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Hevs EDA Scripts

Common Files and Scripts for ELN Laboratories practical sessions.

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## Description [(Back to top)](#table-of-contents) These scripts can be used as for: **Git Repos** * [EDA_libs](https://gitlab.hevs.ch/course/ElN/eda_libs.git) * [ELN_labs](https://gitlab.hevs.ch/course/ElN/eln_labs.git) * [SEm_exams](https://gitlab.hevs.ch/course/SEm/exams.git) * [ELN_chrono](https://gitlab.hevs.ch/course/ElN/eln_chrono.git) * [ELN_cursor](https://gitlab.hevs.ch/course/ElN/eln_cursor.git) * [ELN_kart](https://gitlab.hevs.ch/course/ElN/eln_kart.git) * [ELN_inverter](https://gitlab.hevs.ch/course/ElN/eln_inverter.git) * [ELN_synchro](https://gitlab.hevs.ch/course/ElN/eln_synchro.git) * [SEm_labs](https://gitlab.hevs.ch/course/SEm/sem_labs.git) * [ELN-kart](https://gitlab.hevs.ch/course/ElN/eln_kart_sodimm200.git) * [ELN-display](https://gitlab.hevs.ch/course/ElN/eln_display.git) **SVN Repos** * [CanSat](https://repos.hevs.ch/svn/eda/VHDL/labs/CanSat) (TODO) :rotating_light: * [ELN_support](https://repos.hevs.ch/svn/eda/VHDL/labs/ELN_support) (TODO) :rotating_light: * [EPTM_AudioAmp](https://repos.hevs.ch/svn/eda/VHDL/labs/AudioAmp) (TODO) :rotating_light: * [EPTM_Radio](https://repos.hevs.ch/svn/eda/VHDL/labs/EPTM_radio) (TODO) :rotating_light: * ... ### Files **Linux** * ``changeDefaultViews.bash`` - Changes RTL <=> studentVersion * Usage master => student: ``changeDefaultViews.bash -v -a masterVersion -n studentVersion`` * Usage master => student: ``changeDefaultViews.bash -v -a master@version -n student@version`` * Usage student => master: ``changeDefaultViews.bash -v -a studentVersion -n masterVersion`` * Usage student => master: ``changeDefaultViews.bash -v -a student@version -n master@version`` * Note: use the ``-r`` otion to also delete the specified actual_view * ``cleanGenerated.bash`` - Deletes all intermediate files * Usage: ``./cleanGenerated.bash`` * ``hdlDesigner.bash`` - Main script for starting HDL-Designer * ``deployLibs.bash`` - Execution from eln_libs repo, copy required libraries to student repo and commit/push it. * Usage: ``./Scripts/deployLibs.bash -v -p synd_eln_labs -r https://github.com/hei-synd-2131-eln/eln_labs.git`` * ``deployLibsAll.bash`` - Execution from eln_libs repo, copy required libraries to all student repo's and commit/push it. * Usage: ``./Scripts/deployLibsAll.bash`` * ``deployLab.bash`` - Execution from Laborepo, copy required laboratory files to student repo and commits/push it. * Usage: ``./Scripts/deployLab.bash -v -p synd_eln_labs -r https://github.com/hei-synd-2131-eln/eln_labs.git`` * ``deployScripts.bash`` - Copy required scripts to student repo and commits/push it. * Usage: ``./deployScripts.bash -v -p synd_eln_labs -r https://github.com/hei-synd-2131-eln/eln_labs.git`` * ``deployScriptsAll.bash`` - Execution from eln_scripts repo, copy required scripts to all student repo's and commit/push it. * Usage: ``./deployScriptsAll.bash`` **Windows** * ``cleanGenerated.bat`` - Deletes all intermediate files * Usage: ``./cleanGenerated.bat`` * ``cleanScratch.bat`` - Delete scratch directory * Usage: ``` bash set SCRATCH_DIR=C:\temp\eda\%username% ./cleanScratch.bat ``` * ``hdlDesigner.bat`` - Main script for starting HDL-Designer * ``searchPaths.bat`` - Search for required Libraries and tools * Usage: ``` bash :: Define required Tools to be present set REQUIRE_LIBS=1 set REQUIRE_HDS=1 set REQUIRE_MODELSIM=1 set REQUIRE_ISE=1 set REQUIRE_LIBERO=0 set HEI_LIBS_DIR=R:\SYND\Ele_2131\ELN\Labs\Libraries set HDS_HOME=C:\eda\MentorGraphics\HDS set MODELSIM_HOME=C:\eda\MentorGraphics\Modelsim\win64 set ISE_VERSION=14.7 set ISE_HOME=C:\eda\Xilinx\%ISE_VERSION%\ISE_DS\ISE set LIBERO_HOME=C:\eda\Microsemi\Libero set design_name=eln_labs ./searchPaths.bat ``` **Perl Scripts** Perl scripts are used to launch different tasks from HDL-Designer * ``trimLibs.pl`` - Comment regular libraries in an concatenated file * Parameter : ``trimlibs.pl `` * ``update_ise.pl`` - * Parameter : ``update_ise.pl `` * ``update_libero.pl`` - * Parameter : ``update_libero.pl `` * ``start_libero.pl`` - * Parameter : ``start_libero.pl `` ## How To Use [(Back to top)](#table-of-contents) To clone and run this application, you'll need [Git](https://git-scm.com) installed on your computer. This repo is normally used as submodule to the laboratories and projects. To deploy the studentVersion to github cd to root of Labor master repo: ```bash cd eln_labs ./Scripts/deployLab.bash -v -p synd_eln_labs -r https://github.com/hei-synd-2131-eln/eln_labs.git ./Scripts/deployLab.bash -v -p ete_eln_labs -r https://github.com/hei-ete-8132-eln/eln_labs.git ./Scripts/deployLab.bash -v -p isc-eln-labs -r https://github.com/hei-isc-eln/eln-labs.git cd sem_labs ./Scripts/deployLab.bash -v -p sem_labs -r sem_labs -r https://github.com/hei-synd-225-sem/sem_labs.git -d 01-WaveformGenerator ./Scripts/deployLab.bash -v -p sem_labs -r sem_labs -r https://github.com/hei-synd-225-sem/sem_labs.git -d 02-SplineInterpolator ./Scripts/deployLab.bash -v -p sem_labs -r sem_labs -r https://github.com/hei-synd-225-sem/sem_labs.git -d 03-DigitalToAnalogConverter ./Scripts/deployLab.bash -v -p sem_labs -r sem_labs -r https://github.com/hei-synd-225-sem/sem_labs.git -d 04-Lissajous ./Scripts/deployLab.bash -v -p sem_labs -r sem_labs -r https://github.com/hei-synd-225-sem/sem_labs.git -d 05-Morse ./Scripts/deployLab.bash -v -p sem_labs -r sem_labs -r https://github.com/hei-synd-225-sem/sem_labs.git -d 06-07-08-09-SystemOnChip ./Scripts/deployLab.bash -v -p sem_labs -r sem_labs -r https://github.com/hei-synd-225-sem/sem_labs.git -d 10-PipelinedOperators cd eln_chrono ./Scripts/deployLab.bash -v -p eln_chrono -r https://github.com/hei-synd-2131-eln/eln_chrono.git cd eln_cursor ./Scripts/deployLab.bash -v -p eln_cursor -r https://github.com/hei-synd-2131-eln/eln_cursor.git cd eln-display ./Scripts/deployLab.bash -v -p eln-display -r https://github.com/hei-isc-eln/eln-display.git cd eln-kart ./Scripts/deployLab.bash -v -p eln-kart -r https://github.com/hei-synd-2131-eln/eln-kart.git ``` To deploy the Libraries to github cd to root of Libs master repo: ```bash ./Scripts/deployLibs.bash -v -p synd_eln_labs -r https://github.com/hei-synd-2131-eln/eln_labs.git ./Scripts/deployLibs.bash -v -p ete_eln_labs -r https://github.com/hei-ete-8132-eln/eln_labs.git ./Scripts/deployLibs.bash -v -p isc_eln_labs -r https://github.com/hei-isc-eln/eln-labs.git ./Scripts/deployLibs.bash -v -p sem_labs -r https://github.com/hei-synd-225-sem/sem_labs.git ./Scripts/deployLibs.bash -v -p eln_chrono -r https://github.com/hei-synd-2131-eln/eln_chrono.git ./Scripts/deployLibs.bash -v -p eln_cursor -r https://github.com/hei-synd-2131-eln/eln_cursor.git ./Scripts/deployLibs.bash -v -p eln_kart -r https://github.com/hei-synd-2131-eln/eln_kart.git ./Scripts/deployLibs.bash -v -p eln_inverter -r https://github.com/hei-synd-2131-eln/eln_inverter.git ./Scripts/deployLibs.bash -v -p eln_synchro -r https://github.com/hei-synd-2131-eln/eln_synchro.git ./Scripts/deployLibs.bash -v -p eln-kart -r https://github.com/hei-synd-2131-eln/eln-kart.git ./Scripts/deployLibs.bash -v -p eln-display -r https://github.com/hei-isc-eln/eln-display.git # or ./Scripts/deployLibsAll.bash ``` To deploy the Scripts to github cd root of Scripts master Repo ```bash ./deployScripts.bash -v -p synd_eln_labs -r https://github.com/hei-synd-2131-eln/eln_labs.git ./deployScripts.bash -v -p ete_eln_labs -r https://github.com/hei-ete-8132-eln/eln_labs.git ./deployScripts.bash -v -p isc_eln_labs -r https://github.com/hei-isc-eln/eln-labs.git ./deployScripts.bash -v -p sem_labs -r https://github.com/hei-synd-225-sem/sem_labs.git ./deployScripts.bash -v -p eln_chrono -r https://github.com/hei-synd-2131-eln/eln_chrono.git ./deployScripts.bash -v -p eln_cursor -r https://github.com/hei-synd-2131-eln/eln_cursor.git ./deployScripts.bash -v -p eln_kart -r https://github.com/hei-synd-2131-eln/eln_kart.git ./deployScripts.bash -v -p eln_inverter -r https://github.com/hei-synd-2131-eln/eln_inverter.git ./deployScripts.bash -v -p eln_synchro -r https://github.com/hei-synd-2131-eln/eln_synchro.git ./deployScripts.bash -v -p eln-kart -r https://github.com/hei-synd-2131-eln/eln-display.git ./deployScripts.bash -v -p eln-display -r https://github.com/hei-isc-eln/eln-display.git # or ./deployScriptsAll.bash ```
![eln labs deployment](img/eln_labs_deployment-staff.png)
### Download ```bash # Clone repo including submodules git clone --recursive ``` ### Pull changes repo and submodules ```bash # Pull all changes in the repo including changes in the submodules (of given commit) git pull --recurse-submodules ``` #### Update to latest commit Update submodule to latest commit and update parentrepo ```bash # Update submodule to latest commit git submodule update --remote --merge # Afterwared you need to commit in the parentrepo the new pointer to the new commit in the submodule git commit -am "Update submodule to latest commit" ``` ### Add submodule If the folder ``Scripts`` already exists, delete it and commit these changes. Add submodule and define the master branch as the one you want to track ```bash git submodule add -b master git submodule add -b master https://gitlab.hevs.ch/course/ElN/eda_scripts.git Scripts git submodule add -b master https://gitlab.hevs.ch/course/ElN/eda_libs.git Libs git submodule init git submodule update ``` ## Credits [(Back to top)](#table-of-contents) * COF * PRC * ZAS * AMA ## License [(Back to top)](#table-of-contents) :copyright: [All rights reserved](LICENSE) --- ## Find us on > Website [hevs.ch](https://www.hevs.ch)  ·  > LinkedIn [HES-SO Valais-Wallis](https://www.linkedin.com/groups/104343/)  ·  > Youtube [HES-SO Valais-Wallis](https://www.youtube.com/user/HESSOVS) > Twitter [@hessovalais](https://twitter.com/hessovalais)  ·  > Facebook [@hessovalais](https://www.facebook.com/hessovalais)  ·