DocumentHdrVersion "1.1" Header (DocumentHdr version 2 dialect 11 dmPackageRefs [ (DmPackageRef library "ieee" unitName "std_logic_1164" ) (DmPackageRef library "ieee" unitName "numeric_std" ) ] instances [ (Instance name "I1" duLibraryName "memory_test" duName "sdramController_tester" elements [ (GiElement name "addressBitNb" type "positive" value "addressBitNb" ) (GiElement name "dataBitNb" type "positive" value "dataBitNb" ) ] mwi 0 uid 1774,0 ) (Instance name "I2" duLibraryName "memory_test" duName "sdram_mt48lc16m16a2" elements [ (GiElement name "addr_bits" type "integer" value "rowAddressBitNb" ) (GiElement name "data_bits" type "integer" value "dataBitNb" ) (GiElement name "col_bits" type "integer" value "colAddressBitNb" ) (GiElement name "index" type "integer" value "0" ) (GiElement name "fname" type "string" value "\"U:\\ELN_board\\Simulation\\sdram.srec\"" ) (GiElement name "tAC" type "time" value "6 ns" ) (GiElement name "tHZ" type "time" value "7 ns" ) (GiElement name "tOH" type "time" value "2.7 ns" ) (GiElement name "tMRD" type "integer" value "2" ) (GiElement name "tRAS" type "time" value "44 ns" ) (GiElement name "tRC" type "time" value "66 ns" ) (GiElement name "tRCD" type "time" value "20 ns" ) (GiElement name "tRP" type "time" value "20 ns" ) (GiElement name "tRRD" type "time" value "15 ns" ) (GiElement name "tWRa" type "time" value "7.5 ns" ) (GiElement name "tWRp" type "time" value "15 ns" ) (GiElement name "tAH" type "time" value "0.8 ns" ) (GiElement name "tAS" type "time" value "1.5 ns" ) (GiElement name "tCH" type "time" value "2.5 ns" ) (GiElement name "tCL" type "time" value "2.5 ns" ) (GiElement name "tCK" type "time" value "10 ns" ) (GiElement name "tDH" type "time" value "0.8 ns" ) (GiElement name "tDS" type "time" value "1.5 ns" ) (GiElement name "tCKH" type "time" value "0.8 ns" ) (GiElement name "tCKS" type "time" value "1.5 ns" ) (GiElement name "tCMH" type "time" value "0.8 ns" ) (GiElement name "tCMS" type "time" value "1.5 ns" ) ] mwi 0 uid 5983,0 ) (Instance name "I0" duLibraryName "memory" duName "sdramController" elements [ (GiElement name "addressBitNb" type "positive" value "addressBitNb" ) (GiElement name "dataBitNb" type "positive" value "dataBitNb" ) (GiElement name "chipAddressBitNb" type "positive" value "rowAddressBitNb" ) (GiElement name "chipBankAddressBitNb" type "positive" value "bankAddressBitNb" ) ] mwi 0 uid 6647,0 ) ] embeddedInstances [ (EmbeddedInstance name "eb1" number "1" ) (EmbeddedInstance name "eb2" number "2" ) ] libraryRefs [ "ieee" ] ) version "31.1" appVersion "2018.1 (Build 12)" noEmbeddedEditors 1 model (BlockDiag VExpander (VariableExpander vvMap [ (vvPair variable " " value " " ) (vvPair variable "HDLDir" value "/home/francois/Documents/HEVs/Kart/eln_kart/04-Controller/../Libs/Memory_test/hdl" ) (vvPair variable "HDSDir" value "/home/francois/Documents/HEVs/Kart/eln_kart/04-Controller/../Libs/Memory_test/hds" ) (vvPair variable "SideDataDesignDir" value "/home/francois/Documents/HEVs/Kart/eln_kart/04-Controller/../Libs/Memory_test/hds/sdram@controller_tb/" ) (vvPair variable "SideDataUserDir" value "/home/francois/Documents/HEVs/Kart/eln_kart/04-Controller/../Libs/Memory_test/hds/sdram@controller_tb/" ) (vvPair variable "SourceDir" value "/home/francois/Documents/HEVs/Kart/eln_kart/04-Controller/../Libs/Memory_test/hds" ) (vvPair variable "appl" value "HDL Designer" ) (vvPair variable "arch_name" value "struct" ) (vvPair variable "concat_file" value "concatenated" ) (vvPair variable "config" value "%(unit)_%(view)_config" ) (vvPair variable "d" value "/home/francois/Documents/HEVs/Kart/eln_kart/04-Controller/../Libs/Memory_test/hds/sdram@controller_tb" ) (vvPair variable "d_logical" value "/home/francois/Documents/HEVs/Kart/eln_kart/04-Controller/../Libs/Memory_test/hds/sdramController_tb" ) (vvPair variable "date" value "08/28/19" ) (vvPair variable "day" value "Wed" ) (vvPair variable "day_long" value "Wednesday" ) (vvPair variable "dd" value "28" ) (vvPair variable "entity_name" value "sdramController_tb" ) (vvPair variable "ext" value "<TBD>" ) (vvPair variable "f" value "" ) (vvPair variable "f_logical" value "" ) (vvPair variable "f_noext" value "struct" ) (vvPair variable "graphical_source_author" value "francois" ) (vvPair variable "graphical_source_date" value "08/28/19" ) (vvPair variable "graphical_source_group" value "francois" ) (vvPair variable "graphical_source_host" value "Aphelia" ) (vvPair variable "graphical_source_time" value "13:45:34" ) (vvPair variable "group" value "francois" ) (vvPair variable "host" value "Aphelia" ) (vvPair variable "language" value "VHDL" ) (vvPair variable "library" value "Memory_test" ) (vvPair variable "library_downstream_ModelSim" value "D:\\Users\\ELN_labs\\VHDL_comp" ) (vvPair variable "library_downstream_ModelSimCompiler" value "$SCRATCH_DIR/Libs/Memory_test/work" ) (vvPair variable "mm" value "08" ) (vvPair variable "module_name" value "sdramController_tb" ) (vvPair variable "month" value "Aug" ) (vvPair variable "month_long" value "August" ) (vvPair variable "p" value "/home/francois/Documents/HEVs/Kart/eln_kart/04-Controller/../Libs/Memory_test/hds/sdram@controller_tb/" ) (vvPair variable "p_logical" value "/home/francois/Documents/HEVs/Kart/eln_kart/04-Controller/../Libs/Memory_test/hds/sdramController_tb/" ) (vvPair variable "package_name" value "<Undefined Variable>" ) (vvPair variable "project_name" value "hds" ) (vvPair variable "series" value "HDL Designer Series" ) (vvPair variable "task_DesignCompilerPath" value "<TBD>" ) (vvPair variable "task_ISEPath" value "D:\\Labs\\ElN\\BoardTester\\Board\\ise" ) (vvPair variable "task_LeonardoPath" value "<TBD>" ) (vvPair variable "task_ModelSimPath" value "C:\\EDA\\Modelsim\\win32" ) (vvPair variable "task_NC-SimPath" value "<TBD>" ) (vvPair variable "task_PrecisionRTLPath" value "<TBD>" ) (vvPair variable "task_QuestaSimPath" value "<TBD>" ) (vvPair variable "task_VCSPath" value "<TBD>" ) (vvPair variable "this_ext" value "bd" ) (vvPair variable "this_file" value "struct" ) (vvPair variable "this_file_logical" value "struct" ) (vvPair variable "time" value "13:45:34" ) (vvPair variable "unit" value "sdramController_tb" ) (vvPair variable "user" value "francois" ) (vvPair variable "version" value "2018.1 (Build 12)" ) (vvPair variable "view" value "struct" ) (vvPair variable "year" value "2019" ) (vvPair variable "yy" value "19" ) ] ) LanguageMgr "Vhdl2008LangMgr" uid 198,0 optionalChildren [ *1 (Grouping uid 1487,0 optionalChildren [ *2 (CommentText uid 1489,0 shape (Rectangle uid 1490,0 sl 0 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "65280,65280,46080" ) xt "83000,85000,102000,87000" ) oxt "45000,22000,64000,24000" text (MLText uid 1491,0 va (VaSet fg "0,0,32768" bg "0,0,32768" ) xt "83200,85500,98800,86500" st " <enter project name here> " tm "CommentText" wrapOption 3 visibleHeight 1600 visibleWidth 18600 ) position 1 ignorePrefs 1 ) *3 (CommentText uid 1492,0 shape (Rectangle uid 1493,0 sl 0 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "65280,65280,46080" ) xt "51000,85000,77000,87000" ) oxt "13000,22000,39000,24000" text (MLText uid 1494,0 va (VaSet fg "32768,0,0" font "courier,12,1" ) xt "58750,85350,69250,86650" st " <company name> " ju 0 tm "CommentText" wrapOption 3 visibleHeight 1600 visibleWidth 25600 ) position 1 ignorePrefs 1 ) *4 (CommentText uid 1495,0 shape (Rectangle uid 1496,0 sl 0 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "65280,65280,46080" ) xt "56000,91000,77000,93000" ) oxt "18000,28000,39000,30000" text (MLText uid 1497,0 va (VaSet fg "0,0,32768" bg "0,0,32768" ) xt "56200,91500,72400,92500" st " by %user on %dd %month %year " tm "CommentText" wrapOption 3 visibleHeight 1600 visibleWidth 20600 ) position 1 ignorePrefs 1 ) *5 (CommentText uid 1498,0 shape (Rectangle uid 1499,0 sl 0 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "65280,65280,46080" ) xt "77000,85000,83000,87000" ) oxt "39000,22000,45000,24000" text (MLText uid 1500,0 va (VaSet fg "0,0,32768" bg "0,0,32768" ) xt "77200,85500,82000,86500" st " Project: " tm "CommentText" wrapOption 3 visibleHeight 1600 visibleWidth 5600 ) position 1 ignorePrefs 1 ) *6 (CommentText uid 1501,0 shape (Rectangle uid 1502,0 sl 0 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "65280,65280,46080" ) xt "56000,87000,77000,89000" ) oxt "18000,24000,39000,26000" text (MLText uid 1503,0 va (VaSet fg "0,0,32768" bg "0,0,32768" ) xt "56200,87500,72400,88500" st " <enter diagram title here> " tm "CommentText" wrapOption 3 visibleHeight 1600 visibleWidth 20600 ) position 1 ignorePrefs 1 ) *7 (CommentText uid 1504,0 shape (Rectangle uid 1505,0 sl 0 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "65280,65280,46080" ) xt "51000,87000,56000,89000" ) oxt "13000,24000,18000,26000" text (MLText uid 1506,0 va (VaSet fg "0,0,32768" bg "0,0,32768" ) xt "51200,87500,54800,88500" st " Title: " tm "CommentText" wrapOption 3 visibleHeight 1600 visibleWidth 4600 ) position 1 ignorePrefs 1 ) *8 (CommentText uid 1507,0 shape (Rectangle uid 1508,0 sl 0 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "65280,65280,46080" ) xt "51000,89000,56000,91000" ) oxt "13000,26000,18000,28000" text (MLText uid 1509,0 va (VaSet fg "0,0,32768" bg "0,0,32768" ) xt "51200,89500,54200,90500" st " Path: " tm "CommentText" wrapOption 3 visibleHeight 1600 visibleWidth 4600 ) position 1 ignorePrefs 1 ) *9 (CommentText uid 1510,0 shape (Rectangle uid 1511,0 sl 0 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "65280,65280,46080" ) xt "77000,87000,102000,93000" ) oxt "39000,24000,64000,30000" text (MLText uid 1512,0 va (VaSet fg "0,0,32768" bg "0,0,32768" ) xt "77200,87200,90400,88200" st " <enter comments here> " tm "CommentText" wrapOption 3 visibleHeight 5600 visibleWidth 24600 ) ignorePrefs 1 ) *10 (CommentText uid 1513,0 shape (Rectangle uid 1514,0 sl 0 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "65280,65280,46080" ) xt "56000,89000,77000,91000" ) oxt "18000,26000,39000,28000" text (MLText uid 1515,0 va (VaSet fg "0,0,32768" bg "0,0,32768" ) xt "56200,89500,75400,90500" st " %library/%unit/%view " tm "CommentText" wrapOption 3 visibleHeight 1600 visibleWidth 20600 ) position 1 ignorePrefs 1 ) *11 (CommentText uid 1516,0 shape (Rectangle uid 1517,0 sl 0 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "65280,65280,46080" ) xt "51000,91000,56000,93000" ) oxt "13000,28000,18000,30000" text (MLText uid 1518,0 va (VaSet fg "0,0,32768" bg "0,0,32768" ) xt "51200,91500,55400,92500" st " Edited: " tm "CommentText" wrapOption 3 visibleHeight 1600 visibleWidth 4600 ) position 1 ignorePrefs 1 ) ] shape (GroupingShape uid 1488,0 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "65535,65535,65535" lineStyle 2 lineWidth 1 ) xt "51000,85000,102000,93000" ) oxt "13000,22000,64000,30000" ) *12 (Blk uid 1774,0 shape (Rectangle uid 1775,0 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "39936,56832,65280" lineColor "0,0,32768" lineWidth 2 ) xt "-3000,67000,81000,75000" ) oxt "0,0,8000,10000" ttg (MlTextGroup uid 1776,0 ps "CenterOffsetStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" textVec [ *13 (Text uid 1777,0 va (VaSet font "courier,12,1" ) xt "-2400,74900,8200,76300" st "memory_test" blo "-2400,76100" tm "BdLibraryNameMgr" ) *14 (Text uid 1778,0 va (VaSet font "courier,12,1" ) xt "-2400,76300,15800,77700" st "sdramController_tester" blo "-2400,77500" tm "BlkNameMgr" ) *15 (Text uid 1779,0 va (VaSet font "courier,12,1" ) xt "-2400,77700,0,79100" st "I1" blo "-2400,78900" tm "InstanceNameMgr" ) ] ) ga (GenericAssociation uid 1780,0 ps "EdgeToEdgeStrategy" matrix (Matrix uid 1781,0 text (MLText uid 1782,0 va (VaSet font "courier,9,0" ) xt "-3000,79800,20000,81600" st "addressBitNb = addressBitNb ( positive ) dataBitNb = dataBitNb ( positive ) " ) header "" ) elements [ (GiElement name "addressBitNb" type "positive" value "addressBitNb" ) (GiElement name "dataBitNb" type "positive" value "dataBitNb" ) ] ) ) *16 (Net uid 5550,0 decl (Decl n "reset" t "std_ulogic" o 17 suid 55,0 ) declText (MLText uid 5551,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "courier,8,0" ) xt "112000,-6200,129500,-5300" st "SIGNAL reset : std_ulogic" ) ) *17 (Net uid 5558,0 decl (Decl n "clock" t "std_ulogic" o 2 suid 56,0 ) declText (MLText uid 5559,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "courier,8,0" ) xt "112000,-6200,129500,-5300" st "SIGNAL clock : std_ulogic" ) ) *18 (Net uid 5566,0 decl (Decl n "ramEn" t "std_ulogic" o 14 suid 57,0 ) declText (MLText uid 5567,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "courier,8,0" ) xt "112000,-6200,129500,-5300" st "SIGNAL ramEn : std_ulogic" ) ) *19 (Net uid 5574,0 decl (Decl n "ramDataValid" t "std_ulogic" o 13 suid 58,0 ) declText (MLText uid 5575,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "courier,8,0" ) xt "112000,-6200,129500,-5300" st "SIGNAL ramDataValid : std_ulogic" ) ) *20 (Net uid 5582,0 decl (Decl n "ramWr" t "std_ulogic" o 16 suid 59,0 ) declText (MLText uid 5583,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "courier,8,0" ) xt "112000,-6200,129500,-5300" st "SIGNAL ramWr : std_ulogic" ) ) *21 (Net uid 5590,0 decl (Decl n "ramRd" t "std_ulogic" o 15 suid 60,0 ) declText (MLText uid 5591,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "courier,8,0" ) xt "112000,-6200,129500,-5300" st "SIGNAL ramRd : std_ulogic" ) ) *22 (Net uid 5598,0 decl (Decl n "ramDataOut" t "std_ulogic_vector" b "(dataBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)" o 12 suid 61,0 ) declText (MLText uid 5599,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "courier,8,0" ) xt "112000,-6200,144000,-5300" st "SIGNAL ramDataOut : std_ulogic_vector(dataBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)" ) ) *23 (Net uid 5606,0 decl (Decl n "ramDataIn" t "std_ulogic_vector" b "(dataBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)" o 11 suid 62,0 ) declText (MLText uid 5607,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "courier,8,0" ) xt "112000,-6200,144000,-5300" st "SIGNAL ramDataIn : std_ulogic_vector(dataBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)" ) ) *24 (Net uid 5614,0 decl (Decl n "ramAddr" t "unsigned" b "(addressBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)" o 10 suid 63,0 ) declText (MLText uid 5615,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "courier,8,0" ) xt "112000,-6200,141000,-5300" st "SIGNAL ramAddr : unsigned(addressBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)" ) ) *25 (Net uid 5907,0 decl (Decl n "memAddress" t "std_ulogic_vector" b "(rowAddressBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)" o 5 suid 64,0 ) declText (MLText uid 5908,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "courier,8,0" ) xt "98000,200,133000,1100" st "SIGNAL memAddress : std_ulogic_vector(rowAddressBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)" ) ) *26 (Net uid 5913,0 decl (Decl n "memBankAddress" t "std_ulogic_vector" b "(bankAddressBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)" o 6 suid 65,0 ) declText (MLText uid 5914,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "courier,8,0" ) xt "98000,200,133500,1100" st "SIGNAL memBankAddress : std_ulogic_vector(bankAddressBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)" ) ) *27 (Net uid 5919,0 decl (Decl n "memDataIn" t "std_ulogic_vector" b "(dataBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)" o 7 suid 66,0 ) declText (MLText uid 5920,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "courier,8,0" ) xt "98000,200,130000,1100" st "SIGNAL memDataIn : std_ulogic_vector(dataBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)" ) ) *28 (Net uid 5927,0 decl (Decl n "memDataOut" t "std_ulogic_vector" b "(dataBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)" o 8 suid 67,0 ) declText (MLText uid 5928,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "courier,8,0" ) xt "98000,200,130000,1100" st "SIGNAL memDataOut : std_ulogic_vector(dataBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)" ) ) *29 (SaComponent uid 5983,0 optionalChildren [ *30 (CptPort uid 5943,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 5944,0 ro 90 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "56250,33625,57000,34375" ) tg (CPTG uid 5945,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 5946,0 va (VaSet ) xt "58000,33500,59900,34500" st "addr" blo "58000,34300" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort decl (Decl n "addr" t "std_ulogic_vector" b "( addr_bits-1 DOWNTO 0 )" o 9 suid 22,0 ) ) ) *31 (CptPort uid 5947,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 5948,0 ro 90 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "56250,35625,57000,36375" ) tg (CPTG uid 5949,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 5950,0 va (VaSet ) xt "58000,35500,59300,36500" st "Ba" blo "58000,36300" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort decl (Decl n "Ba" t "std_ulogic_vector" b "(1 DOWNTO 0)" o 1 suid 23,0 i "\"00\"" ) ) ) *32 (CptPort uid 5951,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 5952,0 ro 90 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "56250,41625,57000,42375" ) tg (CPTG uid 5953,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 5954,0 va (VaSet ) xt "58000,41500,60600,42500" st "Cas_n" blo "58000,42300" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort decl (Decl n "Cas_n" t "std_ulogic" o 2 suid 24,0 ) ) ) *33 (CptPort uid 5955,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 5956,0 ro 90 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "56250,47625,57000,48375" ) tg (CPTG uid 5957,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 5958,0 va (VaSet ) xt "58000,47500,59700,48500" st "Cke" blo "58000,48300" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort decl (Decl n "Cke" t "std_ulogic" o 3 suid 25,0 ) ) ) *34 (CptPort uid 5959,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 5960,0 ro 90 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "56250,49625,57000,50375" ) tg (CPTG uid 5961,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 5962,0 va (VaSet ) xt "58000,49500,59500,50500" st "Clk" blo "58000,50300" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort decl (Decl n "Clk" t "std_ulogic" o 4 suid 26,0 ) ) ) *35 (CptPort uid 5963,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 5964,0 ro 90 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "56250,37625,57000,38375" ) tg (CPTG uid 5965,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 5966,0 va (VaSet ) xt "58000,37500,60200,38500" st "Cs_n" blo "58000,38300" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort decl (Decl n "Cs_n" t "std_ulogic" o 5 suid 27,0 ) ) ) *36 (CptPort uid 5967,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Diamond uid 5968,0 ro 90 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "65000,33625,65750,34375" ) tg (CPTG uid 5969,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "RightVerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 5970,0 va (VaSet ) xt "62500,33500,64000,34500" st "Dq" ju 2 blo "64000,34300" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort m 2 decl (Decl n "Dq" t "std_logic_vector" b "( data_bits-1 DOWNTO 0 )" o 10 suid 28,0 ) ) ) *37 (CptPort uid 5971,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 5972,0 ro 90 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "56250,45625,57000,46375" ) tg (CPTG uid 5973,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 5974,0 va (VaSet ) xt "58000,45500,60100,46500" st "Dqm" blo "58000,46300" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort decl (Decl n "Dqm" t "std_ulogic_vector" b "( 1 DOWNTO 0 )" o 6 suid 29,0 i "\"00\"" ) ) ) *38 (CptPort uid 5975,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 5976,0 ro 90 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "56250,39625,57000,40375" ) tg (CPTG uid 5977,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 5978,0 va (VaSet ) xt "58000,39500,60600,40500" st "Ras_n" blo "58000,40300" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort decl (Decl n "Ras_n" t "std_ulogic" o 7 suid 31,0 ) ) ) *39 (CptPort uid 5979,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 5980,0 ro 90 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "56250,43625,57000,44375" ) tg (CPTG uid 5981,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 5982,0 va (VaSet ) xt "58000,43500,60400,44500" st "WE_n" blo "58000,44300" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort decl (Decl n "WE_n" t "std_ulogic" o 8 suid 32,0 ) ) ) ] shape (Rectangle uid 5984,0 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" lineColor "0,32896,0" lineWidth 2 ) xt "57000,30000,65000,52000" ) oxt "31000,7000,39000,29000" ttg (MlTextGroup uid 5985,0 ps "CenterOffsetStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" textVec [ *40 (Text uid 5986,0 va (VaSet font "courier,8,1" ) xt "57500,52000,63000,53000" st "memory_test" blo "57500,52800" tm "BdLibraryNameMgr" ) *41 (Text uid 5987,0 va (VaSet font "courier,8,1" ) xt "57500,53000,66500,54000" st "sdram_mt48lc16m16a2" blo "57500,53800" tm "CptNameMgr" ) *42 (Text uid 5988,0 va (VaSet font "courier,8,1" ) xt "57500,54000,58500,55000" st "I2" blo "57500,54800" tm "InstanceNameMgr" ) ] ) ga (GenericAssociation uid 5989,0 ps "EdgeToEdgeStrategy" matrix (Matrix uid 5990,0 text (MLText uid 5991,0 va (VaSet font "courier,8,0" ) xt "66000,40400,99000,64700" st "addr_bits = rowAddressBitNb ( integer ) data_bits = dataBitNb ( integer ) col_bits = colAddressBitNb ( integer ) index = 0 ( integer ) fname = \"U:\\ELN_board\\Simulation\\sdram.srec\" ( string ) tAC = 6 ns ( time ) tHZ = 7 ns ( time ) tOH = 2.7 ns ( time ) tMRD = 2 ( integer ) tRAS = 44 ns ( time ) tRC = 66 ns ( time ) tRCD = 20 ns ( time ) tRP = 20 ns ( time ) tRRD = 15 ns ( time ) tWRa = 7.5 ns ( time ) tWRp = 15 ns ( time ) tAH = 0.8 ns ( time ) tAS = 1.5 ns ( time ) tCH = 2.5 ns ( time ) tCL = 2.5 ns ( time ) tCK = 10 ns ( time ) tDH = 0.8 ns ( time ) tDS = 1.5 ns ( time ) tCKH = 0.8 ns ( time ) tCKS = 1.5 ns ( time ) tCMH = 0.8 ns ( time ) tCMS = 1.5 ns ( time ) " ) header "" ) elements [ (GiElement name "addr_bits" type "integer" value "rowAddressBitNb" ) (GiElement name "data_bits" type "integer" value "dataBitNb" ) (GiElement name "col_bits" type "integer" value "colAddressBitNb" ) (GiElement name "index" type "integer" value "0" ) (GiElement name "fname" type "string" value "\"U:\\ELN_board\\Simulation\\sdram.srec\"" ) (GiElement name "tAC" type "time" value "6 ns" ) (GiElement name "tHZ" type "time" value "7 ns" ) (GiElement name "tOH" type "time" value "2.7 ns" ) (GiElement name "tMRD" type "integer" value "2" ) (GiElement name "tRAS" type "time" value "44 ns" ) (GiElement name "tRC" type "time" value "66 ns" ) (GiElement name "tRCD" type "time" value "20 ns" ) (GiElement name "tRP" type "time" value "20 ns" ) (GiElement name "tRRD" type "time" value "15 ns" ) (GiElement name "tWRa" type "time" value "7.5 ns" ) (GiElement name "tWRp" type "time" value "15 ns" ) (GiElement name "tAH" type "time" value "0.8 ns" ) (GiElement name "tAS" type "time" value "1.5 ns" ) (GiElement name "tCH" type "time" value "2.5 ns" ) (GiElement name "tCL" type "time" value "2.5 ns" ) (GiElement name "tCK" type "time" value "10 ns" ) (GiElement name "tDH" type "time" value "0.8 ns" ) (GiElement name "tDS" type "time" value "1.5 ns" ) (GiElement name "tCKH" type "time" value "0.8 ns" ) (GiElement name "tCKS" type "time" value "1.5 ns" ) (GiElement name "tCMH" type "time" value "0.8 ns" ) (GiElement name "tCMS" type "time" value "1.5 ns" ) ] ) portVis (PortSigDisplay sTC 0 sF 0 ) archFileType "UNKNOWN" ) *43 (Net uid 5992,0 decl (Decl n "sdClk" t "std_ulogic" o 20 suid 68,0 ) declText (MLText uid 5993,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "courier,8,0" ) xt "98000,200,115500,1100" st "SIGNAL sdClk : std_ulogic" ) ) *44 (Net uid 5998,0 decl (Decl n "sdCke" t "std_ulogic" o 19 suid 69,0 ) declText (MLText uid 5999,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "courier,8,0" ) xt "98000,200,115500,1100" st "SIGNAL sdCke : std_ulogic" ) ) *45 (Net uid 6004,0 decl (Decl n "sdDqm" t "std_ulogic_vector" b "( 1 DOWNTO 0 )" o 22 suid 70,0 ) declText (MLText uid 6005,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "courier,8,0" ) xt "98000,200,126000,1100" st "SIGNAL sdDqm : std_ulogic_vector( 1 DOWNTO 0 )" ) ) *46 (Net uid 6010,0 decl (Decl n "memWr_n" t "std_ulogic" o 9 suid 71,0 ) declText (MLText uid 6011,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "courier,8,0" ) xt "98000,200,115500,1100" st "SIGNAL memWr_n : std_ulogic" ) ) *47 (Net uid 6016,0 decl (Decl n "sdCas_n" t "std_ulogic" o 18 suid 72,0 ) declText (MLText uid 6017,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "courier,8,0" ) xt "98000,200,115500,1100" st "SIGNAL sdCas_n : std_ulogic" ) ) *48 (Net uid 6022,0 decl (Decl n "sdRas_n" t "std_ulogic" o 23 suid 73,0 ) declText (MLText uid 6023,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "courier,8,0" ) xt "98000,200,115500,1100" st "SIGNAL sdRas_n : std_ulogic" ) ) *49 (Net uid 6028,0 decl (Decl n "sdCs_n" t "std_ulogic" o 21 suid 74,0 ) declText (MLText uid 6029,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "courier,8,0" ) xt "98000,200,115500,1100" st "SIGNAL sdCs_n : std_ulogic" ) ) *50 (Net uid 6048,0 decl (Decl n "DQ" t "std_logic_vector" b "(dataBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)" o 1 suid 75,0 ) declText (MLText uid 6049,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "courier,8,0" ) xt "98000,200,129500,1100" st "SIGNAL DQ : std_logic_vector(dataBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)" ) ) *51 (HdlText uid 6058,0 optionalChildren [ *52 (EmbeddedText uid 6063,0 commentText (CommentText uid 6064,0 ps "CenterOffsetStrategy" shape (Rectangle uid 6065,0 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "65535,65535,65535" lineColor "0,0,32768" lineWidth 2 ) xt "73000,31000,89000,39000" ) oxt "0,0,18000,5000" text (MLText uid 6066,0 va (VaSet font "courier,9,0" ) xt "73200,31200,89200,35700" st " memDataIn <= std_ulogic_vector(DQ); DQ <= std_logic_vector(memDataOut) when memWr_n = '0' else (others => 'Z'); " tm "HdlTextMgr" wrapOption 3 visibleHeight 8000 visibleWidth 16000 ) ) ) ] shape (Rectangle uid 6059,0 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "65535,65535,37120" lineColor "0,0,32768" lineWidth 2 ) xt "73000,30000,89000,40000" ) oxt "0,0,8000,10000" ttg (MlTextGroup uid 6060,0 ps "CenterOffsetStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" textVec [ *53 (Text uid 6061,0 va (VaSet ) xt "73400,40000,74600,41000" st "eb1" blo "73400,40800" tm "HdlTextNameMgr" ) *54 (Text uid 6062,0 va (VaSet ) xt "73400,41000,73800,42000" st "1" blo "73400,41800" tm "HdlTextNumberMgr" ) ] ) ) *55 (HdlText uid 6138,0 optionalChildren [ *56 (EmbeddedText uid 6143,0 commentText (CommentText uid 6144,0 ps "CenterOffsetStrategy" shape (Rectangle uid 6145,0 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "65535,65535,65535" lineColor "0,0,32768" lineWidth 2 ) xt "128000,62000,170000,86000" ) oxt "0,0,18000,5000" text (MLText uid 6146,0 va (VaSet font "courier,9,0" ) xt "128200,62200,168200,79300" st " commandBus <= (sdCs_n, sdRas_n, sdCas_n, memWr_n, sdDqm(1), sdDqm(0)); ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- debug information commandDecode: process(commandBus) begin case commandBus is when inhibit => commandString <= \"inhibit \"; when nop => commandString <= \"nop \"; when active => commandString <= \"active \"; when read => commandString <= \"read \"; when write => commandString <= \"write \"; when burstTerminate => commandString <= \"burstTerminate \"; when precharge => commandString <= \"precharge \"; when autoRefresh => commandString <= \"autoRefresh \"; when loadModeReg => commandString <= \"loadModeReg \"; when others => commandString <= \"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\"; end case; end process commandDecode; " tm "HdlTextMgr" wrapOption 3 visibleHeight 24000 visibleWidth 42000 ) ) ) ] shape (Rectangle uid 6139,0 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "65535,65535,37120" lineColor "0,0,32768" lineWidth 2 ) xt "128000,61000,170000,87000" ) oxt "0,0,8000,10000" ttg (MlTextGroup uid 6140,0 ps "CenterOffsetStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" textVec [ *57 (Text uid 6141,0 va (VaSet ) xt "128200,87000,129800,88000" st "eb2" blo "128200,87800" tm "HdlTextNameMgr" ) *58 (Text uid 6142,0 va (VaSet ) xt "128200,88000,129000,89000" st "2" blo "128200,88800" tm "HdlTextNumberMgr" ) ] ) ) *59 (Net uid 6195,0 decl (Decl n "commandBus" t "commandBusType" o 3 suid 76,0 ) declText (MLText uid 6196,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "courier,8,0" ) xt "98000,200,117500,1100" st "SIGNAL commandBus : commandBusType" ) ) *60 (Net uid 6207,0 decl (Decl n "commandString" t "string" b "(1 TO 16)" o 4 suid 78,0 ) declText (MLText uid 6208,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "courier,8,0" ) xt "98000,200,118000,1100" st "SIGNAL commandString : string(1 TO 16)" ) ) *61 (SaComponent uid 6647,0 optionalChildren [ *62 (CptPort uid 6563,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 6564,0 ro 90 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "24250,53625,25000,54375" ) tg (CPTG uid 6565,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 6566,0 va (VaSet ) xt "26000,53500,28100,54500" st "clock" blo "26000,54300" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort decl (Decl n "clock" t "std_ulogic" o 1 suid 20,0 ) ) ) *63 (CptPort uid 6567,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 6568,0 ro 270 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "24250,39625,25000,40375" ) tg (CPTG uid 6569,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 6570,0 va (VaSet ) xt "26000,39500,31400,40500" st "ramDataValid" blo "26000,40300" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort m 1 decl (Decl n "ramDataValid" t "std_ulogic" o 14 suid 21,0 ) ) ) *64 (CptPort uid 6571,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 6572,0 ro 90 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "24250,29625,25000,30375" ) tg (CPTG uid 6573,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 6574,0 va (VaSet ) xt "26000,29500,29300,30500" st "ramAddr" blo "26000,30300" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort decl (Decl n "ramAddr" t "unsigned" b "(addressBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)" o 3 suid 22,0 ) ) ) *65 (CptPort uid 6575,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 6576,0 ro 90 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "41000,29625,41750,30375" ) tg (CPTG uid 6577,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "RightVerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 6578,0 va (VaSet ) xt "34800,29500,40000,30500" st "memAddress" ju 2 blo "40000,30300" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort m 1 decl (Decl n "memAddress" t "std_ulogic_vector" b "( chipAddressBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0 )" o 9 suid 23,0 ) ) ) *66 (CptPort uid 6579,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 6580,0 ro 90 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "24250,33625,25000,34375" ) tg (CPTG uid 6581,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 6582,0 va (VaSet ) xt "26000,33500,30900,34500" st "ramDataOut" blo "26000,34300" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort decl (Decl n "ramDataOut" t "std_ulogic_vector" b "(dataBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)" o 4 suid 24,0 ) ) ) *67 (CptPort uid 6583,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 6584,0 ro 270 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "41000,33625,41750,34375" ) tg (CPTG uid 6585,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "RightVerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 6586,0 va (VaSet ) xt "35800,33500,40000,34500" st "memDataIn" ju 2 blo "40000,34300" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort decl (Decl n "memDataIn" t "std_ulogic_vector" b "(dataBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)" o 2 suid 25,0 ) ) ) *68 (CptPort uid 6587,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 6588,0 ro 90 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "41000,35625,41750,36375" ) tg (CPTG uid 6589,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "RightVerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 6590,0 va (VaSet ) xt "34800,35500,40000,36500" st "memDataOut" ju 2 blo "40000,36300" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort m 1 decl (Decl n "memDataOut" t "std_ulogic_vector" b "(dataBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)" o 11 suid 26,0 ) ) ) *69 (CptPort uid 6591,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 6592,0 ro 90 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "41000,43625,41750,44375" ) tg (CPTG uid 6593,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "RightVerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 6594,0 va (VaSet ) xt "36200,43500,40000,44500" st "memWr_n" ju 2 blo "40000,44300" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort m 1 decl (Decl n "memWr_n" t "std_ulogic" o 12 suid 27,0 ) ) ) *70 (CptPort uid 6595,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 6596,0 ro 90 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "24250,51625,25000,52375" ) tg (CPTG uid 6597,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 6598,0 va (VaSet ) xt "26000,51500,28600,52500" st "ramEn" blo "26000,52300" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort decl (Decl n "ramEn" t "std_ulogic" o 5 suid 28,0 ) ) ) *71 (CptPort uid 6599,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 6600,0 ro 90 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "24250,35625,25000,36375" ) tg (CPTG uid 6601,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 6602,0 va (VaSet ) xt "26000,35500,28700,36500" st "ramRd" blo "26000,36300" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort decl (Decl n "ramRd" t "std_ulogic" o 6 suid 29,0 ) ) ) *72 (CptPort uid 6603,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 6604,0 ro 90 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "24250,37625,25000,38375" ) tg (CPTG uid 6605,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 6606,0 va (VaSet ) xt "26000,37500,28700,38500" st "ramWr" blo "26000,38300" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort decl (Decl n "ramWr" t "std_ulogic" o 7 suid 30,0 ) ) ) *73 (CptPort uid 6607,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 6608,0 ro 90 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "24250,55625,25000,56375" ) tg (CPTG uid 6609,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 6610,0 va (VaSet ) xt "26000,55500,28100,56500" st "reset" blo "26000,56300" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort decl (Decl n "reset" t "std_ulogic" o 8 suid 31,0 ) ) ) *74 (CptPort uid 6611,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 6612,0 ro 90 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "41000,41625,41750,42375" ) tg (CPTG uid 6613,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "RightVerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 6614,0 va (VaSet ) xt "36600,41500,40000,42500" st "sdCas_n" ju 2 blo "40000,42300" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort m 1 decl (Decl n "sdCas_n" t "std_ulogic" o 15 suid 32,0 ) ) ) *75 (CptPort uid 6615,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 6616,0 ro 90 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "41000,47625,41750,48375" ) tg (CPTG uid 6617,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "RightVerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 6618,0 va (VaSet ) xt "37500,47500,40000,48500" st "sdCke" ju 2 blo "40000,48300" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort m 1 decl (Decl n "sdCke" t "std_ulogic" o 16 suid 33,0 ) ) ) *76 (CptPort uid 6619,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 6620,0 ro 90 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "41000,49625,41750,50375" ) tg (CPTG uid 6621,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "RightVerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 6622,0 va (VaSet ) xt "37700,49500,40000,50500" st "sdClk" ju 2 blo "40000,50300" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort m 1 decl (Decl n "sdClk" t "std_ulogic" o 17 suid 34,0 ) ) ) *77 (CptPort uid 6623,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 6624,0 ro 90 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "41000,37625,41750,38375" ) tg (CPTG uid 6625,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "RightVerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 6626,0 va (VaSet ) xt "37000,37500,40000,38500" st "sdCs_n" ju 2 blo "40000,38300" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort m 1 decl (Decl n "sdCs_n" t "std_ulogic" o 18 suid 35,0 ) ) ) *78 (CptPort uid 6627,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 6628,0 ro 90 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "41000,45625,41750,46375" ) tg (CPTG uid 6629,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "RightVerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 6630,0 va (VaSet ) xt "37100,45500,40000,46500" st "sdDqm" ju 2 blo "40000,46300" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort m 1 decl (Decl n "sdDqm" t "std_ulogic_vector" b "(1 DOWNTO 0)" o 19 suid 36,0 ) ) ) *79 (CptPort uid 6631,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 6632,0 ro 90 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "41000,39625,41750,40375" ) tg (CPTG uid 6633,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "RightVerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 6634,0 va (VaSet ) xt "36600,39500,40000,40500" st "sdRas_n" ju 2 blo "40000,40300" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort m 1 decl (Decl n "sdRas_n" t "std_ulogic" o 20 suid 38,0 ) ) ) *80 (CptPort uid 6635,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 6636,0 ro 270 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "24250,31625,25000,32375" ) tg (CPTG uid 6637,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 6638,0 va (VaSet ) xt "26000,31500,29900,32500" st "ramDataIn" blo "26000,32300" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort m 1 decl (Decl n "ramDataIn" t "std_ulogic_vector" b "(dataBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)" o 13 suid 42,0 ) ) ) *81 (CptPort uid 6639,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 6640,0 ro 90 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "41000,31625,41750,32375" ) tg (CPTG uid 6641,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "RightVerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 6642,0 va (VaSet ) xt "33200,31500,40000,32500" st "memBankAddress" ju 2 blo "40000,32300" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort m 1 decl (Decl n "memBankAddress" t "std_ulogic_vector" b "( chipBankAddressBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0 )" o 10 suid 43,0 ) ) ) *82 (CptPort uid 6643,0 ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle uid 6644,0 ro 90 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "41000,53625,41750,54375" ) tg (CPTG uid 6645,0 ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "RightVerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text uid 6646,0 va (VaSet ) xt "34500,53500,40000,54500" st "selectRefresh" ju 2 blo "40000,54300" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort m 1 decl (Decl n "selectRefresh" t "std_ulogic" o 21 suid 44,0 ) ) ) ] shape (Rectangle uid 6648,0 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" lineColor "0,32896,0" lineWidth 2 ) xt "25000,26000,41000,58000" ) oxt "42000,2000,58000,34000" ttg (MlTextGroup uid 6649,0 ps "CenterOffsetStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" textVec [ *83 (Text uid 6650,0 va (VaSet font "courier,8,1" ) xt "25550,58500,28850,59500" st "memory" blo "25550,59300" tm "BdLibraryNameMgr" ) *84 (Text uid 6651,0 va (VaSet font "courier,8,1" ) xt "25550,59500,32450,60500" st "sdramController" blo "25550,60300" tm "CptNameMgr" ) *85 (Text uid 6652,0 va (VaSet font "courier,8,1" ) xt "25550,60500,26550,61500" st "I0" blo "25550,61300" tm "InstanceNameMgr" ) ] ) ga (GenericAssociation uid 6653,0 ps "EdgeToEdgeStrategy" matrix (Matrix uid 6654,0 text (MLText uid 6655,0 va (VaSet font "courier,8,0" ) xt "25000,62200,54000,65800" st "addressBitNb = addressBitNb ( positive ) dataBitNb = dataBitNb ( positive ) chipAddressBitNb = rowAddressBitNb ( positive ) chipBankAddressBitNb = bankAddressBitNb ( positive ) " ) header "" ) elements [ (GiElement name "addressBitNb" type "positive" value "addressBitNb" ) (GiElement name "dataBitNb" type "positive" value "dataBitNb" ) (GiElement name "chipAddressBitNb" type "positive" value "rowAddressBitNb" ) (GiElement name "chipBankAddressBitNb" type "positive" value "bankAddressBitNb" ) ] ) portVis (PortSigDisplay sTC 0 sF 0 ) archFileType "UNKNOWN" ) *86 (Net uid 6656,0 decl (Decl n "selectRefresh" t "std_ulogic" o 24 suid 79,0 ) declText (MLText uid 6657,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "courier,8,0" ) xt "0,0,17500,900" st "SIGNAL selectRefresh : std_ulogic" ) ) *87 (Wire uid 5552,0 shape (OrthoPolyLine uid 5553,0 va (VaSet vasetType 3 ) xt "23000,56000,24250,67000" pts [ "24250,56000" "23000,56000" "23000,67000" ] ) start &73 end &12 sat 32 eat 2 stc 0 st 0 si 0 tg (WTG uid 5556,0 ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 5557,0 va (VaSet font "courier,12,0" ) xt "19250,54600,22750,55900" st "reset" blo "19250,55600" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) on &16 ) *88 (Wire uid 5560,0 shape (OrthoPolyLine uid 5561,0 va (VaSet vasetType 3 ) xt "21000,54000,24250,67000" pts [ "24250,54000" "21000,54000" "21000,67000" ] ) start &62 end &12 sat 32 eat 2 stc 0 st 0 si 0 tg (WTG uid 5564,0 ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 5565,0 va (VaSet font "courier,12,0" ) xt "19250,52600,23050,54000" st "clock" blo "19250,53800" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) on &17 ) *89 (Wire uid 5568,0 shape (OrthoPolyLine uid 5569,0 va (VaSet vasetType 3 ) xt "19000,52000,24250,67000" pts [ "24250,52000" "19000,52000" "19000,67000" ] ) start &70 end &12 sat 32 eat 2 stc 0 st 0 si 0 tg (WTG uid 5572,0 ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 5573,0 va (VaSet font "courier,12,0" ) xt "18250,50600,21750,51900" st "ramEn" blo "18250,51600" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) on &18 ) *90 (Wire uid 5576,0 shape (OrthoPolyLine uid 5577,0 va (VaSet vasetType 3 ) xt "15000,40000,24250,67000" pts [ "24250,40000" "15000,40000" "15000,67000" ] ) start &63 end &12 sat 32 eat 1 stc 0 st 0 si 0 tg (WTG uid 5580,0 ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 5581,0 va (VaSet font "courier,12,0" ) xt "13250,38600,22350,39900" st "ramDataValid" blo "13250,39600" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) on &19 ) *91 (Wire uid 5584,0 shape (OrthoPolyLine uid 5585,0 va (VaSet vasetType 3 ) xt "13000,38000,24250,67000" pts [ "24250,38000" "13000,38000" "13000,67000" ] ) start &72 end &12 sat 32 eat 2 stc 0 st 0 si 0 tg (WTG uid 5588,0 ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 5589,0 va (VaSet font "courier,12,0" ) xt "18250,36600,21750,37900" st "ramWr" blo "18250,37600" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) on &20 ) *92 (Wire uid 5592,0 shape (OrthoPolyLine uid 5593,0 va (VaSet vasetType 3 ) xt "11000,36000,24250,67000" pts [ "24250,36000" "11000,36000" "11000,67000" ] ) start &71 end &12 sat 32 eat 2 stc 0 st 0 si 0 tg (WTG uid 5596,0 ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 5597,0 va (VaSet font "courier,12,0" ) xt "18250,34600,21750,35900" st "ramRd" blo "18250,35600" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) on &21 ) *93 (Wire uid 5600,0 shape (OrthoPolyLine uid 5601,0 va (VaSet vasetType 3 lineWidth 2 ) xt "9000,34000,24250,67000" pts [ "24250,34000" "9000,34000" "9000,67000" ] ) start &66 end &12 sat 32 eat 2 sty 1 stc 0 st 0 si 0 tg (WTG uid 5604,0 ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 5605,0 va (VaSet font "courier,12,0" ) xt "14250,32600,21950,33900" st "ramDataOut" blo "14250,33600" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) on &22 ) *94 (Wire uid 5608,0 shape (OrthoPolyLine uid 5609,0 va (VaSet vasetType 3 lineWidth 2 ) xt "7000,32000,24250,67000" pts [ "24250,32000" "7000,32000" "7000,67000" ] ) start &80 end &12 sat 32 eat 1 sty 1 stc 0 st 0 si 0 tg (WTG uid 5612,0 ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 5613,0 va (VaSet font "courier,12,0" ) xt "15250,30600,21550,31900" st "ramDataIn" blo "15250,31600" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) on &23 ) *95 (Wire uid 5616,0 shape (OrthoPolyLine uid 5617,0 va (VaSet vasetType 3 lineWidth 2 ) xt "5000,30000,24250,67000" pts [ "24250,30000" "5000,30000" "5000,67000" ] ) start &64 end &12 sat 32 eat 2 sty 1 stc 0 st 0 si 0 tg (WTG uid 5620,0 ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 5621,0 va (VaSet font "courier,12,0" ) xt "17250,28600,22150,29900" st "ramAddr" blo "17250,29600" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) on &24 ) *96 (Wire uid 5909,0 shape (OrthoPolyLine uid 5910,0 va (VaSet vasetType 3 lineWidth 2 ) xt "41750,30000,56250,34000" pts [ "41750,30000" "54000,30000" "54000,34000" "56250,34000" ] ) start &65 end &30 sat 32 eat 32 sty 1 stc 0 st 0 si 0 tg (WTG uid 5911,0 ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 5912,0 va (VaSet font "courier,12,0" ) xt "43750,28600,51450,29900" st "memAddress" blo "43750,29600" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) on &25 ) *97 (Wire uid 5915,0 shape (OrthoPolyLine uid 5916,0 va (VaSet vasetType 3 lineWidth 2 ) xt "41750,32000,56250,36000" pts [ "41750,32000" "53000,32000" "53000,36000" "56250,36000" ] ) start &81 end &31 sat 32 eat 32 sty 1 stc 0 st 0 si 0 tg (WTG uid 5917,0 ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 5918,0 va (VaSet font "courier,12,0" ) xt "43000,30600,53500,31900" st "memBankAddress" blo "43000,31600" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) on &26 ) *98 (Wire uid 5921,0 shape (OrthoPolyLine uid 5922,0 va (VaSet vasetType 3 lineWidth 2 ) xt "41750,34000,45000,34000" pts [ "41750,34000" "45000,34000" ] ) start &67 sat 32 eat 16 sty 1 stc 0 st 0 si 0 tg (WTG uid 5925,0 ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 5926,0 va (VaSet font "courier,12,0" ) xt "43750,32600,50050,33900" st "memDataIn" blo "43750,33600" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) on &27 ) *99 (Wire uid 5929,0 shape (OrthoPolyLine uid 5930,0 va (VaSet vasetType 3 lineWidth 2 ) xt "41750,36000,45000,36000" pts [ "41750,36000" "45000,36000" ] ) start &68 sat 32 eat 16 sty 1 stc 0 st 0 si 0 tg (WTG uid 5933,0 ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 5934,0 va (VaSet font "courier,12,0" ) xt "43750,34600,51450,35900" st "memDataOut" blo "43750,35600" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) on &28 ) *100 (Wire uid 5994,0 shape (OrthoPolyLine uid 5995,0 va (VaSet vasetType 3 ) xt "41750,50000,56250,50000" pts [ "41750,50000" "56250,50000" ] ) start &76 end &34 sat 32 eat 32 stc 0 st 0 si 0 tg (WTG uid 5996,0 ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 5997,0 va (VaSet font "courier,12,0" ) xt "43750,48600,47250,49900" st "sdClk" blo "43750,49600" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) on &43 ) *101 (Wire uid 6000,0 shape (OrthoPolyLine uid 6001,0 va (VaSet vasetType 3 ) xt "41750,48000,56250,48000" pts [ "41750,48000" "56250,48000" ] ) start &75 end &33 sat 32 eat 32 stc 0 st 0 si 0 tg (WTG uid 6002,0 ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 6003,0 va (VaSet font "courier,12,0" ) xt "43750,46600,47250,47900" st "sdCke" blo "43750,47600" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) on &44 ) *102 (Wire uid 6006,0 shape (OrthoPolyLine uid 6007,0 va (VaSet vasetType 3 lineWidth 2 ) xt "41750,46000,56250,46000" pts [ "41750,46000" "56250,46000" ] ) start &78 end &37 sat 32 eat 32 sty 1 stc 0 st 0 si 0 tg (WTG uid 6008,0 ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 6009,0 va (VaSet font "courier,12,0" ) xt "43750,44600,47250,45900" st "sdDqm" blo "43750,45600" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) on &45 ) *103 (Wire uid 6012,0 shape (OrthoPolyLine uid 6013,0 va (VaSet vasetType 3 ) xt "41750,44000,56250,44000" pts [ "41750,44000" "56250,44000" ] ) start &69 end &39 sat 32 eat 32 stc 0 st 0 si 0 tg (WTG uid 6014,0 ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 6015,0 va (VaSet font "courier,12,0" ) xt "43750,42600,48650,43900" st "memWr_n" blo "43750,43600" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) on &46 ) *104 (Wire uid 6018,0 shape (OrthoPolyLine uid 6019,0 va (VaSet vasetType 3 ) xt "41750,42000,56250,42000" pts [ "41750,42000" "56250,42000" ] ) start &74 end &32 sat 32 eat 32 stc 0 st 0 si 0 tg (WTG uid 6020,0 ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 6021,0 va (VaSet font "courier,12,0" ) xt "43750,40600,50050,42000" st "sdCas_n" blo "43750,41800" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) on &47 ) *105 (Wire uid 6024,0 shape (OrthoPolyLine uid 6025,0 va (VaSet vasetType 3 ) xt "41750,40000,56250,40000" pts [ "41750,40000" "56250,40000" ] ) start &79 end &38 sat 32 eat 32 stc 0 st 0 si 0 tg (WTG uid 6026,0 ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 6027,0 va (VaSet font "courier,12,0" ) xt "43750,38600,48650,39900" st "sdRas_n" blo "43750,39600" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) on &48 ) *106 (Wire uid 6030,0 shape (OrthoPolyLine uid 6031,0 va (VaSet vasetType 3 ) xt "41750,38000,56250,38000" pts [ "41750,38000" "56250,38000" ] ) start &77 end &35 sat 32 eat 32 stc 0 st 0 si 0 tg (WTG uid 6032,0 ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 6033,0 va (VaSet font "courier,12,0" ) xt "43750,36600,47950,37900" st "sdCs_n" blo "43750,37600" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) on &49 ) *107 (Wire uid 6050,0 shape (OrthoPolyLine uid 6051,0 va (VaSet vasetType 3 lineWidth 2 ) xt "65750,34000,73000,34000" pts [ "65750,34000" "73000,34000" ] ) start &36 end &51 sat 32 eat 4 sty 1 stc 0 st 0 si 0 tg (WTG uid 6054,0 ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 6055,0 va (VaSet font "courier,12,0" ) xt "67750,32600,69150,33900" st "DQ" blo "67750,33600" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) on &50 ) *108 (Wire uid 6114,0 shape (OrthoPolyLine uid 6115,0 va (VaSet vasetType 3 ) xt "69000,36000,73000,36000" pts [ "69000,36000" "73000,36000" ] ) end &51 sat 16 eat 1 stc 0 st 0 si 0 tg (WTG uid 6120,0 ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 6121,0 va (VaSet font "courier,12,0" ) xt "66000,34600,70900,35900" st "memWr_n" blo "66000,35600" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) on &46 ) *109 (Wire uid 6122,0 shape (OrthoPolyLine uid 6123,0 va (VaSet vasetType 3 lineWidth 2 ) xt "89000,34000,93000,34000" pts [ "89000,34000" "93000,34000" ] ) start &51 sat 2 eat 16 sty 1 stc 0 st 0 si 0 tg (WTG uid 6128,0 ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 6129,0 va (VaSet font "courier,12,0" ) xt "91750,32600,98050,33900" st "memDataIn" blo "91750,33600" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) on &27 ) *110 (Wire uid 6130,0 shape (OrthoPolyLine uid 6131,0 va (VaSet vasetType 3 lineWidth 2 ) xt "89000,36000,93000,36000" pts [ "89000,36000" "93000,36000" ] ) start &51 sat 1 eat 16 sty 1 stc 0 st 0 si 0 tg (WTG uid 6136,0 ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 6137,0 va (VaSet font "courier,12,0" ) xt "91750,34600,99450,35900" st "memDataOut" blo "91750,35600" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) on &28 ) *111 (Wire uid 6147,0 shape (OrthoPolyLine uid 6148,0 va (VaSet vasetType 3 lineWidth 2 ) xt "112000,72000,128000,72000" pts [ "112000,72000" "128000,72000" ] ) end &55 sat 16 eat 1 sty 1 stc 0 st 0 si 0 tg (WTG uid 6153,0 ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 6154,0 va (VaSet font "courier,12,0" ) xt "113750,70600,117250,71900" st "sdDqm" blo "113750,71600" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) on &45 ) *112 (Wire uid 6155,0 shape (OrthoPolyLine uid 6156,0 va (VaSet vasetType 3 ) xt "112000,70000,128000,70000" pts [ "112000,70000" "128000,70000" ] ) end &55 sat 16 eat 1 stc 0 st 0 si 0 tg (WTG uid 6161,0 ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 6162,0 va (VaSet font "courier,12,0" ) xt "113750,68600,118650,69900" st "memWr_n" blo "113750,69600" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) on &46 ) *113 (Wire uid 6163,0 shape (OrthoPolyLine uid 6164,0 va (VaSet vasetType 3 ) xt "112000,68000,128000,68000" pts [ "112000,68000" "128000,68000" ] ) end &55 sat 16 eat 1 stc 0 st 0 si 0 tg (WTG uid 6169,0 ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 6170,0 va (VaSet font "courier,12,0" ) xt "113750,66600,120050,68000" st "sdCas_n" blo "113750,67800" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) on &47 ) *114 (Wire uid 6171,0 shape (OrthoPolyLine uid 6172,0 va (VaSet vasetType 3 ) xt "112000,66000,128000,66000" pts [ "112000,66000" "128000,66000" ] ) end &55 sat 16 eat 1 stc 0 st 0 si 0 tg (WTG uid 6177,0 ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 6178,0 va (VaSet font "courier,12,0" ) xt "113750,64600,118650,65900" st "sdRas_n" blo "113750,65600" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) on &48 ) *115 (Wire uid 6179,0 shape (OrthoPolyLine uid 6180,0 va (VaSet vasetType 3 ) xt "112000,64000,128000,64000" pts [ "112000,64000" "128000,64000" ] ) end &55 sat 16 eat 1 stc 0 st 0 si 0 tg (WTG uid 6185,0 ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 6186,0 va (VaSet font "courier,12,0" ) xt "113750,62600,117950,63900" st "sdCs_n" blo "113750,63600" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) on &49 ) *116 (Wire uid 6187,0 shape (OrthoPolyLine uid 6188,0 va (VaSet vasetType 3 lineWidth 2 ) xt "112000,76000,128000,76000" pts [ "112000,76000" "128000,76000" ] ) end &55 sat 16 eat 4 sty 1 stc 0 st 0 si 0 tg (WTG uid 6193,0 ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 6194,0 va (VaSet font "courier,12,0" ) xt "113750,74600,121450,75900" st "commandBus" blo "113750,75600" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) on &59 ) *117 (Wire uid 6199,0 shape (OrthoPolyLine uid 6200,0 va (VaSet vasetType 3 lineWidth 2 ) xt "112000,78000,128000,78000" pts [ "112000,78000" "128000,78000" ] ) end &55 sat 16 eat 4 sty 1 stc 0 st 0 sf 1 si 0 tg (WTG uid 6205,0 ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 6206,0 va (VaSet font "courier,12,0" ) xt "114000,76600,123800,77900" st "commandString" blo "114000,77600" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) on &60 ) *118 (Wire uid 6658,0 shape (OrthoPolyLine uid 6659,0 va (VaSet vasetType 3 ) xt "41750,54000,45000,67000" pts [ "41750,54000" "45000,54000" "45000,67000" ] ) start &82 end &12 sat 32 eat 1 stc 0 st 0 si 0 tg (WTG uid 6662,0 ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text uid 6663,0 va (VaSet font "courier,12,0" ) xt "43750,52600,53850,54000" st "selectRefresh" blo "43750,53800" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) on &86 ) ] bg "65535,65535,65535" grid (Grid origin "0,0" isVisible 1 isActive 1 xSpacing 1000 xySpacing 1000 xShown 1 yShown 1 color "32768,32768,32768" ) packageList *119 (PackageList uid 187,0 stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" textVec [ *120 (Text uid 1297,0 va (VaSet font "courier,12,0" ) xt "-7000,19600,2500,21000" st "Package List" blo "-7000,20800" ) *121 (MLText uid 1298,0 va (VaSet ) xt "-7000,21000,11600,24000" st "LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; USE ieee.numeric_std.all;" tm "PackageList" ) ] ) compDirBlock (MlTextGroup uid 190,0 stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" textVec [ *122 (Text uid 191,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "courier,10,1" ) xt "20000,0,31000,1200" st "Compiler Directives" blo "20000,1000" ) *123 (Text uid 192,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "courier,10,1" ) xt "20000,1400,33000,2600" st "Pre-module directives:" blo "20000,2400" ) *124 (MLText uid 193,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 ) xt "20000,2800,32000,4800" st "`resetall `timescale 1ns/10ps" tm "BdCompilerDirectivesTextMgr" ) *125 (Text uid 194,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "courier,10,1" ) xt "20000,5600,33500,6800" st "Post-module directives:" blo "20000,6600" ) *126 (MLText uid 195,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 ) xt "20000,7000,20000,7000" tm "BdCompilerDirectivesTextMgr" ) *127 (Text uid 196,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "courier,10,1" ) xt "20000,7200,33200,8400" st "End-module directives:" blo "20000,8200" ) *128 (MLText uid 197,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 ) xt "20000,1200,20000,1200" tm "BdCompilerDirectivesTextMgr" ) ] associable 1 ) windowSize "7,31,1372,964" viewArea "-6900,19000,103116,94936" cachedDiagramExtent "-7000,-6200,170000,93000" pageSetupInfo (PageSetupInfo ptrCmd "\\\\SUN\\PREA309_HPLJ3005DN.PRINTERS.SYSTEM.SION.HEVs,winspool," fileName "\\\\EIV\\a309_hplj4050.electro.eiv" toPrinter 1 xMargin 48 yMargin 48 windowsPaperWidth 761 windowsPaperHeight 1077 paperType "Letter (8.5\" x 11\")" windowsPaperName "A4" windowsPaperType 9 scale 67 titlesVisible 0 exportedDirectories [ "$HDS_PROJECT_DIR/HTMLExport" ] boundaryWidth 0 ) hasePageBreakOrigin 1 pageBreakOrigin "-7000,19000" lastUid 6843,0 defaultCommentText (CommentText shape (Rectangle layer 0 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "65280,65280,46080" lineColor "0,0,32768" ) xt "0,0,15000,5000" ) text (MLText va (VaSet fg "0,0,32768" ) xt "200,200,2600,1200" st " Text " tm "CommentText" wrapOption 3 visibleHeight 4600 visibleWidth 14600 ) ) defaultRequirementText (RequirementText shape (ZoomableIcon layer 0 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "59904,39936,65280" lineColor "0,0,32768" ) xt "0,0,1500,1750" iconName "reqTracerRequirement.bmp" iconMaskName "reqTracerRequirement.msk" ) autoResize 1 text (MLText va (VaSet fg "0,0,32768" font "courier,8,0" ) xt "450,2150,1450,3050" st " Text " tm "RequirementText" wrapOption 3 visibleHeight 1350 visibleWidth 1100 ) ) defaultPanel (Panel shape (RectFrame va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "65535,65535,65535" lineColor "32768,0,0" lineWidth 2 ) xt "0,0,20000,20000" ) title (TextAssociate ps "TopLeftStrategy" text (Text va (VaSet ) xt "1000,1000,3300,2000" st "Panel0" blo "1000,1800" tm "PanelText" ) ) ) defaultBlk (Blk shape (Rectangle va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "39936,56832,65280" lineColor "0,0,32768" lineWidth 2 ) xt "0,0,8000,10000" ) ttg (MlTextGroup ps "CenterOffsetStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" textVec [ *129 (Text va (VaSet font "courier,12,1" ) xt "1500,2550,7900,3950" st "<library>" blo "1500,3750" tm "BdLibraryNameMgr" ) *130 (Text va (VaSet font "courier,12,1" ) xt "1500,3950,7000,5350" st "<block>" blo "1500,5150" tm "BlkNameMgr" ) *131 (Text va (VaSet font "courier,12,1" ) xt "1500,5350,3000,6750" st "I0" blo "1500,6550" tm "InstanceNameMgr" ) ] ) ga (GenericAssociation ps "EdgeToEdgeStrategy" matrix (Matrix text (MLText va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "courier,9,0" ) xt "1500,12550,1500,12550" ) header "" ) elements [ ] ) ) defaultMWComponent (MWC shape (Rectangle va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" lineColor "0,32896,0" lineWidth 2 ) xt "-600,0,8600,10000" ) ttg (MlTextGroup ps "CenterOffsetStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" textVec [ *132 (Text va (VaSet ) xt "-100,3000,2200,4000" st "Library" blo "-100,3800" ) *133 (Text va (VaSet ) xt "-100,4000,5900,5000" st "MWComponent" blo "-100,4800" ) *134 (Text va (VaSet ) xt "-100,5000,500,6000" st "I0" blo "-100,5800" tm "InstanceNameMgr" ) ] ) ga (GenericAssociation ps "EdgeToEdgeStrategy" matrix (Matrix text (MLText va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "courier,9,0" ) xt "-7100,1000,-7100,1000" ) header "" ) elements [ ] ) prms (Property pclass "params" pname "params" ptn "String" ) visOptions (mwParamsVisibilityOptions ) ) defaultSaComponent (SaComponent shape (Rectangle va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" lineColor "0,32896,0" lineWidth 2 ) xt "-850,0,8850,10000" ) ttg (MlTextGroup ps "CenterOffsetStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" textVec [ *135 (Text va (VaSet ) xt "-350,2550,1950,3550" st "Library" blo "-350,3350" tm "BdLibraryNameMgr" ) *136 (Text va (VaSet ) xt "-350,3550,5150,4550" st "SaComponent" blo "-350,4350" tm "CptNameMgr" ) *137 (Text va (VaSet ) xt "-350,4550,250,5550" st "I0" blo "-350,5350" tm "InstanceNameMgr" ) ] ) ga (GenericAssociation ps "EdgeToEdgeStrategy" matrix (Matrix text (MLText va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "courier,9,0" ) xt "-7350,550,-7350,550" ) header "" ) elements [ ] ) archFileType "UNKNOWN" ) defaultVhdlComponent (VhdlComponent shape (Rectangle va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" lineColor "0,32896,0" lineWidth 2 ) xt "-1350,0,9350,10000" ) ttg (MlTextGroup ps "CenterOffsetStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" textVec [ *138 (Text va (VaSet ) xt "-850,2550,1450,3550" st "Library" blo "-850,3350" ) *139 (Text va (VaSet ) xt "-850,3550,5250,4550" st "VhdlComponent" blo "-850,4350" ) *140 (Text va (VaSet ) xt "-850,4550,-250,5550" st "I0" blo "-850,5350" tm "InstanceNameMgr" ) ] ) ga (GenericAssociation ps "EdgeToEdgeStrategy" matrix (Matrix text (MLText va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "courier,9,0" ) xt "-7850,550,-7850,550" ) header "" ) elements [ ] ) entityPath "" archName "" archPath "" ) defaultVerilogComponent (VerilogComponent shape (Rectangle va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" lineColor "0,32896,0" lineWidth 2 ) xt "-2100,0,10100,10000" ) ttg (MlTextGroup ps "CenterOffsetStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" textVec [ *141 (Text va (VaSet ) xt "-1600,2550,700,3550" st "Library" blo "-1600,3350" ) *142 (Text va (VaSet ) xt "-1600,3550,5500,4550" st "VerilogComponent" blo "-1600,4350" ) *143 (Text va (VaSet ) xt "-1600,4550,-1000,5550" st "I0" blo "-1600,5350" tm "InstanceNameMgr" ) ] ) ga (GenericAssociation ps "EdgeToEdgeStrategy" matrix (Matrix text (MLText va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "courier,9,0" ) xt "-8600,550,-8600,550" ) header "" ) elements [ ] ) entityPath "" ) defaultHdlText (HdlText shape (Rectangle va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "65535,65535,37120" lineColor "0,0,32768" lineWidth 2 ) xt "0,0,8000,10000" ) ttg (MlTextGroup ps "CenterOffsetStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" textVec [ *144 (Text va (VaSet ) xt "2950,3400,4150,4400" st "eb1" blo "2950,4200" tm "HdlTextNameMgr" ) *145 (Text va (VaSet ) xt "2950,4400,3350,5400" st "1" blo "2950,5200" tm "HdlTextNumberMgr" ) ] ) ) defaultEmbeddedText (EmbeddedText commentText (CommentText ps "CenterOffsetStrategy" shape (Rectangle va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "65535,65535,65535" lineColor "0,0,32768" lineWidth 2 ) xt "0,0,18000,5000" ) text (MLText va (VaSet font "courier,9,0" ) xt "200,200,2200,1100" st " Text " tm "HdlTextMgr" wrapOption 3 visibleHeight 4600 visibleWidth 17600 ) ) ) defaultGlobalConnector (GlobalConnector shape (Circle va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "65535,65535,0" ) xt "-1000,-1000,1000,1000" radius 1000 ) name (Text va (VaSet ) xt "-300,-500,300,500" st "G" blo "-300,300" ) ) defaultRipper (Ripper ps "OnConnectorStrategy" shape (Line2D pts [ "0,0" "1000,1000" ] va (VaSet vasetType 1 ) xt "0,0,1000,1000" ) ) defaultBdJunction (BdJunction ps "OnConnectorStrategy" shape (Circle va (VaSet vasetType 1 ) xt "-400,-400,400,400" radius 400 ) ) defaultPortIoIn (PortIoIn shape (CompositeShape va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,0,32768" ) optionalChildren [ (Pentagon sl 0 ro 270 xt "-2000,-375,-500,375" ) (Line sl 0 ro 270 xt "-500,0,0,0" pts [ "-500,0" "0,0" ] ) ] ) tg (WTG ps "PortIoTextPlaceStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text va (VaSet isHidden 1 ) xt "-2875,-375,-2875,-375" ju 2 blo "-2875,-375" tm "WireNameMgr" ) s (Text va (VaSet ) xt "-2875,-375,-2875,-375" ju 2 blo "-2875,-375" tm "SignalTypeMgr" ) ) ) defaultPortIoOut (PortIoOut shape (CompositeShape va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,0,32768" ) optionalChildren [ (Pentagon sl 0 ro 270 xt "500,-375,2000,375" ) (Line sl 0 ro 270 xt "0,0,500,0" pts [ "0,0" "500,0" ] ) ] ) tg (WTG ps "PortIoTextPlaceStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text va (VaSet isHidden 1 ) xt "2875,-375,2875,-375" blo "2875,-375" tm "WireNameMgr" ) s (Text va (VaSet ) xt "2875,-375,2875,-375" blo "2875,-375" tm "SignalTypeMgr" ) ) ) defaultPortIoInOut (PortIoInOut shape (CompositeShape va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,0,32768" ) optionalChildren [ (Hexagon sl 0 xt "500,-375,2000,375" ) (Line sl 0 xt "0,0,500,0" pts [ "0,0" "500,0" ] ) ] ) tg (WTG ps "PortIoTextPlaceStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text va (VaSet isHidden 1 ) xt "3000,500,3000,500" blo "3000,500" tm "WireNameMgr" ) s (Text va (VaSet ) xt "3000,500,3000,500" blo "3000,500" tm "SignalTypeMgr" ) ) ) defaultPortIoBuffer (PortIoBuffer shape (CompositeShape va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "65535,65535,65535" lineColor "0,0,32768" ) optionalChildren [ (Hexagon sl 0 xt "500,-375,2000,375" ) (Line sl 0 xt "0,0,500,0" pts [ "0,0" "500,0" ] ) ] ) tg (WTG ps "PortIoTextPlaceStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text va (VaSet isHidden 1 ) xt "3000,500,3000,500" blo "3000,500" tm "WireNameMgr" ) s (Text va (VaSet ) xt "3000,500,3000,500" blo "3000,500" tm "SignalTypeMgr" ) ) ) defaultSignal (Wire shape (OrthoPolyLine va (VaSet vasetType 3 ) pts [ "0,0" "0,0" ] ) ss 0 es 0 sat 32 eat 32 stc 0 st 0 sf 1 si 0 tg (WTG ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text va (VaSet font "courier,12,0" ) xt "0,0,2600,1400" st "sig0" blo "0,1200" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) ) defaultBus (Wire shape (OrthoPolyLine va (VaSet vasetType 3 lineWidth 2 ) pts [ "0,0" "0,0" ] ) ss 0 es 0 sat 32 eat 32 sty 1 stc 0 st 0 sf 1 si 0 tg (WTG ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy" f (Text va (VaSet font "courier,12,0" ) xt "0,0,3900,1400" st "dbus0" blo "0,1200" tm "WireNameMgr" ) ) ) defaultBundle (Bundle shape (OrthoPolyLine va (VaSet vasetType 3 lineColor "32768,0,0" lineStyle 3 lineWidth 2 ) pts [ "0,0" "0,0" ] ) ss 0 es 0 sat 32 eat 32 textGroup (BiTextGroup ps "ConnStartEndStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" first (Text va (VaSet font "courier,12,0" ) xt "0,0,5100,1400" st "bundle0" blo "0,1200" tm "BundleNameMgr" ) second (MLText va (VaSet font "courier,12,0" ) xt "0,1400,1400,2700" st "()" tm "BundleContentsMgr" ) ) bundleNet &0 ) defaultPortMapFrame (PortMapFrame ps "PortMapFrameStrategy" shape (RectFrame va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "65535,65535,65535" lineColor "0,0,32768" lineWidth 2 ) xt "0,0,10000,12000" ) portMapText (BiTextGroup ps "BottomRightOffsetStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" first (MLText va (VaSet font "courier,12,0" ) xt "0,0,6300,1300" st "Auto list" ) second (MLText va (VaSet font "courier,12,0" ) xt "0,1400,12600,2700" st "User defined list" tm "PortMapTextMgr" ) ) ) defaultGenFrame (Frame shape (RectFrame va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "65535,65535,65535" lineColor "26368,26368,26368" lineStyle 2 lineWidth 2 ) xt "0,0,20000,20000" ) title (TextAssociate ps "TopLeftStrategy" text (MLText va (VaSet ) xt "0,-1400,17400,-400" st "g0: FOR i IN 0 TO n GENERATE" tm "FrameTitleTextMgr" ) ) seqNum (FrameSequenceNumber ps "TopLeftStrategy" shape (Rectangle va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "65535,65535,65535" ) xt "50,50,1050,1750" ) num (Text va (VaSet ) xt "200,300,600,1300" st "1" blo "200,1100" tm "FrameSeqNumMgr" ) ) decls (MlTextGroup ps "BottomRightOffsetStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" textVec [ *146 (Text va (VaSet font "courier,9,1" ) xt "11800,20000,22600,21200" st "Frame Declarations" blo "11800,21000" ) *147 (MLText va (VaSet ) xt "11800,21200,11800,21200" tm "BdFrameDeclTextMgr" ) ] ) ) defaultBlockFrame (Frame shape (RectFrame va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "65535,65535,65535" lineColor "26368,26368,26368" lineStyle 1 lineWidth 2 ) xt "0,0,20000,20000" ) title (TextAssociate ps "TopLeftStrategy" text (MLText va (VaSet ) xt "0,-1400,10800,-400" st "b0: BLOCK (guard)" tm "FrameTitleTextMgr" ) ) seqNum (FrameSequenceNumber ps "TopLeftStrategy" shape (Rectangle va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "65535,65535,65535" ) xt "50,50,1050,1750" ) num (Text va (VaSet ) xt "200,300,600,1300" st "1" blo "200,1100" tm "FrameSeqNumMgr" ) ) decls (MlTextGroup ps "BottomRightOffsetStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" textVec [ *148 (Text va (VaSet font "courier,9,1" ) xt "11800,20000,22600,21200" st "Frame Declarations" blo "11800,21000" ) *149 (MLText va (VaSet ) xt "11800,21200,11800,21200" tm "BdFrameDeclTextMgr" ) ] ) style 3 ) defaultSaCptPort (CptPort ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Triangle ro 90 va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "0,65535,0" ) xt "0,0,750,750" ) tg (CPTG ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text va (VaSet font "courier,12,0" ) xt "0,750,2600,2150" st "Port" blo "0,1950" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort decl (Decl n "Port" t "" o 0 ) ) ) defaultSaCptPortBuffer (CptPort ps "OnEdgeStrategy" shape (Diamond va (VaSet vasetType 1 fg "65535,65535,65535" ) xt "0,0,750,750" ) tg (CPTG ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy" stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy" f (Text va (VaSet font "courier,12,0" ) xt "0,750,2600,2150" st "Port" blo "0,1950" ) ) thePort (LogicalPort m 3 decl (Decl n "Port" t "" o 0 ) ) ) defaultDeclText (MLText va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "courier,8,0" ) ) archDeclarativeBlock (BdArchDeclBlock uid 1,0 stg "BdArchDeclBlockLS" declLabel (Text uid 2,0 va (VaSet font "courier,10,1" ) xt "105000,19600,113600,20800" st "Declarations" blo "105000,20600" ) portLabel (Text uid 3,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "courier,10,1" ) xt "105000,20800,109200,22000" st "Ports:" blo "105000,21800" ) preUserLabel (Text uid 4,0 va (VaSet font "courier,10,1" ) xt "105000,20800,111000,22000" st "Pre User:" blo "105000,21800" ) preUserText (MLText uid 5,0 va (VaSet ) xt "107000,22000,160400,39000" st "constant colAddressBitNb: positive := 9; constant rowAddressBitNb: positive := 12; constant bankAddressBitNb: positive := 2; constant addressBitNb: positive := colAddressBitNb + rowAddressBitNb + bankAddressBitNb; constant dataBitNb: positive := 16; subtype commandBusType is std_ulogic_vector(5 downto 0); -- bits: 5 = cs, 4 = ras, 3 = cas, 2 = we, 1 = dqm(1), 0 = dqm(0) constant inhibit : commandBusType := \"1-----\"; constant nop : commandBusType := \"0111--\"; constant active : commandBusType := \"0011--\"; constant read : commandBusType := \"010100\"; constant write : commandBusType := \"010000\"; constant burstTerminate : commandBusType := \"0110--\"; constant precharge : commandBusType := \"0010--\"; constant autoRefresh : commandBusType := \"0001--\"; constant loadModeReg : commandBusType := \"0000--\";" tm "BdDeclarativeTextMgr" ) diagSignalLabel (Text uid 6,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "courier,10,1" ) xt "105000,20800,116000,22000" st "Diagram Signals:" blo "105000,21800" ) postUserLabel (Text uid 7,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 font "courier,10,1" ) xt "105000,20800,112300,22000" st "Post User:" blo "105000,21800" ) postUserText (MLText uid 8,0 va (VaSet isHidden 1 ) xt "107000,35200,107000,35200" tm "BdDeclarativeTextMgr" ) ) commonDM (CommonDM ldm (LogicalDM suid 79,0 usingSuid 1 emptyRow *150 (LEmptyRow ) uid 3310,0 optionalChildren [ *151 (RefLabelRowHdr ) *152 (TitleRowHdr ) *153 (FilterRowHdr ) *154 (RefLabelColHdr tm "RefLabelColHdrMgr" ) *155 (RowExpandColHdr tm "RowExpandColHdrMgr" ) *156 (GroupColHdr tm "GroupColHdrMgr" ) *157 (NameColHdr tm "BlockDiagramNameColHdrMgr" ) *158 (ModeColHdr tm "BlockDiagramModeColHdrMgr" ) *159 (TypeColHdr tm "BlockDiagramTypeColHdrMgr" ) *160 (BoundsColHdr tm "BlockDiagramBoundsColHdrMgr" ) *161 (InitColHdr tm "BlockDiagramInitColHdrMgr" ) *162 (EolColHdr tm "BlockDiagramEolColHdrMgr" ) *163 (LeafLogPort port (LogicalPort m 4 decl (Decl n "reset" t "std_ulogic" o 17 suid 55,0 ) ) uid 5622,0 ) *164 (LeafLogPort port (LogicalPort m 4 decl (Decl n "clock" t "std_ulogic" o 2 suid 56,0 ) ) uid 5624,0 ) *165 (LeafLogPort port (LogicalPort m 4 decl (Decl n "ramEn" t "std_ulogic" o 14 suid 57,0 ) ) uid 5626,0 ) *166 (LeafLogPort port (LogicalPort m 4 decl (Decl n "ramDataValid" t "std_ulogic" o 13 suid 58,0 ) ) uid 5628,0 ) *167 (LeafLogPort port (LogicalPort m 4 decl (Decl n "ramWr" t "std_ulogic" o 16 suid 59,0 ) ) uid 5630,0 ) *168 (LeafLogPort port (LogicalPort m 4 decl (Decl n "ramRd" t "std_ulogic" o 15 suid 60,0 ) ) uid 5632,0 ) *169 (LeafLogPort port (LogicalPort m 4 decl (Decl n "ramDataOut" t "std_ulogic_vector" b "(dataBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)" o 12 suid 61,0 ) ) uid 5634,0 ) *170 (LeafLogPort port (LogicalPort m 4 decl (Decl n "ramDataIn" t "std_ulogic_vector" b "(dataBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)" o 11 suid 62,0 ) ) uid 5636,0 ) *171 (LeafLogPort port (LogicalPort m 4 decl (Decl n "ramAddr" t "unsigned" b "(addressBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)" o 10 suid 63,0 ) ) uid 5638,0 ) *172 (LeafLogPort port (LogicalPort m 4 decl (Decl n "memAddress" t "std_ulogic_vector" b "(rowAddressBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)" o 5 suid 64,0 ) ) uid 5935,0 ) *173 (LeafLogPort port (LogicalPort m 4 decl (Decl n "memBankAddress" t "std_ulogic_vector" b "(bankAddressBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)" o 6 suid 65,0 ) ) uid 5937,0 ) *174 (LeafLogPort port (LogicalPort m 4 decl (Decl n "memDataIn" t "std_ulogic_vector" b "(dataBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)" o 7 suid 66,0 ) ) uid 5939,0 ) *175 (LeafLogPort port (LogicalPort m 4 decl (Decl n "memDataOut" t "std_ulogic_vector" b "(dataBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)" o 8 suid 67,0 ) ) uid 5941,0 ) *176 (LeafLogPort port (LogicalPort m 4 decl (Decl n "sdClk" t "std_ulogic" o 20 suid 68,0 ) ) uid 6034,0 ) *177 (LeafLogPort port (LogicalPort m 4 decl (Decl n "sdCke" t "std_ulogic" o 19 suid 69,0 ) ) uid 6036,0 ) *178 (LeafLogPort port (LogicalPort m 4 decl (Decl n "sdDqm" t "std_ulogic_vector" b "( 1 DOWNTO 0 )" o 22 suid 70,0 ) ) uid 6038,0 ) *179 (LeafLogPort port (LogicalPort m 4 decl (Decl n "memWr_n" t "std_ulogic" o 9 suid 71,0 ) ) uid 6040,0 ) *180 (LeafLogPort port (LogicalPort m 4 decl (Decl n "sdCas_n" t "std_ulogic" o 18 suid 72,0 ) ) uid 6042,0 ) *181 (LeafLogPort port (LogicalPort m 4 decl (Decl n "sdRas_n" t "std_ulogic" o 23 suid 73,0 ) ) uid 6044,0 ) *182 (LeafLogPort port (LogicalPort m 4 decl (Decl n "sdCs_n" t "std_ulogic" o 21 suid 74,0 ) ) uid 6046,0 ) *183 (LeafLogPort port (LogicalPort m 4 decl (Decl n "DQ" t "std_logic_vector" b "(dataBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)" o 1 suid 75,0 ) ) uid 6056,0 ) *184 (LeafLogPort port (LogicalPort m 4 decl (Decl n "commandBus" t "commandBusType" o 3 suid 76,0 ) ) uid 6209,0 ) *185 (LeafLogPort port (LogicalPort m 4 decl (Decl n "commandString" t "string" b "(1 TO 16)" o 4 suid 78,0 ) ) uid 6211,0 ) *186 (LeafLogPort port (LogicalPort m 4 decl (Decl n "selectRefresh" t "std_ulogic" o 24 suid 79,0 ) ) uid 6664,0 ) ] ) pdm (PhysicalDM displayShortBounds 1 editShortBounds 1 uid 3323,0 optionalChildren [ *187 (Sheet sheetRow (SheetRow headerVa (MVa cellColor "49152,49152,49152" fontColor "0,0,0" font "courier,10,0" ) cellVa (MVa cellColor "65535,65535,65535" fontColor "0,0,0" font "courier,10,0" ) groupVa (MVa cellColor "39936,56832,65280" fontColor "0,0,0" font "courier,10,0" ) emptyMRCItem *188 (MRCItem litem &150 pos 24 dimension 20 ) uid 3325,0 optionalChildren [ *189 (MRCItem litem &151 pos 0 dimension 20 uid 3326,0 ) *190 (MRCItem litem &152 pos 1 dimension 23 uid 3327,0 ) *191 (MRCItem litem &153 pos 2 hidden 1 dimension 20 uid 3328,0 ) *192 (MRCItem litem &163 pos 0 dimension 20 uid 5623,0 ) *193 (MRCItem litem &164 pos 1 dimension 20 uid 5625,0 ) *194 (MRCItem litem &165 pos 2 dimension 20 uid 5627,0 ) *195 (MRCItem litem &166 pos 3 dimension 20 uid 5629,0 ) *196 (MRCItem litem &167 pos 4 dimension 20 uid 5631,0 ) *197 (MRCItem litem &168 pos 5 dimension 20 uid 5633,0 ) *198 (MRCItem litem &169 pos 6 dimension 20 uid 5635,0 ) *199 (MRCItem litem &170 pos 7 dimension 20 uid 5637,0 ) *200 (MRCItem litem &171 pos 8 dimension 20 uid 5639,0 ) *201 (MRCItem litem &172 pos 9 dimension 20 uid 5936,0 ) *202 (MRCItem litem &173 pos 10 dimension 20 uid 5938,0 ) *203 (MRCItem litem &174 pos 11 dimension 20 uid 5940,0 ) *204 (MRCItem litem &175 pos 12 dimension 20 uid 5942,0 ) *205 (MRCItem litem &176 pos 13 dimension 20 uid 6035,0 ) *206 (MRCItem litem &177 pos 14 dimension 20 uid 6037,0 ) *207 (MRCItem litem &178 pos 15 dimension 20 uid 6039,0 ) *208 (MRCItem litem &179 pos 16 dimension 20 uid 6041,0 ) *209 (MRCItem litem &180 pos 17 dimension 20 uid 6043,0 ) *210 (MRCItem litem &181 pos 18 dimension 20 uid 6045,0 ) *211 (MRCItem litem &182 pos 19 dimension 20 uid 6047,0 ) *212 (MRCItem litem &183 pos 20 dimension 20 uid 6057,0 ) *213 (MRCItem litem &184 pos 21 dimension 20 uid 6210,0 ) *214 (MRCItem litem &185 pos 22 dimension 20 uid 6212,0 ) *215 (MRCItem litem &186 pos 23 dimension 20 uid 6665,0 ) ] ) sheetCol (SheetCol propVa (MVa cellColor "0,49152,49152" fontColor "0,0,0" font "courier,10,0" textAngle 90 ) uid 3329,0 optionalChildren [ *216 (MRCItem litem &154 pos 0 dimension 20 uid 3330,0 ) *217 (MRCItem litem &156 pos 1 dimension 50 uid 3331,0 ) *218 (MRCItem litem &157 pos 2 dimension 100 uid 3332,0 ) *219 (MRCItem litem &158 pos 3 dimension 50 uid 3333,0 ) *220 (MRCItem litem &159 pos 4 dimension 100 uid 3334,0 ) *221 (MRCItem litem &160 pos 5 dimension 100 uid 3335,0 ) *222 (MRCItem litem &161 pos 6 dimension 50 uid 3336,0 ) *223 (MRCItem litem &162 pos 7 dimension 80 uid 3337,0 ) ] ) fixedCol 4 fixedRow 2 name "Ports" uid 3324,0 vaOverrides [ ] ) ] ) uid 3309,0 ) genericsCommonDM (CommonDM ldm (LogicalDM emptyRow *224 (LEmptyRow ) uid 3339,0 optionalChildren [ *225 (RefLabelRowHdr ) *226 (TitleRowHdr ) *227 (FilterRowHdr ) *228 (RefLabelColHdr tm "RefLabelColHdrMgr" ) *229 (RowExpandColHdr tm "RowExpandColHdrMgr" ) *230 (GroupColHdr tm "GroupColHdrMgr" ) *231 (NameColHdr tm "GenericNameColHdrMgr" ) *232 (TypeColHdr tm "GenericTypeColHdrMgr" ) *233 (InitColHdr tm "GenericValueColHdrMgr" ) *234 (PragmaColHdr tm "GenericPragmaColHdrMgr" ) *235 (EolColHdr tm "GenericEolColHdrMgr" ) ] ) pdm (PhysicalDM uid 3351,0 optionalChildren [ *236 (Sheet sheetRow (SheetRow headerVa (MVa cellColor "49152,49152,49152" fontColor "0,0,0" font "courier,10,0" ) cellVa (MVa cellColor "65535,65535,65535" fontColor "0,0,0" font "courier,10,0" ) groupVa (MVa cellColor "39936,56832,65280" fontColor "0,0,0" font "courier,10,0" ) emptyMRCItem *237 (MRCItem litem &224 pos 0 dimension 20 ) uid 3353,0 optionalChildren [ *238 (MRCItem litem &225 pos 0 dimension 20 uid 3354,0 ) *239 (MRCItem litem &226 pos 1 dimension 23 uid 3355,0 ) *240 (MRCItem litem &227 pos 2 hidden 1 dimension 20 uid 3356,0 ) ] ) sheetCol (SheetCol propVa (MVa cellColor "0,49152,49152" fontColor "0,0,0" font "courier,10,0" textAngle 90 ) uid 3357,0 optionalChildren [ *241 (MRCItem litem &228 pos 0 dimension 20 uid 3358,0 ) *242 (MRCItem litem &230 pos 1 dimension 50 uid 3359,0 ) *243 (MRCItem litem &231 pos 2 dimension 100 uid 3360,0 ) *244 (MRCItem litem &232 pos 3 dimension 100 uid 3361,0 ) *245 (MRCItem litem &233 pos 4 dimension 50 uid 3362,0 ) *246 (MRCItem litem &234 pos 5 dimension 50 uid 3363,0 ) *247 (MRCItem litem &235 pos 6 dimension 80 uid 3364,0 ) ] ) fixedCol 3 fixedRow 2 name "Ports" uid 3352,0 vaOverrides [ ] ) ] ) uid 3338,0 type 1 ) activeModelName "BlockDiag" )