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--  newPolynom <= '0';
--  for index in 1 to 2**4-1 loop
--    wait until rising_edge(clock);
--  end loop;
--  newPolynom <= '1';
--  wait until rising_edge(clock);
--end process;
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xt "50400,-9000,53000,-7800"
st "eb2"
blo "50400,-8000"
tm "HdlTextNameMgr"
*41 (Text
uid 16010,0
va (VaSet
xt "50400,-8000,51800,-6800"
st "2"
blo "50400,-7000"
tm "HdlTextNumberMgr"
*42 (SaComponent
uid 16094,0
optionalChildren [
*43 (CptPort
uid 16050,0
ps "OnEdgeStrategy"
shape (Triangle
uid 16051,0
ro 90
va (VaSet
vasetType 1
fg "0,65535,0"
xt "65250,14625,66000,15375"
tg (CPTG
uid 16052,0
ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy"
stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy"
f (Text
uid 16053,0
va (VaSet
xt "67000,14400,70400,15600"
st "clock"
blo "67000,15400"
thePort (LogicalPort
decl (Decl
n "clock"
t "std_ulogic"
o 3
suid 1,0
*44 (CptPort
uid 16054,0
ps "OnEdgeStrategy"
shape (Triangle
uid 16055,0
ro 90
va (VaSet
vasetType 1
fg "0,65535,0"
xt "65250,625,66000,1375"
tg (CPTG
uid 16056,0
ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy"
stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy"
f (Text
uid 16057,0
va (VaSet
xt "67000,400,69300,1600"
st "run"
blo "67000,1400"
thePort (LogicalPort
decl (Decl
n "run"
t "std_ulogic"
o 2
suid 2,0
*45 (CptPort
uid 16058,0
ps "OnEdgeStrategy"
shape (Triangle
uid 16059,0
ro 90
va (VaSet
vasetType 1
fg "0,65535,0"
xt "82000,625,82750,1375"
tg (CPTG
uid 16060,0
ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy"
stg "RightVerticalLayoutStrategy"
f (Text
uid 16061,0
va (VaSet
xt "78001,400,81001,1600"
st "outX"
ju 2
blo "81001,1400"
thePort (LogicalPort
m 1
decl (Decl
n "outX"
t "std_ulogic"
o 1
suid 3,0
*46 (CptPort
uid 16062,0
ps "OnEdgeStrategy"
shape (Triangle
uid 16063,0
ro 90
va (VaSet
vasetType 1
fg "0,65535,0"
xt "65250,16625,66000,17375"
tg (CPTG
uid 16064,0
ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy"
stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy"
f (Text
uid 16065,0
va (VaSet
xt "67000,16400,70300,17600"
st "reset"
blo "67000,17400"
thePort (LogicalPort
decl (Decl
n "reset"
t "std_ulogic"
o 4
suid 4,0
*47 (CptPort
uid 16066,0
ps "OnEdgeStrategy"
shape (Triangle
uid 16067,0
ro 90
va (VaSet
vasetType 1
fg "0,65535,0"
xt "82000,2625,82750,3375"
tg (CPTG
uid 16068,0
ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy"
stg "RightVerticalLayoutStrategy"
f (Text
uid 16069,0
va (VaSet
xt "78001,2400,81001,3600"
st "outY"
ju 2
blo "81001,3400"
thePort (LogicalPort
m 1
decl (Decl
n "outY"
t "std_ulogic"
o 5
suid 5,0
*48 (CptPort
uid 16070,0
ps "OnEdgeStrategy"
shape (Triangle
uid 16071,0
ro 270
va (VaSet
vasetType 1
fg "0,65535,0"
xt "82000,6625,82750,7375"
tg (CPTG
uid 16072,0
ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy"
stg "RightVerticalLayoutStrategy"
f (Text
uid 16073,0
va (VaSet
xt "75201,6400,81001,7600"
st "selSinCos"
ju 2
blo "81001,7400"
thePort (LogicalPort
decl (Decl
n "selSinCos"
t "std_ulogic"
o 6
suid 13,0
*49 (CptPort
uid 16074,0
ps "OnEdgeStrategy"
shape (Triangle
uid 16075,0
ro 90
va (VaSet
vasetType 1
fg "0,65535,0"
xt "65250,2625,66000,3375"
tg (CPTG
uid 16076,0
ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy"
stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy"
f (Text
uid 16077,0
va (VaSet
xt "67000,2400,75300,3600"
st "interpolateLin"
blo "67000,3400"
thePort (LogicalPort
decl (Decl
n "interpolateLin"
t "std_ulogic"
o 7
suid 2014,0
*50 (CptPort
uid 16078,0
ps "OnEdgeStrategy"
shape (Triangle
uid 16079,0
ro 90
va (VaSet
vasetType 1
fg "0,65535,0"
xt "65250,4625,66000,5375"
tg (CPTG
uid 16080,0
ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy"
stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy"
f (Text
uid 16081,0
va (VaSet
xt "67000,4400,75000,5600"
st "updatePeriod"
blo "67000,5400"
thePort (LogicalPort
decl (Decl
n "updatePeriod"
t "unsigned"
b "(updatePeriodBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)"
o 8
suid 2015,0
*51 (CptPort
uid 16082,0
ps "OnEdgeStrategy"
shape (Triangle
uid 16083,0
ro 90
va (VaSet
vasetType 1
fg "0,65535,0"
xt "65250,8625,66000,9375"
tg (CPTG
uid 16084,0
ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy"
stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy"
f (Text
uid 16085,0
va (VaSet
xt "67000,8400,70800,9600"
st "memX"
blo "67000,9400"
thePort (LogicalPort
decl (Decl
n "memX"
t "std_ulogic_vector"
b "(signalBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)"
o 9
suid 2016,0
*52 (CptPort
uid 16086,0
ps "OnEdgeStrategy"
shape (Triangle
uid 16087,0
ro 90
va (VaSet
vasetType 1
fg "0,65535,0"
xt "65250,10625,66000,11375"
tg (CPTG
uid 16088,0
ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy"
stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy"
f (Text
uid 16089,0
va (VaSet
xt "67000,10400,70800,11600"
st "memY"
blo "67000,11400"
thePort (LogicalPort
decl (Decl
n "memY"
t "std_ulogic_vector"
b "(signalBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)"
o 10
suid 2018,0
*53 (CptPort
uid 16090,0
ps "OnEdgeStrategy"
shape (Triangle
uid 16091,0
ro 270
va (VaSet
vasetType 1
fg "0,65535,0"
xt "65250,6625,66000,7375"
tg (CPTG
uid 16092,0
ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy"
stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy"
f (Text
uid 16093,0
va (VaSet
xt "67000,6400,74600,7600"
st "newPolynom"
blo "67000,7400"
thePort (LogicalPort
m 1
decl (Decl
n "newPolynom"
t "std_ulogic"
o 11
suid 2019,0
shape (Rectangle
uid 16095,0
va (VaSet
vasetType 1
fg "0,65535,0"
bg "0,65535,0"
lineColor "0,32896,0"
lineWidth 2
xt "66000,-3000,82000,19000"
oxt "42000,9000,58000,31000"
ttg (MlTextGroup
uid 16096,0
ps "CenterOffsetStrategy"
stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy"
textVec [
*54 (Text
uid 16097,0
va (VaSet
font "Verdana,9,1"
xt "66600,18800,71000,20000"
st "Beamer"
blo "66600,19800"
tm "BdLibraryNameMgr"
*55 (Text
uid 16098,0
va (VaSet
font "Verdana,9,1"
xt "66600,20000,79800,21200"
st "beamerPeriphOperator"
blo "66600,21000"
tm "CptNameMgr"
*56 (Text
uid 16099,0
va (VaSet
font "Verdana,9,1"
xt "66600,21200,68300,22400"
st "I1"
blo "66600,22200"
tm "InstanceNameMgr"
ga (GenericAssociation
uid 16100,0
ps "EdgeToEdgeStrategy"
matrix (Matrix
uid 16101,0
text (MLText
uid 16102,0
va (VaSet
font "Verdana,8,0"
xt "66000,22600,90400,24600"
st "updatePeriodBitNb = updatePeriodBitNb    ( positive )  
signalBitNb       = signalBitNb          ( positive )  "
header ""
elements [
name "updatePeriodBitNb"
type "positive"
value "updatePeriodBitNb"
name "signalBitNb"
type "positive"
value "signalBitNb"
ordering 1
portVis (PortSigDisplay
sTC 0
archFileType "UNKNOWN"
*57 (Net
uid 16103,0
decl (Decl
n "newPolynom"
t "std_ulogic"
o 15
suid 83,0
declText (MLText
uid 16104,0
va (VaSet
font "Verdana,8,0"
xt "2000,44600,18100,45600"
st "SIGNAL newPolynom     : std_ulogic"
*58 (SaComponent
uid 16456,0
optionalChildren [
*59 (CptPort
uid 16412,0
ps "OnEdgeStrategy"
shape (Triangle
uid 16413,0
ro 90
va (VaSet
vasetType 1
fg "0,65535,0"
xt "33250,10625,34000,11375"
tg (CPTG
uid 16414,0
ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy"
stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy"
f (Text
uid 16415,0
va (VaSet
xt "35000,10400,38400,11600"
st "clock"
blo "35000,11400"
thePort (LogicalPort
decl (Decl
n "clock"
t "std_ulogic"
o 2
suid 1,0
*60 (CptPort
uid 16416,0
ps "OnEdgeStrategy"
shape (Triangle
uid 16417,0
ro 90
va (VaSet
vasetType 1
fg "0,65535,0"
xt "33250,625,34000,1375"
tg (CPTG
uid 16418,0
ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy"
stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy"
f (Text
uid 16419,0
va (VaSet
xt "35000,400,37800,1600"
st "apbi"
blo "35000,1400"
thePort (LogicalPort
decl (Decl
n "apbi"
t "apb_slv_in_type"
o 1
suid 2,0
*61 (CptPort
uid 16420,0
ps "OnEdgeStrategy"
shape (Triangle
uid 16421,0
ro 270
va (VaSet
vasetType 1
fg "0,65535,0"
xt "33250,2625,34000,3375"
tg (CPTG
uid 16422,0
ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy"
stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy"
f (Text
uid 16423,0
va (VaSet
xt "35000,2400,38100,3600"
st "apbo"
blo "35000,3400"
thePort (LogicalPort
m 1
decl (Decl
n "apbo"
t "apb_slv_out_type"
o 3
suid 11,0
*62 (CptPort
uid 16424,0
ps "OnEdgeStrategy"
shape (Triangle
uid 16425,0
va (VaSet
vasetType 1
fg "0,65535,0"
xt "41625,-3750,42375,-3000"
tg (CPTG
uid 16426,0
ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy"
stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy"
f (Text
uid 16427,0
va (VaSet
xt "40000,-2000,44600,-800"
st "testOut"
blo "40000,-1000"
thePort (LogicalPort
m 1
decl (Decl
n "testOut"
t "std_ulogic_vector"
b "(1 TO testOutBitNb)"
o 4
suid 12,0
*63 (CptPort
uid 16428,0
ps "OnEdgeStrategy"
shape (Triangle
uid 16429,0
ro 90
va (VaSet
vasetType 1
fg "0,65535,0"
xt "50000,625,50750,1375"
tg (CPTG
uid 16430,0
ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy"
stg "RightVerticalLayoutStrategy"
f (Text
uid 16431,0
va (VaSet
xt "46700,400,49000,1600"
st "run"
ju 2
blo "49000,1400"
thePort (LogicalPort
m 1
decl (Decl
n "run"
t "std_ulogic"
o 7
suid 2014,0
*64 (CptPort
uid 16432,0
ps "OnEdgeStrategy"
shape (Triangle
uid 16433,0
ro 90
va (VaSet
vasetType 1
fg "0,65535,0"
xt "50000,4625,50750,5375"
tg (CPTG
uid 16434,0
ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy"
stg "RightVerticalLayoutStrategy"
f (Text
uid 16435,0
va (VaSet
xt "41000,4400,49000,5600"
st "updatePeriod"
ju 2
blo "49000,5400"
thePort (LogicalPort
m 1
decl (Decl
n "updatePeriod"
t "unsigned"
b "(updatePeriodBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)"
o 8
suid 2015,0
*65 (CptPort
uid 16436,0
ps "OnEdgeStrategy"
shape (Triangle
uid 16437,0
ro 90
va (VaSet
vasetType 1
fg "0,65535,0"
xt "50000,8625,50750,9375"
tg (CPTG
uid 16438,0
ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy"
stg "RightVerticalLayoutStrategy"
f (Text
uid 16439,0
va (VaSet
xt "45200,8400,49000,9600"
st "memX"
ju 2
blo "49000,9400"
thePort (LogicalPort
m 1
decl (Decl
n "memX"
t "std_ulogic_vector"
b "(signalBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)"
o 5
suid 2016,0
*66 (CptPort
uid 16440,0
ps "OnEdgeStrategy"
shape (Triangle
uid 16441,0
ro 90
va (VaSet
vasetType 1
fg "0,65535,0"
xt "50000,10625,50750,11375"
tg (CPTG
uid 16442,0
ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy"
stg "RightVerticalLayoutStrategy"
f (Text
uid 16443,0
va (VaSet
xt "45200,10400,49000,11600"
st "memY"
ju 2
blo "49000,11400"
thePort (LogicalPort
m 1
decl (Decl
n "memY"
t "std_ulogic_vector"
b "(signalBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)"
o 6
suid 2017,0
*67 (CptPort
uid 16444,0
ps "OnEdgeStrategy"
shape (Triangle
uid 16445,0
ro 90
va (VaSet
vasetType 1
fg "0,65535,0"
xt "50000,2625,50750,3375"
tg (CPTG
uid 16446,0
ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy"
stg "RightVerticalLayoutStrategy"
f (Text
uid 16447,0
va (VaSet
xt "40700,2400,49000,3600"
st "interpolateLin"
ju 2
blo "49000,3400"
thePort (LogicalPort
m 1
decl (Decl
n "interpolateLin"
t "std_ulogic"
o 9
suid 2018,0
*68 (CptPort
uid 16448,0
ps "OnEdgeStrategy"
shape (Triangle
uid 16449,0
ro 90
va (VaSet
vasetType 1
fg "0,65535,0"
xt "33250,12625,34000,13375"
tg (CPTG
uid 16450,0
ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy"
stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy"
f (Text
uid 16451,0
va (VaSet
xt "35000,12400,38300,13600"
st "reset"
blo "35000,13400"
thePort (LogicalPort
decl (Decl
n "reset"
t "std_ulogic"
o 10
suid 2021,0
*69 (CptPort
uid 16452,0
ps "OnEdgeStrategy"
shape (Triangle
uid 16453,0
ro 270
va (VaSet
vasetType 1
fg "0,65535,0"
xt "50000,6625,50750,7375"
tg (CPTG
uid 16454,0
ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy"
stg "RightVerticalLayoutStrategy"
f (Text
uid 16455,0
va (VaSet
xt "41400,6400,49000,7600"
st "newPolynom"
ju 2
blo "49000,7400"
thePort (LogicalPort
decl (Decl
n "newPolynom"
t "std_ulogic"
o 11
suid 2022,0
shape (Rectangle
uid 16457,0
va (VaSet
vasetType 1
fg "0,65535,0"
bg "0,65535,0"
lineColor "0,32896,0"
lineWidth 2
xt "34000,-3000,50000,15000"
oxt "36000,12000,52000,30000"
ttg (MlTextGroup
uid 16458,0
ps "CenterOffsetStrategy"
stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy"
textVec [
*70 (Text
uid 16459,0
va (VaSet
font "Verdana,9,1"
xt "34600,14800,39000,16000"
st "Beamer"
blo "34600,15800"
tm "BdLibraryNameMgr"
*71 (Text
uid 16460,0
va (VaSet
font "Verdana,9,1"
xt "34600,16000,48000,17200"
st "beamerPeriphRegisters"
blo "34600,17000"
tm "CptNameMgr"
*72 (Text
uid 16461,0
va (VaSet
font "Verdana,9,1"
xt "34600,17200,36300,18400"
st "I0"
blo "34600,18200"
tm "InstanceNameMgr"
ga (GenericAssociation
uid 16462,0
ps "EdgeToEdgeStrategy"
matrix (Matrix
uid 16463,0
text (MLText
uid 16464,0
va (VaSet
font "Verdana,8,0"
xt "34000,18600,59800,25600"
st "pindex              = pindex                 ( natural  )  
paddr               = paddr                  ( positive )  
pmask               = pmask                  ( positive )  
updatePeriodBitNb   = updatePeriodBitNb      ( positive )  
signalBitNb         = signalBitNb            ( positive )  
patternAddressBitNb = patternAddressBitNb    ( positive )  
testOutBitNb        = testOutBitNb           ( positive )  "
header ""
elements [
name "pindex"
type "natural"
value "pindex"
name "paddr"
type "positive"
value "paddr"
name "pmask"
type "positive"
value "pmask"
name "updatePeriodBitNb"
type "positive"
value "updatePeriodBitNb"
name "signalBitNb"
type "positive"
value "signalBitNb"
name "patternAddressBitNb"
type "positive"
value "patternAddressBitNb"
name "testOutBitNb"
type "positive"
value "testOutBitNb"
ordering 1
portVis (PortSigDisplay
sTC 0
archFileType "UNKNOWN"
*73 (Wire
uid 115,0
shape (OrthoPolyLine
uid 116,0
va (VaSet
vasetType 3
xt "82750,1000,90000,1000"
pts [
start &45
end &12
sat 32
eat 32
stc 0
st 0
sf 1
si 0
tg (WTG
uid 119,0
ps "ConnStartEndStrategy"
stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy"
f (Text
uid 120,0
va (VaSet
font "Verdana,12,0"
xt "87000,-400,90700,1000"
st "outX"
blo "87000,800"
tm "WireNameMgr"
on &13
*74 (Wire
uid 129,0
shape (OrthoPolyLine
uid 130,0
va (VaSet
vasetType 3
xt "82750,3000,90000,3000"
pts [
start &47
end &14
sat 32
eat 32
stc 0
st 0
sf 1
si 0
tg (WTG
uid 133,0
ps "ConnStartEndStrategy"
stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy"
f (Text
uid 134,0
va (VaSet
font "Verdana,12,0"
xt "87000,1600,90600,3000"
st "outY"
blo "87000,2800"
tm "WireNameMgr"
on &15
*75 (Wire
uid 5086,0
shape (OrthoPolyLine
uid 5087,0
va (VaSet
vasetType 3
xt "82750,7000,90000,7000"
pts [
start &16
end &48
sat 32
eat 32
stc 0
st 0
sf 1
si 0
tg (WTG
uid 5090,0
ps "ConnStartEndStrategy"
stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy"
f (Text
uid 5091,0
va (VaSet
font "Verdana,12,0"
xt "85000,5600,91900,7000"
st "selSinCos"
blo "85000,6800"
tm "WireNameMgr"
on &17
*76 (Wire
uid 13134,0
shape (OrthoPolyLine
uid 13135,0
va (VaSet
vasetType 3
lineWidth 2
xt "18000,1000,33250,1000"
pts [
start &18
end &60
sat 32
eat 32
sty 1
stc 0
st 0
sf 1
si 0
tg (WTG
uid 13138,0
ps "ConnStartEndStrategy"
stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy"
f (Text
uid 13139,0
va (VaSet
font "Verdana,12,0"
xt "18000,-400,21500,1000"
st "apbi"
blo "18000,800"
tm "WireNameMgr"
on &19
*77 (Wire
uid 13379,0
shape (OrthoPolyLine
uid 13380,0
va (VaSet
vasetType 3
xt "18000,3000,33250,3000"
pts [
start &61
end &20
sat 32
eat 32
stc 0
st 0
sf 1
si 0
tg (WTG
uid 13383,0
ps "ConnStartEndStrategy"
stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy"
f (Text
uid 13384,0
va (VaSet
font "Verdana,12,0"
xt "18000,1600,22000,3000"
st "apbo"
blo "18000,2800"
tm "WireNameMgr"
on &21
*78 (Wire
uid 13628,0
shape (OrthoPolyLine
uid 13629,0
va (VaSet
vasetType 3
xt "10000,15000,18000,15000"
pts [
start &22
end &26
sat 32
eat 1
stc 0
st 0
sf 1
si 0
tg (WTG
uid 13632,0
ps "ConnStartEndStrategy"
stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy"
f (Text
uid 13633,0
va (VaSet
font "Verdana,12,0"
xt "10000,13600,15700,15000"
st "reset_n"
blo "10000,14800"
tm "WireNameMgr"
on &23
*79 (Wire
uid 14878,0
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uid 14879,0
va (VaSet
vasetType 3
xt "18000,11000,33250,11000"
pts [
start &59
end &25
sat 32
eat 32
stc 0
st 0
sf 1
si 0
tg (WTG
uid 14882,0
ps "ConnStartEndStrategy"
stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy"
f (Text
uid 14883,0
va (VaSet
font "Verdana,12,0"
xt "18000,9600,21800,11000"
st "clock"
blo "18000,10800"
tm "WireNameMgr"
on &24
*80 (Wire
uid 14976,0
shape (OrthoPolyLine
uid 14977,0
va (VaSet
vasetType 3
xt "26000,13000,33250,15000"
pts [
start &68
end &26
sat 32
eat 2
stc 0
st 0
sf 1
si 0
tg (WTG
uid 14980,0
ps "ConnStartEndStrategy"
stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy"
f (Text
uid 14981,0
va (VaSet
font "Verdana,12,0"
xt "29000,11600,33100,13000"
st "reset"
blo "29000,12800"
tm "WireNameMgr"
on &30
*81 (Wire
uid 15203,0
shape (OrthoPolyLine
uid 15204,0
va (VaSet
vasetType 3
xt "50750,1000,65250,1000"
pts [
start &63
end &44
sat 32
eat 32
stc 0
st 0
sf 1
si 0
tg (WTG
uid 15205,0
ps "ConnStartEndStrategy"
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uid 15206,0
va (VaSet
font "Verdana,12,0"
xt "52750,-400,55650,1000"
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blo "52750,800"
tm "WireNameMgr"
on &31
*82 (Wire
uid 15209,0
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uid 15210,0
va (VaSet
vasetType 3
xt "50750,3000,65250,3000"
pts [
start &67
end &49
sat 32
eat 32
stc 0
st 0
sf 1
si 0
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