288 lines
15 KiB
288 lines
15 KiB
; Beamer control
; register definitions
; s0, s1: used for INPUT and OUTPUT operations
; S2: returns UART data byte
; S3: uart protocol checksum
; S4: uart protocol packet id
; S5: uart protocol command id
; S6: uart protocol address
; S7: uart protocol data
; S8: copy of UART data byte for debug
; GPIO definitions
CONSTANT gpioBaseAddress, 0000
CONSTANT gpioDataOffset, 0000
CONSTANT gpioEnableOffset, 0001
; UART definitions
CONSTANT uartBaseAddress, 0010
CONSTANT uartBaudOffset, 0002
CONSTANT uartStatusOffset, 0001
CONSTANT uartDataReady, 0001
CONSTANT uartSending, 0002
; CONSTANT uartBaudCount, 023D ; 66E6 / 115 200 = 573
CONSTANT uartBaudCount, 0042 ; 66E6 / 1E6 = 66
; CONSTANT uartpollDelay, 0100
CONSTANT uartpollDelay, 0040
CONSTANT commandNack, 0000
CONSTANT commandWriteMem, 0003
CONSTANT commandReadMem, 0004
; beamer peripheral definitions
CONSTANT beamerBaseAddress,0020
CONSTANT beamerCtlOffset, 0000
CONSTANT beamerSpeedOffset,0001
CONSTANT beamerCtlInit, 0401
; CONSTANT beamerCtlInit, 1001
CONSTANT beamerSpeedInit, 0004
; initializations
; initialize GPIO
LOAD s0, gpioBaseAddress
ADD s0, gpioDataOffset
OUTPUT s1, (s0)
LOAD s0, gpioBaseAddress
ADD s0, gpioEnableOffset
LOAD s1, 0F
OUTPUT s1, (s0)
; initialize UART
LOAD s0, uartBaseAddress
ADD s0, uartBaudOffset
LOAD s1, uartBaudCount
OUTPUT s1, (s0)
; initialize beamer peripheral
LOAD s0, beamerBaseAddress
ADD s0, beamerCtlOffset
LOAD s1, beamerCtlInit
OUTPUT s1, (s0)
LOAD s0, beamerBaseAddress
ADD s0, beamerSpeedOffset
LOAD s1, beamerSpeedInit
OUTPUT s1, (s0)
; Main loop
; Process commands from serial port
main: CALL uartGetCmd ; get command from UART
COMPARE s3, 0000 ; check function return
JUMP nz, commandAbort
COMPARE s5, commandWriteMem ; check for WRITE_MEM command
JUMP nz, commandRead
OUTPUT s7, (s6) ; write word to memory location
CALL sendWriteOk ; send write acknowledge
JUMP main
commandRead: INPUT s7, (s6) ; write word in memory location
CALL sendReadData ; send back read data
JUMP main
commandAbort: CALL sendNAck
JUMP main
; Subroutines
; Get command from serial port
uartGetCmd: CALL uartGetByte ; get command header
JUMP nz, uartGetCmd ; loop until byte is AAh
LOAD s3, s2 ; prepare checksum
CALL uartGetByte ; get packet id
ADD s3, s2 ; calculate checksum
LOAD s4, s2 ; store id for reply
CALL uartGetByte ; get command
ADD s3, s2 ; calculate checksum
COMPARE s2, commandWriteMem ; check for WRITE_MEM command
JUMP z , commandOk
COMPARE s2, commandReadMem ; check for READ_MEM command
JUMP z , commandOk
JUMP commandKo ; no match
commandOk: LOAD s5, s2 ; store command for action
CALL uartGetByte ; get data length
ADD s3, s2 ; calculate checksum
COMPARE s5, commandWriteMem ; check for WRITE_MEM command
JUMP z , testWrLength ; go to test write command length
COMPARE s2, 0002 ; verify READ_MEM length
JUMP nz, commandKo
JUMP getAddress
testWrLength: COMPARE s2, 0004 ; verify WRITE_MEM length
JUMP nz, commandKo
getAddress: CALL uartGetByte ; get address low
ADD s3, s2 ; calculate checksum
LOAD s6, s2 ; store address low
CALL uartGetByte ; get address high
ADD s3, s2 ; calculate checksum
CALL shiftS2L8
ADD s6, s2 ; build address from low and high
COMPARE s5, commandReadMem ; check for READ_MEM command
JUMP z , getChecksum ; skip reading data word
CALL uartGetByte ; get data low
ADD s3, s2 ; calculate checksum
LOAD s7, s2 ; store data low
CALL uartGetByte ; get data high
ADD s3, s2 ; calculate checksum
CALL shiftS2L8
ADD s7, s2 ; build data from low and high
getChecksum: CALL uartGetByte ; get checksum
AND s3, 00FF ; limit calculated checksum to 8 bit
COMPARE s3, s2 ; test checksum
JUMP nz, commandKo
LOAD s3, 0000 ; return OK
commandKo: LOAD s3, 0001 ; return KO
; send NACK reply
sendNAck: LOAD s2, 00AA ; send header
LOAD s3, s2 ; prepare checksum
CALL uartSendByte
LOAD s2, s4 ; packet id
ADD s3, s2 ; calculate checksum
CALL uartSendByte
LOAD s2, commandNack ; negative Acknowledge
ADD s3, s2 ; calculate checksum
CALL uartSendByte
LOAD s2, 0000 ; packet length: no data
ADD s3, s2 ; calculate checksum
CALL uartSendByte
LOAD s2, s3 ; checksum
CALL uartSendByte
; send WRITE_MEM reply
sendWriteOk: LOAD s2, 00AA ; send header
LOAD s3, s2 ; prepare checksum
CALL uartSendByte
LOAD s2, s4 ; packet id
ADD s3, s2 ; calculate checksum
CALL uartSendByte
LOAD s2, s5 ; received command
ADD s3, s2 ; calculate checksum
CALL uartSendByte
LOAD s2, 0000 ; packet length: no data
ADD s3, s2 ; calculate checksum
CALL uartSendByte
LOAD s2, s3 ; checksum
CALL uartSendByte
; send READ_MEM reply
sendReadData: LOAD s2, 00AA ; send header
LOAD s3, s2 ; prepare checksum
CALL uartSendByte
LOAD s2, s4 ; packet id
ADD s3, s2 ; calculate checksum
CALL uartSendByte
LOAD s2, s5 ; received command
ADD s3, s2 ; calculate checksum
CALL uartSendByte
LOAD s2, 0002 ; packet length: 2 bytes
ADD s3, s2 ; calculate checksum
CALL uartSendByte
LOAD s2, s7 ; data low
AND s2, 00FF ; keep low byte only
ADD s3, s2 ; calculate checksum
CALL uartSendByte
LOAD s2, s7 ; data high
CALL shiftS2R8 ; shift MSBs down to LSBs
ADD s3, s2 ; calculate checksum
CALL uartSendByte
LOAD s2, s3 ; checksum
CALL uartSendByte
; Get byte from serial port
uartGetByte: LOAD s0, uartBaseAddress ; read UART satus register
ADD s0, 01
;load s8, 0100
checkStat: LOAD s2, uartpollDelay ; add delay between bus reads
delay0: SUB s2, 0001
JUMP nz, delay0
;sub s8, 0001
;jump nz, continue
;load s2, 0035
;call uartSendByte
;load s8, 0100
continue: INPUT s1, (s0)
INPUT s1, (s0)
TEST s1, uartDataReady ; check "data ready" bit
JUMP z , checkStat ; loop until bit is '1'
LOAD s0, uartBaseAddress ; read UART data register
INPUT s2, (s0)
INPUT s2, (s0)
;LOAD s8, s2
; Send byte to serial port
uartSendByte: LOAD s0, uartBaseAddress ; read UART satus register
ADD s0, uartStatusOffset
readStatus: INPUT s1, (s0)
INPUT s1, (s0)
TEST s1, uartSending ; check "sending data" bit
JUMP z , sendByte ; loop until bit is '1'
LOAD s1, uartpollDelay ; add delay between bus reads
delay1: SUB s1, 0001
JUMP nz, delay1
JUMP readStatus
sendByte: LOAD s0, uartBaseAddress ; write UART data register
OUTPUT s2, (s0)
; shift s2 8 bits to the left
shiftS2L8: LOAD s0, 8 ; loop count
shiftLeftLoop: SL0 s2
SUB s0, 0001
JUMP nz, shiftLeftLoop
; shift s2 8 bits to the right
shiftS2R8: LOAD s0, 8 ; loop count
shiftRightLoop: SR0 s2
SUB s0, 0001
JUMP nz, shiftRightLoop
; End of instruction memory
endOfMemory: JUMP endOfMemory