github-classroom[bot] d212040c30
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2024-02-23 13:01:05 +00:00

237 lines
8.5 KiB

signal en1, enInt: std_ulogic;
constant opCodeLength : integer := 5;
subtype opCodeType is std_ulogic_vector(opCodeLength-1 downto 0);
constant opLoad : opCodeType := "00000";
constant opInput : opCodeType := "00010";
constant opFetch : opCodeType := "00011";
constant opAnd : opCodeType := "00101";
constant opOr : opCodeType := "00110";
constant opXor : opCodeType := "00111";
constant opTest : opCodeType := "01001";
constant opComp : opCodeType := "01010";
constant opAdd : opCodeType := "01100";
constant opAddCy : opCodeType := "01101";
constant opSub : opCodeType := "01110";
constant opSubCy : opCodeType := "01111";
constant opShRot : opCodeType := "10000";
constant opRet : opCodeType := "10101";
constant opOutput: opCodeType := "10110";
constant opStore : opCodeType := "10111";
constant opCall : opCodeType := "11000";
constant opJump : opCodeType := "11010";
constant opIntF : opCodeType := "11110";
constant branchConditionLength : integer := 3;
subtype branchConditionType is std_ulogic_vector(branchConditionLength-1 downto 0);
constant brAw : branchConditionType := "000";
constant brZ : branchConditionType := "100";
constant brNZ : branchConditionType := "101";
constant brC : branchConditionType := "110";
constant brNC : branchConditionType := "111";
signal aluOpSel: std_ulogic;
signal regWriteEn: std_ulogic;
signal flagsEn, flagsEnable: std_ulogic;
signal carrySaved: std_ulogic;
signal zeroSaved: std_ulogic;
signal branchEnable1, branchEnable: std_ulogic;
signal discardOpCode: std_ulogic;
signal updateIntFlag: std_ulogic;
-- Enable signal
buildEnable: process(reset, clock)
if reset = '1' then
en1 <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(clock) then
en1 <= '1';
end if;
end process buildEnable;
enInt <= en1 and en; -- don't enable very first instruction twice
-- ALU controls
selectdataSource: process(opCode)
aluOpSel <= '0';
portInSel <= '0';
scratchpadSel <= '0';
case opCode(opCodeLength-1 downto 0) is
when opLoad => aluOpSel <= '1';
when opInput => portInSel <= '1';
when opFetch => scratchpadSel <= '1';
when opAnd => aluOpSel <= '1';
when opOr => aluOpSel <= '1';
when opXor => aluOpSel <= '1';
when opTest => aluOpSel <= '1';
when opComp => aluOpSel <= '1';
when opAdd => aluOpSel <= '1';
when opAddCy => aluOpSel <= '1';
when opSub => aluOpSel <= '1';
when opSubCy => aluOpSel <= '1';
when opShRot => aluOpSel <= '1';
when others => aluOpSel <= '-';
portInSel <= '-';
scratchpadSel <= '-';
end case;
end process selectdataSource;
registerFileSel <= aluOpSel and twoRegInstr;
instrDataSel <= aluOpSel and (not twoRegInstr);
regWriteEn <= enInt and (not discardOpCode);
regWriteTable: process(opCode, regWriteEn)
case opCode(opCodeLength-1 downto 0) is
when opLoad => regWrite <= regWriteEn;
when opInput => regWrite <= regWriteEn;
when opFetch => regWrite <= regWriteEn;
when opAnd => regWrite <= regWriteEn;
when opOr => regWrite <= regWriteEn;
when opXor => regWrite <= regWriteEn;
when opAdd => regWrite <= regWriteEn;
when opAddCy => regWrite <= regWriteEn;
when opSub => regWrite <= regWriteEn;
when opSubCy => regWrite <= regWriteEn;
when opShRot => regWrite <= regWriteEn;
when others => regWrite <= '0';
end case;
end process regWriteTable;
-- I/O controls
readStrobe <= enInt when (opCode = opInput) and (discardOpCode = '0')
else '0';
writeStrobe <= enInt when (opCode = opOutput) and (discardOpCode = '0')
else '0';
-- scratchpad controls
scratchpadWrite <= '1' when opCode = opStore else '0';
-- Carry logic
flagsEn <= enInt and (not branchEnable);
flagsEnableTable: process(opCode, flagsEn)
case opCode(opCodeLength-1 downto 0) is
when opAnd => flagsEnable <= flagsEn;
when opOr => flagsEnable <= flagsEn;
when opXor => flagsEnable <= flagsEn;
when opTest => flagsEnable <= flagsEn;
when opComp => flagsEnable <= flagsEn;
when opAdd => flagsEnable <= flagsEn;
when opAddCy => flagsEnable <= flagsEn;
when opSub => flagsEnable <= flagsEn;
when opSubCy => flagsEnable <= flagsEn;
when opShRot => flagsEnable <= flagsEn;
when others => flagsEnable <= '0';
end case;
end process flagsEnableTable;
saveCarries: process(reset, clock)
if reset = '1' then
carrySaved <= '0';
zeroSaved <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(clock) then
if flagsEnable = '1' then
carrySaved <= cOut;
zeroSaved <= zero;
end if;
end if;
end process saveCarries;
cIn <= carrySaved;
-- Program counter controls
checkBranchCondition: process(branchCond, zeroSaved, carrySaved)
case branchCond(branchConditionLength-1 downto 0) is
when brAw => branchEnable1 <= '1';
when brZ => branchEnable1 <= zeroSaved;
when brNZ => branchEnable1 <= not zeroSaved;
when brC => branchEnable1 <= carrySaved;
when brNC => branchEnable1 <= not carrySaved;
when others => branchEnable1 <= '-';
end case;
end process checkBranchCondition;
branchEnableTable: process(opCode, branchEnable1, discardOpCode)
if discardOpCode = '0' then
case opCode(opCodeLength-1 downto 0) is
when opRet => branchEnable <= branchEnable1;
when opCall => branchEnable <= branchEnable1;
when opJump => branchEnable <= branchEnable1;
when others => branchEnable <= '0';
end case;
branchEnable <= '0';
end if;
end process branchEnableTable;
progCounterControlTable: process(opCode, enInt, branchEnable)
incPC <= enInt;
loadInstrAddress <= '0';
loadStoredPC <= '0';
case opCode(opCodeLength-1 downto 0) is
when opRet => incPC <= not branchEnable;
loadStoredPC <= enInt and branchEnable;
when opCall => incPC <= not branchEnable;
loadInstrAddress <= enInt and branchEnable;
when opJump => incPC <= not branchEnable;
loadInstrAddress <= enInt and branchEnable;
when others => null;
end case;
end process progCounterControlTable;
-- If a branch condition is met, the next operation has to be discarded.
-- This is due to the synchronous operation of the program ROM: the
-- instructions are provided one clock period after the program counter.
-- so while the branch operation is processed, the next instruction is
-- already being fetched.
delayBranchEnable: process(reset, clock)
if reset = '1' then
discardOpCode <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(clock) then
discardOpCode <= branchEnable;
end if;
end process delayBranchEnable;
-- Stack pointer controls
pcStackControlTable: process(discardOpCode, opCode, enInt)
storePC <= '0';
prevPC <= '0';
if discardOpCode = '0' then
case opCode(opCodeLength-1 downto 0) is
when opRet => prevPC <= enInt;
when opCall => storePC <= enInt;
when others => null;
end case;
end if;
end process pcStackControlTable;
-- interrupt control
updateIntFlag <= '1' when opCode = opIntF else '0';