-- VHDL Entity Board.pipelineCounter_ebs3.symbol -- -- Created: -- by - axel.amand.UNKNOWN (WE7860) -- at - 11:16:01 08.05.2023 -- -- Generated by Mentor Graphics' HDL Designer(TM) 2019.2 (Build 5) -- LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; USE ieee.numeric_std.all; ENTITY pipelineCounter_ebs3 IS GENERIC( counterBitNb : positive := 16 ); PORT( clock : IN std_ulogic; reset_n : IN std_ulogic; countOut : OUT unsigned (counterBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0) ); -- Declarations END pipelineCounter_ebs3 ; -- VHDL Entity PipelinedOperators.pipelineCounter.symbol -- -- Created: -- by - francois.francois (Aphelia) -- at - 08:50:00 03/11/19 -- -- Generated by Mentor Graphics' HDL Designer(TM) 2019.2 (Build 5) -- LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; USE ieee.numeric_std.all; ENTITY pipelineCounter IS GENERIC( bitNb : positive; stageNb : positive ); PORT( countOut : OUT unsigned (bitNb-1 DOWNTO 0); clock : IN std_ulogic; reset : IN std_ulogic ); -- Declarations END pipelineCounter ; -- VHDL Entity PipelinedOperators.pipelineAdder.symbol -- -- Created: -- by - francois.francois (Aphelia) -- at - 08:50:15 03/11/19 -- -- Generated by Mentor Graphics' HDL Designer(TM) 2019.2 (Build 5) -- LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; USE ieee.numeric_std.all; ENTITY pipelineAdder IS GENERIC( bitNb : positive; stageNb : positive ); PORT( sum : OUT signed (bitNb-1 DOWNTO 0); clock : IN std_ulogic; reset : IN std_ulogic; cIn : IN std_ulogic; cOut : OUT std_ulogic; a : IN signed (bitNb-1 DOWNTO 0); b : IN signed (bitNb-1 DOWNTO 0) ); -- Declarations END pipelineAdder ; -- VHDL Entity PipelinedOperators.parallelAdder.symbol -- -- Created: -- by - axel.amand.UNKNOWN (WE7860) -- at - 11:43:49 28.04.2023 -- -- Generated by Mentor Graphics' HDL Designer(TM) 2019.2 (Build 5) -- LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; USE ieee.numeric_std.all; ENTITY parallelAdder IS GENERIC( bitNb : positive := 32 ); PORT( sum : OUT signed (bitNb-1 DOWNTO 0); cIn : IN std_ulogic; cOut : OUT std_ulogic; a : IN signed (bitNb-1 DOWNTO 0); b : IN signed (bitNb-1 DOWNTO 0) ); -- Declarations END parallelAdder ; ARCHITECTURE masterVersion OF parallelAdder IS signal sum_int: unsigned(sum'high+1 downto 0); BEGIN sum_int <= resize(unsigned(a), sum_int'length) + resize(unsigned(b), sum_int'length) + resize('0' & cIn, sum_int'length); sum <= signed(sum_int(sum'range)); cOut <= sum_int(sum_int'high); END ARCHITECTURE masterVersion; ARCHITECTURE masterVersion OF pipelineAdder IS constant stageBitNb : positive := sum'length/stageNb; subtype stageOperandType is signed(stageBitNb-1 downto 0); type stageOperandVectorType is array(stageNb-1 downto 0) of stageOperandType; type stageOperandMatrixType is array(stageNb-1 downto 0) of stageOperandVectorType; subtype carryType is std_ulogic_vector(stageNb downto 0); signal a_int, b_int, sum_int : stageOperandMatrixType; signal carryIn, carryOut : carryType; COMPONENT parallelAdder GENERIC ( bitNb : positive := 32 ); PORT ( sum : OUT signed (bitNb-1 DOWNTO 0); cIn : IN std_ulogic ; cOut : OUT std_ulogic ; a : IN signed (bitNb-1 DOWNTO 0); b : IN signed (bitNb-1 DOWNTO 0) ); END COMPONENT; BEGIN carryIn(0) <= cIn; distributeInput: for wordIndex in stageOperandVectorType'range generate a_int(wordIndex)(0) <= a(wordIndex*stageBitNb+stageBitNb-1 downto wordIndex*stageBitNb); b_int(wordIndex)(0) <= b(wordIndex*stageBitNb+stageBitNb-1 downto wordIndex*stageBitNb); end generate distributeInput; inputRegistersX: for wordIndex in stageOperandVectorType'high downto 1 generate inputRegistersY: for pipeIndex in stageOperandMatrixType'high downto 1 generate upperTriangle: if wordIndex >= pipeIndex generate inputRegisters: process(reset, clock) begin if reset = '1' then a_int(wordIndex)(pipeIndex) <= (others => '0'); b_int(wordIndex)(pipeIndex) <= (others => '0'); elsif rising_edge(clock) then a_int(wordIndex)(pipeIndex) <= a_int(wordIndex)(pipeIndex-1); b_int(wordIndex)(pipeIndex) <= b_int(wordIndex)(pipeIndex-1); end if; end process inputRegisters; end generate upperTriangle; end generate inputRegistersY; end generate inputRegistersX; operation: for index in stageOperandVectorType'range generate partialAdder: parallelAdder GENERIC MAP (bitNb => stageBitNb) PORT MAP ( a => a_int(index)(index), b => b_int(index)(index), sum => sum_int(index)(index), cIn => carryIn(index), cOut => carryOut(index) ); carryRegisters: process(reset, clock) begin if reset = '1' then carryIn(index+1) <= '0'; elsif rising_edge(clock) then carryIn(index+1) <= carryOut(index); end if; end process carryRegisters; end generate operation; outputRegistersX: for wordIndex in stageOperandVectorType'range generate outputRegistersY: for pipeIndex in stageOperandMatrixType'range generate lowerTriangle: if wordIndex < pipeIndex generate outputRegisters: process(reset, clock) begin if reset = '1' then sum_int(wordIndex)(pipeIndex) <= (others => '0'); elsif rising_edge(clock) then sum_int(wordIndex)(pipeIndex) <= sum_int(wordIndex)(pipeIndex-1); end if; end process outputRegisters; end generate lowerTriangle; end generate outputRegistersY; end generate outputRegistersX; packOutput: for index in stageOperandVectorType'range generate sum(index*stageBitNb+stageBitNb-1 downto index*stageBitNb) <= sum_int(index)(stageOperandMatrixType'high); end generate packOutput; cOut <= carryOut(carryOut'high-1); END ARCHITECTURE masterVersion; ARCHITECTURE masterVersion OF pipelineCounter IS signal initCounter : unsigned(countOut'length/stageNb-1 downto 0); signal b : signed(countOut'range); signal sum : signed(countOut'range); COMPONENT pipelineAdder GENERIC ( bitNb : positive := 32; stageNb : positive := 4 ); PORT ( reset : IN std_ulogic; clock : IN std_ulogic; cIn : IN std_ulogic; a : IN signed (bitNb-1 DOWNTO 0); b : IN signed (bitNb-1 DOWNTO 0); sum : OUT signed (bitNb-1 DOWNTO 0); cOut : OUT std_ulogic ); END COMPONENT; BEGIN adder: pipelineAdder GENERIC MAP ( bitNb => countOut'length, stageNb => stageNb ) PORT MAP ( reset => reset, clock => clock, cIn => '0', a => sum, b => b, sum => sum, cOut => open ); prepareBInput: process(reset, clock) begin if reset = '1' then initCounter <= (others => '0'); elsif rising_edge(clock) then if initCounter < stageNb then initCounter <= initCounter + 1; end if; end if; end process prepareBInput; selectInitOrRun: process(initCounter, sum) begin if initCounter < stageNb-1 then b <= signed(resize(initCounter+stageNb-1, b'length)); countOut <= resize(initCounter, countOut'length); else b <= to_signed(stageNb-1, b'length); countOut <= unsigned(sum); end if; end process selectInitOrRun; END ARCHITECTURE masterVersion; -- VHDL Entity Board.DFF.symbol -- -- Created: -- by - francois.francois (Aphelia) -- at - 13:07:05 02/19/19 -- -- Generated by Mentor Graphics' HDL Designer(TM) 2019.2 (Build 5) -- LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; ENTITY DFF IS PORT( CLK : IN std_uLogic; CLR : IN std_uLogic; D : IN std_uLogic; Q : OUT std_uLogic ); -- Declarations END DFF ; ARCHITECTURE sim OF DFF IS BEGIN process(clk, clr) begin if clr = '1' then q <= '0'; elsif rising_edge(clk) then q <= d; end if; end process; END ARCHITECTURE sim; -- VHDL Entity Board.inverterIn.symbol -- -- Created: -- by - francois.francois (Aphelia) -- at - 13:07:14 02/19/19 -- -- Generated by Mentor Graphics' HDL Designer(TM) 2019.2 (Build 5) -- LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; ENTITY inverterIn IS PORT( in1 : IN std_uLogic; out1 : OUT std_uLogic ); -- Declarations END inverterIn ; ARCHITECTURE sim OF inverterIn IS BEGIN out1 <= NOT in1; END ARCHITECTURE sim; -- VHDL netlist generated by SCUBA Diamond (64-bit) -- Module Version: 5.7 --C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\ispfpga\bin\nt64\scuba.exe -w -n pll -lang vhdl -synth synplify -bus_exp 7 -bb -arch sa5p00 -type pll -fin 100.00 -fclkop 60 -fclkop_tol 10.0 -fclkos 75 -fclkos_tol 10.0 -phases 0 -fclkos2 50 -fclkos2_tol 10.0 -phases2 0 -fclkos3 10 -fclkos3_tol 10.0 -phases3 0 -phase_cntl STATIC -enable_s -enable_s2 -enable_s3 -pllLocked -fb_mode 1 -fdc C:/temp/clocker/pll/pll.fdc -- Offers 10MHz, 50MHz, 60MHz and 75MHz clocks library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; library ECP5U; use ECP5U.components.all; ENTITY pll IS PORT( clkIn100M : IN std_ulogic; en75M : IN std_ulogic; en50M : IN std_ulogic; en10M : IN std_ulogic; clk60MHz : OUT std_ulogic; clk75MHz : OUT std_ulogic; clk50MHz : OUT std_ulogic; clk10MHz : OUT std_ulogic; pllLocked : OUT std_ulogic ); -- Declarations END pll ; architecture rtl of pll is -- internal signal declarations signal REFCLK: std_logic; signal CLKOS3_t: std_logic; signal CLKOS2_t: std_logic; signal CLKOS_t: std_logic; signal CLKOP_t: std_logic; signal scuba_vhi: std_logic; signal scuba_vlo: std_logic; attribute FREQUENCY_PIN_CLKOS3 : string; attribute FREQUENCY_PIN_CLKOS2 : string; attribute FREQUENCY_PIN_CLKOS : string; attribute FREQUENCY_PIN_CLKOP : string; attribute FREQUENCY_PIN_CLKI : string; attribute ICP_CURRENT : string; attribute LPF_RESISTOR : string; attribute FREQUENCY_PIN_CLKOS3 of PLLInst_0 : label is "10.000000"; attribute FREQUENCY_PIN_CLKOS2 of PLLInst_0 : label is "50.000000"; attribute FREQUENCY_PIN_CLKOS of PLLInst_0 : label is "75.000000"; attribute FREQUENCY_PIN_CLKOP of PLLInst_0 : label is "60.000000"; attribute FREQUENCY_PIN_CLKI of PLLInst_0 : label is "100.000000"; attribute ICP_CURRENT of PLLInst_0 : label is "5"; attribute LPF_RESISTOR of PLLInst_0 : label is "16"; attribute syn_keep : boolean; attribute NGD_DRC_MASK : integer; attribute NGD_DRC_MASK of rtl : architecture is 1; begin -- component instantiation statements scuba_vhi_inst: VHI port map (Z=>scuba_vhi); scuba_vlo_inst: VLO port map (Z=>scuba_vlo); PLLInst_0: EHXPLLL generic map (PLLRST_ENA=> "DISABLED", INTFB_WAKE=> "DISABLED", STDBY_ENABLE=> "DISABLED", DPHASE_SOURCE=> "DISABLED", CLKOS3_FPHASE=> 0, CLKOS3_CPHASE=> 59, CLKOS2_FPHASE=> 0, CLKOS2_CPHASE=> 11, CLKOS_FPHASE=> 0, CLKOS_CPHASE=> 7, CLKOP_FPHASE=> 0, CLKOP_CPHASE=> 9, PLL_LOCK_MODE=> 0, CLKOS_TRIM_DELAY=> 0, CLKOS_TRIM_POL=> "FALLING", CLKOP_TRIM_DELAY=> 0, CLKOP_TRIM_POL=> "FALLING", OUTDIVIDER_MUXD=> "DIVD", CLKOS3_ENABLE=> "DISABLED", OUTDIVIDER_MUXC=> "DIVC", CLKOS2_ENABLE=> "DISABLED", OUTDIVIDER_MUXB=> "DIVB", CLKOS_ENABLE=> "DISABLED", OUTDIVIDER_MUXA=> "DIVA", CLKOP_ENABLE=> "ENABLED", CLKOS3_DIV=> 60, CLKOS2_DIV=> 12, CLKOS_DIV=> 8, CLKOP_DIV=> 10, CLKFB_DIV=> 3, CLKI_DIV=> 5, FEEDBK_PATH=> "CLKOP") port map (CLKI=>clkIn100M, CLKFB=>CLKOP_t, PHASESEL1=>scuba_vlo, PHASESEL0=>scuba_vlo, PHASEDIR=>scuba_vlo, PHASESTEP=>scuba_vlo, PHASELOADREG=>scuba_vlo, STDBY=>scuba_vlo, PLLWAKESYNC=>scuba_vlo, RST=>scuba_vlo, ENCLKOP=>scuba_vlo, ENCLKOS=>en75M, ENCLKOS2=>en50M, ENCLKOS3=>en10M, CLKOP=>CLKOP_t, CLKOS=>CLKOS_t, CLKOS2=>CLKOS2_t, CLKOS3=>CLKOS3_t, LOCK=>pllLocked, INTLOCK=>open, REFCLK=>REFCLK, CLKINTFB=>open); clk10MHz <= CLKOS3_t; clk50MHz <= CLKOS2_t; clk75MHz <= CLKOS_t; clk60MHz <= CLKOP_t; end rtl; -- -- VHDL Architecture Board.pipelineCounter_ebs3.struct -- -- Created: -- by - axel.amand.UNKNOWN (WE7860) -- at - 11:16:01 08.05.2023 -- -- Generated by Mentor Graphics' HDL Designer(TM) 2019.2 (Build 5) -- LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; USE ieee.numeric_std.all; -- LIBRARY Board; -- LIBRARY Lattice; -- LIBRARY PipelinedOperators; ARCHITECTURE struct OF pipelineCounter_ebs3 IS -- Architecture declarations constant pipelineStageNb: positive := 5; -- Internal signal declarations SIGNAL clk_sys : std_ulogic; SIGNAL logic0 : std_ulogic; SIGNAL logic1 : std_uLogic; SIGNAL reset : std_ulogic; SIGNAL resetSynch : std_ulogic; SIGNAL resetSynch_n : std_ulogic; -- Component Declarations COMPONENT DFF PORT ( CLK : IN std_uLogic ; CLR : IN std_uLogic ; D : IN std_uLogic ; Q : OUT std_uLogic ); END COMPONENT; COMPONENT inverterIn PORT ( in1 : IN std_uLogic ; out1 : OUT std_uLogic ); END COMPONENT; COMPONENT pll PORT ( clkIn100M : IN std_ulogic ; en75M : IN std_ulogic ; en50M : IN std_ulogic ; en10M : IN std_ulogic ; clk60MHz : OUT std_ulogic ; clk75MHz : OUT std_ulogic ; clk50MHz : OUT std_ulogic ; clk10MHz : OUT std_ulogic ; pllLocked : OUT std_ulogic ); END COMPONENT; COMPONENT pipelineCounter GENERIC ( bitNb : positive; stageNb : positive ); PORT ( countOut : OUT unsigned (bitNb-1 DOWNTO 0); clock : IN std_ulogic ; reset : IN std_ulogic ); END COMPONENT; -- Optional embedded configurations -- pragma synthesis_off -- FOR ALL : DFF USE ENTITY Board.DFF; -- FOR ALL : inverterIn USE ENTITY Board.inverterIn; -- FOR ALL : pipelineCounter USE ENTITY PipelinedOperators.pipelineCounter; -- FOR ALL : pll USE ENTITY Lattice.pll; -- pragma synthesis_on BEGIN -- Architecture concurrent statements -- HDL Embedded Text Block 5 eb5 logic1 <= '1'; -- HDL Embedded Text Block 6 eb6 logic0 <= '0'; -- Instance port mappings. I_dff : DFF PORT MAP ( CLK => clock, CLR => reset, D => logic1, Q => resetSynch_n ); I_inv1 : inverterIn PORT MAP ( in1 => reset_n, out1 => reset ); I_inv2 : inverterIn PORT MAP ( in1 => resetSynch_n, out1 => resetSynch ); I_pll : pll PORT MAP ( clkIn100M => clock, en75M => logic0, en50M => logic0, en10M => logic0, clk60MHz => clk_sys, clk75MHz => OPEN, clk50MHz => OPEN, clk10MHz => OPEN, pllLocked => OPEN ); I_cnt : pipelineCounter GENERIC MAP ( bitNb => counterBitNb, stageNb => pipelineStageNb ) PORT MAP ( countOut => countOut, clock => clk_sys, reset => resetSynch ); END struct;