HOME/modeltech/bin" ) (vvPair variable "task_NC" value "<TBD>" ) (vvPair variable "task_PrecisionRTLPath" value "<TBD>" ) (vvPair variable "task_QuestaSimPath" value "<TBD>" ) (vvPair variable "task_VCSPath" value "<TBD>" ) (vvPair variable "this_ext" value "bd" ) (vvPair variable "this_file" value "struct" ) (vvPair variable "this_file_logical" value "struct" ) (vvPair variable "time" value "15:01:30" ) (vvPair variable "unit" value "beamerPeriph" ) (vvPair variable "user" value "axel.amand" ) (vvPair variable "version" value "2019.2 (Build 5)" ) (vvPair variable "view" value "struct" ) (vvPair variable "year" value "2023" ) (vvPair variable "yy" value "23" ) ] ) LanguageMgr "Vhdl2008LangMgr" uid 41,0 optionalChildren [ *1 (Grouping uid 9,0 optionalChildren [ *2 (CommentText uid 11,0 shape (Rectangle uid 12,0 sl 0 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "65280,65280,46080" ) xt "72000,48000,89000,49000" ) oxt "18000,70000,35000,71000" text (MLText uid 13,0 va (VaSet fg "0,0,32768" bg "0,0,32768" ) xt "72200,48500,72200,48500" st " by %user on %dd %month %year " tm "CommentText" wrapOption 3 visibleHeight 1000 visibleWidth 17000 ) position 1 ignorePrefs 1 ) *3 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"68200,46500,68200,46500" st " Title: " tm "CommentText" wrapOption 3 visibleHeight 1000 visibleWidth 4000 ) position 1 ignorePrefs 1 ) *6 (CommentText uid 23,0 shape (Rectangle uid 24,0 sl 0 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "65280,65280,46080" ) xt "89000,45000,109000,49000" ) oxt "35000,67000,55000,71000" text (MLText uid 25,0 va (VaSet fg "0,0,32768" bg "0,0,32768" ) xt "89200,45200,103300,46400" st " <enter comments here> " tm "CommentText" wrapOption 3 visibleHeight 4000 visibleWidth 20000 ) ignorePrefs 1 ) *7 (CommentText uid 26,0 shape (Rectangle uid 27,0 sl 0 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "65280,65280,46080" ) xt "93000,44000,109000,45000" ) oxt "39000,66000,55000,67000" text (MLText uid 28,0 va (VaSet fg "0,0,32768" bg "0,0,32768" ) xt "93200,44500,93200,44500" st " <enter project name here> " tm "CommentText" wrapOption 3 visibleHeight 1000 visibleWidth 16000 ) position 1 ignorePrefs 1 ) *8 (CommentText uid 29,0 shape (Rectangle uid 30,0 sl 0 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "65280,65280,46080" ) xt "68000,44000,89000,46000" ) oxt "14000,66000,35000,68000" text (MLText uid 31,0 va (VaSet fg "32768,0,0" ) xt "73350,44400,83650,45600" st " <company name> " ju 0 tm "CommentText" wrapOption 3 visibleHeight 2000 visibleWidth 21000 ) position 1 ignorePrefs 1 ) *9 (CommentText uid 32,0 shape (Rectangle uid 33,0 sl 0 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "65280,65280,46080" ) xt "68000,47000,72000,48000" ) oxt "14000,69000,18000,70000" text (MLText uid 34,0 va (VaSet fg "0,0,32768" bg "0,0,32768" ) xt "68200,47500,68200,47500" st " Path: " tm "CommentText" wrapOption 3 visibleHeight 1000 visibleWidth 4000 ) position 1 ignorePrefs 1 ) *10 (CommentText uid 35,0 shape (Rectangle uid 36,0 sl 0 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "65280,65280,46080" ) xt "68000,48000,72000,49000" ) oxt "14000,70000,18000,71000" text (MLText uid 37,0 va (VaSet fg "0,0,32768" bg "0,0,32768" ) xt "68200,48500,68200,48500" st " Edited: " tm "CommentText" wrapOption 3 visibleHeight 1000 visibleWidth 4000 ) position 1 ignorePrefs 1 ) *11 (CommentText uid 38,0 shape (Rectangle uid 39,0 sl 0 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "65280,65280,46080" ) xt "72000,47000,89000,48000" ) oxt "18000,69000,35000,70000" text (MLText uid 40,0 va (VaSet fg "0,0,32768" bg "0,0,32768" ) xt "72200,47500,72200,47500" st " %library/%unit/%view " tm "CommentText" wrapOption 3 visibleHeight 1000 visibleWidth 17000 ) position 1 ignorePrefs 1 ) ] shape (GroupingShape uid 10,0 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "65535,65535,65535" lineStyle 2 lineWidth 2 ) xt "68000,44000,109000,49000" ) oxt "14000,66000,55000,71000" ) *12 (PortIoOut uid 109,0 shape (CompositeShape uid 110,0 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,0,32768" ) optionalChildren [ (Pentagon uid 111,0 sl 0 ro 270 xt "90500,625,92000,1375" ) (Line uid 112,0 sl 0 ro 270 xt "90000,1000,90500,1000" pts [ "90000,1000" "90500,1000" ] ) ] ) tg (WTG uid 113,0 ps "PortIoTextPlaceStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 114,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "Verdana,12,0" ) xt "93000,300,96700,1700" st "outX" blo "93000,1500" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) ) *13 (Net uid 121,0 decl (Decl n "outX" t "std_ulogic" o 1 suid 4,0 ) declText (MLText uid 122,0 va (VaSet font "Verdana,8,0" ) xt "2000,29000,13300,30000" st "outX : std_ulogic" ) ) *14 (PortIoOut uid 123,0 shape (CompositeShape uid 124,0 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,0,32768" ) optionalChildren [ (Pentagon uid 125,0 sl 0 ro 270 xt "90500,2625,92000,3375" ) (Line uid 126,0 sl 0 ro 270 xt "90000,3000,90500,3000" pts [ "90000,3000" "90500,3000" ] ) ] ) tg (WTG uid 127,0 ps "PortIoTextPlaceStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 128,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "Verdana,12,0" ) xt "93000,2300,96600,3700" st "outY" blo "93000,3500" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) ) *15 (Net uid 135,0 decl (Decl n "outY" t "std_ulogic" o 4 suid 5,0 ) declText (MLText uid 136,0 va (VaSet font "Verdana,8,0" ) xt "2000,31400,13300,32400" st "outY : std_ulogic" ) ) *16 (PortIoIn uid 5080,0 shape (CompositeShape uid 5081,0 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,0,32768" ) optionalChildren [ (Pentagon uid 5082,0 sl 0 ro 90 xt "90500,6625,92000,7375" ) (Line uid 5083,0 sl 0 ro 90 xt "90000,7000,90500,7000" pts [ "90500,7000" "90000,7000" ] ) ] ) tg (WTG uid 5084,0 ps "PortIoTextPlaceStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 5085,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "Verdana,12,0" ) xt "93000,6300,99900,7700" st "selSinCos" blo "93000,7500" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) ) *17 (Net uid 6503,0 decl (Decl n "selSinCos" t "std_ulogic" o 6 suid 62,0 ) declText (MLText uid 6504,0 va (VaSet font "Verdana,8,0" ) xt "2000,33000,13800,34000" st "selSinCos : std_ulogic" ) ) *18 (PortIoIn uid 13128,0 shape (CompositeShape uid 13129,0 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,0,32768" ) optionalChildren [ (Pentagon uid 13130,0 sl 0 ro 270 xt "16000,625,17500,1375" ) (Line uid 13131,0 sl 0 ro 270 xt "17500,1000,18000,1000" pts [ "17500,1000" "18000,1000" ] ) ] ) tg (WTG uid 13132,0 ps "PortIoTextPlaceStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 13133,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "Verdana,12,0" ) xt "11500,500,15000,1900" st "apbi" ju 2 blo "15000,1700" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) ) *19 (Net uid 13140,0 decl (Decl n "apbi" t "apb_slv_in_type" o 2 suid 71,0 ) declText (MLText uid 13141,0 va (VaSet font "Verdana,8,0" ) xt "2000,29800,15800,30800" st "apbi : apb_slv_in_type" ) ) *20 (PortIoOut uid 13373,0 shape (CompositeShape uid 13374,0 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,0,32768" ) optionalChildren [ (Pentagon uid 13375,0 sl 0 ro 90 xt "16000,2625,17500,3375" ) (Line uid 13376,0 sl 0 ro 90 xt "17500,3000,18000,3000" pts [ "18000,3000" "17500,3000" ] ) ] ) tg (WTG uid 13377,0 ps "PortIoTextPlaceStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 13378,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "Verdana,12,0" ) xt "11000,2300,15000,3700" st "apbo" ju 2 blo "15000,3500" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) ) *21 (Net uid 13385,0 decl (Decl n "apbo" t "apb_slv_out_type" o 5 suid 72,0 ) declText (MLText uid 13386,0 va (VaSet font "Verdana,8,0" ) xt "2000,32200,16700,33200" st "apbo : apb_slv_out_type" ) ) *22 (PortIoIn uid 13622,0 shape (CompositeShape uid 13623,0 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,0,32768" ) optionalChildren [ (Pentagon uid 13624,0 sl 0 ro 270 xt "8000,14625,9500,15375" ) (Line uid 13625,0 sl 0 ro 270 xt "9500,15000,10000,15000" pts [ "9500,15000" "10000,15000" ] ) ] ) tg (WTG uid 13626,0 ps "PortIoTextPlaceStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 13627,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "Verdana,12,0" ) xt "1300,14500,7000,15900" st "reset_n" ju 2 blo "7000,15700" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) ) *23 (Net uid 13634,0 decl (Decl n "reset_n" t "std_ulogic" o 3 suid 73,0 ) declText (MLText uid 13635,0 va (VaSet font "Verdana,8,0" ) xt "2000,30600,13600,31600" st "reset_n : std_ulogic" ) ) *24 (Net uid 14876,0 decl (Decl n "clock" t "std_ulogic" o 7 suid 74,0 ) declText (MLText uid 14877,0 va (VaSet font "Verdana,8,0" ) xt "2000,33800,13200,34800" st "clock : std_ulogic" ) ) *25 (PortIoIn uid 14884,0 shape (CompositeShape uid 14885,0 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,0,32768" ) optionalChildren [ (Pentagon uid 14886,0 sl 0 ro 270 xt "16000,10625,17500,11375" ) (Line uid 14887,0 sl 0 ro 270 xt "17500,11000,18000,11000" pts [ "17500,11000" "18000,11000" ] ) ] ) tg (WTG uid 14888,0 ps "PortIoTextPlaceStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 14889,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "Verdana,12,0" ) xt "11200,10300,15000,11700" st "clock" ju 2 blo "15000,11500" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) ) *26 (HdlText uid 14916,0 optionalChildren [ *27 (EmbeddedText uid 14921,0 commentText (CommentText uid 14922,0 ps "CenterOffsetStrategy" shape (Rectangle uid 14923,0 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "65535,65535,65535" lineStyle 2 ) xt "18000,14000,26000,16000" ) oxt "0,0,18000,5000" text (MLText uid 14924,0 va (VaSet ) xt "18200,14200,26100,15400" st " reset <= not reset_n; " tm "HdlTextMgr" wrapOption 3 visibleHeight 2000 visibleWidth 8000 ) ) ) ] shape (Rectangle uid 14917,0 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "65535,65535,32768" ) xt "18000,13000,26000,17000" ) oxt "0,0,8000,10000" ttg (MlTextGroup uid 14918,0 ps "CenterOffsetStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" textVec [ *28 (Text uid 14919,0 va (VaSet ) xt "18400,17000,21000,18200" st "eb1" blo "18400,18000" tm "HdlTextNameMgr" ) *29 (Text uid 14920,0 va (VaSet ) xt "18400,18000,19800,19200" st "1" blo "18400,19000" tm "HdlTextNumberMgr" ) ] ) ) *30 (Net uid 14974,0 decl (Decl n "reset" t "std_ulogic" o 9 suid 75,0 ) declText (MLText uid 14975,0 va (VaSet font "Verdana,8,0" ) xt "2000,39800,16400,40800" st "SIGNAL reset : std_ulogic" ) ) *31 (Net uid 15201,0 decl (Decl n "run" t "std_ulogic" o 10 suid 76,0 ) declText (MLText uid 15202,0 va (VaSet font "Verdana,8,0" ) xt "2000,40600,16300,41600" st "SIGNAL run : std_ulogic" ) ) *32 (Net uid 15207,0 decl (Decl n "interpolateLin" t "std_ulogic" o 11 suid 77,0 ) declText (MLText uid 15208,0 va (VaSet font "Verdana,8,0" ) xt "2000,41400,17100,42400" st "SIGNAL interpolateLin : std_ulogic" ) ) *33 (Net uid 15213,0 decl (Decl n "updatePeriod" t "unsigned" b "(updatePeriodBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)" o 12 suid 78,0 ) declText (MLText uid 15214,0 va (VaSet font "Verdana,8,0" ) xt "2000,42200,31600,43200" st "SIGNAL updatePeriod : unsigned(updatePeriodBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)" ) ) *34 (Net uid 15462,0 decl (Decl n "memX" t "std_ulogic_vector" b "(signalBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)" o 13 suid 79,0 ) declText (MLText uid 15463,0 va (VaSet font "Verdana,8,0" ) xt "2000,43000,31700,44000" st "SIGNAL memX : std_ulogic_vector(signalBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)" ) ) *35 (Net uid 15468,0 decl (Decl n "memY" t "std_ulogic_vector" b "(signalBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)" o 14 suid 80,0 ) declText (MLText uid 15469,0 va (VaSet font "Verdana,8,0" ) xt "2000,43800,31700,44800" st "SIGNAL memY : std_ulogic_vector(signalBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)" ) ) *36 (Net uid 15574,0 decl (Decl n "testOut" t "std_ulogic_vector" b "(1 TO testOutBitNb)" o 8 suid 81,0 ) declText (MLText uid 15575,0 va (VaSet font "Verdana,8,0" ) xt "2000,34600,25000,35600" st "testOut : std_ulogic_vector(1 TO testOutBitNb)" ) ) *37 (PortIoOut uid 15582,0 shape (CompositeShape uid 15583,0 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,0,32768" ) optionalChildren [ (Pentagon uid 15584,0 sl 0 ro 270 xt "50500,-7375,52000,-6625" ) (Line uid 15585,0 sl 0 ro 270 xt "50000,-7000,50500,-7000" pts [ "50000,-7000" "50500,-7000" ] ) ] ) tg (WTG uid 15586,0 ps "PortIoTextPlaceStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 15587,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "Verdana,12,0" ) xt "53000,-7700,73900,-6300" st "testOut : (1 TO testOutBitNb)" blo "53000,-6500" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) ) *38 (HdlText uid 16006,0 optionalChildren [ *39 (EmbeddedText uid 16011,0 commentText (CommentText uid 16012,0 ps "CenterOffsetStrategy" shape (Rectangle uid 16013,0 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "65535,65535,65535" lineStyle 2 ) xt "50000,-20000,66000,-10000" ) oxt "0,0,18000,5000" text (MLText uid 16014,0 va (VaSet ) xt "50200,-19800,65500,-10200" st " --process --begin -- newPolynom <= '0'; -- for index in 1 to 2**4-1 loop -- wait until rising_edge(clock); -- end loop; -- newPolynom <= '1'; -- wait until rising_edge(clock); --end process; " tm "HdlTextMgr" wrapOption 3 visibleHeight 10000 visibleWidth 16000 ) ) ) ] shape (Rectangle uid 16007,0 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "65535,65535,32768" ) xt "50000,-21000,66000,-9000" ) oxt "0,0,8000,10000" ttg (MlTextGroup uid 16008,0 ps "CenterOffsetStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" textVec [ *40 (Text uid 16009,0 va (VaSet ) xt "50400,-9000,53000,-7800" st "eb2" blo "50400,-8000" tm "HdlTextNameMgr" ) *41 (Text uid 16010,0 va (VaSet ) xt "50400,-8000,51800,-6800" st "2" blo "50400,-7000" tm "HdlTextNumberMgr" ) ] ) ) *42 (SaComponent uid 16094,0 optionalChildren [ *43 (CptPort uid 16050,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 16051,0 ro 90 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "65250,14625,66000,15375" ) tg (CPTG uid 16052,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 16053,0 va (VaSet ) xt "67000,14400,70400,15600" st "clock" blo "67000,15400" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort decl (Decl n "clock" t "std_ulogic" o 3 suid 1,0 ) ) ) *44 (CptPort uid 16054,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 16055,0 ro 90 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "65250,625,66000,1375" ) tg (CPTG uid 16056,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 16057,0 va (VaSet ) xt "67000,400,69300,1600" st "run" blo "67000,1400" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort decl (Decl n "run" t "std_ulogic" o 2 suid 2,0 ) ) ) *45 (CptPort uid 16058,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 16059,0 ro 90 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "82000,625,82750,1375" ) tg (CPTG uid 16060,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "RightVerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 16061,0 va (VaSet ) xt "78001,400,81001,1600" st "outX" ju 2 blo "81001,1400" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort m 1 decl (Decl n "outX" t "std_ulogic" o 1 suid 3,0 ) ) ) *46 (CptPort uid 16062,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 16063,0 ro 90 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "65250,16625,66000,17375" ) tg (CPTG uid 16064,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 16065,0 va (VaSet ) xt "67000,16400,70300,17600" st "reset" blo "67000,17400" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort decl (Decl n "reset" t "std_ulogic" o 4 suid 4,0 ) ) ) *47 (CptPort uid 16066,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 16067,0 ro 90 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "82000,2625,82750,3375" ) tg (CPTG uid 16068,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "RightVerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 16069,0 va (VaSet ) xt "78001,2400,81001,3600" st "outY" ju 2 blo "81001,3400" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort m 1 decl (Decl n "outY" t "std_ulogic" o 5 suid 5,0 ) ) ) *48 (CptPort uid 16070,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 16071,0 ro 270 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "82000,6625,82750,7375" ) tg (CPTG uid 16072,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "RightVerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 16073,0 va (VaSet ) xt "75201,6400,81001,7600" st "selSinCos" ju 2 blo "81001,7400" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort decl (Decl n "selSinCos" t "std_ulogic" o 6 suid 13,0 ) ) ) *49 (CptPort uid 16074,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 16075,0 ro 90 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "65250,2625,66000,3375" ) tg (CPTG uid 16076,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 16077,0 va (VaSet ) xt "67000,2400,75300,3600" st "interpolateLin" blo "67000,3400" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort decl (Decl n "interpolateLin" t "std_ulogic" o 7 suid 2014,0 ) ) ) *50 (CptPort uid 16078,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 16079,0 ro 90 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "65250,4625,66000,5375" ) tg (CPTG uid 16080,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 16081,0 va (VaSet ) xt "67000,4400,75000,5600" st "updatePeriod" blo "67000,5400" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort decl (Decl n "updatePeriod" t "unsigned" b "(updatePeriodBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)" o 8 suid 2015,0 ) ) ) *51 (CptPort uid 16082,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 16083,0 ro 90 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "65250,8625,66000,9375" ) tg (CPTG uid 16084,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 16085,0 va (VaSet ) xt "67000,8400,70800,9600" st "memX" blo "67000,9400" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort decl (Decl n "memX" t "std_ulogic_vector" b "(signalBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)" o 9 suid 2016,0 ) ) ) *52 (CptPort uid 16086,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 16087,0 ro 90 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "65250,10625,66000,11375" ) tg (CPTG uid 16088,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 16089,0 va (VaSet ) xt "67000,10400,70800,11600" st "memY" blo "67000,11400" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort decl (Decl n "memY" t "std_ulogic_vector" b "(signalBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)" o 10 suid 2018,0 ) ) ) *53 (CptPort uid 16090,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 16091,0 ro 270 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "65250,6625,66000,7375" ) tg (CPTG uid 16092,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 16093,0 va (VaSet ) xt "67000,6400,74600,7600" st "newPolynom" blo "67000,7400" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort m 1 decl (Decl n "newPolynom" t "std_ulogic" o 11 suid 2019,0 ) ) ) ] shape (Rectangle uid 16095,0 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" bg "0,65535,0" lineColor "0,32896,0" lineWidth 2 ) xt "66000,-3000,82000,19000" ) oxt "42000,9000,58000,31000" ttg (MlTextGroup uid 16096,0 ps "CenterOffsetStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" textVec [ *54 (Text uid 16097,0 va (VaSet font "Verdana,9,1" ) xt "66600,18800,71000,20000" st "Beamer" blo "66600,19800" tm "BdLibraryNameMgr" ) *55 (Text uid 16098,0 va (VaSet font "Verdana,9,1" ) xt "66600,20000,79800,21200" st "beamerPeriphOperator" blo "66600,21000" tm "CptNameMgr" ) *56 (Text uid 16099,0 va (VaSet font "Verdana,9,1" ) xt "66600,21200,68300,22400" st "I1" blo "66600,22200" tm "InstanceNameMgr" ) ] ) ga (GenericAssociation uid 16100,0 ps "EdgeToEdgeStrategy" matrix (Matrix uid 16101,0 text (MLText uid 16102,0 va (VaSet font "Verdana,8,0" ) xt "66000,22600,90400,24600" st "updatePeriodBitNb = updatePeriodBitNb ( positive ) signalBitNb = signalBitNb ( positive ) " ) header "" ) elements [ (GiElement name "updatePeriodBitNb" type "positive" value "updatePeriodBitNb" ) (GiElement name "signalBitNb" type "positive" value "signalBitNb" ) ] ) ordering 1 portVis (PortSigDisplay sTC 0 ) archFileType "UNKNOWN" ) *57 (Net uid 16103,0 decl (Decl n "newPolynom" t "std_ulogic" o 15 suid 83,0 ) declText (MLText uid 16104,0 va (VaSet font "Verdana,8,0" ) xt "2000,44600,18100,45600" st "SIGNAL newPolynom : std_ulogic" ) ) *58 (SaComponent uid 16456,0 optionalChildren [ *59 (CptPort uid 16412,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 16413,0 ro 90 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "33250,10625,34000,11375" ) tg (CPTG uid 16414,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 16415,0 va (VaSet ) xt "35000,10400,38400,11600" st "clock" blo "35000,11400" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort decl (Decl n "clock" t "std_ulogic" o 2 suid 1,0 ) ) ) *60 (CptPort uid 16416,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 16417,0 ro 90 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "33250,625,34000,1375" ) tg (CPTG uid 16418,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 16419,0 va (VaSet ) xt "35000,400,37800,1600" st "apbi" blo "35000,1400" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort decl (Decl n "apbi" t "apb_slv_in_type" o 1 suid 2,0 ) ) ) *61 (CptPort uid 16420,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 16421,0 ro 270 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "33250,2625,34000,3375" ) tg (CPTG uid 16422,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 16423,0 va (VaSet ) xt "35000,2400,38100,3600" st "apbo" blo "35000,3400" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort m 1 decl (Decl n "apbo" t "apb_slv_out_type" o 3 suid 11,0 ) ) ) *62 (CptPort uid 16424,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 16425,0 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "41625,-3750,42375,-3000" ) tg (CPTG uid 16426,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 16427,0 va (VaSet ) xt "40000,-2000,44600,-800" st "testOut" blo "40000,-1000" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort m 1 decl (Decl n "testOut" t "std_ulogic_vector" b "(1 TO testOutBitNb)" o 4 suid 12,0 ) ) ) *63 (CptPort uid 16428,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 16429,0 ro 90 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "50000,625,50750,1375" ) tg (CPTG uid 16430,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "RightVerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 16431,0 va (VaSet ) xt "46700,400,49000,1600" st "run" ju 2 blo "49000,1400" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort m 1 decl (Decl n "run" t "std_ulogic" o 7 suid 2014,0 ) ) ) *64 (CptPort uid 16432,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 16433,0 ro 90 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "50000,4625,50750,5375" ) tg (CPTG uid 16434,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "RightVerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 16435,0 va (VaSet ) xt "41000,4400,49000,5600" st "updatePeriod" ju 2 blo "49000,5400" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort m 1 decl (Decl n "updatePeriod" t "unsigned" b "(updatePeriodBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)" o 8 suid 2015,0 ) ) ) *65 (CptPort uid 16436,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 16437,0 ro 90 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "50000,8625,50750,9375" ) tg (CPTG uid 16438,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "RightVerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 16439,0 va (VaSet ) xt "45200,8400,49000,9600" st "memX" ju 2 blo "49000,9400" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort m 1 decl (Decl n "memX" t "std_ulogic_vector" b "(signalBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)" o 5 suid 2016,0 ) ) ) *66 (CptPort uid 16440,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 16441,0 ro 90 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "50000,10625,50750,11375" ) tg (CPTG uid 16442,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "RightVerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 16443,0 va (VaSet ) xt "45200,10400,49000,11600" st "memY" ju 2 blo "49000,11400" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort m 1 decl (Decl n "memY" t "std_ulogic_vector" b "(signalBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)" o 6 suid 2017,0 ) ) ) *67 (CptPort uid 16444,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 16445,0 ro 90 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "50000,2625,50750,3375" ) tg (CPTG uid 16446,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "RightVerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 16447,0 va (VaSet ) xt "40700,2400,49000,3600" st "interpolateLin" ju 2 blo "49000,3400" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort m 1 decl (Decl n "interpolateLin" t "std_ulogic" o 9 suid 2018,0 ) ) ) *68 (CptPort uid 16448,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 16449,0 ro 90 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "33250,12625,34000,13375" ) tg (CPTG uid 16450,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 16451,0 va (VaSet ) xt "35000,12400,38300,13600" st "reset" blo "35000,13400" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort decl (Decl n "reset" t "std_ulogic" o 10 suid 2021,0 ) ) ) *69 (CptPort uid 16452,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 16453,0 ro 270 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "50000,6625,50750,7375" ) tg (CPTG uid 16454,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "RightVerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 16455,0 va (VaSet ) xt "41400,6400,49000,7600" st "newPolynom" ju 2 blo "49000,7400" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort decl (Decl n "newPolynom" t "std_ulogic" o 11 suid 2022,0 ) ) ) ] shape (Rectangle uid 16457,0 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" bg "0,65535,0" lineColor "0,32896,0" lineWidth 2 ) xt "34000,-3000,50000,15000" ) oxt "36000,12000,52000,30000" ttg (MlTextGroup uid 16458,0 ps "CenterOffsetStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" textVec [ *70 (Text uid 16459,0 va (VaSet font "Verdana,9,1" ) xt "34600,14800,39000,16000" st "Beamer" blo "34600,15800" tm "BdLibraryNameMgr" ) *71 (Text uid 16460,0 va (VaSet font "Verdana,9,1" ) xt "34600,16000,48000,17200" st "beamerPeriphRegisters" blo "34600,17000" tm "CptNameMgr" ) *72 (Text uid 16461,0 va (VaSet font "Verdana,9,1" ) xt "34600,17200,36300,18400" st "I0" blo "34600,18200" tm "InstanceNameMgr" ) ] ) ga (GenericAssociation uid 16462,0 ps "EdgeToEdgeStrategy" matrix (Matrix uid 16463,0 text (MLText uid 16464,0 va (VaSet font "Verdana,8,0" ) xt "34000,18600,59800,25600" st "pindex = pindex ( natural ) paddr = paddr ( positive ) pmask = pmask ( positive ) updatePeriodBitNb = updatePeriodBitNb ( positive ) signalBitNb = signalBitNb ( positive ) patternAddressBitNb = patternAddressBitNb ( positive ) testOutBitNb = testOutBitNb ( positive ) " ) header "" ) elements [ (GiElement name "pindex" type "natural" value "pindex" ) (GiElement name "paddr" type "positive" value "paddr" ) (GiElement name "pmask" type "positive" value "pmask" ) (GiElement name "updatePeriodBitNb" type "positive" value "updatePeriodBitNb" ) (GiElement name "signalBitNb" type "positive" value "signalBitNb" ) (GiElement name "patternAddressBitNb" type "positive" value "patternAddressBitNb" ) (GiElement name "testOutBitNb" type "positive" value "testOutBitNb" ) ] ) ordering 1 portVis (PortSigDisplay sTC 0 ) archFileType "UNKNOWN" ) *73 (Wire uid 115,0 shape (OrthoPolyLine uid 116,0 va (VaSet vasetType 3 ) xt "82750,1000,90000,1000" pts [ "82750,1000" "90000,1000" ] ) start &45 end &12 sat 32 eat 32 stc 0 st 0 sf 1 si 0 tg (WTG uid 119,0 ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 120,0 va (VaSet font "Verdana,12,0" ) xt "87000,-400,90700,1000" st "outX" blo "87000,800" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) on &13 ) *74 (Wire uid 129,0 shape (OrthoPolyLine uid 130,0 va (VaSet vasetType 3 ) xt "82750,3000,90000,3000" pts [ "82750,3000" "90000,3000" ] ) start &47 end &14 sat 32 eat 32 stc 0 st 0 sf 1 si 0 tg (WTG uid 133,0 ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 134,0 va (VaSet font "Verdana,12,0" ) xt "87000,1600,90600,3000" st "outY" blo "87000,2800" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) on &15 ) *75 (Wire uid 5086,0 shape (OrthoPolyLine uid 5087,0 va (VaSet vasetType 3 ) xt "82750,7000,90000,7000" pts [ "90000,7000" "82750,7000" ] ) start &16 end &48 sat 32 eat 32 stc 0 st 0 sf 1 si 0 tg (WTG uid 5090,0 ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 5091,0 va (VaSet font "Verdana,12,0" ) xt "85000,5600,91900,7000" st "selSinCos" blo "85000,6800" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) on &17 ) *76 (Wire uid 13134,0 shape (OrthoPolyLine uid 13135,0 va (VaSet vasetType 3 lineWidth 2 ) xt "18000,1000,33250,1000" pts [ "18000,1000" "33250,1000" ] ) start &18 end &60 sat 32 eat 32 sty 1 stc 0 st 0 sf 1 si 0 tg (WTG uid 13138,0 ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 13139,0 va (VaSet font "Verdana,12,0" ) xt "18000,-400,21500,1000" st "apbi" blo "18000,800" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) on &19 ) *77 (Wire uid 13379,0 shape (OrthoPolyLine uid 13380,0 va (VaSet vasetType 3 ) xt "18000,3000,33250,3000" pts [ "33250,3000" "18000,3000" ] ) start &61 end &20 sat 32 eat 32 stc 0 st 0 sf 1 si 0 tg (WTG uid 13383,0 ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 13384,0 va (VaSet font "Verdana,12,0" ) xt "18000,1600,22000,3000" st "apbo" blo "18000,2800" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) on &21 ) *78 (Wire uid 13628,0 shape (OrthoPolyLine uid 13629,0 va (VaSet vasetType 3 ) xt "10000,15000,18000,15000" pts [ "10000,15000" "18000,15000" ] ) start &22 end &26 sat 32 eat 1 stc 0 st 0 sf 1 si 0 tg (WTG uid 13632,0 ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 13633,0 va (VaSet font "Verdana,12,0" ) xt "10000,13600,15700,15000" st "reset_n" blo "10000,14800" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) on &23 ) *79 (Wire uid 14878,0 shape (OrthoPolyLine uid 14879,0 va (VaSet vasetType 3 ) xt "18000,11000,33250,11000" pts [ "33250,11000" "18000,11000" ] ) start &59 end &25 sat 32 eat 32 stc 0 st 0 sf 1 si 0 tg (WTG uid 14882,0 ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 14883,0 va (VaSet font "Verdana,12,0" ) xt "18000,9600,21800,11000" st "clock" blo "18000,10800" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) on &24 ) *80 (Wire uid 14976,0 shape (OrthoPolyLine uid 14977,0 va (VaSet vasetType 3 ) xt "26000,13000,33250,15000" pts [ "33250,13000" "30000,13000" "30000,15000" "26000,15000" ] ) start &68 end &26 sat 32 eat 2 stc 0 st 0 sf 1 si 0 tg (WTG uid 14980,0 ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 14981,0 va (VaSet font "Verdana,12,0" ) xt "29000,11600,33100,13000" st "reset" blo "29000,12800" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) on &30 ) *81 (Wire uid 15203,0 shape (OrthoPolyLine uid 15204,0 va (VaSet vasetType 3 ) xt "50750,1000,65250,1000" pts [ "50750,1000" "65250,1000" ] ) start &63 end &44 sat 32 eat 32 stc 0 st 0 sf 1 si 0 tg (WTG uid 15205,0 ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 15206,0 va (VaSet font "Verdana,12,0" ) xt "52750,-400,55650,1000" st "run" blo "52750,800" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) on &31 ) *82 (Wire uid 15209,0 shape (OrthoPolyLine uid 15210,0 va (VaSet vasetType 3 ) xt "50750,3000,65250,3000" pts [ "50750,3000" "65250,3000" ] ) start &67 end &49 sat 32 eat 32 stc 0 st 0 sf 1 si 0 tg (WTG uid 15211,0 ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 15212,0 va (VaSet font "Verdana,12,0" ) xt "52750,1600,63050,3000" st "interpolateLin" blo "52750,2800" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) on &32 ) *83 (Wire uid 15215,0 shape (OrthoPolyLine uid 15216,0 va (VaSet vasetType 3 lineWidth 2 ) xt "50750,5000,65250,5000" pts [ "50750,5000" "65250,5000" ] ) start &64 end &50 sat 32 eat 32 sty 1 stc 0 st 0 sf 1 si 0 tg (WTG uid 15217,0 ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 15218,0 va (VaSet font "Verdana,12,0" ) xt "52750,3600,62850,5000" st "updatePeriod" blo "52750,4800" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) on &33 ) *84 (Wire uid 15464,0 shape (OrthoPolyLine uid 15465,0 va (VaSet vasetType 3 lineWidth 2 ) xt "50750,9000,65250,9000" pts [ "50750,9000" "65250,9000" ] ) start &65 end &51 sat 32 eat 32 sty 1 stc 0 st 0 sf 1 si 0 tg (WTG uid 15466,0 ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 15467,0 va (VaSet font "Verdana,12,0" ) xt "52750,7600,57350,9000" st "memX" blo "52750,8800" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) on &34 ) *85 (Wire uid 15470,0 shape (OrthoPolyLine uid 15471,0 va (VaSet vasetType 3 lineWidth 2 ) xt "50750,11000,65250,11000" pts [ "50750,11000" "65250,11000" ] ) start &66 end &52 sat 32 eat 32 sty 1 stc 0 st 0 sf 1 si 0 tg (WTG uid 15472,0 ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 15473,0 va (VaSet font "Verdana,12,0" ) xt "52750,9600,57250,11000" st "memY" blo "52750,10800" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) on &35 ) *86 (Wire uid 15527,0 shape (OrthoPolyLine uid 15528,0 va (VaSet vasetType 3 ) xt "62000,15000,65250,15000" pts [ "65250,15000" "62000,15000" ] ) start &43 sat 32 eat 16 stc 0 st 0 sf 1 si 0 tg (WTG uid 15533,0 ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 15534,0 va (VaSet font "Verdana,12,0" ) xt "61000,13600,64800,15000" st "clock" blo "61000,14800" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) on &24 ) *87 (Wire uid 15535,0 shape (OrthoPolyLine uid 15536,0 va (VaSet vasetType 3 ) xt "62000,17000,65250,17000" pts [ "65250,17000" "62000,17000" ] ) start &46 sat 32 eat 16 stc 0 st 0 sf 1 si 0 tg (WTG uid 15541,0 ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 15542,0 va (VaSet font "Verdana,12,0" ) xt "61000,15600,65100,17000" st "reset" blo "61000,16800" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) on &30 ) *88 (Wire uid 15576,0 shape (OrthoPolyLine uid 15577,0 va (VaSet vasetType 3 lineWidth 2 ) xt "42000,-7000,50000,-3750" pts [ "42000,-3750" "42000,-7000" "50000,-7000" ] ) start &62 end &37 sat 32 eat 32 sty 1 stc 0 st 0 sf 1 si 0 tg (WTG uid 15580,0 ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 15581,0 va (VaSet font "Verdana,12,0" ) xt "45000,-8400,50600,-7000" st "testOut" blo "45000,-7200" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) on &36 ) *89 (Wire uid 16105,0 shape (OrthoPolyLine uid 16106,0 va (VaSet vasetType 3 ) xt "50750,7000,65250,7000" pts [ "50750,7000" "65250,7000" ] ) start &69 end &53 sat 32 eat 32 stc 0 st 0 sf 1 si 0 tg (WTG uid 16107,0 ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 16108,0 va (VaSet font "Verdana,12,0" ) xt "52750,5600,62350,7000" st "newPolynom" blo "52750,6800" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) on &57 ) ] bg "65535,65535,65535" grid (Grid origin "0,0" isVisible 0 isActive 1 xSpacing 1000 xySpacing 1000 xShown 1 yShown 1 color "26368,26368,26368" ) packageList *90 (PackageList uid 42,0 stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" textVec [ *91 (Text uid 43,0 va (VaSet font "Verdana,8,1" ) xt "0,-25000,6900,-24000" st "Package List" blo "0,-24200" ) *92 (MLText uid 44,0 va (VaSet ) xt "0,-24000,17500,-20400" st "LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; USE ieee.numeric_std.ALL;" tm "PackageList" ) ] ) compDirBlock (MlTextGroup uid 45,0 stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" textVec [ *93 (Text uid 46,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "Verdana,8,1" ) xt "20000,0,30200,1000" st "Compiler Directives" blo "20000,800" ) *94 (Text uid 47,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "Verdana,8,1" ) xt "20000,1000,32200,2000" st "Pre-module directives:" blo "20000,1800" ) *95 (MLText uid 48,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 ) xt "20000,2000,32100,4400" st "`resetall `timescale 1ns/10ps" tm "BdCompilerDirectivesTextMgr" ) *96 (Text uid 49,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "Verdana,8,1" ) xt "20000,4000,32800,5000" st "Post-module directives:" blo "20000,4800" ) *97 (MLText uid 50,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 ) xt "20000,0,20000,0" tm "BdCompilerDirectivesTextMgr" ) *98 (Text uid 51,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "Verdana,8,1" ) xt "20000,5000,32400,6000" st "End-module directives:" blo "20000,5800" ) *99 (MLText uid 52,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 ) xt "20000,6000,20000,6000" tm "BdCompilerDirectivesTextMgr" ) ] associable 1 ) windowSize "-8,-8,1928,1048" viewArea "-1605,-26645,141185,50936" cachedDiagramExtent "0,-25000,109000,49000" pageSetupInfo (PageSetupInfo ptrCmd "HP LaserJet P3005 PCL 6 (A303),winspool," fileName "\\\\EIV\\a309_hplj4050.electro.eiv" toPrinter 1 xMargin 48 yMargin 48 paperWidth 761 paperHeight 1077 windowsPaperWidth 761 windowsPaperHeight 1077 paperType "A4" windowsPaperName "A4" windowsPaperType 9 scale 67 exportedDirectories [ "$HDS_PROJECT_DIR/HTMLExport" ] boundaryWidth 0 ) hasePageBreakOrigin 1 pageBreakOrigin "0,-25000" lastUid 16557,0 defaultCommentText (CommentText shape (Rectangle layer 0 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "65535,65535,65535" lineStyle 2 ) xt "0,0,15000,5000" ) text (MLText va (VaSet fg "65535,0,0" ) xt "200,200,3200,1400" st " Text " tm "CommentText" wrapOption 3 visibleHeight 4600 visibleWidth 14600 ) ) defaultRequirementText (RequirementText shape (ZoomableIcon layer 0 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "59904,39936,65280" lineColor "0,0,32768" ) xt "0,0,1500,1750" iconName "reqTracerRequirement.bmp" iconMaskName "reqTracerRequirement.msk" ) autoResize 1 text (MLText va (VaSet fg "0,0,32768" font "Verdana,8,0" ) xt "450,2150,1450,3150" st " Text " tm "RequirementText" wrapOption 3 visibleHeight 1350 visibleWidth 1100 ) ) defaultPanel (Panel shape (RectFrame va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg 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"CenterOffsetStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" textVec [ *103 (Text va (VaSet ) xt "1000,3500,3300,4500" st "Library" blo "1000,4300" ) *104 (Text va (VaSet ) xt "1000,4500,7000,5500" st "MWComponent" blo "1000,5300" ) *105 (Text va (VaSet ) xt "1000,5500,1600,6500" st "I0" blo "1000,6300" tm "InstanceNameMgr" ) ] ) ga (GenericAssociation ps "EdgeToEdgeStrategy" matrix (Matrix text (MLText va (VaSet isHidden 1 ) xt "-6000,1500,-6000,1500" ) header "" ) elements [ ] ) prms (Property pclass "params" pname "params" ptn "String" ) visOptions (mwParamsVisibilityOptions ) ) defaultSaComponent (SaComponent shape (Rectangle va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "0,0,8000,10000" ) ttg (MlTextGroup ps "CenterOffsetStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" textVec [ *106 (Text va (VaSet ) xt "1250,3500,3550,4500" st "Library" blo "1250,4300" tm "BdLibraryNameMgr" ) *107 (Text va (VaSet ) xt "1250,4500,6750,5500" st "SaComponent" blo "1250,5300" tm "CptNameMgr" ) *108 (Text va (VaSet ) xt "1250,5500,1850,6500" st "I0" blo "1250,6300" tm "InstanceNameMgr" ) ] ) ga (GenericAssociation ps "EdgeToEdgeStrategy" matrix (Matrix text (MLText va (VaSet isHidden 1 ) xt "-5750,1500,-5750,1500" ) header "" ) elements [ ] ) archFileType "UNKNOWN" ) defaultVhdlComponent (VhdlComponent shape (Rectangle va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "0,0,8000,10000" ) ttg (MlTextGroup ps "CenterOffsetStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" textVec [ *109 (Text va (VaSet ) xt "950,3500,3250,4500" st "Library" blo "950,4300" ) *110 (Text va (VaSet ) xt "950,4500,7050,5500" st "VhdlComponent" blo "950,5300" ) *111 (Text va (VaSet ) xt "950,5500,1550,6500" st "I0" blo "950,6300" tm "InstanceNameMgr" ) ] ) ga (GenericAssociation ps "EdgeToEdgeStrategy" matrix (Matrix text (MLText va (VaSet isHidden 1 ) xt "-6050,1500,-6050,1500" ) header "" ) elements [ ] ) entityPath "" archName "" archPath "" ) defaultVerilogComponent (VerilogComponent shape (Rectangle va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "-50,0,8050,10000" ) ttg (MlTextGroup ps "CenterOffsetStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" textVec [ *112 (Text va (VaSet ) xt "450,3500,2750,4500" st "Library" blo "450,4300" ) *113 (Text va (VaSet ) xt "450,4500,7550,5500" st "VerilogComponent" blo "450,5300" ) *114 (Text va (VaSet ) xt "450,5500,1050,6500" st "I0" blo "450,6300" tm "InstanceNameMgr" ) ] ) ga (GenericAssociation ps "EdgeToEdgeStrategy" matrix (Matrix text (MLText va (VaSet isHidden 1 ) xt "-6550,1500,-6550,1500" ) header "" ) elements [ ] ) entityPath "" ) defaultHdlText (HdlText shape (Rectangle va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "65535,65535,32768" ) xt "0,0,8000,10000" ) ttg (MlTextGroup ps "CenterOffsetStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" textVec [ *115 (Text va (VaSet ) xt "3400,4000,4600,5000" st "eb1" blo "3400,4800" tm "HdlTextNameMgr" ) *116 (Text va (VaSet ) xt "3400,5000,3800,6000" st "1" blo "3400,5800" tm "HdlTextNumberMgr" ) ] ) ) defaultEmbeddedText (EmbeddedText commentText (CommentText ps "CenterOffsetStrategy" shape (Rectangle va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "65535,65535,65535" lineStyle 2 ) xt "0,0,18000,5000" ) text (MLText va (VaSet ) xt "200,200,3200,1400" st " Text " tm "HdlTextMgr" wrapOption 3 visibleHeight 4600 visibleWidth 17600 ) ) ) defaultGlobalConnector (GlobalConnector shape (Circle va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "65535,65535,0" ) xt "-1000,-1000,1000,1000" radius 1000 ) name (Text va (VaSet ) xt "-300,-500,300,500" st "G" blo "-300,300" ) ) defaultRipper (Ripper ps "OnConnectorStrategy" shape (Line2D pts [ "0,0" "1000,1000" ] va (VaSet vasetType 1 ) xt "0,0,1000,1000" ) ) defaultBdJunction (BdJunction ps "OnConnectorStrategy" shape (Circle va (VaSet vasetType 1 ) xt "-400,-400,400,400" radius 400 ) ) defaultPortIoIn (PortIoIn shape (CompositeShape va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,0,32768" ) optionalChildren [ (Pentagon sl 0 ro 270 xt "-2000,-375,-500,375" ) (Line sl 0 ro 270 xt "-500,0,0,0" pts [ "-500,0" "0,0" ] ) ] ) tg (WTG ps "PortIoTextPlaceStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "Verdana,12,0" ) xt "-1375,-1000,-1375,-1000" ju 2 blo "-1375,-1000" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) ) defaultPortIoOut (PortIoOut shape (CompositeShape va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,0,32768" ) optionalChildren [ (Pentagon sl 0 ro 270 xt "500,-375,2000,375" ) (Line sl 0 ro 270 xt "0,0,500,0" pts [ "0,0" "500,0" ] ) ] ) tg (WTG ps "PortIoTextPlaceStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "Verdana,12,0" ) xt "625,-1000,625,-1000" blo "625,-1000" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) ) defaultPortIoInOut (PortIoInOut shape (CompositeShape va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,0,32768" ) optionalChildren [ (Hexagon sl 0 xt "500,-375,2000,375" ) (Line sl 0 xt "0,0,500,0" pts [ "0,0" "500,0" ] ) ] ) tg (WTG ps "PortIoTextPlaceStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "Verdana,12,0" ) xt "0,-375,0,-375" blo "0,-375" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) ) defaultPortIoBuffer (PortIoBuffer shape (CompositeShape va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "65535,65535,65535" lineColor "0,0,32768" ) optionalChildren [ (Hexagon sl 0 xt "500,-375,2000,375" ) (Line sl 0 xt "0,0,500,0" pts [ "0,0" "500,0" ] ) ] ) tg (WTG ps "PortIoTextPlaceStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "Verdana,12,0" ) xt "0,-375,0,-375" blo "0,-375" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) ) defaultSignal (Wire shape (OrthoPolyLine va (VaSet vasetType 3 ) pts [ "0,0" "0,0" ] ) ss 0 es 0 sat 32 eat 32 stc 0 st 0 sf 1 si 0 tg (WTG ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text va (VaSet font "Verdana,12,0" ) xt "0,0,2600,1400" st "sig0" blo "0,1200" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) ) defaultBus (Wire shape (OrthoPolyLine va (VaSet vasetType 3 lineWidth 2 ) pts [ "0,0" "0,0" ] ) ss 0 es 0 sat 32 eat 32 sty 1 stc 0 st 0 sf 1 si 0 tg (WTG ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text va (VaSet font "Verdana,12,0" ) xt "0,0,3900,1400" st "dbus0" blo "0,1200" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) ) defaultBundle (Bundle shape (OrthoPolyLine va (VaSet vasetType 3 lineStyle 3 lineWidth 1 ) pts [ "0,0" "0,0" ] ) ss 0 es 0 sat 32 eat 32 textGroup (BiTextGroup ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" first (Text va (VaSet ) xt "0,0,2600,1000" st "bundle0" blo "0,800" tm "BundleNameMgr" ) second (MLText va (VaSet ) xt "0,1000,1500,2200" st "()" tm "BundleContentsMgr" ) ) bundleNet &0 ) defaultPortMapFrame (PortMapFrame ps "PortMapFrameStrategy" shape (RectFrame va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "65535,65535,65535" lineColor "0,0,50000" lineWidth 2 ) xt "0,0,10000,12000" ) portMapText (BiTextGroup ps "BottomRightOffsetStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" first (MLText va (VaSet ) xt "0,0,5000,1200" st "Auto list" ) second (MLText va (VaSet ) xt "0,1000,9600,2200" st "User defined list" tm "PortMapTextMgr" ) ) ) defaultGenFrame (Frame shape (RectFrame va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "65535,65535,65535" lineColor "28160,28160,28160" lineStyle 2 lineWidth 3 ) xt "0,0,20000,20000" ) title (TextAssociate ps "TopLeftStrategy" text (MLText va (VaSet ) xt "0,-1100,18500,100" st "g0: FOR i IN 0 TO n GENERATE" tm "FrameTitleTextMgr" ) ) seqNum (FrameSequenceNumber ps "TopLeftStrategy" shape (Rectangle va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "65535,65535,65535" ) xt "50,50,1050,1450" ) num (Text va (VaSet ) xt "350,250,750,1250" st "1" blo "350,1050" tm "FrameSeqNumMgr" ) ) decls (MlTextGroup ps "BottomRightOffsetStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" textVec [ *117 (Text va (VaSet font "Verdana,8,1" ) xt "14100,20000,22000,21000" st "Frame Declarations" blo "14100,20800" ) *118 (MLText va (VaSet ) xt "14100,21000,14100,21000" tm "BdFrameDeclTextMgr" ) ] ) ) defaultBlockFrame (Frame shape (RectFrame va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "65535,65535,65535" lineColor "28160,28160,28160" lineStyle 1 lineWidth 3 ) xt "0,0,20000,20000" ) title (TextAssociate ps "TopLeftStrategy" text (MLText va (VaSet ) xt "0,-1100,11000,100" st "b0: BLOCK (guard)" tm "FrameTitleTextMgr" ) ) seqNum (FrameSequenceNumber ps "TopLeftStrategy" shape (Rectangle va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "65535,65535,65535" ) xt "50,50,1050,1450" ) num (Text va (VaSet ) xt "350,250,750,1250" st "1" blo "350,1050" tm "FrameSeqNumMgr" ) ) decls (MlTextGroup ps "BottomRightOffsetStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" textVec [ *119 (Text va (VaSet font "Verdana,8,1" ) xt "14100,20000,22000,21000" st "Frame Declarations" blo "14100,20800" ) *120 (MLText va (VaSet ) xt "14100,21000,14100,21000" tm "BdFrameDeclTextMgr" ) ] ) style 3 ) defaultSaCptPort (CptPort ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle ro 90 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "0,0,750,750" ) tg (CPTG ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text va (VaSet ) xt "0,750,1400,1750" st "Port" blo "0,1550" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort decl (Decl n "Port" t "" o 0 ) ) ) defaultSaCptPortBuffer (CptPort ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Diamond va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "65535,65535,65535" ) xt "0,0,750,750" ) tg (CPTG ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text va (VaSet ) xt "0,750,1400,1750" st "Port" blo "0,1550" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort m 3 decl (Decl n "Port" t "" o 0 ) ) ) defaultDeclText (MLText va (VaSet font "Verdana,8,0" ) ) archDeclarativeBlock (BdArchDeclBlock uid 1,0 stg "BdArchDeclBlockLS" declLabel (Text uid 2,0 va (VaSet font "Verdana,8,1" ) xt "0,27000,7000,28000" st "Declarations" blo "0,27800" ) portLabel (Text uid 3,0 va (VaSet font "Verdana,8,1" ) xt "0,28000,3400,29000" st "Ports:" blo "0,28800" ) preUserLabel (Text uid 4,0 va (VaSet font "Verdana,8,1" ) xt "0,35400,4800,36400" st "Pre User:" blo "0,36200" ) preUserText (MLText uid 5,0 va (VaSet font "Verdana,8,0" ) xt "2000,36400,23000,39400" st "constant signalBitNb: positive := 16; constant updatePeriodBitNb : positive := 16; constant patternAddressBitNb : positive := 10;" tm "BdDeclarativeTextMgr" ) diagSignalLabel (Text uid 6,0 va (VaSet font "Verdana,8,1" ) xt "0,38800,9000,39800" st "Diagram Signals:" blo "0,39600" ) postUserLabel (Text uid 7,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "Verdana,8,1" ) xt "0,27000,6000,28000" st "Post User:" blo "0,27800" ) postUserText (MLText uid 8,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "Verdana,8,0" ) xt "0,27000,0,27000" tm "BdDeclarativeTextMgr" ) ) commonDM (CommonDM ldm (LogicalDM ordering 1 suid 83,0 usingSuid 1 emptyRow *121 (LEmptyRow ) uid 10774,0 optionalChildren [ *122 (RefLabelRowHdr ) *123 (TitleRowHdr ) *124 (FilterRowHdr ) *125 (RefLabelColHdr tm "RefLabelColHdrMgr" ) *126 (RowExpandColHdr tm "RowExpandColHdrMgr" ) *127 (GroupColHdr tm "GroupColHdrMgr" ) *128 (NameColHdr tm "BlockDiagramNameColHdrMgr" ) *129 (ModeColHdr tm "BlockDiagramModeColHdrMgr" ) *130 (TypeColHdr tm "BlockDiagramTypeColHdrMgr" ) *131 (BoundsColHdr tm "BlockDiagramBoundsColHdrMgr" ) *132 (InitColHdr tm "BlockDiagramInitColHdrMgr" ) *133 (EolColHdr tm "BlockDiagramEolColHdrMgr" ) *134 (LeafLogPort port (LogicalPort m 1 decl (Decl n "outX" t "std_ulogic" o 1 suid 4,0 ) ) uid 10639,0 ) *135 (LeafLogPort port (LogicalPort m 1 decl (Decl n "outY" t "std_ulogic" o 4 suid 5,0 ) ) uid 10641,0 ) *136 (LeafLogPort port (LogicalPort decl (Decl n "selSinCos" t "std_ulogic" o 6 suid 62,0 ) ) uid 10755,0 ) *137 (LeafLogPort port (LogicalPort decl (Decl n "apbi" t "apb_slv_in_type" o 2 suid 71,0 ) ) uid 13127,0 ) *138 (LeafLogPort port (LogicalPort m 1 decl (Decl n "apbo" t "apb_slv_out_type" o 5 suid 72,0 ) ) uid 13372,0 ) *139 (LeafLogPort port (LogicalPort decl (Decl n "reset_n" t "std_ulogic" o 3 suid 73,0 ) ) uid 13621,0 ) *140 (LeafLogPort port (LogicalPort decl (Decl n "clock" t "std_ulogic" o 7 suid 74,0 ) ) uid 14914,0 ) *141 (LeafLogPort port (LogicalPort m 4 decl (Decl n "reset" t "std_ulogic" o 9 suid 75,0 ) ) uid 14982,0 ) *142 (LeafLogPort port (LogicalPort m 4 decl (Decl n "run" t "std_ulogic" o 10 suid 76,0 ) ) uid 15219,0 ) *143 (LeafLogPort port (LogicalPort m 4 decl (Decl n "interpolateLin" t "std_ulogic" o 11 suid 77,0 ) ) uid 15221,0 ) *144 (LeafLogPort port (LogicalPort m 4 decl (Decl n "updatePeriod" t "unsigned" b "(updatePeriodBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)" o 12 suid 78,0 ) ) uid 15223,0 ) *145 (LeafLogPort port (LogicalPort m 4 decl (Decl n "memX" t "std_ulogic_vector" b "(signalBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)" o 13 suid 79,0 ) ) uid 15474,0 ) *146 (LeafLogPort port (LogicalPort m 4 decl (Decl n "memY" t "std_ulogic_vector" b "(signalBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)" o 14 suid 80,0 ) ) uid 15476,0 ) *147 (LeafLogPort port (LogicalPort m 1 decl (Decl n "testOut" t "std_ulogic_vector" b "(1 TO testOutBitNb)" o 8 suid 81,0 ) ) uid 15588,0 ) *148 (LeafLogPort port (LogicalPort m 4 decl (Decl n "newPolynom" t "std_ulogic" o 15 suid 83,0 ) ) uid 16109,0 ) ] ) pdm (PhysicalDM displayShortBounds 1 editShortBounds 1 uid 10787,0 optionalChildren [ *149 (Sheet sheetRow (SheetRow headerVa (MVa cellColor "49152,49152,49152" fontColor "0,0,0" font "Tahoma,10,0" ) cellVa (MVa cellColor "65535,65535,65535" fontColor "0,0,0" font "Tahoma,10,0" ) groupVa (MVa cellColor "39936,56832,65280" fontColor "0,0,0" font "Tahoma,10,0" ) emptyMRCItem *150 (MRCItem litem &121 pos 15 dimension 20 ) uid 10789,0 optionalChildren [ *151 (MRCItem litem &122 pos 0 dimension 20 uid 10790,0 ) *152 (MRCItem litem &123 pos 1 dimension 23 uid 10791,0 ) *153 (MRCItem litem &124 pos 2 hidden 1 dimension 20 uid 10792,0 ) *154 (MRCItem litem &134 pos 1 dimension 20 uid 10640,0 ) *155 (MRCItem litem &135 pos 2 dimension 20 uid 10642,0 ) *156 (MRCItem litem &136 pos 5 dimension 20 uid 10756,0 ) *157 (MRCItem litem &137 pos 0 dimension 20 uid 13126,0 ) *158 (MRCItem litem &138 pos 4 dimension 20 uid 13371,0 ) *159 (MRCItem litem &139 pos 3 dimension 20 uid 13620,0 ) *160 (MRCItem litem &140 pos 6 dimension 20 uid 14915,0 ) *161 (MRCItem litem &141 pos 8 dimension 20 uid 14983,0 ) *162 (MRCItem litem &142 pos 9 dimension 20 uid 15220,0 ) *163 (MRCItem litem &143 pos 10 dimension 20 uid 15222,0 ) *164 (MRCItem litem &144 pos 11 dimension 20 uid 15224,0 ) *165 (MRCItem litem &145 pos 12 dimension 20 uid 15475,0 ) *166 (MRCItem litem &146 pos 13 dimension 20 uid 15477,0 ) *167 (MRCItem litem &147 pos 7 dimension 20 uid 15589,0 ) *168 (MRCItem litem &148 pos 14 dimension 20 uid 16110,0 ) ] ) sheetCol (SheetCol propVa (MVa cellColor "0,49152,49152" fontColor "0,0,0" font "Tahoma,10,0" textAngle 90 ) uid 10793,0 optionalChildren [ *169 (MRCItem litem &125 pos 0 dimension 20 uid 10794,0 ) *170 (MRCItem litem &127 pos 1 dimension 50 uid 10795,0 ) *171 (MRCItem litem &128 pos 2 dimension 100 uid 10796,0 ) *172 (MRCItem litem &129 pos 3 dimension 50 uid 10797,0 ) *173 (MRCItem litem &130 pos 4 dimension 100 uid 10798,0 ) *174 (MRCItem litem &131 pos 5 dimension 100 uid 10799,0 ) *175 (MRCItem litem &132 pos 6 dimension 50 uid 10800,0 ) *176 (MRCItem litem &133 pos 7 dimension 80 uid 10801,0 ) ] ) fixedCol 4 fixedRow 2 name "Ports" uid 10788,0 vaOverrides [ ] ) ] ) uid 10773,0 ) genericsCommonDM (CommonDM ldm (LogicalDM emptyRow *177 (LEmptyRow ) uid 10803,0 optionalChildren [ *178 (RefLabelRowHdr ) *179 (TitleRowHdr ) *180 (FilterRowHdr ) *181 (RefLabelColHdr tm "RefLabelColHdrMgr" ) *182 (RowExpandColHdr tm "RowExpandColHdrMgr" ) *183 (GroupColHdr tm "GroupColHdrMgr" ) *184 (NameColHdr tm "GenericNameColHdrMgr" ) *185 (TypeColHdr tm "GenericTypeColHdrMgr" ) *186 (InitColHdr tm "GenericValueColHdrMgr" ) *187 (PragmaColHdr tm "GenericPragmaColHdrMgr" ) *188 (EolColHdr tm "GenericEolColHdrMgr" ) *189 (LogGeneric generic (GiElement name "testOutBitNb" type "positive" value "16" ) uid 12900,0 ) *190 (LogGeneric generic (GiElement name "pindex" type "natural" value "7" ) uid 13874,0 ) *191 (LogGeneric generic (GiElement name "paddr" type "positive" value "16#003#" ) uid 14113,0 ) *192 (LogGeneric generic (GiElement name "pmask" type "positive" value "16#FFF#" ) uid 14352,0 ) ] ) pdm (PhysicalDM uid 10815,0 optionalChildren [ *193 (Sheet sheetRow (SheetRow headerVa (MVa cellColor "49152,49152,49152" fontColor "0,0,0" font "Tahoma,10,0" ) cellVa (MVa cellColor "65535,65535,65535" fontColor "0,0,0" font "Tahoma,10,0" ) groupVa (MVa cellColor "39936,56832,65280" fontColor "0,0,0" font "Tahoma,10,0" ) emptyMRCItem *194 (MRCItem litem &177 pos 4 dimension 20 ) uid 10817,0 optionalChildren [ *195 (MRCItem litem &178 pos 0 dimension 20 uid 10818,0 ) *196 (MRCItem litem &179 pos 1 dimension 23 uid 10819,0 ) *197 (MRCItem litem &180 pos 2 hidden 1 dimension 20 uid 10820,0 ) *198 (MRCItem litem &189 pos 3 dimension 20 uid 12899,0 ) *199 (MRCItem litem &190 pos 0 dimension 20 uid 13873,0 ) *200 (MRCItem litem &191 pos 1 dimension 20 uid 14112,0 ) *201 (MRCItem litem &192 pos 2 dimension 20 uid 14351,0 ) ] ) sheetCol (SheetCol propVa (MVa cellColor "0,49152,49152" fontColor "0,0,0" font "Tahoma,10,0" textAngle 90 ) uid 10821,0 optionalChildren [ *202 (MRCItem litem &181 pos 0 dimension 20 uid 10822,0 ) *203 (MRCItem litem &183 pos 1 dimension 50 uid 10823,0 ) *204 (MRCItem litem &184 pos 2 dimension 100 uid 10824,0 ) *205 (MRCItem litem &185 pos 3 dimension 100 uid 10825,0 ) *206 (MRCItem litem &186 pos 4 dimension 50 uid 10826,0 ) *207 (MRCItem litem &187 pos 5 dimension 50 uid 10827,0 ) *208 (MRCItem litem &188 pos 6 dimension 80 uid 10828,0 ) ] ) fixedCol 3 fixedRow 2 name "Ports" uid 10816,0 vaOverrides [ ] ) ] ) uid 10802,0 type 1 ) activeModelName "BlockDiag" )