# 1 "mcc_generated_files/mcc.c" # 1 "" 1 # 1 "" 3 # 288 "" 3 # 1 "" 1 # 1 "" 2 # 1 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\language_support.h" 1 3 # 2 "" 2 # 1 "mcc_generated_files/mcc.c" 2 # 47 "mcc_generated_files/mcc.c" # 1 "mcc_generated_files/mcc.h" 1 # 49 "mcc_generated_files/mcc.h" # 1 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\xc.h" 1 3 # 18 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\xc.h" 3 extern const char __xc8_OPTIM_SPEED; extern double __fpnormalize(double); # 1 "C:\\Program Files\\Microchip\\xc8\\v2.40\\pic\\include\\c99\\xc8debug.h" 1 3 # 1 "C:\\Program Files\\Microchip\\xc8\\v2.40\\pic\\include\\c99\\stdlib.h" 1 3 # 1 "C:\\Program Files\\Microchip\\xc8\\v2.40\\pic\\include\\c99\\musl_xc8.h" 1 3 # 4 "C:\\Program Files\\Microchip\\xc8\\v2.40\\pic\\include\\c99\\stdlib.h" 2 3 # 1 "C:\\Program Files\\Microchip\\xc8\\v2.40\\pic\\include\\c99\\features.h" 1 3 # 10 "C:\\Program Files\\Microchip\\xc8\\v2.40\\pic\\include\\c99\\stdlib.h" 2 3 # 21 "C:\\Program Files\\Microchip\\xc8\\v2.40\\pic\\include\\c99\\stdlib.h" 3 # 1 "C:\\Program Files\\Microchip\\xc8\\v2.40\\pic\\include\\c99\\bits/alltypes.h" 1 3 # 18 "C:\\Program Files\\Microchip\\xc8\\v2.40\\pic\\include\\c99\\bits/alltypes.h" 3 typedef long int wchar_t; # 122 "C:\\Program Files\\Microchip\\xc8\\v2.40\\pic\\include\\c99\\bits/alltypes.h" 3 typedef unsigned size_t; # 168 "C:\\Program Files\\Microchip\\xc8\\v2.40\\pic\\include\\c99\\bits/alltypes.h" 3 typedef __int24 int24_t; # 204 "C:\\Program Files\\Microchip\\xc8\\v2.40\\pic\\include\\c99\\bits/alltypes.h" 3 typedef __uint24 uint24_t; # 21 "C:\\Program Files\\Microchip\\xc8\\v2.40\\pic\\include\\c99\\stdlib.h" 2 3 int atoi (const char *); long atol (const char *); long long atoll (const char *); double atof (const char *); float strtof (const char *restrict, char **restrict); double strtod (const char *restrict, char **restrict); long double strtold (const char *restrict, char **restrict); long strtol (const char *restrict, char **restrict, int); unsigned long strtoul (const char *restrict, char **restrict, int); long long strtoll (const char *restrict, char **restrict, int); unsigned long long strtoull (const char *restrict, char **restrict, int); int rand (void); void srand (unsigned); void *malloc (size_t); void *calloc (size_t, size_t); void *realloc (void *, size_t); void free (void *); void abort (void); int atexit (void (*) (void)); void exit (int); void _Exit (int); void *bsearch (const void *, const void *, size_t, size_t, int (*)(const void *, const void *)); __attribute__((nonreentrant)) void qsort (void *, size_t, size_t, int (*)(const void *, const void *)); int abs (int); long labs (long); long long llabs (long long); typedef struct { int quot, rem; } div_t; typedef struct { long quot, rem; } ldiv_t; typedef struct { long long quot, rem; } lldiv_t; div_t div (int, int); ldiv_t ldiv (long, long); lldiv_t lldiv (long long, long long); typedef struct { unsigned int quot, rem; } udiv_t; typedef struct { unsigned long quot, rem; } uldiv_t; udiv_t udiv (unsigned int, unsigned int); uldiv_t uldiv (unsigned long, unsigned long); # 4 "C:\\Program Files\\Microchip\\xc8\\v2.40\\pic\\include\\c99\\xc8debug.h" 2 3 #pragma intrinsic(__builtin_software_breakpoint) extern void __builtin_software_breakpoint(void); # 24 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\xc.h" 2 3 # 1 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\builtins.h" 1 3 # 1 "C:\\Program Files\\Microchip\\xc8\\v2.40\\pic\\include\\c99\\stdint.h" 1 3 # 22 "C:\\Program Files\\Microchip\\xc8\\v2.40\\pic\\include\\c99\\stdint.h" 3 # 1 "C:\\Program Files\\Microchip\\xc8\\v2.40\\pic\\include\\c99\\bits/alltypes.h" 1 3 # 127 "C:\\Program Files\\Microchip\\xc8\\v2.40\\pic\\include\\c99\\bits/alltypes.h" 3 typedef unsigned long uintptr_t; # 142 "C:\\Program Files\\Microchip\\xc8\\v2.40\\pic\\include\\c99\\bits/alltypes.h" 3 typedef long intptr_t; # 158 "C:\\Program Files\\Microchip\\xc8\\v2.40\\pic\\include\\c99\\bits/alltypes.h" 3 typedef signed char int8_t; typedef short int16_t; # 173 "C:\\Program Files\\Microchip\\xc8\\v2.40\\pic\\include\\c99\\bits/alltypes.h" 3 typedef long int32_t; typedef long long int64_t; # 188 "C:\\Program Files\\Microchip\\xc8\\v2.40\\pic\\include\\c99\\bits/alltypes.h" 3 typedef long long intmax_t; typedef unsigned char uint8_t; typedef unsigned short uint16_t; # 209 "C:\\Program Files\\Microchip\\xc8\\v2.40\\pic\\include\\c99\\bits/alltypes.h" 3 typedef unsigned long uint32_t; typedef unsigned long long uint64_t; # 229 "C:\\Program Files\\Microchip\\xc8\\v2.40\\pic\\include\\c99\\bits/alltypes.h" 3 typedef unsigned long long uintmax_t; # 22 "C:\\Program Files\\Microchip\\xc8\\v2.40\\pic\\include\\c99\\stdint.h" 2 3 typedef int8_t int_fast8_t; typedef int64_t int_fast64_t; typedef int8_t int_least8_t; typedef int16_t int_least16_t; typedef int24_t int_least24_t; typedef int24_t int_fast24_t; typedef int32_t int_least32_t; typedef int64_t int_least64_t; typedef uint8_t uint_fast8_t; typedef uint64_t uint_fast64_t; typedef uint8_t uint_least8_t; typedef uint16_t uint_least16_t; typedef uint24_t uint_least24_t; typedef uint24_t uint_fast24_t; typedef uint32_t uint_least32_t; typedef uint64_t uint_least64_t; # 144 "C:\\Program Files\\Microchip\\xc8\\v2.40\\pic\\include\\c99\\stdint.h" 3 # 1 "C:\\Program Files\\Microchip\\xc8\\v2.40\\pic\\include\\c99\\bits/stdint.h" 1 3 typedef int16_t int_fast16_t; typedef int32_t int_fast32_t; typedef uint16_t uint_fast16_t; typedef uint32_t uint_fast32_t; # 144 "C:\\Program Files\\Microchip\\xc8\\v2.40\\pic\\include\\c99\\stdint.h" 2 3 # 5 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\builtins.h" 2 3 #pragma intrinsic(__nop) extern void __nop(void); #pragma intrinsic(_delay) extern __attribute__((nonreentrant)) void _delay(uint32_t); #pragma intrinsic(_delaywdt) extern __attribute__((nonreentrant)) void _delaywdt(uint32_t); #pragma intrinsic(_delay3) extern __attribute__((nonreentrant)) void _delay3(uint8_t); # 25 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\xc.h" 2 3 # 1 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\pic18.h" 1 3 # 1 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\htc.h" 1 3 # 1 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\xc.h" 1 3 # 5 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\htc.h" 2 3 # 6 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\pic18.h" 2 3 # 1 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\pic18_chip_select.h" 1 3 # 485 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\pic18_chip_select.h" 3 # 1 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 1 3 # 45 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 # 1 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\__at.h" 1 3 # 46 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 2 3 extern volatile unsigned char MAADR5 __attribute__((address(0xE80))); __asm("MAADR5 equ 0E80h"); extern volatile unsigned char MAADR6 __attribute__((address(0xE81))); __asm("MAADR6 equ 0E81h"); extern volatile unsigned char MAADR3 __attribute__((address(0xE82))); __asm("MAADR3 equ 0E82h"); extern volatile unsigned char MAADR4 __attribute__((address(0xE83))); __asm("MAADR4 equ 0E83h"); extern volatile unsigned char MAADR1 __attribute__((address(0xE84))); __asm("MAADR1 equ 0E84h"); extern volatile unsigned char MAADR2 __attribute__((address(0xE85))); __asm("MAADR2 equ 0E85h"); extern volatile unsigned char MISTAT __attribute__((address(0xE8A))); __asm("MISTAT equ 0E8Ah"); typedef union { struct { unsigned BUSY :1; unsigned SCAN :1; unsigned NVALID :1; unsigned :1; }; } MISTATbits_t; extern volatile MISTATbits_t MISTATbits __attribute__((address(0xE8A))); # 128 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char EFLOCON __attribute__((address(0xE97))); __asm("EFLOCON equ 0E97h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned FCEN0 :1; unsigned FCEN1 :1; unsigned FULDPXS :1; }; } EFLOCONbits_t; extern volatile EFLOCONbits_t EFLOCONbits __attribute__((address(0xE97))); # 160 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned short EPAUS __attribute__((address(0xE98))); __asm("EPAUS equ 0E98h"); extern volatile unsigned char EPAUSL __attribute__((address(0xE98))); __asm("EPAUSL equ 0E98h"); extern volatile unsigned char EPAUSH __attribute__((address(0xE99))); __asm("EPAUSH equ 0E99h"); extern volatile unsigned char MACON1 __attribute__((address(0xEA0))); __asm("MACON1 equ 0EA0h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned MARXEN :1; unsigned PASSALL :1; unsigned RXPAUS :1; unsigned TXPAUS :1; }; } MACON1bits_t; extern volatile MACON1bits_t MACON1bits __attribute__((address(0xEA0))); # 219 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char MACON3 __attribute__((address(0xEA2))); __asm("MACON3 equ 0EA2h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned FULDPX :1; unsigned FRMLNEN :1; unsigned HFRMEN :1; unsigned PHDREN :1; unsigned TXCRCEN :1; unsigned PADCFG0 :1; unsigned PADCFG1 :1; unsigned PADCFG2 :1; }; struct { unsigned :5; unsigned PADCFG :3; }; } MACON3bits_t; extern volatile MACON3bits_t MACON3bits __attribute__((address(0xEA2))); # 290 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char MACON4 __attribute__((address(0xEA3))); __asm("MACON4 equ 0EA3h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned :5; unsigned :1; unsigned DEFER :1; }; } MACON4bits_t; extern volatile MACON4bits_t MACON4bits __attribute__((address(0xEA3))); # 312 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char MABBIPG __attribute__((address(0xEA4))); __asm("MABBIPG equ 0EA4h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned BBIPG0 :1; unsigned BBIPG1 :1; unsigned BBIPG2 :1; unsigned BBIPG3 :1; unsigned BBIPG4 :1; unsigned BBIPG5 :1; unsigned BBIPG6 :1; }; } MABBIPGbits_t; extern volatile MABBIPGbits_t MABBIPGbits __attribute__((address(0xEA4))); # 368 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned short MAIPG __attribute__((address(0xEA6))); __asm("MAIPG equ 0EA6h"); extern volatile unsigned char MAIPGL __attribute__((address(0xEA6))); __asm("MAIPGL equ 0EA6h"); extern volatile unsigned char MAIPGH __attribute__((address(0xEA7))); __asm("MAIPGH equ 0EA7h"); extern volatile unsigned short MAMXFL __attribute__((address(0xEAA))); __asm("MAMXFL equ 0EAAh"); extern volatile unsigned char MAMXFLL __attribute__((address(0xEAA))); __asm("MAMXFLL equ 0EAAh"); extern volatile unsigned char MAMXFLH __attribute__((address(0xEAB))); __asm("MAMXFLH equ 0EABh"); extern volatile unsigned char MICMD __attribute__((address(0xEB2))); __asm("MICMD equ 0EB2h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned MIIRD :1; unsigned MIISCAN :1; }; } MICMDbits_t; extern volatile MICMDbits_t MICMDbits __attribute__((address(0xEB2))); # 436 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char MIREGADR __attribute__((address(0xEB4))); __asm("MIREGADR equ 0EB4h"); extern volatile unsigned short MIWR __attribute__((address(0xEB6))); __asm("MIWR equ 0EB6h"); extern volatile unsigned char MIWRL __attribute__((address(0xEB6))); __asm("MIWRL equ 0EB6h"); extern volatile unsigned char MIWRH __attribute__((address(0xEB7))); __asm("MIWRH equ 0EB7h"); extern volatile unsigned short MIRD __attribute__((address(0xEB8))); __asm("MIRD equ 0EB8h"); extern volatile unsigned char MIRDL __attribute__((address(0xEB8))); __asm("MIRDL equ 0EB8h"); extern volatile unsigned char MIRDH __attribute__((address(0xEB9))); __asm("MIRDH equ 0EB9h"); extern volatile unsigned char EHT0 __attribute__((address(0xEC0))); __asm("EHT0 equ 0EC0h"); extern volatile unsigned char EHT1 __attribute__((address(0xEC1))); __asm("EHT1 equ 0EC1h"); extern volatile unsigned char EHT2 __attribute__((address(0xEC2))); __asm("EHT2 equ 0EC2h"); extern volatile unsigned char EHT3 __attribute__((address(0xEC3))); __asm("EHT3 equ 0EC3h"); extern volatile unsigned char EHT4 __attribute__((address(0xEC4))); __asm("EHT4 equ 0EC4h"); extern volatile unsigned char EHT5 __attribute__((address(0xEC5))); __asm("EHT5 equ 0EC5h"); extern volatile unsigned char EHT6 __attribute__((address(0xEC6))); __asm("EHT6 equ 0EC6h"); extern volatile unsigned char EHT7 __attribute__((address(0xEC7))); __asm("EHT7 equ 0EC7h"); extern volatile unsigned char EPMM0 __attribute__((address(0xEC8))); __asm("EPMM0 equ 0EC8h"); extern volatile unsigned char EPMM1 __attribute__((address(0xEC9))); __asm("EPMM1 equ 0EC9h"); extern volatile unsigned char EPMM2 __attribute__((address(0xECA))); __asm("EPMM2 equ 0ECAh"); extern volatile unsigned char EPMM3 __attribute__((address(0xECB))); __asm("EPMM3 equ 0ECBh"); extern volatile unsigned char EPMM4 __attribute__((address(0xECC))); __asm("EPMM4 equ 0ECCh"); extern volatile unsigned char EPMM5 __attribute__((address(0xECD))); __asm("EPMM5 equ 0ECDh"); extern volatile unsigned char EPMM6 __attribute__((address(0xECE))); __asm("EPMM6 equ 0ECEh"); extern volatile unsigned char EPMM7 __attribute__((address(0xECF))); __asm("EPMM7 equ 0ECFh"); extern volatile unsigned short EPMCS __attribute__((address(0xED0))); __asm("EPMCS equ 0ED0h"); extern volatile unsigned char EPMCSL __attribute__((address(0xED0))); __asm("EPMCSL equ 0ED0h"); extern volatile unsigned char EPMCSH __attribute__((address(0xED1))); __asm("EPMCSH equ 0ED1h"); extern volatile unsigned short EPMO __attribute__((address(0xED4))); __asm("EPMO equ 0ED4h"); extern volatile unsigned char EPMOL __attribute__((address(0xED4))); __asm("EPMOL equ 0ED4h"); extern volatile unsigned char EPMOH __attribute__((address(0xED5))); __asm("EPMOH equ 0ED5h"); extern volatile unsigned char ERXFCON __attribute__((address(0xED8))); __asm("ERXFCON equ 0ED8h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned BCEN :1; unsigned MCEN :1; unsigned HTEN :1; unsigned MPEN :1; unsigned PMEN :1; unsigned CRCEN :1; unsigned ANDOR :1; unsigned UCEN :1; }; } ERXFCONbits_t; extern volatile ERXFCONbits_t ERXFCONbits __attribute__((address(0xED8))); # 701 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char EPKTCNT __attribute__((address(0xED9))); __asm("EPKTCNT equ 0ED9h"); extern volatile unsigned short EWRPT __attribute__((address(0xEE2))); __asm("EWRPT equ 0EE2h"); extern volatile unsigned char EWRPTL __attribute__((address(0xEE2))); __asm("EWRPTL equ 0EE2h"); extern volatile unsigned char EWRPTH __attribute__((address(0xEE3))); __asm("EWRPTH equ 0EE3h"); extern volatile unsigned short ETXST __attribute__((address(0xEE4))); __asm("ETXST equ 0EE4h"); extern volatile unsigned char ETXSTL __attribute__((address(0xEE4))); __asm("ETXSTL equ 0EE4h"); extern volatile unsigned char ETXSTH __attribute__((address(0xEE5))); __asm("ETXSTH equ 0EE5h"); extern volatile unsigned short ETXND __attribute__((address(0xEE6))); __asm("ETXND equ 0EE6h"); extern volatile unsigned char ETXNDL __attribute__((address(0xEE6))); __asm("ETXNDL equ 0EE6h"); extern volatile unsigned char ETXNDH __attribute__((address(0xEE7))); __asm("ETXNDH equ 0EE7h"); extern volatile unsigned short ERXST __attribute__((address(0xEE8))); __asm("ERXST equ 0EE8h"); extern volatile unsigned char ERXSTL __attribute__((address(0xEE8))); __asm("ERXSTL equ 0EE8h"); extern volatile unsigned char ERXSTH __attribute__((address(0xEE9))); __asm("ERXSTH equ 0EE9h"); extern volatile unsigned short ERXND __attribute__((address(0xEEA))); __asm("ERXND equ 0EEAh"); extern volatile unsigned char ERXNDL __attribute__((address(0xEEA))); __asm("ERXNDL equ 0EEAh"); extern volatile unsigned char ERXNDH __attribute__((address(0xEEB))); __asm("ERXNDH equ 0EEBh"); extern volatile unsigned short ERXRDPT __attribute__((address(0xEEC))); __asm("ERXRDPT equ 0EECh"); extern volatile unsigned char ERXRDPTL __attribute__((address(0xEEC))); __asm("ERXRDPTL equ 0EECh"); extern volatile unsigned char ERXRDPTH __attribute__((address(0xEED))); __asm("ERXRDPTH equ 0EEDh"); extern volatile unsigned short ERXWRPT __attribute__((address(0xEEE))); __asm("ERXWRPT equ 0EEEh"); extern volatile unsigned char ERXWRPTL __attribute__((address(0xEEE))); __asm("ERXWRPTL equ 0EEEh"); extern volatile unsigned char ERXWRPTH __attribute__((address(0xEEF))); __asm("ERXWRPTH equ 0EEFh"); extern volatile unsigned short EDMAST __attribute__((address(0xEF0))); __asm("EDMAST equ 0EF0h"); extern volatile unsigned char EDMASTL __attribute__((address(0xEF0))); __asm("EDMASTL equ 0EF0h"); extern volatile unsigned char EDMASTH __attribute__((address(0xEF1))); __asm("EDMASTH equ 0EF1h"); extern volatile unsigned short EDMAND __attribute__((address(0xEF2))); __asm("EDMAND equ 0EF2h"); extern volatile unsigned char EDMANDL __attribute__((address(0xEF2))); __asm("EDMANDL equ 0EF2h"); extern volatile unsigned char EDMANDH __attribute__((address(0xEF3))); __asm("EDMANDH equ 0EF3h"); extern volatile unsigned short EDMADST __attribute__((address(0xEF4))); __asm("EDMADST equ 0EF4h"); extern volatile unsigned char EDMADSTL __attribute__((address(0xEF4))); __asm("EDMADSTL equ 0EF4h"); extern volatile unsigned char EDMADSTH __attribute__((address(0xEF5))); __asm("EDMADSTH equ 0EF5h"); extern volatile unsigned short EDMACS __attribute__((address(0xEF6))); __asm("EDMACS equ 0EF6h"); extern volatile unsigned char EDMACSL __attribute__((address(0xEF6))); __asm("EDMACSL equ 0EF6h"); extern volatile unsigned char EDMACSH __attribute__((address(0xEF7))); __asm("EDMACSH equ 0EF7h"); extern volatile unsigned char EIE __attribute__((address(0xEFB))); __asm("EIE equ 0EFBh"); typedef union { struct { unsigned RXERIE :1; unsigned TXERIE :1; unsigned :1; unsigned TXIE :1; unsigned LINKIE :1; unsigned DMAIE :1; unsigned PKTIE :1; }; struct { unsigned :3; unsigned ETXIE :1; }; } EIEbits_t; extern volatile EIEbits_t EIEbits __attribute__((address(0xEFB))); # 999 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char ESTAT __attribute__((address(0xEFD))); __asm("ESTAT equ 0EFDh"); typedef union { struct { unsigned PHYRDY :1; unsigned TXABRT :1; unsigned RXBUSY :1; unsigned :2; unsigned :1; unsigned BUFER :1; }; } ESTATbits_t; extern volatile ESTATbits_t ESTATbits __attribute__((address(0xEFD))); # 1039 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char ECON2 __attribute__((address(0xEFE))); __asm("ECON2 equ 0EFEh"); typedef union { struct { unsigned :5; unsigned ETHEN :1; unsigned PKTDEC :1; unsigned AUTOINC :1; }; } ECON2bits_t; extern volatile ECON2bits_t ECON2bits __attribute__((address(0xEFE))); # 1072 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char EIR __attribute__((address(0xF60))); __asm("EIR equ 0F60h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned RXERIF :1; unsigned TXERIF :1; unsigned :1; unsigned TXIF :1; unsigned LINKIF :1; unsigned DMAIF :1; unsigned PKTIF :1; }; struct { unsigned :3; unsigned ETXIF :1; }; } EIRbits_t; extern volatile EIRbits_t EIRbits __attribute__((address(0xF60))); # 1132 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char EDATA __attribute__((address(0xF61))); __asm("EDATA equ 0F61h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned EDATA0 :1; unsigned EDATA1 :1; unsigned EDATA2 :1; unsigned EDATA3 :1; unsigned EDATA4 :1; unsigned EDATA5 :1; unsigned EDATA6 :1; unsigned EDATA7 :1; }; } EDATAbits_t; extern volatile EDATAbits_t EDATAbits __attribute__((address(0xF61))); # 1194 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char SSP2CON2 __attribute__((address(0xF62))); __asm("SSP2CON2 equ 0F62h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned SEN :1; unsigned RSEN :1; unsigned PEN :1; unsigned RCEN :1; unsigned ACKEN :1; unsigned ACKDT :1; unsigned ACKSTAT :1; unsigned GCEN :1; }; struct { unsigned :1; unsigned ADMSK1 :1; unsigned ADMSK2 :1; unsigned ADMSK3 :1; unsigned ADMSK4 :1; unsigned ADMSK5 :1; }; struct { unsigned :1; unsigned ADMSK :5; }; struct { unsigned SEN2 :1; unsigned RSEN2 :1; unsigned PEN2 :1; unsigned RCEN2 :1; unsigned ACKEN2 :1; unsigned ACKDT2 :1; unsigned ACKSTAT2 :1; unsigned GCEN2 :1; }; struct { unsigned :1; unsigned ADMSK12 :1; unsigned ADMSK22 :1; unsigned ADMSK32 :1; unsigned ADMSK42 :1; unsigned ADMSK52 :1; }; } SSP2CON2bits_t; extern volatile SSP2CON2bits_t SSP2CON2bits __attribute__((address(0xF62))); # 1381 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char SSP2CON1 __attribute__((address(0xF63))); __asm("SSP2CON1 equ 0F63h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned SSPM :4; unsigned CKP :1; unsigned SSPEN :1; unsigned SSPOV :1; unsigned WCOL :1; }; struct { unsigned SSPM0 :1; unsigned SSPM1 :1; unsigned SSPM2 :1; unsigned SSPM3 :1; }; struct { unsigned SSPM02 :1; unsigned SSPM12 :1; unsigned SSPM22 :1; unsigned SSPM32 :1; unsigned CKP2 :1; unsigned SSPEN2 :1; unsigned SSPOV2 :1; unsigned WCOL2 :1; }; } SSP2CON1bits_t; extern volatile SSP2CON1bits_t SSP2CON1bits __attribute__((address(0xF63))); # 1501 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char SSP2STAT __attribute__((address(0xF64))); __asm("SSP2STAT equ 0F64h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned :2; unsigned R_NOT_W :1; }; struct { unsigned :5; unsigned D_NOT_A :1; }; struct { unsigned BF :1; unsigned UA :1; unsigned R_nW :1; unsigned S :1; unsigned P :1; unsigned D_nA :1; unsigned CKE :1; unsigned SMP :1; }; struct { unsigned :2; unsigned R_W :1; unsigned :2; unsigned D_A :1; }; struct { unsigned :2; unsigned I2C_READ :1; unsigned I2C_START :1; unsigned I2C_STOP :1; unsigned I2C_DAT :1; }; struct { unsigned :2; unsigned nW :1; unsigned :2; unsigned nA :1; }; struct { unsigned :2; unsigned NOT_WRITE :1; }; struct { unsigned :5; unsigned NOT_ADDRESS :1; }; struct { unsigned :2; unsigned nWRITE :1; unsigned :2; unsigned nADDRESS :1; }; struct { unsigned :2; unsigned READ_WRITE :1; unsigned :2; unsigned DATA_ADDRESS :1; }; struct { unsigned :2; unsigned R :1; unsigned :2; unsigned D :1; }; struct { unsigned BF2 :1; unsigned UA2 :1; unsigned RW2 :1; unsigned START2 :1; unsigned STOP2 :1; unsigned DA2 :1; unsigned CKE2 :1; unsigned SMP2 :1; }; struct { unsigned :2; unsigned I2C_READ2 :1; unsigned I2C_START2 :1; unsigned I2C_STOP2 :1; unsigned DATA_ADDRESS2 :1; }; struct { unsigned :2; unsigned READ_WRITE2 :1; unsigned S2 :1; unsigned P2 :1; unsigned D_A2 :1; }; struct { unsigned :5; unsigned D_NOT_A2 :1; }; struct { unsigned :2; unsigned R_W2 :1; unsigned :2; unsigned D_nA2 :1; }; struct { unsigned :2; unsigned R_NOT_W2 :1; }; struct { unsigned :2; unsigned R_nW2 :1; unsigned :2; unsigned I2C_DAT2 :1; }; struct { unsigned :2; unsigned NOT_W2 :1; }; struct { unsigned :5; unsigned NOT_A2 :1; }; struct { unsigned :2; unsigned nW2 :1; unsigned :2; unsigned nA2 :1; }; struct { unsigned :2; unsigned NOT_WRITE2 :1; }; struct { unsigned :5; unsigned NOT_ADDRESS2 :1; }; struct { unsigned :2; unsigned nWRITE2 :1; unsigned :2; unsigned nADDRESS2 :1; }; } SSP2STATbits_t; extern volatile SSP2STATbits_t SSP2STATbits __attribute__((address(0xF64))); # 1928 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char SSP2ADD __attribute__((address(0xF65))); __asm("SSP2ADD equ 0F65h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned MSK02 :1; unsigned MSK12 :1; unsigned MSK22 :1; unsigned MSK32 :1; unsigned MSK42 :1; unsigned MSK52 :1; unsigned MSK62 :1; unsigned MSK72 :1; }; } SSP2ADDbits_t; extern volatile SSP2ADDbits_t SSP2ADDbits __attribute__((address(0xF65))); # 1990 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char SSP2BUF __attribute__((address(0xF66))); __asm("SSP2BUF equ 0F66h"); extern volatile unsigned char ECCP2DEL __attribute__((address(0xF67))); __asm("ECCP2DEL equ 0F67h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned PDC :7; unsigned PRSEN :1; }; struct { unsigned PDC0 :1; unsigned PDC1 :1; unsigned PDC2 :1; unsigned PDC3 :1; unsigned PDC4 :1; unsigned PDC5 :1; unsigned PDC6 :1; }; struct { unsigned P2DC0 :1; unsigned P2DC1 :1; unsigned P2DC2 :1; unsigned P2DC3 :1; unsigned P2DC4 :1; unsigned P2DC5 :1; unsigned P2DC6 :1; unsigned P2RSEN :1; }; } ECCP2DELbits_t; extern volatile ECCP2DELbits_t ECCP2DELbits __attribute__((address(0xF67))); # 2117 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char ECCP2AS __attribute__((address(0xF68))); __asm("ECCP2AS equ 0F68h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned PSSBD :2; unsigned PSSAC :2; unsigned ECCPAS :3; unsigned ECCPASE :1; }; struct { unsigned PSSBD0 :1; unsigned PSSBD1 :1; unsigned PSSAC0 :1; unsigned PSSAC1 :1; unsigned ECCPAS0 :1; unsigned ECCPAS1 :1; unsigned ECCPAS2 :1; }; struct { unsigned PSS2BD0 :1; unsigned PSS2BD1 :1; unsigned PSS2AC0 :1; unsigned PSS2AC1 :1; unsigned ECCP2AS0 :1; unsigned ECCP2AS1 :1; unsigned ECCP2AS2 :1; unsigned ECCP2ASE :1; }; } ECCP2ASbits_t; extern volatile ECCP2ASbits_t ECCP2ASbits __attribute__((address(0xF68))); # 2249 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char ECCP3DEL __attribute__((address(0xF69))); __asm("ECCP3DEL equ 0F69h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned PDC :7; unsigned PRSEN :1; }; struct { unsigned PDC0 :1; unsigned PDC1 :1; unsigned PDC2 :1; unsigned PDC3 :1; unsigned PDC4 :1; unsigned PDC5 :1; unsigned PDC6 :1; }; struct { unsigned P3DC0 :1; unsigned P3DC1 :1; unsigned P3DC2 :1; unsigned P3DC3 :1; unsigned P3DC4 :1; unsigned P3DC5 :1; unsigned P3DC6 :1; unsigned P3RSEN :1; }; } ECCP3DELbits_t; extern volatile ECCP3DELbits_t ECCP3DELbits __attribute__((address(0xF69))); # 2369 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char ECCP3AS __attribute__((address(0xF6A))); __asm("ECCP3AS equ 0F6Ah"); typedef union { struct { unsigned PSSBD :2; unsigned PSSAC :2; unsigned ECCPAS :3; unsigned ECCPASE :1; }; struct { unsigned PSSBD0 :1; unsigned PSSBD1 :1; unsigned PSSAC0 :1; unsigned PSSAC1 :1; unsigned ECCPAS0 :1; unsigned ECCPAS1 :1; unsigned ECCPAS2 :1; }; struct { unsigned PSS3BD0 :1; unsigned PSS3BD1 :1; unsigned PSS3AC0 :1; unsigned PSS3AC1 :1; unsigned ECCP3AS0 :1; unsigned ECCP3AS1 :1; unsigned ECCP3AS2 :1; unsigned ECCP3ASE :1; }; } ECCP3ASbits_t; extern volatile ECCP3ASbits_t ECCP3ASbits __attribute__((address(0xF6A))); # 2501 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char RCSTA2 __attribute__((address(0xF6B))); __asm("RCSTA2 equ 0F6Bh"); typedef union { struct { unsigned RX9D :1; unsigned OERR :1; unsigned FERR :1; unsigned ADDEN :1; unsigned CREN :1; unsigned SREN :1; unsigned RX9 :1; unsigned SPEN :1; }; struct { unsigned RCD8 :1; unsigned :5; unsigned RC9 :1; }; struct { unsigned :6; unsigned NOT_RC8 :1; }; struct { unsigned :6; unsigned nRC8 :1; }; struct { unsigned :6; unsigned RC8_9 :1; }; struct { unsigned RX9D2 :1; unsigned OERR2 :1; unsigned FERR2 :1; unsigned ADDEN2 :1; unsigned CREN2 :1; unsigned SREN2 :1; unsigned RX92 :1; unsigned SPEN2 :1; }; struct { unsigned RCD82 :1; unsigned :5; unsigned RC8_92 :1; }; struct { unsigned :6; unsigned RC92 :1; }; } RCSTA2bits_t; extern volatile RCSTA2bits_t RCSTA2bits __attribute__((address(0xF6B))); # 2679 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char TXSTA2 __attribute__((address(0xF6C))); __asm("TXSTA2 equ 0F6Ch"); typedef union { struct { unsigned TX9D :1; unsigned TRMT :1; unsigned BRGH :1; unsigned SENDB :1; unsigned SYNC :1; unsigned TXEN :1; unsigned TX9 :1; unsigned CSRC :1; }; struct { unsigned TXD8 :1; unsigned :5; unsigned TX8_9 :1; }; struct { unsigned :6; unsigned NOT_TX8 :1; }; struct { unsigned :6; unsigned nTX8 :1; }; struct { unsigned TX9D2 :1; unsigned TRMT2 :1; unsigned BRGH2 :1; unsigned SENDB2 :1; unsigned SYNC2 :1; unsigned TXEN2 :1; unsigned TX92 :1; unsigned CSRC2 :1; }; struct { unsigned TXD82 :1; unsigned :5; unsigned TX8_92 :1; }; } TXSTA2bits_t; extern volatile TXSTA2bits_t TXSTA2bits __attribute__((address(0xF6C))); # 2839 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char TXREG2 __attribute__((address(0xF6D))); __asm("TXREG2 equ 0F6Dh"); extern volatile unsigned char RCREG2 __attribute__((address(0xF6E))); __asm("RCREG2 equ 0F6Eh"); extern volatile unsigned char SPBRG2 __attribute__((address(0xF6F))); __asm("SPBRG2 equ 0F6Fh"); extern volatile unsigned char CCP5CON __attribute__((address(0xF70))); __asm("CCP5CON equ 0F70h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned CCP5M :4; unsigned DC5B :2; }; struct { unsigned CCP5M0 :1; unsigned CCP5M1 :1; unsigned CCP5M2 :1; unsigned CCP5M3 :1; unsigned CCP5Y :1; unsigned CCP5X :1; }; struct { unsigned :4; unsigned DC5B0 :1; unsigned DC5B1 :1; }; } CCP5CONbits_t; extern volatile CCP5CONbits_t CCP5CONbits __attribute__((address(0xF70))); # 2939 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned short CCPR5 __attribute__((address(0xF71))); __asm("CCPR5 equ 0F71h"); extern volatile unsigned char CCPR5L __attribute__((address(0xF71))); __asm("CCPR5L equ 0F71h"); extern volatile unsigned char CCPR5H __attribute__((address(0xF72))); __asm("CCPR5H equ 0F72h"); extern volatile unsigned char CCP4CON __attribute__((address(0xF73))); __asm("CCP4CON equ 0F73h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned CCP4M :4; unsigned DC4B :2; }; struct { unsigned CCP4M0 :1; unsigned CCP4M1 :1; unsigned CCP4M2 :1; unsigned CCP4M3 :1; unsigned DC4B0 :1; unsigned DC4B1 :1; }; struct { unsigned :4; unsigned CCP4Y :1; unsigned CCP4X :1; }; } CCP4CONbits_t; extern volatile CCP4CONbits_t CCP4CONbits __attribute__((address(0xF73))); # 3039 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned short CCPR4 __attribute__((address(0xF74))); __asm("CCPR4 equ 0F74h"); extern volatile unsigned char CCPR4L __attribute__((address(0xF74))); __asm("CCPR4L equ 0F74h"); extern volatile unsigned char CCPR4H __attribute__((address(0xF75))); __asm("CCPR4H equ 0F75h"); extern volatile unsigned char T4CON __attribute__((address(0xF76))); __asm("T4CON equ 0F76h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned T4CKPS :2; unsigned TMR4ON :1; unsigned T4OUTPS :4; }; struct { unsigned T4CKPS0 :1; unsigned T4CKPS1 :1; unsigned :1; unsigned T4OUTPS0 :1; unsigned T4OUTPS1 :1; unsigned T4OUTPS2 :1; unsigned T4OUTPS3 :1; }; } T4CONbits_t; extern volatile T4CONbits_t T4CONbits __attribute__((address(0xF76))); # 3131 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char PR4 __attribute__((address(0xF77))); __asm("PR4 equ 0F77h"); extern volatile unsigned char TMR4 __attribute__((address(0xF78))); __asm("TMR4 equ 0F78h"); extern volatile unsigned char ECCP1DEL __attribute__((address(0xF79))); __asm("ECCP1DEL equ 0F79h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned PDC :7; unsigned PRSEN :1; }; struct { unsigned PDC0 :1; unsigned PDC1 :1; unsigned PDC2 :1; unsigned PDC3 :1; unsigned PDC4 :1; unsigned PDC5 :1; unsigned PDC6 :1; }; struct { unsigned P1DC0 :1; unsigned P1DC1 :1; unsigned P1DC2 :1; unsigned P1DC3 :1; unsigned P1DC4 :1; unsigned P1DC5 :1; unsigned P1DC6 :1; unsigned P1RSEN :1; }; } ECCP1DELbits_t; extern volatile ECCP1DELbits_t ECCP1DELbits __attribute__((address(0xF79))); # 3265 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned short ERDPT __attribute__((address(0xF7A))); __asm("ERDPT equ 0F7Ah"); extern volatile unsigned char ERDPTL __attribute__((address(0xF7A))); __asm("ERDPTL equ 0F7Ah"); extern volatile unsigned char ERDPTH __attribute__((address(0xF7B))); __asm("ERDPTH equ 0F7Bh"); extern volatile unsigned char BAUDCON2 __attribute__((address(0xF7C))); __asm("BAUDCON2 equ 0F7Ch"); extern volatile unsigned char BAUDCTL2 __attribute__((address(0xF7C))); __asm("BAUDCTL2 equ 0F7Ch"); typedef union { struct { unsigned ABDEN :1; unsigned WUE :1; unsigned :1; unsigned BRG16 :1; unsigned TXCKP :1; unsigned RXDTP :1; unsigned RCIDL :1; unsigned ABDOVF :1; }; struct { unsigned :4; unsigned SCKP :1; unsigned :1; unsigned RCMT :1; }; struct { unsigned ABDEN2 :1; unsigned WUE2 :1; unsigned :1; unsigned BRG162 :1; unsigned TXCKP2 :1; unsigned RXDTP2 :1; unsigned RCIDL2 :1; unsigned ABDOVF2 :1; }; struct { unsigned :4; unsigned SCKP2 :1; unsigned DTRXP2 :1; unsigned RCMT2 :1; }; } BAUDCON2bits_t; extern volatile BAUDCON2bits_t BAUDCON2bits __attribute__((address(0xF7C))); # 3428 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 typedef union { struct { unsigned ABDEN :1; unsigned WUE :1; unsigned :1; unsigned BRG16 :1; unsigned TXCKP :1; unsigned RXDTP :1; unsigned RCIDL :1; unsigned ABDOVF :1; }; struct { unsigned :4; unsigned SCKP :1; unsigned :1; unsigned RCMT :1; }; struct { unsigned ABDEN2 :1; unsigned WUE2 :1; unsigned :1; unsigned BRG162 :1; unsigned TXCKP2 :1; unsigned RXDTP2 :1; unsigned RCIDL2 :1; unsigned ABDOVF2 :1; }; struct { unsigned :4; unsigned SCKP2 :1; unsigned DTRXP2 :1; unsigned RCMT2 :1; }; } BAUDCTL2bits_t; extern volatile BAUDCTL2bits_t BAUDCTL2bits __attribute__((address(0xF7C))); # 3562 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char SPBRGH2 __attribute__((address(0xF7D))); __asm("SPBRGH2 equ 0F7Dh"); extern volatile unsigned char BAUDCON1 __attribute__((address(0xF7E))); __asm("BAUDCON1 equ 0F7Eh"); extern volatile unsigned char BAUDCON __attribute__((address(0xF7E))); __asm("BAUDCON equ 0F7Eh"); extern volatile unsigned char BAUDCTL __attribute__((address(0xF7E))); __asm("BAUDCTL equ 0F7Eh"); extern volatile unsigned char BAUDCTL1 __attribute__((address(0xF7E))); __asm("BAUDCTL1 equ 0F7Eh"); typedef union { struct { unsigned ABDEN :1; unsigned WUE :1; unsigned :1; unsigned BRG16 :1; unsigned TXCKP :1; unsigned RXDTP :1; unsigned RCIDL :1; unsigned ABDOVF :1; }; struct { unsigned :4; unsigned SCKP :1; unsigned :1; unsigned RCMT :1; }; struct { unsigned ABDEN1 :1; unsigned WUE1 :1; unsigned :1; unsigned BRG161 :1; unsigned CKTXP :1; unsigned DTRXP :1; unsigned RCIDL1 :1; unsigned ABDOVF1 :1; }; struct { unsigned :4; unsigned SCKP1 :1; unsigned DTRXP1 :1; unsigned RCMT1 :1; }; struct { unsigned :4; unsigned TXCKP1 :1; unsigned RXDTP1 :1; }; struct { unsigned :5; unsigned RXCKP :1; }; struct { unsigned :1; unsigned W4E :1; }; } BAUDCON1bits_t; extern volatile BAUDCON1bits_t BAUDCON1bits __attribute__((address(0xF7E))); # 3752 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 typedef union { struct { unsigned ABDEN :1; unsigned WUE :1; unsigned :1; unsigned BRG16 :1; unsigned TXCKP :1; unsigned RXDTP :1; unsigned RCIDL :1; unsigned ABDOVF :1; }; struct { unsigned :4; unsigned SCKP :1; unsigned :1; unsigned RCMT :1; }; struct { unsigned ABDEN1 :1; unsigned WUE1 :1; unsigned :1; unsigned BRG161 :1; unsigned CKTXP :1; unsigned DTRXP :1; unsigned RCIDL1 :1; unsigned ABDOVF1 :1; }; struct { unsigned :4; unsigned SCKP1 :1; unsigned DTRXP1 :1; unsigned RCMT1 :1; }; struct { unsigned :4; unsigned TXCKP1 :1; unsigned RXDTP1 :1; }; struct { unsigned :5; unsigned RXCKP :1; }; struct { unsigned :1; unsigned W4E :1; }; } BAUDCONbits_t; extern volatile BAUDCONbits_t BAUDCONbits __attribute__((address(0xF7E))); # 3916 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 typedef union { struct { unsigned ABDEN :1; unsigned WUE :1; unsigned :1; unsigned BRG16 :1; unsigned TXCKP :1; unsigned RXDTP :1; unsigned RCIDL :1; unsigned ABDOVF :1; }; struct { unsigned :4; unsigned SCKP :1; unsigned :1; unsigned RCMT :1; }; struct { unsigned ABDEN1 :1; unsigned WUE1 :1; unsigned :1; unsigned BRG161 :1; unsigned CKTXP :1; unsigned DTRXP :1; unsigned RCIDL1 :1; unsigned ABDOVF1 :1; }; struct { unsigned :4; unsigned SCKP1 :1; unsigned DTRXP1 :1; unsigned RCMT1 :1; }; struct { unsigned :4; unsigned TXCKP1 :1; unsigned RXDTP1 :1; }; struct { unsigned :5; unsigned RXCKP :1; }; struct { unsigned :1; unsigned W4E :1; }; } BAUDCTLbits_t; extern volatile BAUDCTLbits_t BAUDCTLbits __attribute__((address(0xF7E))); # 4080 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 typedef union { struct { unsigned ABDEN :1; unsigned WUE :1; unsigned :1; unsigned BRG16 :1; unsigned TXCKP :1; unsigned RXDTP :1; unsigned RCIDL :1; unsigned ABDOVF :1; }; struct { unsigned :4; unsigned SCKP :1; unsigned :1; unsigned RCMT :1; }; struct { unsigned ABDEN1 :1; unsigned WUE1 :1; unsigned :1; unsigned BRG161 :1; unsigned CKTXP :1; unsigned DTRXP :1; unsigned RCIDL1 :1; unsigned ABDOVF1 :1; }; struct { unsigned :4; unsigned SCKP1 :1; unsigned DTRXP1 :1; unsigned RCMT1 :1; }; struct { unsigned :4; unsigned TXCKP1 :1; unsigned RXDTP1 :1; }; struct { unsigned :5; unsigned RXCKP :1; }; struct { unsigned :1; unsigned W4E :1; }; } BAUDCTL1bits_t; extern volatile BAUDCTL1bits_t BAUDCTL1bits __attribute__((address(0xF7E))); # 4247 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char SPBRGH1 __attribute__((address(0xF7F))); __asm("SPBRGH1 equ 0F7Fh"); extern volatile unsigned char SPBRGH __attribute__((address(0xF7F))); __asm("SPBRGH equ 0F7Fh"); extern volatile unsigned char PORTA __attribute__((address(0xF80))); __asm("PORTA equ 0F80h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned RA0 :1; unsigned RA1 :1; unsigned RA2 :1; unsigned RA3 :1; unsigned RA4 :1; unsigned RA5 :1; unsigned :1; unsigned RJPU :1; }; struct { unsigned AN0 :1; unsigned AN1 :1; unsigned AN2 :1; unsigned AN3 :1; unsigned T0CKI :1; unsigned AN4 :1; }; struct { unsigned LEDA :1; unsigned LEDB :1; unsigned VREFM :1; unsigned VREFP :1; }; struct { unsigned ULPWUIN :1; unsigned :4; unsigned LVDIN :1; unsigned :1; unsigned RA7 :1; }; } PORTAbits_t; extern volatile PORTAbits_t PORTAbits __attribute__((address(0xF80))); # 4402 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char PORTB __attribute__((address(0xF81))); __asm("PORTB equ 0F81h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned RB0 :1; unsigned RB1 :1; unsigned RB2 :1; unsigned RB3 :1; unsigned RB4 :1; unsigned RB5 :1; unsigned RB6 :1; unsigned RB7 :1; }; struct { unsigned INT0 :1; unsigned INT1 :1; unsigned INT2 :1; unsigned INT3 :1; unsigned KBI0 :1; unsigned KBI1 :1; unsigned KBI2 :1; unsigned KBI3 :1; }; struct { unsigned FLT0 :1; unsigned :2; unsigned CCP2 :1; unsigned :2; unsigned PGC :1; unsigned PGD :1; }; struct { unsigned :3; unsigned ECCP2 :1; }; struct { unsigned :3; unsigned CCP2_PA2 :1; }; } PORTBbits_t; extern volatile PORTBbits_t PORTBbits __attribute__((address(0xF81))); # 4560 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char PORTC __attribute__((address(0xF82))); __asm("PORTC equ 0F82h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned RC0 :1; unsigned RC1 :1; unsigned RC2 :1; unsigned RC3 :1; unsigned RC4 :1; unsigned RC5 :1; unsigned RC6 :1; unsigned RC7 :1; }; struct { unsigned T1OSO :1; unsigned T1OSI :1; unsigned CCP1 :1; unsigned SCK :1; unsigned SDI :1; unsigned SDO :1; unsigned TX :1; unsigned RX :1; }; struct { unsigned T13CKI :1; unsigned CCP2 :1; unsigned :1; unsigned SCL :1; unsigned SDA :1; unsigned :1; unsigned CK :1; unsigned DT :1; }; struct { unsigned :1; unsigned ECCP2 :1; unsigned ECCP1 :1; unsigned SCK1 :1; unsigned SDI1 :1; unsigned SDO1 :1; unsigned TX1 :1; unsigned RX1 :1; }; struct { unsigned :3; unsigned SCL1 :1; unsigned SDA1 :1; unsigned :1; unsigned CK1 :1; unsigned DT1 :1; }; struct { unsigned :1; unsigned PA2 :1; unsigned PA1 :1; }; } PORTCbits_t; extern volatile PORTCbits_t PORTCbits __attribute__((address(0xF82))); # 4800 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char PORTD __attribute__((address(0xF83))); __asm("PORTD equ 0F83h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned RD0 :1; unsigned RD1 :1; unsigned RD2 :1; unsigned RD3 :1; unsigned RD4 :1; unsigned RD5 :1; unsigned RD6 :1; unsigned RD7 :1; }; struct { unsigned PSP0 :1; unsigned PSP1 :1; unsigned PSP2 :1; unsigned PSP3 :1; unsigned PSP4 :1; unsigned PSP5 :1; unsigned PSP6 :1; unsigned PSP7 :1; }; struct { unsigned AD0 :1; unsigned AD1 :1; unsigned AD2 :1; unsigned AD3 :1; unsigned AD4 :1; unsigned AD5 :1; unsigned AD6 :1; unsigned AD7 :1; }; struct { unsigned :5; unsigned SDA2 :1; unsigned SCL2 :1; unsigned SS2 :1; }; struct { unsigned :7; unsigned NOT_SS2 :1; }; struct { unsigned :4; unsigned SDO2 :1; unsigned SDI2 :1; unsigned SCK2 :1; unsigned nSS2 :1; }; } PORTDbits_t; extern volatile PORTDbits_t PORTDbits __attribute__((address(0xF83))); # 5019 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char PORTE __attribute__((address(0xF84))); __asm("PORTE equ 0F84h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned RE0 :1; unsigned RE1 :1; unsigned RE2 :1; unsigned RE3 :1; unsigned RE4 :1; unsigned RE5 :1; unsigned RE6 :1; unsigned RE7 :1; }; struct { unsigned RD :1; unsigned WR :1; unsigned CS :1; unsigned :4; unsigned CCP2 :1; }; struct { unsigned AD8 :1; unsigned AD9 :1; unsigned AD10 :1; unsigned AD11 :1; unsigned AD12 :1; unsigned AD13 :1; unsigned AD14 :1; unsigned AD15 :1; }; struct { unsigned NOT_RD :1; }; struct { unsigned :1; unsigned NOT_WR :1; }; struct { unsigned :2; unsigned NOT_CS :1; }; struct { unsigned nRD :1; unsigned nWR :1; unsigned nCS :1; unsigned :4; unsigned ECCP2 :1; }; struct { unsigned PD2 :1; unsigned PC2 :1; unsigned CCP10 :1; unsigned CCP9E :1; unsigned CCP8E :1; unsigned CCP7E :1; unsigned CCP6E :1; unsigned CCP2E :1; }; struct { unsigned RDE :1; unsigned WRE :1; unsigned PB2 :1; unsigned PC3E :1; unsigned PB3E :1; unsigned PC1E :1; unsigned PB1E :1; unsigned PA2E :1; }; } PORTEbits_t; extern volatile PORTEbits_t PORTEbits __attribute__((address(0xF84))); # 5311 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char PORTF __attribute__((address(0xF85))); __asm("PORTF equ 0F85h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned RF0 :1; unsigned RF1 :1; unsigned RF2 :1; unsigned RF3 :1; unsigned RF4 :1; unsigned RF5 :1; unsigned RF6 :1; unsigned RF7 :1; }; struct { unsigned AN5 :1; unsigned AN6 :1; unsigned AN7 :1; unsigned AN8 :1; unsigned AN9 :1; unsigned AN10 :1; unsigned AN11 :1; unsigned SS :1; }; struct { unsigned :7; unsigned NOT_SS :1; }; struct { unsigned :5; unsigned CVREF :1; unsigned :1; unsigned nSS :1; }; struct { unsigned :7; unsigned SS1 :1; }; struct { unsigned :7; unsigned NOT_SS1 :1; }; struct { unsigned :7; unsigned nSS1 :1; }; struct { unsigned :1; unsigned C2OUTF :1; unsigned C1OUTF :1; }; } PORTFbits_t; extern volatile PORTFbits_t PORTFbits __attribute__((address(0xF85))); # 5490 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char PORTG __attribute__((address(0xF86))); __asm("PORTG equ 0F86h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned RG0 :1; unsigned RG1 :1; unsigned RG2 :1; unsigned RG3 :1; unsigned RG4 :1; unsigned RG5 :1; unsigned RG6 :1; unsigned RG7 :1; }; struct { unsigned CCP3 :1; unsigned TX2 :1; unsigned RX2 :1; unsigned CCP4 :1; unsigned CCP5 :1; }; struct { unsigned ECCP3 :1; unsigned CK2 :1; unsigned DT2 :1; }; struct { unsigned :1; unsigned C3OUTG :1; unsigned :3; unsigned RJPU :1; }; } PORTGbits_t; extern volatile PORTGbits_t PORTGbits __attribute__((address(0xF86))); # 5620 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char PORTH __attribute__((address(0xF87))); __asm("PORTH equ 0F87h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned RH0 :1; unsigned RH1 :1; unsigned RH2 :1; unsigned RH3 :1; unsigned RH4 :1; unsigned RH5 :1; unsigned RH6 :1; unsigned RH7 :1; }; struct { unsigned AD16 :1; unsigned AD17 :1; unsigned AD18 :1; unsigned AD19 :1; unsigned AN12 :1; unsigned AN13 :1; unsigned AN14 :1; unsigned AN15 :1; }; struct { unsigned :4; unsigned CCP9 :1; unsigned CCP8 :1; unsigned CCP7 :1; unsigned CCP6 :1; }; struct { unsigned :4; unsigned PC3 :1; unsigned PB3 :1; unsigned PC1 :1; unsigned PB1 :1; }; } PORTHbits_t; extern volatile PORTHbits_t PORTHbits __attribute__((address(0xF87))); # 5786 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char PORTJ __attribute__((address(0xF88))); __asm("PORTJ equ 0F88h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned RJ0 :1; unsigned RJ1 :1; unsigned RJ2 :1; unsigned RJ3 :1; unsigned RJ4 :1; unsigned RJ5 :1; unsigned RJ6 :1; unsigned RJ7 :1; }; struct { unsigned ALE :1; unsigned OE :1; unsigned WRL :1; unsigned WRH :1; unsigned BA0 :1; unsigned CE :1; unsigned LB :1; unsigned UB :1; }; struct { unsigned :1; unsigned NOT_OE :1; }; struct { unsigned :2; unsigned NOT_WRL :1; }; struct { unsigned :3; unsigned NOT_WRH :1; }; struct { unsigned :5; unsigned NOT_CE :1; }; struct { unsigned :6; unsigned NOT_LB :1; }; struct { unsigned :7; unsigned NOT_UB :1; }; struct { unsigned :1; unsigned nOE :1; unsigned nWRL :1; unsigned nWRH :1; unsigned :1; unsigned nCE :1; unsigned nLB :1; unsigned nUB :1; }; } PORTJbits_t; extern volatile PORTJbits_t PORTJbits __attribute__((address(0xF88))); # 5992 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char LATA __attribute__((address(0xF89))); __asm("LATA equ 0F89h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned LATA0 :1; unsigned LATA1 :1; unsigned LATA2 :1; unsigned LATA3 :1; unsigned LATA4 :1; unsigned LATA5 :1; unsigned REPU :1; unsigned RDPU :1; }; struct { unsigned LA0 :1; unsigned LA1 :1; unsigned LA2 :1; unsigned LA3 :1; unsigned LA4 :1; unsigned LA5 :1; unsigned LA6 :1; unsigned LA7 :1; }; struct { unsigned :7; unsigned LATA7 :1; }; } LATAbits_t; extern volatile LATAbits_t LATAbits __attribute__((address(0xF89))); # 6113 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char LATB __attribute__((address(0xF8A))); __asm("LATB equ 0F8Ah"); typedef union { struct { unsigned LATB0 :1; unsigned LATB1 :1; unsigned LATB2 :1; unsigned LATB3 :1; unsigned LATB4 :1; unsigned LATB5 :1; unsigned LATB6 :1; unsigned LATB7 :1; }; struct { unsigned LB0 :1; unsigned LB1 :1; unsigned LB2 :1; unsigned LB3 :1; unsigned LB4 :1; unsigned LB5 :1; unsigned LB6 :1; unsigned LB7 :1; }; } LATBbits_t; extern volatile LATBbits_t LATBbits __attribute__((address(0xF8A))); # 6225 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char LATC __attribute__((address(0xF8B))); __asm("LATC equ 0F8Bh"); typedef union { struct { unsigned LATC0 :1; unsigned LATC1 :1; unsigned LATC2 :1; unsigned LATC3 :1; unsigned LATC4 :1; unsigned LATC5 :1; unsigned LATC6 :1; unsigned LATC7 :1; }; struct { unsigned LC0 :1; unsigned LC1 :1; unsigned LC2 :1; unsigned LC3 :1; unsigned LC4 :1; unsigned LC5 :1; unsigned LC6 :1; unsigned LC7 :1; }; } LATCbits_t; extern volatile LATCbits_t LATCbits __attribute__((address(0xF8B))); # 6337 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char LATD __attribute__((address(0xF8C))); __asm("LATD equ 0F8Ch"); typedef union { struct { unsigned LATD0 :1; unsigned LATD1 :1; unsigned LATD2 :1; unsigned LATD3 :1; unsigned LATD4 :1; unsigned LATD5 :1; unsigned LATD6 :1; unsigned LATD7 :1; }; struct { unsigned LD0 :1; unsigned LD1 :1; unsigned LD2 :1; unsigned LD3 :1; unsigned LD4 :1; unsigned LD5 :1; unsigned LD6 :1; unsigned LD7 :1; }; } LATDbits_t; extern volatile LATDbits_t LATDbits __attribute__((address(0xF8C))); # 6449 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char LATE __attribute__((address(0xF8D))); __asm("LATE equ 0F8Dh"); typedef union { struct { unsigned LATE0 :1; unsigned LATE1 :1; unsigned LATE2 :1; unsigned LATE3 :1; unsigned LATE4 :1; unsigned LATE5 :1; unsigned LATE6 :1; unsigned LATE7 :1; }; struct { unsigned LE0 :1; unsigned LE1 :1; unsigned LE2 :1; unsigned LE3 :1; unsigned LE4 :1; unsigned LE5 :1; unsigned LE6 :1; unsigned LE7 :1; }; } LATEbits_t; extern volatile LATEbits_t LATEbits __attribute__((address(0xF8D))); # 6561 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char LATF __attribute__((address(0xF8E))); __asm("LATF equ 0F8Eh"); typedef union { struct { unsigned LATF0 :1; unsigned LATF1 :1; unsigned LATF2 :1; unsigned LATF3 :1; unsigned LATF4 :1; unsigned LATF5 :1; unsigned LATF6 :1; unsigned LATF7 :1; }; struct { unsigned LF0 :1; unsigned LF1 :1; unsigned LF2 :1; unsigned LF3 :1; unsigned LF4 :1; unsigned LF5 :1; unsigned LF6 :1; unsigned LF7 :1; }; } LATFbits_t; extern volatile LATFbits_t LATFbits __attribute__((address(0xF8E))); # 6673 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char LATG __attribute__((address(0xF8F))); __asm("LATG equ 0F8Fh"); typedef union { struct { unsigned LATG0 :1; unsigned LATG1 :1; unsigned LATG2 :1; unsigned LATG3 :1; unsigned LATG4 :1; unsigned LATG5 :1; unsigned LATG6 :1; unsigned LATG7 :1; }; struct { unsigned LG0 :1; unsigned LG1 :1; unsigned LG2 :1; unsigned LG3 :1; unsigned LG4 :1; }; } LATGbits_t; extern volatile LATGbits_t LATGbits __attribute__((address(0xF8F))); # 6767 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char LATH __attribute__((address(0xF90))); __asm("LATH equ 0F90h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned LATH0 :1; unsigned LATH1 :1; unsigned LATH2 :1; unsigned LATH3 :1; unsigned LATH4 :1; unsigned LATH5 :1; unsigned LATH6 :1; unsigned LATH7 :1; }; struct { unsigned LH0 :1; unsigned LH1 :1; unsigned LH2 :1; unsigned LH3 :1; unsigned LH4 :1; unsigned LH5 :1; unsigned LH6 :1; unsigned LH7 :1; }; } LATHbits_t; extern volatile LATHbits_t LATHbits __attribute__((address(0xF90))); # 6879 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char LATJ __attribute__((address(0xF91))); __asm("LATJ equ 0F91h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned LATJ0 :1; unsigned LATJ1 :1; unsigned LATJ2 :1; unsigned LATJ3 :1; unsigned LATJ4 :1; unsigned LATJ5 :1; unsigned LATJ6 :1; unsigned LATJ7 :1; }; struct { unsigned LJ0 :1; unsigned LJ1 :1; unsigned LJ2 :1; unsigned LJ3 :1; unsigned LJ4 :1; unsigned LJ5 :1; unsigned LJ6 :1; unsigned LJ7 :1; }; } LATJbits_t; extern volatile LATJbits_t LATJbits __attribute__((address(0xF91))); # 6991 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char TRISA __attribute__((address(0xF92))); __asm("TRISA equ 0F92h"); extern volatile unsigned char DDRA __attribute__((address(0xF92))); __asm("DDRA equ 0F92h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned TRISA0 :1; unsigned TRISA1 :1; unsigned TRISA2 :1; unsigned TRISA3 :1; unsigned TRISA4 :1; unsigned TRISA5 :1; }; struct { unsigned RA0 :1; unsigned RA1 :1; unsigned RA2 :1; unsigned RA3 :1; unsigned RA4 :1; unsigned RA5 :1; }; } TRISAbits_t; extern volatile TRISAbits_t TRISAbits __attribute__((address(0xF92))); # 7082 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 typedef union { struct { unsigned TRISA0 :1; unsigned TRISA1 :1; unsigned TRISA2 :1; unsigned TRISA3 :1; unsigned TRISA4 :1; unsigned TRISA5 :1; }; struct { unsigned RA0 :1; unsigned RA1 :1; unsigned RA2 :1; unsigned RA3 :1; unsigned RA4 :1; unsigned RA5 :1; }; } DDRAbits_t; extern volatile DDRAbits_t DDRAbits __attribute__((address(0xF92))); # 7165 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char TRISB __attribute__((address(0xF93))); __asm("TRISB equ 0F93h"); extern volatile unsigned char DDRB __attribute__((address(0xF93))); __asm("DDRB equ 0F93h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned TRISB0 :1; unsigned TRISB1 :1; unsigned TRISB2 :1; unsigned TRISB3 :1; unsigned TRISB4 :1; unsigned TRISB5 :1; unsigned TRISB6 :1; unsigned TRISB7 :1; }; struct { unsigned RB0 :1; unsigned RB1 :1; unsigned RB2 :1; unsigned RB3 :1; unsigned RB4 :1; unsigned RB5 :1; unsigned RB6 :1; unsigned RB7 :1; }; } TRISBbits_t; extern volatile TRISBbits_t TRISBbits __attribute__((address(0xF93))); # 7280 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 typedef union { struct { unsigned TRISB0 :1; unsigned TRISB1 :1; unsigned TRISB2 :1; unsigned TRISB3 :1; unsigned TRISB4 :1; unsigned TRISB5 :1; unsigned TRISB6 :1; unsigned TRISB7 :1; }; struct { unsigned RB0 :1; unsigned RB1 :1; unsigned RB2 :1; unsigned RB3 :1; unsigned RB4 :1; unsigned RB5 :1; unsigned RB6 :1; unsigned RB7 :1; }; } DDRBbits_t; extern volatile DDRBbits_t DDRBbits __attribute__((address(0xF93))); # 7387 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char TRISC __attribute__((address(0xF94))); __asm("TRISC equ 0F94h"); extern volatile unsigned char DDRC __attribute__((address(0xF94))); __asm("DDRC equ 0F94h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned TRISC0 :1; unsigned TRISC1 :1; unsigned TRISC2 :1; unsigned TRISC3 :1; unsigned TRISC4 :1; unsigned TRISC5 :1; unsigned TRISC6 :1; unsigned TRISC7 :1; }; struct { unsigned RC0 :1; unsigned RC1 :1; unsigned RC2 :1; unsigned RC3 :1; unsigned RC4 :1; unsigned RC5 :1; unsigned RC6 :1; unsigned RC7 :1; }; } TRISCbits_t; extern volatile TRISCbits_t TRISCbits __attribute__((address(0xF94))); # 7502 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 typedef union { struct { unsigned TRISC0 :1; unsigned TRISC1 :1; unsigned TRISC2 :1; unsigned TRISC3 :1; unsigned TRISC4 :1; unsigned TRISC5 :1; unsigned TRISC6 :1; unsigned TRISC7 :1; }; struct { unsigned RC0 :1; unsigned RC1 :1; unsigned RC2 :1; unsigned RC3 :1; unsigned RC4 :1; unsigned RC5 :1; unsigned RC6 :1; unsigned RC7 :1; }; } DDRCbits_t; extern volatile DDRCbits_t DDRCbits __attribute__((address(0xF94))); # 7609 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char TRISD __attribute__((address(0xF95))); __asm("TRISD equ 0F95h"); extern volatile unsigned char DDRD __attribute__((address(0xF95))); __asm("DDRD equ 0F95h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned TRISD0 :1; unsigned TRISD1 :1; unsigned TRISD2 :1; unsigned TRISD3 :1; unsigned TRISD4 :1; unsigned TRISD5 :1; unsigned TRISD6 :1; unsigned TRISD7 :1; }; struct { unsigned RD0 :1; unsigned RD1 :1; unsigned RD2 :1; unsigned RD3 :1; unsigned RD4 :1; unsigned RD5 :1; unsigned RD6 :1; unsigned RD7 :1; }; } TRISDbits_t; extern volatile TRISDbits_t TRISDbits __attribute__((address(0xF95))); # 7724 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 typedef union { struct { unsigned TRISD0 :1; unsigned TRISD1 :1; unsigned TRISD2 :1; unsigned TRISD3 :1; unsigned TRISD4 :1; unsigned TRISD5 :1; unsigned TRISD6 :1; unsigned TRISD7 :1; }; struct { unsigned RD0 :1; unsigned RD1 :1; unsigned RD2 :1; unsigned RD3 :1; unsigned RD4 :1; unsigned RD5 :1; unsigned RD6 :1; unsigned RD7 :1; }; } DDRDbits_t; extern volatile DDRDbits_t DDRDbits __attribute__((address(0xF95))); # 7831 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char TRISE __attribute__((address(0xF96))); __asm("TRISE equ 0F96h"); extern volatile unsigned char DDRE __attribute__((address(0xF96))); __asm("DDRE equ 0F96h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned TRISE0 :1; unsigned TRISE1 :1; unsigned TRISE2 :1; unsigned TRISE3 :1; unsigned TRISE4 :1; unsigned TRISE5 :1; unsigned TRISE6 :1; unsigned TRISE7 :1; }; struct { unsigned RE0 :1; unsigned RE1 :1; unsigned RE2 :1; unsigned RE3 :1; unsigned RE4 :1; unsigned RE5 :1; unsigned RE6 :1; unsigned RE7 :1; }; } TRISEbits_t; extern volatile TRISEbits_t TRISEbits __attribute__((address(0xF96))); # 7946 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 typedef union { struct { unsigned TRISE0 :1; unsigned TRISE1 :1; unsigned TRISE2 :1; unsigned TRISE3 :1; unsigned TRISE4 :1; unsigned TRISE5 :1; unsigned TRISE6 :1; unsigned TRISE7 :1; }; struct { unsigned RE0 :1; unsigned RE1 :1; unsigned RE2 :1; unsigned RE3 :1; unsigned RE4 :1; unsigned RE5 :1; unsigned RE6 :1; unsigned RE7 :1; }; } DDREbits_t; extern volatile DDREbits_t DDREbits __attribute__((address(0xF96))); # 8053 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char TRISF __attribute__((address(0xF97))); __asm("TRISF equ 0F97h"); extern volatile unsigned char DDRF __attribute__((address(0xF97))); __asm("DDRF equ 0F97h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned TRISF0 :1; unsigned TRISF1 :1; unsigned TRISF2 :1; unsigned TRISF3 :1; unsigned TRISF4 :1; unsigned TRISF5 :1; unsigned TRISF6 :1; unsigned TRISF7 :1; }; struct { unsigned RF0 :1; unsigned RF1 :1; unsigned RF2 :1; unsigned RF3 :1; unsigned RF4 :1; unsigned RF5 :1; unsigned RF6 :1; unsigned RF7 :1; }; } TRISFbits_t; extern volatile TRISFbits_t TRISFbits __attribute__((address(0xF97))); # 8168 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 typedef union { struct { unsigned TRISF0 :1; unsigned TRISF1 :1; unsigned TRISF2 :1; unsigned TRISF3 :1; unsigned TRISF4 :1; unsigned TRISF5 :1; unsigned TRISF6 :1; unsigned TRISF7 :1; }; struct { unsigned RF0 :1; unsigned RF1 :1; unsigned RF2 :1; unsigned RF3 :1; unsigned RF4 :1; unsigned RF5 :1; unsigned RF6 :1; unsigned RF7 :1; }; } DDRFbits_t; extern volatile DDRFbits_t DDRFbits __attribute__((address(0xF97))); # 8275 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char TRISG __attribute__((address(0xF98))); __asm("TRISG equ 0F98h"); extern volatile unsigned char DDRG __attribute__((address(0xF98))); __asm("DDRG equ 0F98h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned TRISG0 :1; unsigned TRISG1 :1; unsigned TRISG2 :1; unsigned TRISG3 :1; unsigned TRISG4 :1; unsigned TRISG5 :1; unsigned TRISG6 :1; unsigned TRISG7 :1; }; struct { unsigned RG0 :1; unsigned RG1 :1; unsigned RG2 :1; unsigned RG3 :1; unsigned RG4 :1; unsigned RG5 :1; unsigned RG6 :1; unsigned RG7 :1; }; } TRISGbits_t; extern volatile TRISGbits_t TRISGbits __attribute__((address(0xF98))); # 8390 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 typedef union { struct { unsigned TRISG0 :1; unsigned TRISG1 :1; unsigned TRISG2 :1; unsigned TRISG3 :1; unsigned TRISG4 :1; unsigned TRISG5 :1; unsigned TRISG6 :1; unsigned TRISG7 :1; }; struct { unsigned RG0 :1; unsigned RG1 :1; unsigned RG2 :1; unsigned RG3 :1; unsigned RG4 :1; unsigned RG5 :1; unsigned RG6 :1; unsigned RG7 :1; }; } DDRGbits_t; extern volatile DDRGbits_t DDRGbits __attribute__((address(0xF98))); # 8497 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char TRISH __attribute__((address(0xF99))); __asm("TRISH equ 0F99h"); extern volatile unsigned char DDRH __attribute__((address(0xF99))); __asm("DDRH equ 0F99h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned TRISH0 :1; unsigned TRISH1 :1; unsigned TRISH2 :1; unsigned TRISH3 :1; unsigned TRISH4 :1; unsigned TRISH5 :1; unsigned TRISH6 :1; unsigned TRISH7 :1; }; struct { unsigned RH0 :1; unsigned RH1 :1; unsigned RH2 :1; unsigned RH3 :1; unsigned RH4 :1; unsigned RH5 :1; unsigned RH6 :1; unsigned RH7 :1; }; } TRISHbits_t; extern volatile TRISHbits_t TRISHbits __attribute__((address(0xF99))); # 8612 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 typedef union { struct { unsigned TRISH0 :1; unsigned TRISH1 :1; unsigned TRISH2 :1; unsigned TRISH3 :1; unsigned TRISH4 :1; unsigned TRISH5 :1; unsigned TRISH6 :1; unsigned TRISH7 :1; }; struct { unsigned RH0 :1; unsigned RH1 :1; unsigned RH2 :1; unsigned RH3 :1; unsigned RH4 :1; unsigned RH5 :1; unsigned RH6 :1; unsigned RH7 :1; }; } DDRHbits_t; extern volatile DDRHbits_t DDRHbits __attribute__((address(0xF99))); # 8719 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char TRISJ __attribute__((address(0xF9A))); __asm("TRISJ equ 0F9Ah"); extern volatile unsigned char DDRJ __attribute__((address(0xF9A))); __asm("DDRJ equ 0F9Ah"); typedef union { struct { unsigned TRISJ0 :1; unsigned TRISJ1 :1; unsigned TRISJ2 :1; unsigned TRISJ3 :1; unsigned TRISJ4 :1; unsigned TRISJ5 :1; unsigned TRISJ6 :1; unsigned TRISJ7 :1; }; struct { unsigned RJ0 :1; unsigned RJ1 :1; unsigned RJ2 :1; unsigned RJ3 :1; unsigned RJ4 :1; unsigned RJ5 :1; unsigned RJ6 :1; unsigned RJ7 :1; }; } TRISJbits_t; extern volatile TRISJbits_t TRISJbits __attribute__((address(0xF9A))); # 8834 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 typedef union { struct { unsigned TRISJ0 :1; unsigned TRISJ1 :1; unsigned TRISJ2 :1; unsigned TRISJ3 :1; unsigned TRISJ4 :1; unsigned TRISJ5 :1; unsigned TRISJ6 :1; unsigned TRISJ7 :1; }; struct { unsigned RJ0 :1; unsigned RJ1 :1; unsigned RJ2 :1; unsigned RJ3 :1; unsigned RJ4 :1; unsigned RJ5 :1; unsigned RJ6 :1; unsigned RJ7 :1; }; } DDRJbits_t; extern volatile DDRJbits_t DDRJbits __attribute__((address(0xF9A))); # 8941 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char OSCTUNE __attribute__((address(0xF9B))); __asm("OSCTUNE equ 0F9Bh"); typedef union { struct { unsigned :4; unsigned PPRE :1; unsigned PPST0 :1; unsigned PLLEN :1; unsigned PPST1 :1; }; struct { unsigned :4; unsigned TUN4 :1; unsigned TUN5 :1; }; } OSCTUNEbits_t; extern volatile OSCTUNEbits_t OSCTUNEbits __attribute__((address(0xF9B))); # 8995 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char MEMCON __attribute__((address(0xF9C))); __asm("MEMCON equ 0F9Ch"); typedef union { struct { unsigned WM :2; unsigned :2; unsigned WAIT :2; unsigned :1; unsigned EBDIS :1; }; struct { unsigned WM0 :1; unsigned WM1 :1; unsigned :2; unsigned WAIT0 :1; unsigned WAIT1 :1; }; } MEMCONbits_t; extern volatile MEMCONbits_t MEMCONbits __attribute__((address(0xF9C))); # 9056 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char PIE1 __attribute__((address(0xF9D))); __asm("PIE1 equ 0F9Dh"); typedef union { struct { unsigned TMR1IE :1; unsigned TMR2IE :1; unsigned CCP1IE :1; unsigned SSP1IE :1; unsigned TX1IE :1; unsigned RC1IE :1; unsigned ADIE :1; unsigned PSPIE :1; }; struct { unsigned :3; unsigned SSPIE :1; unsigned TXIE :1; unsigned RCIE :1; }; } PIE1bits_t; extern volatile PIE1bits_t PIE1bits __attribute__((address(0xF9D))); # 9139 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char PIR1 __attribute__((address(0xF9E))); __asm("PIR1 equ 0F9Eh"); typedef union { struct { unsigned TMR1IF :1; unsigned TMR2IF :1; unsigned CCP1IF :1; unsigned SSP1IF :1; unsigned TX1IF :1; unsigned RC1IF :1; unsigned ADIF :1; unsigned PSPIF :1; }; struct { unsigned :4; unsigned TXIF :1; unsigned RCIF :1; }; struct { unsigned :3; unsigned SSPIF :1; }; } PIR1bits_t; extern volatile PIR1bits_t PIR1bits __attribute__((address(0xF9E))); # 9225 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char IPR1 __attribute__((address(0xF9F))); __asm("IPR1 equ 0F9Fh"); typedef union { struct { unsigned TMR1IP :1; unsigned TMR2IP :1; unsigned CCP1IP :1; unsigned SSP1IP :1; unsigned TX1IP :1; unsigned RC1IP :1; unsigned ADIP :1; unsigned PSPIP :1; }; struct { unsigned :3; unsigned SSPIP :1; unsigned TXIP :1; unsigned RCIP :1; }; } IPR1bits_t; extern volatile IPR1bits_t IPR1bits __attribute__((address(0xF9F))); # 9308 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char PIE2 __attribute__((address(0xFA0))); __asm("PIE2 equ 0FA0h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned CCP2IE :1; unsigned TMR3IE :1; unsigned :1; unsigned BCL1IE :1; unsigned :1; unsigned ETHIE :1; unsigned CMIE :1; unsigned OSCFIE :1; }; struct { unsigned :3; unsigned BCLIE :1; }; } PIE2bits_t; extern volatile PIE2bits_t PIE2bits __attribute__((address(0xFA0))); # 9369 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char PIR2 __attribute__((address(0xFA1))); __asm("PIR2 equ 0FA1h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned CCP2IF :1; unsigned TMR3IF :1; unsigned :1; unsigned BCL1IF :1; unsigned :1; unsigned ETHIF :1; unsigned CMIF :1; unsigned OSCFIF :1; }; struct { unsigned :3; unsigned BCLIF :1; }; } PIR2bits_t; extern volatile PIR2bits_t PIR2bits __attribute__((address(0xFA1))); # 9430 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char IPR2 __attribute__((address(0xFA2))); __asm("IPR2 equ 0FA2h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned CCP2IP :1; unsigned TMR3IP :1; unsigned :1; unsigned BCL1IP :1; unsigned :1; unsigned ETHIP :1; unsigned CMIP :1; unsigned OSCFIP :1; }; struct { unsigned :3; unsigned BCLIP :1; }; } IPR2bits_t; extern volatile IPR2bits_t IPR2bits __attribute__((address(0xFA2))); # 9491 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char PIE3 __attribute__((address(0xFA3))); __asm("PIE3 equ 0FA3h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned CCP3IE :1; unsigned CCP4IE :1; unsigned CCP5IE :1; unsigned TMR4IE :1; unsigned TX2IE :1; unsigned RC2IE :1; unsigned BCL2IE :1; unsigned SSP2IE :1; }; struct { unsigned RXB0IE :1; unsigned RXB1IE :1; unsigned TXB0IE :1; unsigned TXB1IE :1; unsigned TXB2IE :1; }; struct { unsigned :1; unsigned RXBNIE :1; unsigned :2; unsigned TXBNIE :1; }; } PIE3bits_t; extern volatile PIE3bits_t PIE3bits __attribute__((address(0xFA3))); # 9601 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char PIR3 __attribute__((address(0xFA4))); __asm("PIR3 equ 0FA4h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned CCP3IF :1; unsigned CCP4IF :1; unsigned CCP5IF :1; unsigned TMR4IF :1; unsigned TX2IF :1; unsigned RC2IF :1; unsigned BCL2IF :1; unsigned SSP2IF :1; }; struct { unsigned :1; unsigned RXBNIF :1; unsigned :2; unsigned TXBNIF :1; }; } PIR3bits_t; extern volatile PIR3bits_t PIR3bits __attribute__((address(0xFA4))); # 9679 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char IPR3 __attribute__((address(0xFA5))); __asm("IPR3 equ 0FA5h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned CCP3IP :1; unsigned CCP4IP :1; unsigned CCP5IP :1; unsigned TMR4IP :1; unsigned TX2IP :1; unsigned RC2IP :1; unsigned BCL2IP :1; unsigned SSP2IP :1; }; struct { unsigned :1; unsigned RXBNIP :1; unsigned :2; unsigned TXBNIP :1; }; } IPR3bits_t; extern volatile IPR3bits_t IPR3bits __attribute__((address(0xFA5))); # 9757 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char EECON1 __attribute__((address(0xFA6))); __asm("EECON1 equ 0FA6h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned :1; unsigned WR :1; unsigned WREN :1; unsigned WRERR :1; unsigned FREE :1; }; } EECON1bits_t; extern volatile EECON1bits_t EECON1bits __attribute__((address(0xFA6))); # 9796 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char EECON2 __attribute__((address(0xFA7))); __asm("EECON2 equ 0FA7h"); extern volatile unsigned char RCSTA1 __attribute__((address(0xFAB))); __asm("RCSTA1 equ 0FABh"); extern volatile unsigned char RCSTA __attribute__((address(0xFAB))); __asm("RCSTA equ 0FABh"); typedef union { struct { unsigned RX9D :1; unsigned OERR :1; unsigned FERR :1; unsigned ADDEN :1; unsigned CREN :1; unsigned SREN :1; unsigned RX9 :1; unsigned SPEN :1; }; struct { unsigned RCD8 :1; unsigned :5; unsigned RC9 :1; }; struct { unsigned :6; unsigned NOT_RC8 :1; }; struct { unsigned :6; unsigned nRC8 :1; }; struct { unsigned :6; unsigned RC8_9 :1; }; struct { unsigned RX9D1 :1; unsigned OERR1 :1; unsigned FERR1 :1; unsigned ADDEN1 :1; unsigned CREN1 :1; unsigned SREN1 :1; unsigned RX91 :1; unsigned SPEN1 :1; }; struct { unsigned :5; unsigned SRENA :1; }; } RCSTA1bits_t; extern volatile RCSTA1bits_t RCSTA1bits __attribute__((address(0xFAB))); # 9969 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 typedef union { struct { unsigned RX9D :1; unsigned OERR :1; unsigned FERR :1; unsigned ADDEN :1; unsigned CREN :1; unsigned SREN :1; unsigned RX9 :1; unsigned SPEN :1; }; struct { unsigned RCD8 :1; unsigned :5; unsigned RC9 :1; }; struct { unsigned :6; unsigned NOT_RC8 :1; }; struct { unsigned :6; unsigned nRC8 :1; }; struct { unsigned :6; unsigned RC8_9 :1; }; struct { unsigned RX9D1 :1; unsigned OERR1 :1; unsigned FERR1 :1; unsigned ADDEN1 :1; unsigned CREN1 :1; unsigned SREN1 :1; unsigned RX91 :1; unsigned SPEN1 :1; }; struct { unsigned :5; unsigned SRENA :1; }; } RCSTAbits_t; extern volatile RCSTAbits_t RCSTAbits __attribute__((address(0xFAB))); # 10127 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char TXSTA1 __attribute__((address(0xFAC))); __asm("TXSTA1 equ 0FACh"); extern volatile unsigned char TXSTA __attribute__((address(0xFAC))); __asm("TXSTA equ 0FACh"); typedef union { struct { unsigned TX9D :1; unsigned TRMT :1; unsigned BRGH :1; unsigned SENDB :1; unsigned SYNC :1; unsigned TXEN :1; unsigned TX9 :1; unsigned CSRC :1; }; struct { unsigned TXD8 :1; unsigned :5; unsigned TX8_9 :1; }; struct { unsigned :6; unsigned NOT_TX8 :1; }; struct { unsigned :6; unsigned nTX8 :1; }; struct { unsigned TX9D1 :1; unsigned TRMT1 :1; unsigned BRGH1 :1; unsigned SENDB1 :1; unsigned SYNC1 :1; unsigned TXEN1 :1; unsigned TX91 :1; unsigned CSRC1 :1; }; } TXSTA1bits_t; extern volatile TXSTA1bits_t TXSTA1bits __attribute__((address(0xFAC))); # 10275 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 typedef union { struct { unsigned TX9D :1; unsigned TRMT :1; unsigned BRGH :1; unsigned SENDB :1; unsigned SYNC :1; unsigned TXEN :1; unsigned TX9 :1; unsigned CSRC :1; }; struct { unsigned TXD8 :1; unsigned :5; unsigned TX8_9 :1; }; struct { unsigned :6; unsigned NOT_TX8 :1; }; struct { unsigned :6; unsigned nTX8 :1; }; struct { unsigned TX9D1 :1; unsigned TRMT1 :1; unsigned BRGH1 :1; unsigned SENDB1 :1; unsigned SYNC1 :1; unsigned TXEN1 :1; unsigned TX91 :1; unsigned CSRC1 :1; }; } TXSTAbits_t; extern volatile TXSTAbits_t TXSTAbits __attribute__((address(0xFAC))); # 10415 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char TXREG1 __attribute__((address(0xFAD))); __asm("TXREG1 equ 0FADh"); extern volatile unsigned char TXREG __attribute__((address(0xFAD))); __asm("TXREG equ 0FADh"); extern volatile unsigned char RCREG1 __attribute__((address(0xFAE))); __asm("RCREG1 equ 0FAEh"); extern volatile unsigned char RCREG __attribute__((address(0xFAE))); __asm("RCREG equ 0FAEh"); extern volatile unsigned char SPBRG1 __attribute__((address(0xFAF))); __asm("SPBRG1 equ 0FAFh"); extern volatile unsigned char SPBRG __attribute__((address(0xFAF))); __asm("SPBRG equ 0FAFh"); extern volatile unsigned char PSPCON __attribute__((address(0xFB0))); __asm("PSPCON equ 0FB0h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned :4; unsigned PSPMODE :1; unsigned IBOV :1; unsigned OBF :1; unsigned IBF :1; }; } PSPCONbits_t; extern volatile PSPCONbits_t PSPCONbits __attribute__((address(0xFB0))); # 10490 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char T3CON __attribute__((address(0xFB1))); __asm("T3CON equ 0FB1h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned :2; unsigned NOT_T3SYNC :1; }; struct { unsigned TMR3ON :1; unsigned TMR3CS :1; unsigned nT3SYNC :1; unsigned T3CCP1 :1; unsigned T3CKPS :2; unsigned T3CCP2 :1; unsigned RD16 :1; }; struct { unsigned :2; unsigned T3SYNC :1; unsigned :1; unsigned T3CKPS0 :1; unsigned T3CKPS1 :1; }; struct { unsigned :2; unsigned T3INSYNC :1; }; struct { unsigned :3; unsigned SOSCEN3 :1; unsigned :3; unsigned RD163 :1; }; struct { unsigned :7; unsigned T3RD16 :1; }; } T3CONbits_t; extern volatile T3CONbits_t T3CONbits __attribute__((address(0xFB1))); # 10611 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned short TMR3 __attribute__((address(0xFB2))); __asm("TMR3 equ 0FB2h"); extern volatile unsigned char TMR3L __attribute__((address(0xFB2))); __asm("TMR3L equ 0FB2h"); extern volatile unsigned char TMR3H __attribute__((address(0xFB3))); __asm("TMR3H equ 0FB3h"); extern volatile unsigned char CMCON __attribute__((address(0xFB4))); __asm("CMCON equ 0FB4h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned CM :3; unsigned CIS :1; unsigned C1INV :1; unsigned C2INV :1; unsigned C1OUT :1; unsigned C2OUT :1; }; struct { unsigned CM0 :1; unsigned CM1 :1; unsigned CM2 :1; }; struct { unsigned CMEN0 :1; unsigned CMEN1 :1; unsigned CMEN2 :1; }; } CMCONbits_t; extern volatile CMCONbits_t CMCONbits __attribute__((address(0xFB4))); # 10722 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char CVRCON __attribute__((address(0xFB5))); __asm("CVRCON equ 0FB5h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned CVR :4; unsigned CVRSS :1; unsigned CVRR :1; unsigned CVROE :1; unsigned CVREN :1; }; struct { unsigned CVR0 :1; unsigned CVR1 :1; unsigned CVR2 :1; unsigned CVR3 :1; }; struct { unsigned :6; unsigned CVROEN :1; }; } CVRCONbits_t; extern volatile CVRCONbits_t CVRCONbits __attribute__((address(0xFB5))); # 10801 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char ECCP1AS __attribute__((address(0xFB6))); __asm("ECCP1AS equ 0FB6h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned PSSBD :2; unsigned PSSAC :2; unsigned ECCPAS :3; unsigned ECCPASE :1; }; struct { unsigned PSSBD0 :1; unsigned PSSBD1 :1; unsigned PSSAC0 :1; unsigned PSSAC1 :1; unsigned ECCPAS0 :1; unsigned ECCPAS1 :1; unsigned ECCPAS2 :1; }; struct { unsigned PSS1BD0 :1; unsigned PSS1BD1 :1; unsigned PSS1AC0 :1; unsigned PSS1AC1 :1; unsigned ECCP1AS0 :1; unsigned ECCP1AS1 :1; unsigned ECCP1AS2 :1; unsigned ECCP1ASE :1; }; } ECCP1ASbits_t; extern volatile ECCP1ASbits_t ECCP1ASbits __attribute__((address(0xFB6))); # 10933 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char CCP3CON __attribute__((address(0xFB7))); __asm("CCP3CON equ 0FB7h"); extern volatile unsigned char ECCP3CON __attribute__((address(0xFB7))); __asm("ECCP3CON equ 0FB7h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned CCP3M :4; unsigned DC3B :2; unsigned P3M :2; }; struct { unsigned CCP3M0 :1; unsigned CCP3M1 :1; unsigned CCP3M2 :1; unsigned CCP3M3 :1; unsigned DC3B0 :1; unsigned DC3B1 :1; unsigned P3M0 :1; unsigned P3M1 :1; }; struct { unsigned :4; unsigned CCP3Y :1; unsigned CCP3X :1; }; } CCP3CONbits_t; extern volatile CCP3CONbits_t CCP3CONbits __attribute__((address(0xFB7))); # 11033 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 typedef union { struct { unsigned CCP3M :4; unsigned DC3B :2; unsigned P3M :2; }; struct { unsigned CCP3M0 :1; unsigned CCP3M1 :1; unsigned CCP3M2 :1; unsigned CCP3M3 :1; unsigned DC3B0 :1; unsigned DC3B1 :1; unsigned P3M0 :1; unsigned P3M1 :1; }; struct { unsigned :4; unsigned CCP3Y :1; unsigned CCP3X :1; }; } ECCP3CONbits_t; extern volatile ECCP3CONbits_t ECCP3CONbits __attribute__((address(0xFB7))); # 11125 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned short CCPR3 __attribute__((address(0xFB8))); __asm("CCPR3 equ 0FB8h"); extern volatile unsigned char CCPR3L __attribute__((address(0xFB8))); __asm("CCPR3L equ 0FB8h"); extern volatile unsigned char CCPR3H __attribute__((address(0xFB9))); __asm("CCPR3H equ 0FB9h"); extern volatile unsigned char CCP2CON __attribute__((address(0xFBA))); __asm("CCP2CON equ 0FBAh"); extern volatile unsigned char ECCP2CON __attribute__((address(0xFBA))); __asm("ECCP2CON equ 0FBAh"); typedef union { struct { unsigned CCP2M :4; unsigned DC2B :2; unsigned P2M :2; }; struct { unsigned CCP2M0 :1; unsigned CCP2M1 :1; unsigned CCP2M2 :1; unsigned CCP2M3 :1; unsigned DC2B0 :1; unsigned DC2B1 :1; unsigned P2M0 :1; unsigned P2M1 :1; }; struct { unsigned :4; unsigned CCP2Y :1; unsigned CCP2X :1; }; } CCP2CONbits_t; extern volatile CCP2CONbits_t CCP2CONbits __attribute__((address(0xFBA))); # 11246 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 typedef union { struct { unsigned CCP2M :4; unsigned DC2B :2; unsigned P2M :2; }; struct { unsigned CCP2M0 :1; unsigned CCP2M1 :1; unsigned CCP2M2 :1; unsigned CCP2M3 :1; unsigned DC2B0 :1; unsigned DC2B1 :1; unsigned P2M0 :1; unsigned P2M1 :1; }; struct { unsigned :4; unsigned CCP2Y :1; unsigned CCP2X :1; }; } ECCP2CONbits_t; extern volatile ECCP2CONbits_t ECCP2CONbits __attribute__((address(0xFBA))); # 11338 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned short CCPR2 __attribute__((address(0xFBB))); __asm("CCPR2 equ 0FBBh"); extern volatile unsigned char CCPR2L __attribute__((address(0xFBB))); __asm("CCPR2L equ 0FBBh"); extern volatile unsigned char CCPR2H __attribute__((address(0xFBC))); __asm("CCPR2H equ 0FBCh"); extern volatile unsigned char CCP1CON __attribute__((address(0xFBD))); __asm("CCP1CON equ 0FBDh"); extern volatile unsigned char ECCP1CON __attribute__((address(0xFBD))); __asm("ECCP1CON equ 0FBDh"); typedef union { struct { unsigned CCP1M :4; unsigned DC1B :2; unsigned P1M :2; }; struct { unsigned CCP1M0 :1; unsigned CCP1M1 :1; unsigned CCP1M2 :1; unsigned CCP1M3 :1; unsigned DC1B0 :1; unsigned DC1B1 :1; unsigned P1M0 :1; unsigned P1M1 :1; }; struct { unsigned :4; unsigned CCP1Y :1; unsigned CCP1X :1; }; } CCP1CONbits_t; extern volatile CCP1CONbits_t CCP1CONbits __attribute__((address(0xFBD))); # 11459 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 typedef union { struct { unsigned CCP1M :4; unsigned DC1B :2; unsigned P1M :2; }; struct { unsigned CCP1M0 :1; unsigned CCP1M1 :1; unsigned CCP1M2 :1; unsigned CCP1M3 :1; unsigned DC1B0 :1; unsigned DC1B1 :1; unsigned P1M0 :1; unsigned P1M1 :1; }; struct { unsigned :4; unsigned CCP1Y :1; unsigned CCP1X :1; }; } ECCP1CONbits_t; extern volatile ECCP1CONbits_t ECCP1CONbits __attribute__((address(0xFBD))); # 11551 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned short CCPR1 __attribute__((address(0xFBE))); __asm("CCPR1 equ 0FBEh"); extern volatile unsigned char CCPR1L __attribute__((address(0xFBE))); __asm("CCPR1L equ 0FBEh"); extern volatile unsigned char CCPR1H __attribute__((address(0xFBF))); __asm("CCPR1H equ 0FBFh"); extern volatile unsigned char ADCON2 __attribute__((address(0xFC0))); __asm("ADCON2 equ 0FC0h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned ADCS :3; unsigned ACQT :3; unsigned :1; unsigned ADFM :1; }; struct { unsigned ADCS0 :1; unsigned ADCS1 :1; unsigned ADCS2 :1; unsigned ACQT0 :1; unsigned ACQT1 :1; unsigned ACQT2 :1; }; } ADCON2bits_t; extern volatile ADCON2bits_t ADCON2bits __attribute__((address(0xFC0))); # 11643 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char ADCON1 __attribute__((address(0xFC1))); __asm("ADCON1 equ 0FC1h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned PCFG :4; unsigned VCFG :2; }; struct { unsigned PCFG0 :1; unsigned PCFG1 :1; unsigned PCFG2 :1; unsigned PCFG3 :1; unsigned VCFG0 :1; unsigned VCFG1 :1; }; struct { unsigned :3; unsigned CHSN3 :1; unsigned VCFG01 :1; unsigned VCFG11 :1; }; } ADCON1bits_t; extern volatile ADCON1bits_t ADCON1bits __attribute__((address(0xFC1))); # 11728 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char ADCON0 __attribute__((address(0xFC2))); __asm("ADCON0 equ 0FC2h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned :1; unsigned GO_NOT_DONE :1; }; struct { unsigned ADON :1; unsigned GO_nDONE :1; unsigned CHS :4; }; struct { unsigned :1; unsigned DONE :1; unsigned CHS0 :1; unsigned CHS1 :1; unsigned CHS2 :1; unsigned CHS3 :1; unsigned :1; unsigned ADCAL :1; }; struct { unsigned :1; unsigned GO_DONE :1; }; struct { unsigned :1; unsigned GO :1; }; struct { unsigned :1; unsigned NOT_DONE :1; }; struct { unsigned :1; unsigned nDONE :1; }; struct { unsigned :1; unsigned GODONE :1; }; } ADCON0bits_t; extern volatile ADCON0bits_t ADCON0bits __attribute__((address(0xFC2))); # 11854 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned short ADRES __attribute__((address(0xFC3))); __asm("ADRES equ 0FC3h"); extern volatile unsigned char ADRESL __attribute__((address(0xFC3))); __asm("ADRESL equ 0FC3h"); extern volatile unsigned char ADRESH __attribute__((address(0xFC4))); __asm("ADRESH equ 0FC4h"); extern volatile unsigned char SSP1CON2 __attribute__((address(0xFC5))); __asm("SSP1CON2 equ 0FC5h"); extern volatile unsigned char SSPCON2 __attribute__((address(0xFC5))); __asm("SSPCON2 equ 0FC5h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned SEN :1; unsigned RSEN :1; unsigned PEN :1; unsigned RCEN :1; unsigned ACKEN :1; unsigned ACKDT :1; unsigned ACKSTAT :1; unsigned GCEN :1; }; struct { unsigned :1; unsigned ADMSK1 :1; unsigned ADMSK2 :1; unsigned ADMSK3 :1; unsigned ADMSK4 :1; unsigned ADMSK5 :1; }; struct { unsigned :1; unsigned ADMSK :5; }; struct { unsigned SEN1 :1; unsigned ADMSK11 :1; unsigned ADMSK21 :1; unsigned ADMSK31 :1; unsigned ACKEN1 :1; unsigned ACKDT1 :1; unsigned ACKSTAT1 :1; unsigned GCEN1 :1; }; struct { unsigned :1; unsigned RSEN1 :1; unsigned PEN1 :1; unsigned RCEN1 :1; unsigned ADMSK41 :1; unsigned ADMSK51 :1; }; } SSP1CON2bits_t; extern volatile SSP1CON2bits_t SSP1CON2bits __attribute__((address(0xFC5))); # 12065 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 typedef union { struct { unsigned SEN :1; unsigned RSEN :1; unsigned PEN :1; unsigned RCEN :1; unsigned ACKEN :1; unsigned ACKDT :1; unsigned ACKSTAT :1; unsigned GCEN :1; }; struct { unsigned :1; unsigned ADMSK1 :1; unsigned ADMSK2 :1; unsigned ADMSK3 :1; unsigned ADMSK4 :1; unsigned ADMSK5 :1; }; struct { unsigned :1; unsigned ADMSK :5; }; struct { unsigned SEN1 :1; unsigned ADMSK11 :1; unsigned ADMSK21 :1; unsigned ADMSK31 :1; unsigned ACKEN1 :1; unsigned ACKDT1 :1; unsigned ACKSTAT1 :1; unsigned GCEN1 :1; }; struct { unsigned :1; unsigned RSEN1 :1; unsigned PEN1 :1; unsigned RCEN1 :1; unsigned ADMSK41 :1; unsigned ADMSK51 :1; }; } SSPCON2bits_t; extern volatile SSPCON2bits_t SSPCON2bits __attribute__((address(0xFC5))); # 12247 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char SSP1CON1 __attribute__((address(0xFC6))); __asm("SSP1CON1 equ 0FC6h"); extern volatile unsigned char SSPCON1 __attribute__((address(0xFC6))); __asm("SSPCON1 equ 0FC6h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned SSPM :4; unsigned CKP :1; unsigned SSPEN :1; unsigned SSPOV :1; unsigned WCOL :1; }; struct { unsigned SSPM0 :1; unsigned SSPM1 :1; unsigned SSPM2 :1; unsigned SSPM3 :1; }; struct { unsigned SSPM01 :1; unsigned SSPM11 :1; unsigned SSPM21 :1; unsigned SSPM31 :1; unsigned CKP1 :1; unsigned SSPEN1 :1; unsigned SSPOV1 :1; unsigned WCOL1 :1; }; } SSP1CON1bits_t; extern volatile SSP1CON1bits_t SSP1CON1bits __attribute__((address(0xFC6))); # 12370 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 typedef union { struct { unsigned SSPM :4; unsigned CKP :1; unsigned SSPEN :1; unsigned SSPOV :1; unsigned WCOL :1; }; struct { unsigned SSPM0 :1; unsigned SSPM1 :1; unsigned SSPM2 :1; unsigned SSPM3 :1; }; struct { unsigned SSPM01 :1; unsigned SSPM11 :1; unsigned SSPM21 :1; unsigned SSPM31 :1; unsigned CKP1 :1; unsigned SSPEN1 :1; unsigned SSPOV1 :1; unsigned WCOL1 :1; }; } SSPCON1bits_t; extern volatile SSPCON1bits_t SSPCON1bits __attribute__((address(0xFC6))); # 12485 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char SSP1STAT __attribute__((address(0xFC7))); __asm("SSP1STAT equ 0FC7h"); extern volatile unsigned char SSPSTAT __attribute__((address(0xFC7))); __asm("SSPSTAT equ 0FC7h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned :2; unsigned R_NOT_W :1; }; struct { unsigned :5; unsigned D_NOT_A :1; }; struct { unsigned BF :1; unsigned UA :1; unsigned R_nW :1; unsigned S :1; unsigned P :1; unsigned D_nA :1; unsigned CKE :1; unsigned SMP :1; }; struct { unsigned :2; unsigned R_W :1; unsigned :2; unsigned D_A :1; }; struct { unsigned :2; unsigned I2C_READ :1; unsigned I2C_START :1; unsigned I2C_STOP :1; unsigned I2C_DAT :1; }; struct { unsigned :2; unsigned nW :1; unsigned :2; unsigned nA :1; }; struct { unsigned :2; unsigned NOT_WRITE :1; }; struct { unsigned :5; unsigned NOT_ADDRESS :1; }; struct { unsigned :2; unsigned nWRITE :1; unsigned :2; unsigned nADDRESS :1; }; struct { unsigned :2; unsigned READ_WRITE :1; unsigned :2; unsigned DATA_ADDRESS :1; }; struct { unsigned :2; unsigned R :1; unsigned :2; unsigned D :1; }; struct { unsigned BF1 :1; unsigned UA1 :1; unsigned RW :1; unsigned START :1; unsigned STOP :1; unsigned DA :1; unsigned CKE1 :1; unsigned SMP1 :1; }; struct { unsigned :2; unsigned RW1 :1; unsigned START1 :1; unsigned STOP1 :1; unsigned DA1 :1; }; struct { unsigned :2; unsigned NOT_W :1; }; struct { unsigned :5; unsigned NOT_A :1; }; } SSP1STATbits_t; extern volatile SSP1STATbits_t SSP1STATbits __attribute__((address(0xFC7))); # 12788 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 typedef union { struct { unsigned :2; unsigned R_NOT_W :1; }; struct { unsigned :5; unsigned D_NOT_A :1; }; struct { unsigned BF :1; unsigned UA :1; unsigned R_nW :1; unsigned S :1; unsigned P :1; unsigned D_nA :1; unsigned CKE :1; unsigned SMP :1; }; struct { unsigned :2; unsigned R_W :1; unsigned :2; unsigned D_A :1; }; struct { unsigned :2; unsigned I2C_READ :1; unsigned I2C_START :1; unsigned I2C_STOP :1; unsigned I2C_DAT :1; }; struct { unsigned :2; unsigned nW :1; unsigned :2; unsigned nA :1; }; struct { unsigned :2; unsigned NOT_WRITE :1; }; struct { unsigned :5; unsigned NOT_ADDRESS :1; }; struct { unsigned :2; unsigned nWRITE :1; unsigned :2; unsigned nADDRESS :1; }; struct { unsigned :2; unsigned READ_WRITE :1; unsigned :2; unsigned DATA_ADDRESS :1; }; struct { unsigned :2; unsigned R :1; unsigned :2; unsigned D :1; }; struct { unsigned BF1 :1; unsigned UA1 :1; unsigned RW :1; unsigned START :1; unsigned STOP :1; unsigned DA :1; unsigned CKE1 :1; unsigned SMP1 :1; }; struct { unsigned :2; unsigned RW1 :1; unsigned START1 :1; unsigned STOP1 :1; unsigned DA1 :1; }; struct { unsigned :2; unsigned NOT_W :1; }; struct { unsigned :5; unsigned NOT_A :1; }; } SSPSTATbits_t; extern volatile SSPSTATbits_t SSPSTATbits __attribute__((address(0xFC7))); # 13083 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char SSP1ADD __attribute__((address(0xFC8))); __asm("SSP1ADD equ 0FC8h"); extern volatile unsigned char SSPADD __attribute__((address(0xFC8))); __asm("SSPADD equ 0FC8h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned MSK0 :1; unsigned MSK1 :1; unsigned MSK2 :1; unsigned MSK3 :1; unsigned MSK4 :1; unsigned MSK5 :1; unsigned MSK6 :1; unsigned MSK7 :1; }; struct { unsigned MSK01 :1; unsigned MSK11 :1; unsigned MSK21 :1; unsigned MSK31 :1; unsigned MSK41 :1; unsigned MSK51 :1; unsigned MSK61 :1; unsigned MSK71 :1; }; } SSP1ADDbits_t; extern volatile SSP1ADDbits_t SSP1ADDbits __attribute__((address(0xFC8))); # 13198 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 typedef union { struct { unsigned MSK0 :1; unsigned MSK1 :1; unsigned MSK2 :1; unsigned MSK3 :1; unsigned MSK4 :1; unsigned MSK5 :1; unsigned MSK6 :1; unsigned MSK7 :1; }; struct { unsigned MSK01 :1; unsigned MSK11 :1; unsigned MSK21 :1; unsigned MSK31 :1; unsigned MSK41 :1; unsigned MSK51 :1; unsigned MSK61 :1; unsigned MSK71 :1; }; } SSPADDbits_t; extern volatile SSPADDbits_t SSPADDbits __attribute__((address(0xFC8))); # 13305 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char SSP1BUF __attribute__((address(0xFC9))); __asm("SSP1BUF equ 0FC9h"); extern volatile unsigned char SSPBUF __attribute__((address(0xFC9))); __asm("SSPBUF equ 0FC9h"); extern volatile unsigned char T2CON __attribute__((address(0xFCA))); __asm("T2CON equ 0FCAh"); typedef union { struct { unsigned T2CKPS :2; unsigned TMR2ON :1; unsigned TOUTPS :4; }; struct { unsigned T2CKPS0 :1; unsigned T2CKPS1 :1; unsigned :1; unsigned T2OUTPS0 :1; unsigned T2OUTPS1 :1; unsigned T2OUTPS2 :1; unsigned T2OUTPS3 :1; }; } T2CONbits_t; extern volatile T2CONbits_t T2CONbits __attribute__((address(0xFCA))); # 13388 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char PR2 __attribute__((address(0xFCB))); __asm("PR2 equ 0FCBh"); extern volatile unsigned char TMR2 __attribute__((address(0xFCC))); __asm("TMR2 equ 0FCCh"); extern volatile unsigned char T1CON __attribute__((address(0xFCD))); __asm("T1CON equ 0FCDh"); typedef union { struct { unsigned :2; unsigned NOT_T1SYNC :1; }; struct { unsigned TMR1ON :1; unsigned TMR1CS :1; unsigned nT1SYNC :1; unsigned T1OSCEN :1; unsigned T1CKPS :2; unsigned T1RUN :1; unsigned RD16 :1; }; struct { unsigned :2; unsigned T1SYNC :1; unsigned :1; unsigned T1CKPS0 :1; unsigned T1CKPS1 :1; }; struct { unsigned :2; unsigned T1INSYNC :1; }; struct { unsigned :3; unsigned SOSCEN :1; unsigned :3; unsigned T1RD16 :1; }; } T1CONbits_t; extern volatile T1CONbits_t T1CONbits __attribute__((address(0xFCD))); # 13514 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned short TMR1 __attribute__((address(0xFCE))); __asm("TMR1 equ 0FCEh"); extern volatile unsigned char TMR1L __attribute__((address(0xFCE))); __asm("TMR1L equ 0FCEh"); extern volatile unsigned char TMR1H __attribute__((address(0xFCF))); __asm("TMR1H equ 0FCFh"); extern volatile unsigned char RCON __attribute__((address(0xFD0))); __asm("RCON equ 0FD0h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned NOT_BOR :1; }; struct { unsigned :1; unsigned NOT_POR :1; }; struct { unsigned :2; unsigned NOT_PD :1; }; struct { unsigned :3; unsigned NOT_TO :1; }; struct { unsigned :4; unsigned NOT_RI :1; }; struct { unsigned :5; unsigned NOT_CM :1; }; struct { unsigned nBOR :1; unsigned nPOR :1; unsigned nPD :1; unsigned nTO :1; unsigned nRI :1; unsigned nCM :1; unsigned :1; unsigned IPEN :1; }; struct { unsigned BOR :1; unsigned POR :1; unsigned PD :1; unsigned TO :1; unsigned RI :1; unsigned CM :1; }; } RCONbits_t; extern volatile RCONbits_t RCONbits __attribute__((address(0xFD0))); # 13683 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char WDTCON __attribute__((address(0xFD1))); __asm("WDTCON equ 0FD1h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned SWDTEN :1; }; struct { unsigned SWDTE :1; }; } WDTCONbits_t; extern volatile WDTCONbits_t WDTCONbits __attribute__((address(0xFD1))); # 13711 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char ECON1 __attribute__((address(0xFD2))); __asm("ECON1 equ 0FD2h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned :2; unsigned RXEN :1; unsigned TXRTS :1; unsigned CSUMEN :1; unsigned DMAST :1; unsigned RXRST :1; unsigned TXRST :1; }; } ECON1bits_t; extern volatile ECON1bits_t ECON1bits __attribute__((address(0xFD2))); # 13762 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char OSCCON __attribute__((address(0xFD3))); __asm("OSCCON equ 0FD3h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned SCS :2; unsigned :1; unsigned OSTS :1; unsigned :3; unsigned IDLEN :1; }; struct { unsigned SCS0 :1; unsigned SCS1 :1; }; } OSCCONbits_t; extern volatile OSCCONbits_t OSCCONbits __attribute__((address(0xFD3))); # 13810 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char T0CON __attribute__((address(0xFD5))); __asm("T0CON equ 0FD5h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned T0PS :3; unsigned PSA :1; unsigned T0SE :1; unsigned T0CS :1; unsigned T08BIT :1; unsigned TMR0ON :1; }; struct { unsigned T0PS0 :1; unsigned T0PS1 :1; unsigned T0PS2 :1; }; } T0CONbits_t; extern volatile T0CONbits_t T0CONbits __attribute__((address(0xFD5))); # 13880 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned short TMR0 __attribute__((address(0xFD6))); __asm("TMR0 equ 0FD6h"); extern volatile unsigned char TMR0L __attribute__((address(0xFD6))); __asm("TMR0L equ 0FD6h"); extern volatile unsigned char TMR0H __attribute__((address(0xFD7))); __asm("TMR0H equ 0FD7h"); extern volatile unsigned char STATUS __attribute__((address(0xFD8))); __asm("STATUS equ 0FD8h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned C :1; unsigned DC :1; unsigned Z :1; unsigned OV :1; unsigned N :1; }; struct { unsigned CARRY :1; unsigned :1; unsigned ZERO :1; unsigned OVERFLOW :1; unsigned NEGATIVE :1; }; } STATUSbits_t; extern volatile STATUSbits_t STATUSbits __attribute__((address(0xFD8))); # 13972 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned short FSR2 __attribute__((address(0xFD9))); __asm("FSR2 equ 0FD9h"); extern volatile unsigned char FSR2L __attribute__((address(0xFD9))); __asm("FSR2L equ 0FD9h"); extern volatile unsigned char FSR2H __attribute__((address(0xFDA))); __asm("FSR2H equ 0FDAh"); extern volatile unsigned char PLUSW2 __attribute__((address(0xFDB))); __asm("PLUSW2 equ 0FDBh"); extern volatile unsigned char PREINC2 __attribute__((address(0xFDC))); __asm("PREINC2 equ 0FDCh"); extern volatile unsigned char POSTDEC2 __attribute__((address(0xFDD))); __asm("POSTDEC2 equ 0FDDh"); extern volatile unsigned char POSTINC2 __attribute__((address(0xFDE))); __asm("POSTINC2 equ 0FDEh"); extern volatile unsigned char INDF2 __attribute__((address(0xFDF))); __asm("INDF2 equ 0FDFh"); extern volatile unsigned char BSR __attribute__((address(0xFE0))); __asm("BSR equ 0FE0h"); extern volatile unsigned short FSR1 __attribute__((address(0xFE1))); __asm("FSR1 equ 0FE1h"); extern volatile unsigned char FSR1L __attribute__((address(0xFE1))); __asm("FSR1L equ 0FE1h"); extern volatile unsigned char FSR1H __attribute__((address(0xFE2))); __asm("FSR1H equ 0FE2h"); extern volatile unsigned char PLUSW1 __attribute__((address(0xFE3))); __asm("PLUSW1 equ 0FE3h"); extern volatile unsigned char PREINC1 __attribute__((address(0xFE4))); __asm("PREINC1 equ 0FE4h"); extern volatile unsigned char POSTDEC1 __attribute__((address(0xFE5))); __asm("POSTDEC1 equ 0FE5h"); extern volatile unsigned char POSTINC1 __attribute__((address(0xFE6))); __asm("POSTINC1 equ 0FE6h"); extern volatile unsigned char INDF1 __attribute__((address(0xFE7))); __asm("INDF1 equ 0FE7h"); extern volatile unsigned char WREG __attribute__((address(0xFE8))); __asm("WREG equ 0FE8h"); extern volatile unsigned short FSR0 __attribute__((address(0xFE9))); __asm("FSR0 equ 0FE9h"); extern volatile unsigned char FSR0L __attribute__((address(0xFE9))); __asm("FSR0L equ 0FE9h"); extern volatile unsigned char FSR0H __attribute__((address(0xFEA))); __asm("FSR0H equ 0FEAh"); extern volatile unsigned char PLUSW0 __attribute__((address(0xFEB))); __asm("PLUSW0 equ 0FEBh"); extern volatile unsigned char PREINC0 __attribute__((address(0xFEC))); __asm("PREINC0 equ 0FECh"); extern volatile unsigned char POSTDEC0 __attribute__((address(0xFED))); __asm("POSTDEC0 equ 0FEDh"); extern volatile unsigned char POSTINC0 __attribute__((address(0xFEE))); __asm("POSTINC0 equ 0FEEh"); extern volatile unsigned char INDF0 __attribute__((address(0xFEF))); __asm("INDF0 equ 0FEFh"); extern volatile unsigned char INTCON3 __attribute__((address(0xFF0))); __asm("INTCON3 equ 0FF0h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned INT1IF :1; unsigned INT2IF :1; unsigned INT3IF :1; unsigned INT1IE :1; unsigned INT2IE :1; unsigned INT3IE :1; unsigned INT1IP :1; unsigned INT2IP :1; }; struct { unsigned INT1F :1; unsigned INT2F :1; unsigned INT3F :1; unsigned INT1E :1; unsigned INT2E :1; unsigned INT3E :1; unsigned INT1P :1; unsigned INT2P :1; }; } INTCON3bits_t; extern volatile INTCON3bits_t INTCON3bits __attribute__((address(0xFF0))); # 14266 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char INTCON2 __attribute__((address(0xFF1))); __asm("INTCON2 equ 0FF1h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned :7; unsigned NOT_RBPU :1; }; struct { unsigned RBIP :1; unsigned INT3IP :1; unsigned TMR0IP :1; unsigned INTEDG3 :1; unsigned INTEDG2 :1; unsigned INTEDG1 :1; unsigned INTEDG0 :1; unsigned nRBPU :1; }; struct { unsigned :2; unsigned T0IP :1; unsigned :4; unsigned RBPU :1; }; } INTCON2bits_t; extern volatile INTCON2bits_t INTCON2bits __attribute__((address(0xFF1))); # 14353 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned char INTCON __attribute__((address(0xFF2))); __asm("INTCON equ 0FF2h"); typedef union { struct { unsigned RBIF :1; unsigned INT0IF :1; unsigned TMR0IF :1; unsigned RBIE :1; unsigned INT0IE :1; unsigned TMR0IE :1; unsigned PEIE_GIEL :1; unsigned GIE_GIEH :1; }; struct { unsigned :1; unsigned INT0F :1; unsigned T0IF :1; unsigned :1; unsigned INT0E :1; unsigned T0IE :1; unsigned PEIE :1; unsigned GIE :1; }; struct { unsigned :6; unsigned GIEL :1; unsigned GIEH :1; }; } INTCONbits_t; extern volatile INTCONbits_t INTCONbits __attribute__((address(0xFF2))); # 14470 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile unsigned short PROD __attribute__((address(0xFF3))); __asm("PROD equ 0FF3h"); extern volatile unsigned char PRODL __attribute__((address(0xFF3))); __asm("PRODL equ 0FF3h"); extern volatile unsigned char PRODH __attribute__((address(0xFF4))); __asm("PRODH equ 0FF4h"); extern volatile unsigned char TABLAT __attribute__((address(0xFF5))); __asm("TABLAT equ 0FF5h"); extern volatile __uint24 TBLPTR __attribute__((address(0xFF6))); __asm("TBLPTR equ 0FF6h"); extern volatile unsigned char TBLPTRL __attribute__((address(0xFF6))); __asm("TBLPTRL equ 0FF6h"); extern volatile unsigned char TBLPTRH __attribute__((address(0xFF7))); __asm("TBLPTRH equ 0FF7h"); extern volatile unsigned char TBLPTRU __attribute__((address(0xFF8))); __asm("TBLPTRU equ 0FF8h"); extern volatile __uint24 PCLAT __attribute__((address(0xFF9))); __asm("PCLAT equ 0FF9h"); extern volatile __uint24 PC __attribute__((address(0xFF9))); __asm("PC equ 0FF9h"); extern volatile unsigned char PCL __attribute__((address(0xFF9))); __asm("PCL equ 0FF9h"); extern volatile unsigned char PCLATH __attribute__((address(0xFFA))); __asm("PCLATH equ 0FFAh"); extern volatile unsigned char PCLATU __attribute__((address(0xFFB))); __asm("PCLATU equ 0FFBh"); extern volatile unsigned char STKPTR __attribute__((address(0xFFC))); __asm("STKPTR equ 0FFCh"); typedef union { struct { unsigned STKPTR :5; unsigned :1; unsigned STKUNF :1; unsigned STKFUL :1; }; struct { unsigned STKPTR0 :1; unsigned STKPTR1 :1; unsigned STKPTR2 :1; unsigned STKPTR3 :1; unsigned STKPTR4 :1; unsigned :2; unsigned STKOVF :1; }; struct { unsigned SP0 :1; unsigned SP1 :1; unsigned SP2 :1; unsigned SP3 :1; unsigned SP4 :1; }; } STKPTRbits_t; extern volatile STKPTRbits_t STKPTRbits __attribute__((address(0xFFC))); # 14670 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile __uint24 TOS __attribute__((address(0xFFD))); __asm("TOS equ 0FFDh"); extern volatile unsigned char TOSL __attribute__((address(0xFFD))); __asm("TOSL equ 0FFDh"); extern volatile unsigned char TOSH __attribute__((address(0xFFE))); __asm("TOSH equ 0FFEh"); extern volatile unsigned char TOSU __attribute__((address(0xFFF))); __asm("TOSU equ 0FFFh"); # 14709 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\proc\\pic18f97j60.h" 3 extern volatile __bit ABDEN1 __attribute__((address(0x7BF0))); extern volatile __bit ABDEN2 __attribute__((address(0x7BE0))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) ABDOVF __attribute__((address(0x7BF7))); extern volatile __bit ABDOVF1 __attribute__((address(0x7BF7))); extern volatile __bit ABDOVF2 __attribute__((address(0x7BE7))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) ACKDT __attribute__((address(0x7E2D))); extern volatile __bit ACKDT1 __attribute__((address(0x7E2D))); extern volatile __bit ACKDT2 __attribute__((address(0x7B15))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) ACKEN __attribute__((address(0x7E2C))); extern volatile __bit ACKEN1 __attribute__((address(0x7E2C))); extern volatile __bit ACKEN2 __attribute__((address(0x7B14))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) ACKSTAT __attribute__((address(0x7E2E))); extern volatile __bit ACKSTAT1 __attribute__((address(0x7E2E))); extern volatile __bit ACKSTAT2 __attribute__((address(0x7B16))); extern volatile __bit ACQT0 __attribute__((address(0x7E03))); extern volatile __bit ACQT1 __attribute__((address(0x7E04))); extern volatile __bit ACQT2 __attribute__((address(0x7E05))); extern volatile __bit AD0 __attribute__((address(0x7C18))); extern volatile __bit AD1 __attribute__((address(0x7C19))); extern volatile __bit AD10 __attribute__((address(0x7C22))); extern volatile __bit AD11 __attribute__((address(0x7C23))); extern volatile __bit AD12 __attribute__((address(0x7C24))); extern volatile __bit AD13 __attribute__((address(0x7C25))); extern volatile __bit AD14 __attribute__((address(0x7C26))); extern volatile __bit AD15 __attribute__((address(0x7C27))); extern volatile __bit AD16 __attribute__((address(0x7C38))); extern volatile __bit AD17 __attribute__((address(0x7C39))); extern volatile __bit AD18 __attribute__((address(0x7C3A))); extern volatile __bit AD19 __attribute__((address(0x7C3B))); extern volatile __bit AD2 __attribute__((address(0x7C1A))); extern volatile __bit AD3 __attribute__((address(0x7C1B))); extern volatile __bit AD4 __attribute__((address(0x7C1C))); extern volatile __bit AD5 __attribute__((address(0x7C1D))); extern volatile __bit AD6 __attribute__((address(0x7C1E))); extern volatile __bit AD7 __attribute__((address(0x7C1F))); extern volatile __bit AD8 __attribute__((address(0x7C20))); extern volatile __bit AD9 __attribute__((address(0x7C21))); extern volatile __bit ADCAL __attribute__((address(0x7E17))); extern volatile __bit ADCS0 __attribute__((address(0x7E00))); extern volatile __bit ADCS1 __attribute__((address(0x7E01))); extern volatile __bit ADCS2 __attribute__((address(0x7E02))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) ADDEN __attribute__((address(0x7D5B))); extern volatile __bit ADDEN1 __attribute__((address(0x7D5B))); extern volatile __bit ADDEN2 __attribute__((address(0x7B5B))); extern volatile __bit ADFM __attribute__((address(0x7E07))); extern volatile __bit ADIE __attribute__((address(0x7CEE))); extern volatile __bit ADIF __attribute__((address(0x7CF6))); extern volatile __bit ADIP __attribute__((address(0x7CFE))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) ADMSK1 __attribute__((address(0x7E29))); extern volatile __bit ADMSK11 __attribute__((address(0x7E29))); extern volatile __bit ADMSK12 __attribute__((address(0x7B11))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) ADMSK2 __attribute__((address(0x7E2A))); extern volatile __bit ADMSK21 __attribute__((address(0x7E2A))); extern volatile __bit ADMSK22 __attribute__((address(0x7B12))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) ADMSK3 __attribute__((address(0x7E2B))); extern volatile __bit ADMSK31 __attribute__((address(0x7E2B))); extern volatile __bit ADMSK32 __attribute__((address(0x7B13))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) ADMSK4 __attribute__((address(0x7E2C))); extern volatile __bit ADMSK41 __attribute__((address(0x7E2C))); extern volatile __bit ADMSK42 __attribute__((address(0x7B14))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) ADMSK5 __attribute__((address(0x7E2D))); extern volatile __bit ADMSK51 __attribute__((address(0x7E2D))); extern volatile __bit ADMSK52 __attribute__((address(0x7B15))); extern volatile __bit ADON __attribute__((address(0x7E10))); extern volatile __bit ALE __attribute__((address(0x7C40))); extern volatile __bit AN0 __attribute__((address(0x7C00))); extern volatile __bit AN1 __attribute__((address(0x7C01))); extern volatile __bit AN10 __attribute__((address(0x7C2D))); extern volatile __bit AN11 __attribute__((address(0x7C2E))); extern volatile __bit AN12 __attribute__((address(0x7C3C))); extern volatile __bit AN13 __attribute__((address(0x7C3D))); extern volatile __bit AN14 __attribute__((address(0x7C3E))); extern volatile __bit AN15 __attribute__((address(0x7C3F))); extern volatile __bit AN2 __attribute__((address(0x7C02))); extern volatile __bit AN3 __attribute__((address(0x7C03))); extern volatile __bit AN4 __attribute__((address(0x7C05))); extern volatile __bit AN5 __attribute__((address(0x7C28))); extern volatile __bit AN6 __attribute__((address(0x7C29))); extern volatile __bit AN7 __attribute__((address(0x7C2A))); extern volatile __bit AN8 __attribute__((address(0x7C2B))); extern volatile __bit AN9 __attribute__((address(0x7C2C))); extern volatile __bit ANDOR __attribute__((address(0x76C6))); extern volatile __bit AUTOINC __attribute__((address(0x77F7))); extern volatile __bit BA0 __attribute__((address(0x7C44))); extern volatile __bit BBIPG0 __attribute__((address(0x7520))); extern volatile __bit BBIPG1 __attribute__((address(0x7521))); extern volatile __bit BBIPG2 __attribute__((address(0x7522))); extern volatile __bit BBIPG3 __attribute__((address(0x7523))); extern volatile __bit BBIPG4 __attribute__((address(0x7524))); extern volatile __bit BBIPG5 __attribute__((address(0x7525))); extern volatile __bit BBIPG6 __attribute__((address(0x7526))); extern volatile __bit BCEN __attribute__((address(0x76C0))); extern volatile __bit BCL1IE __attribute__((address(0x7D03))); extern volatile __bit BCL1IF __attribute__((address(0x7D0B))); extern volatile __bit BCL1IP __attribute__((address(0x7D13))); extern volatile __bit BCL2IE __attribute__((address(0x7D1E))); extern volatile __bit BCL2IF __attribute__((address(0x7D26))); extern volatile __bit BCL2IP __attribute__((address(0x7D2E))); extern volatile __bit BCLIE __attribute__((address(0x7D03))); extern volatile __bit BCLIF __attribute__((address(0x7D0B))); extern volatile __bit BCLIP __attribute__((address(0x7D13))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) BF __attribute__((address(0x7E38))); extern volatile __bit BF1 __attribute__((address(0x7E38))); extern volatile __bit BF2 __attribute__((address(0x7B20))); extern volatile __bit BOR __attribute__((address(0x7E80))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) BRG16 __attribute__((address(0x7BF3))); extern volatile __bit BRG161 __attribute__((address(0x7BF3))); extern volatile __bit BRG162 __attribute__((address(0x7BE3))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) BRGH __attribute__((address(0x7D62))); extern volatile __bit BRGH1 __attribute__((address(0x7D62))); extern volatile __bit BRGH2 __attribute__((address(0x7B62))); extern volatile __bit BUFER __attribute__((address(0x77EE))); extern volatile __bit BUSY __attribute__((address(0x7450))); extern volatile __bit C1INV __attribute__((address(0x7DA4))); extern volatile __bit C1OUT __attribute__((address(0x7DA6))); extern volatile __bit C1OUTF __attribute__((address(0x7C2A))); extern volatile __bit C2INV __attribute__((address(0x7DA5))); extern volatile __bit C2OUT __attribute__((address(0x7DA7))); extern volatile __bit C2OUTF __attribute__((address(0x7C29))); extern volatile __bit C3OUTG __attribute__((address(0x7C31))); extern volatile __bit CARRY __attribute__((address(0x7EC0))); extern volatile __bit CCP1 __attribute__((address(0x7C12))); extern volatile __bit CCP10 __attribute__((address(0x7C22))); extern volatile __bit CCP1IE __attribute__((address(0x7CEA))); extern volatile __bit CCP1IF __attribute__((address(0x7CF2))); extern volatile __bit CCP1IP __attribute__((address(0x7CFA))); extern volatile __bit CCP1M0 __attribute__((address(0x7DE8))); extern volatile __bit CCP1M1 __attribute__((address(0x7DE9))); extern volatile __bit CCP1M2 __attribute__((address(0x7DEA))); extern volatile __bit CCP1M3 __attribute__((address(0x7DEB))); extern volatile __bit CCP1X __attribute__((address(0x7DED))); extern volatile __bit CCP1Y __attribute__((address(0x7DEC))); extern volatile __bit CCP2E __attribute__((address(0x7C27))); extern volatile __bit CCP2IE __attribute__((address(0x7D00))); extern volatile __bit CCP2IF __attribute__((address(0x7D08))); extern volatile __bit CCP2IP __attribute__((address(0x7D10))); extern volatile __bit CCP2M0 __attribute__((address(0x7DD0))); extern volatile __bit CCP2M1 __attribute__((address(0x7DD1))); extern volatile __bit CCP2M2 __attribute__((address(0x7DD2))); extern volatile __bit CCP2M3 __attribute__((address(0x7DD3))); extern volatile __bit CCP2X __attribute__((address(0x7DD5))); extern volatile __bit CCP2Y __attribute__((address(0x7DD4))); extern volatile __bit CCP2_PA2 __attribute__((address(0x7C0B))); extern volatile __bit CCP3 __attribute__((address(0x7C30))); extern volatile __bit CCP3IE __attribute__((address(0x7D18))); extern volatile __bit CCP3IF __attribute__((address(0x7D20))); extern volatile __bit CCP3IP __attribute__((address(0x7D28))); extern volatile __bit CCP3M0 __attribute__((address(0x7DB8))); extern volatile __bit CCP3M1 __attribute__((address(0x7DB9))); extern volatile __bit CCP3M2 __attribute__((address(0x7DBA))); extern volatile __bit CCP3M3 __attribute__((address(0x7DBB))); extern volatile __bit CCP3X __attribute__((address(0x7DBD))); extern volatile __bit CCP3Y __attribute__((address(0x7DBC))); extern volatile __bit CCP4 __attribute__((address(0x7C33))); extern volatile __bit CCP4IE __attribute__((address(0x7D19))); extern volatile __bit CCP4IF __attribute__((address(0x7D21))); extern volatile __bit CCP4IP __attribute__((address(0x7D29))); extern volatile __bit CCP4M0 __attribute__((address(0x7B98))); extern volatile __bit CCP4M1 __attribute__((address(0x7B99))); extern volatile __bit CCP4M2 __attribute__((address(0x7B9A))); extern volatile __bit CCP4M3 __attribute__((address(0x7B9B))); extern volatile __bit CCP4X __attribute__((address(0x7B9D))); extern volatile __bit CCP4Y __attribute__((address(0x7B9C))); extern volatile __bit CCP5 __attribute__((address(0x7C34))); extern volatile __bit CCP5IE __attribute__((address(0x7D1A))); extern volatile __bit CCP5IF __attribute__((address(0x7D22))); extern volatile __bit CCP5IP __attribute__((address(0x7D2A))); extern volatile __bit CCP5M0 __attribute__((address(0x7B80))); extern volatile __bit CCP5M1 __attribute__((address(0x7B81))); extern volatile __bit CCP5M2 __attribute__((address(0x7B82))); extern volatile __bit CCP5M3 __attribute__((address(0x7B83))); extern volatile __bit CCP5X __attribute__((address(0x7B85))); extern volatile __bit CCP5Y __attribute__((address(0x7B84))); extern volatile __bit CCP6 __attribute__((address(0x7C3F))); extern volatile __bit CCP6E __attribute__((address(0x7C26))); extern volatile __bit CCP7 __attribute__((address(0x7C3E))); extern volatile __bit CCP7E __attribute__((address(0x7C25))); extern volatile __bit CCP8 __attribute__((address(0x7C3D))); extern volatile __bit CCP8E __attribute__((address(0x7C24))); extern volatile __bit CCP9 __attribute__((address(0x7C3C))); extern volatile __bit CCP9E __attribute__((address(0x7C23))); extern volatile __bit CE __attribute__((address(0x7C45))); extern volatile __bit CHS0 __attribute__((address(0x7E12))); extern volatile __bit CHS1 __attribute__((address(0x7E13))); extern volatile __bit CHS2 __attribute__((address(0x7E14))); extern volatile __bit CHS3 __attribute__((address(0x7E15))); extern volatile __bit CHSN3 __attribute__((address(0x7E0B))); extern volatile __bit CIS __attribute__((address(0x7DA3))); extern volatile __bit CK __attribute__((address(0x7C16))); extern volatile __bit CK1 __attribute__((address(0x7C16))); extern volatile __bit CK2 __attribute__((address(0x7C31))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) CKE __attribute__((address(0x7E3E))); extern volatile __bit CKE1 __attribute__((address(0x7E3E))); extern volatile __bit CKE2 __attribute__((address(0x7B26))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) CKP __attribute__((address(0x7E34))); extern volatile __bit CKP1 __attribute__((address(0x7E34))); extern volatile __bit CKP2 __attribute__((address(0x7B1C))); extern volatile __bit CKTXP __attribute__((address(0x7BF4))); extern volatile __bit CM __attribute__((address(0x7E85))); extern volatile __bit CM0 __attribute__((address(0x7DA0))); extern volatile __bit CM1 __attribute__((address(0x7DA1))); extern volatile __bit CM2 __attribute__((address(0x7DA2))); extern volatile __bit CMEN0 __attribute__((address(0x7DA0))); extern volatile __bit CMEN1 __attribute__((address(0x7DA1))); extern volatile __bit CMEN2 __attribute__((address(0x7DA2))); extern volatile __bit CMIE __attribute__((address(0x7D06))); extern volatile __bit CMIF __attribute__((address(0x7D0E))); extern volatile __bit CMIP __attribute__((address(0x7D16))); extern volatile __bit CRCEN __attribute__((address(0x76C5))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) CREN __attribute__((address(0x7D5C))); extern volatile __bit CREN1 __attribute__((address(0x7D5C))); extern volatile __bit CREN2 __attribute__((address(0x7B5C))); extern volatile __bit CS __attribute__((address(0x7C22))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) CSRC __attribute__((address(0x7D67))); extern volatile __bit CSRC1 __attribute__((address(0x7D67))); extern volatile __bit CSRC2 __attribute__((address(0x7B67))); extern volatile __bit CSUMEN __attribute__((address(0x7E94))); extern volatile __bit CVR0 __attribute__((address(0x7DA8))); extern volatile __bit CVR1 __attribute__((address(0x7DA9))); extern volatile __bit CVR2 __attribute__((address(0x7DAA))); extern volatile __bit CVR3 __attribute__((address(0x7DAB))); extern volatile __bit CVREF __attribute__((address(0x7C2D))); extern volatile __bit CVREN __attribute__((address(0x7DAF))); extern volatile __bit CVROE __attribute__((address(0x7DAE))); extern volatile __bit CVROEN __attribute__((address(0x7DAE))); extern volatile __bit CVRR __attribute__((address(0x7DAD))); extern volatile __bit CVRSS __attribute__((address(0x7DAC))); extern volatile __bit DA __attribute__((address(0x7E3D))); extern volatile __bit DA1 __attribute__((address(0x7E3D))); extern volatile __bit DA2 __attribute__((address(0x7B25))); extern volatile __bit DATA_ADDRESS2 __attribute__((address(0x7B25))); extern volatile __bit DC __attribute__((address(0x7EC1))); extern volatile __bit DC1B0 __attribute__((address(0x7DEC))); extern volatile __bit DC1B1 __attribute__((address(0x7DED))); extern volatile __bit DC2B0 __attribute__((address(0x7DD4))); extern volatile __bit DC2B1 __attribute__((address(0x7DD5))); extern volatile __bit DC3B0 __attribute__((address(0x7DBC))); extern volatile __bit DC3B1 __attribute__((address(0x7DBD))); extern volatile __bit DC4B0 __attribute__((address(0x7B9C))); extern volatile __bit DC4B1 __attribute__((address(0x7B9D))); extern volatile __bit DC5B0 __attribute__((address(0x7B84))); extern volatile __bit DC5B1 __attribute__((address(0x7B85))); extern volatile __bit DEFER __attribute__((address(0x751E))); extern volatile __bit DMAIE __attribute__((address(0x77DD))); extern volatile __bit DMAIF __attribute__((address(0x7B05))); extern volatile __bit DMAST __attribute__((address(0x7E95))); extern volatile __bit DONE __attribute__((address(0x7E11))); extern volatile __bit DT __attribute__((address(0x7C17))); extern volatile __bit DT1 __attribute__((address(0x7C17))); extern volatile __bit DT2 __attribute__((address(0x7C32))); extern volatile __bit DTRXP __attribute__((address(0x7BF5))); extern volatile __bit DTRXP1 __attribute__((address(0x7BF5))); extern volatile __bit DTRXP2 __attribute__((address(0x7BE5))); extern volatile __bit D_A2 __attribute__((address(0x7B25))); extern volatile __bit D_NOT_A2 __attribute__((address(0x7B25))); extern volatile __bit D_nA2 __attribute__((address(0x7B25))); extern volatile __bit EBDIS __attribute__((address(0x7CE7))); extern volatile __bit ECCP1 __attribute__((address(0x7C12))); extern volatile __bit ECCP1AS0 __attribute__((address(0x7DB4))); extern volatile __bit ECCP1AS1 __attribute__((address(0x7DB5))); extern volatile __bit ECCP1AS2 __attribute__((address(0x7DB6))); extern volatile __bit ECCP1ASE __attribute__((address(0x7DB7))); extern volatile __bit ECCP2AS0 __attribute__((address(0x7B44))); extern volatile __bit ECCP2AS1 __attribute__((address(0x7B45))); extern volatile __bit ECCP2AS2 __attribute__((address(0x7B46))); extern volatile __bit ECCP2ASE __attribute__((address(0x7B47))); extern volatile __bit ECCP3 __attribute__((address(0x7C30))); extern volatile __bit ECCP3AS0 __attribute__((address(0x7B54))); extern volatile __bit ECCP3AS1 __attribute__((address(0x7B55))); extern volatile __bit ECCP3AS2 __attribute__((address(0x7B56))); extern volatile __bit ECCP3ASE __attribute__((address(0x7B57))); extern volatile __bit EDATA0 __attribute__((address(0x7B08))); extern volatile __bit EDATA1 __attribute__((address(0x7B09))); extern volatile __bit EDATA2 __attribute__((address(0x7B0A))); extern volatile __bit EDATA3 __attribute__((address(0x7B0B))); extern volatile __bit EDATA4 __attribute__((address(0x7B0C))); extern volatile __bit EDATA5 __attribute__((address(0x7B0D))); extern volatile __bit EDATA6 __attribute__((address(0x7B0E))); extern volatile __bit EDATA7 __attribute__((address(0x7B0F))); extern volatile __bit ETHEN __attribute__((address(0x77F5))); extern volatile __bit ETHIE __attribute__((address(0x7D05))); extern volatile __bit ETHIF __attribute__((address(0x7D0D))); extern volatile __bit ETHIP __attribute__((address(0x7D15))); extern volatile __bit ETXIE __attribute__((address(0x77DB))); extern volatile __bit ETXIF __attribute__((address(0x7B03))); extern volatile __bit FCEN0 __attribute__((address(0x74B8))); extern volatile __bit FCEN1 __attribute__((address(0x74B9))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) FERR __attribute__((address(0x7D5A))); extern volatile __bit FERR1 __attribute__((address(0x7D5A))); extern volatile __bit FERR2 __attribute__((address(0x7B5A))); extern volatile __bit FLT0 __attribute__((address(0x7C08))); extern volatile __bit FREE __attribute__((address(0x7D34))); extern volatile __bit FRMLNEN __attribute__((address(0x7511))); extern volatile __bit FULDPX __attribute__((address(0x7510))); extern volatile __bit FULDPXS __attribute__((address(0x74BA))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) GCEN __attribute__((address(0x7E2F))); extern volatile __bit GCEN1 __attribute__((address(0x7E2F))); extern volatile __bit GCEN2 __attribute__((address(0x7B17))); extern volatile __bit GIE __attribute__((address(0x7F97))); extern volatile __bit GIEH __attribute__((address(0x7F97))); extern volatile __bit GIEL __attribute__((address(0x7F96))); extern volatile __bit GIE_GIEH __attribute__((address(0x7F97))); extern volatile __bit GO __attribute__((address(0x7E11))); extern volatile __bit GODONE __attribute__((address(0x7E11))); extern volatile __bit GO_DONE __attribute__((address(0x7E11))); extern volatile __bit GO_NOT_DONE __attribute__((address(0x7E11))); extern volatile __bit GO_nDONE __attribute__((address(0x7E11))); extern volatile __bit HFRMEN __attribute__((address(0x7512))); extern volatile __bit HTEN __attribute__((address(0x76C2))); extern volatile __bit I2C_DAT2 __attribute__((address(0x7B25))); extern volatile __bit I2C_READ2 __attribute__((address(0x7B22))); extern volatile __bit I2C_START2 __attribute__((address(0x7B23))); extern volatile __bit I2C_STOP2 __attribute__((address(0x7B24))); extern volatile __bit IBF __attribute__((address(0x7D87))); extern volatile __bit IBOV __attribute__((address(0x7D85))); extern volatile __bit IDLEN __attribute__((address(0x7E9F))); extern volatile __bit INT0 __attribute__((address(0x7C08))); extern volatile __bit INT0E __attribute__((address(0x7F94))); extern volatile __bit INT0F __attribute__((address(0x7F91))); extern volatile __bit INT0IE __attribute__((address(0x7F94))); extern volatile __bit INT0IF __attribute__((address(0x7F91))); extern volatile __bit INT1 __attribute__((address(0x7C09))); extern volatile __bit INT1E __attribute__((address(0x7F83))); extern volatile __bit INT1F __attribute__((address(0x7F80))); extern volatile __bit INT1IE __attribute__((address(0x7F83))); extern volatile __bit INT1IF __attribute__((address(0x7F80))); extern volatile __bit INT1IP __attribute__((address(0x7F86))); extern volatile __bit INT1P __attribute__((address(0x7F86))); extern volatile __bit INT2 __attribute__((address(0x7C0A))); extern volatile __bit INT2E __attribute__((address(0x7F84))); extern volatile __bit INT2F __attribute__((address(0x7F81))); extern volatile __bit INT2IE __attribute__((address(0x7F84))); extern volatile __bit INT2IF __attribute__((address(0x7F81))); extern volatile __bit INT2IP __attribute__((address(0x7F87))); extern volatile __bit INT2P __attribute__((address(0x7F87))); extern volatile __bit INT3 __attribute__((address(0x7C0B))); extern volatile __bit INT3E __attribute__((address(0x7F85))); extern volatile __bit INT3F __attribute__((address(0x7F82))); extern volatile __bit INT3IE __attribute__((address(0x7F85))); extern volatile __bit INT3IF __attribute__((address(0x7F82))); extern volatile __bit INT3IP __attribute__((address(0x7F89))); extern volatile __bit INTEDG0 __attribute__((address(0x7F8E))); extern volatile __bit INTEDG1 __attribute__((address(0x7F8D))); extern volatile __bit INTEDG2 __attribute__((address(0x7F8C))); extern volatile __bit INTEDG3 __attribute__((address(0x7F8B))); extern volatile __bit IPEN __attribute__((address(0x7E87))); extern volatile __bit KBI0 __attribute__((address(0x7C0C))); extern volatile __bit KBI1 __attribute__((address(0x7C0D))); extern volatile __bit KBI2 __attribute__((address(0x7C0E))); extern volatile __bit KBI3 __attribute__((address(0x7C0F))); extern volatile __bit LA0 __attribute__((address(0x7C48))); extern volatile __bit LA1 __attribute__((address(0x7C49))); extern volatile __bit LA2 __attribute__((address(0x7C4A))); extern volatile __bit LA3 __attribute__((address(0x7C4B))); extern volatile __bit LA4 __attribute__((address(0x7C4C))); extern volatile __bit LA5 __attribute__((address(0x7C4D))); extern volatile __bit LA6 __attribute__((address(0x7C4E))); extern volatile __bit LA7 __attribute__((address(0x7C4F))); extern volatile __bit LATA0 __attribute__((address(0x7C48))); extern volatile __bit LATA1 __attribute__((address(0x7C49))); extern volatile __bit LATA2 __attribute__((address(0x7C4A))); extern volatile __bit LATA3 __attribute__((address(0x7C4B))); extern volatile __bit LATA4 __attribute__((address(0x7C4C))); extern volatile __bit LATA5 __attribute__((address(0x7C4D))); extern volatile __bit LATA7 __attribute__((address(0x7C4F))); extern volatile __bit LATB0 __attribute__((address(0x7C50))); extern volatile __bit LATB1 __attribute__((address(0x7C51))); extern volatile __bit LATB2 __attribute__((address(0x7C52))); extern volatile __bit LATB3 __attribute__((address(0x7C53))); extern volatile __bit LATB4 __attribute__((address(0x7C54))); extern volatile __bit LATB5 __attribute__((address(0x7C55))); extern volatile __bit LATB6 __attribute__((address(0x7C56))); extern volatile __bit LATB7 __attribute__((address(0x7C57))); extern volatile __bit LATC0 __attribute__((address(0x7C58))); extern volatile __bit LATC1 __attribute__((address(0x7C59))); extern volatile __bit LATC2 __attribute__((address(0x7C5A))); extern volatile __bit LATC3 __attribute__((address(0x7C5B))); extern volatile __bit LATC4 __attribute__((address(0x7C5C))); extern volatile __bit LATC5 __attribute__((address(0x7C5D))); extern volatile __bit LATC6 __attribute__((address(0x7C5E))); extern volatile __bit LATC7 __attribute__((address(0x7C5F))); extern volatile __bit LATD0 __attribute__((address(0x7C60))); extern volatile __bit LATD1 __attribute__((address(0x7C61))); extern volatile __bit LATD2 __attribute__((address(0x7C62))); extern volatile __bit LATD3 __attribute__((address(0x7C63))); extern volatile __bit LATD4 __attribute__((address(0x7C64))); extern volatile __bit LATD5 __attribute__((address(0x7C65))); extern volatile __bit LATD6 __attribute__((address(0x7C66))); extern volatile __bit LATD7 __attribute__((address(0x7C67))); extern volatile __bit LATE0 __attribute__((address(0x7C68))); extern volatile __bit LATE1 __attribute__((address(0x7C69))); extern volatile __bit LATE2 __attribute__((address(0x7C6A))); extern volatile __bit LATE3 __attribute__((address(0x7C6B))); extern volatile __bit LATE4 __attribute__((address(0x7C6C))); extern volatile __bit LATE5 __attribute__((address(0x7C6D))); extern volatile __bit LATE6 __attribute__((address(0x7C6E))); extern volatile __bit LATE7 __attribute__((address(0x7C6F))); extern volatile __bit LATF0 __attribute__((address(0x7C70))); extern volatile __bit LATF1 __attribute__((address(0x7C71))); extern volatile __bit LATF2 __attribute__((address(0x7C72))); extern volatile __bit LATF3 __attribute__((address(0x7C73))); extern volatile __bit LATF4 __attribute__((address(0x7C74))); extern volatile __bit LATF5 __attribute__((address(0x7C75))); extern volatile __bit LATF6 __attribute__((address(0x7C76))); extern volatile __bit LATF7 __attribute__((address(0x7C77))); extern volatile __bit LATG0 __attribute__((address(0x7C78))); extern volatile __bit LATG1 __attribute__((address(0x7C79))); extern volatile __bit LATG2 __attribute__((address(0x7C7A))); extern volatile __bit LATG3 __attribute__((address(0x7C7B))); extern volatile __bit LATG4 __attribute__((address(0x7C7C))); extern volatile __bit LATG5 __attribute__((address(0x7C7D))); extern volatile __bit LATG6 __attribute__((address(0x7C7E))); extern volatile __bit LATG7 __attribute__((address(0x7C7F))); extern volatile __bit LATH0 __attribute__((address(0x7C80))); extern volatile __bit LATH1 __attribute__((address(0x7C81))); extern volatile __bit LATH2 __attribute__((address(0x7C82))); extern volatile __bit LATH3 __attribute__((address(0x7C83))); extern volatile __bit LATH4 __attribute__((address(0x7C84))); extern volatile __bit LATH5 __attribute__((address(0x7C85))); extern volatile __bit LATH6 __attribute__((address(0x7C86))); extern volatile __bit LATH7 __attribute__((address(0x7C87))); extern volatile __bit LATJ0 __attribute__((address(0x7C88))); extern volatile __bit LATJ1 __attribute__((address(0x7C89))); extern volatile __bit LATJ2 __attribute__((address(0x7C8A))); extern volatile __bit LATJ3 __attribute__((address(0x7C8B))); extern volatile __bit LATJ4 __attribute__((address(0x7C8C))); extern volatile __bit LATJ5 __attribute__((address(0x7C8D))); extern volatile __bit LATJ6 __attribute__((address(0x7C8E))); extern volatile __bit LATJ7 __attribute__((address(0x7C8F))); extern volatile __bit LB __attribute__((address(0x7C46))); extern volatile __bit LB0 __attribute__((address(0x7C50))); extern volatile __bit LB1 __attribute__((address(0x7C51))); extern volatile __bit LB2 __attribute__((address(0x7C52))); extern volatile __bit LB3 __attribute__((address(0x7C53))); extern volatile __bit LB4 __attribute__((address(0x7C54))); extern volatile __bit LB5 __attribute__((address(0x7C55))); extern volatile __bit LB6 __attribute__((address(0x7C56))); extern volatile __bit LB7 __attribute__((address(0x7C57))); extern volatile __bit LC0 __attribute__((address(0x7C58))); extern volatile __bit LC1 __attribute__((address(0x7C59))); extern volatile __bit LC2 __attribute__((address(0x7C5A))); extern volatile __bit LC3 __attribute__((address(0x7C5B))); extern volatile __bit LC4 __attribute__((address(0x7C5C))); extern volatile __bit LC5 __attribute__((address(0x7C5D))); extern volatile __bit LC6 __attribute__((address(0x7C5E))); extern volatile __bit LC7 __attribute__((address(0x7C5F))); extern volatile __bit LD0 __attribute__((address(0x7C60))); extern volatile __bit LD1 __attribute__((address(0x7C61))); extern volatile __bit LD2 __attribute__((address(0x7C62))); extern volatile __bit LD3 __attribute__((address(0x7C63))); extern volatile __bit LD4 __attribute__((address(0x7C64))); extern volatile __bit LD5 __attribute__((address(0x7C65))); extern volatile __bit LD6 __attribute__((address(0x7C66))); extern volatile __bit LD7 __attribute__((address(0x7C67))); extern volatile __bit LE0 __attribute__((address(0x7C68))); extern volatile __bit LE1 __attribute__((address(0x7C69))); extern volatile __bit LE2 __attribute__((address(0x7C6A))); extern volatile __bit LE3 __attribute__((address(0x7C6B))); extern volatile __bit LE4 __attribute__((address(0x7C6C))); extern volatile __bit LE5 __attribute__((address(0x7C6D))); extern volatile __bit LE6 __attribute__((address(0x7C6E))); extern volatile __bit LE7 __attribute__((address(0x7C6F))); extern volatile __bit LEDA __attribute__((address(0x7C00))); extern volatile __bit LEDB __attribute__((address(0x7C01))); extern volatile __bit LF0 __attribute__((address(0x7C70))); extern volatile __bit LF1 __attribute__((address(0x7C71))); extern volatile __bit LF2 __attribute__((address(0x7C72))); extern volatile __bit LF3 __attribute__((address(0x7C73))); extern volatile __bit LF4 __attribute__((address(0x7C74))); extern volatile __bit LF5 __attribute__((address(0x7C75))); extern volatile __bit LF6 __attribute__((address(0x7C76))); extern volatile __bit LF7 __attribute__((address(0x7C77))); extern volatile __bit LG0 __attribute__((address(0x7C78))); extern volatile __bit LG1 __attribute__((address(0x7C79))); extern volatile __bit LG2 __attribute__((address(0x7C7A))); extern volatile __bit LG3 __attribute__((address(0x7C7B))); extern volatile __bit LG4 __attribute__((address(0x7C7C))); extern volatile __bit LH0 __attribute__((address(0x7C80))); extern volatile __bit LH1 __attribute__((address(0x7C81))); extern volatile __bit LH2 __attribute__((address(0x7C82))); extern volatile __bit LH3 __attribute__((address(0x7C83))); extern volatile __bit LH4 __attribute__((address(0x7C84))); extern volatile __bit LH5 __attribute__((address(0x7C85))); extern volatile __bit LH6 __attribute__((address(0x7C86))); extern volatile __bit LH7 __attribute__((address(0x7C87))); extern volatile __bit LINKIE __attribute__((address(0x77DC))); extern volatile __bit LINKIF __attribute__((address(0x7B04))); extern volatile __bit LJ0 __attribute__((address(0x7C88))); extern volatile __bit LJ1 __attribute__((address(0x7C89))); extern volatile __bit LJ2 __attribute__((address(0x7C8A))); extern volatile __bit LJ3 __attribute__((address(0x7C8B))); extern volatile __bit LJ4 __attribute__((address(0x7C8C))); extern volatile __bit LJ5 __attribute__((address(0x7C8D))); extern volatile __bit LJ6 __attribute__((address(0x7C8E))); extern volatile __bit LJ7 __attribute__((address(0x7C8F))); extern volatile __bit LVDIN __attribute__((address(0x7C05))); extern volatile __bit MARXEN __attribute__((address(0x7500))); extern volatile __bit MCEN __attribute__((address(0x76C1))); extern volatile __bit MIIRD __attribute__((address(0x7590))); extern volatile __bit MIISCAN __attribute__((address(0x7591))); extern volatile __bit MPEN __attribute__((address(0x76C3))); extern volatile __bit MSK0 __attribute__((address(0x7E40))); extern volatile __bit MSK01 __attribute__((address(0x7E40))); extern volatile __bit MSK02 __attribute__((address(0x7B28))); extern volatile __bit MSK1 __attribute__((address(0x7E41))); extern volatile __bit MSK11 __attribute__((address(0x7E41))); extern volatile __bit MSK12 __attribute__((address(0x7B29))); extern volatile __bit MSK2 __attribute__((address(0x7E42))); extern volatile __bit MSK21 __attribute__((address(0x7E42))); extern volatile __bit MSK22 __attribute__((address(0x7B2A))); extern volatile __bit MSK3 __attribute__((address(0x7E43))); extern volatile __bit MSK31 __attribute__((address(0x7E43))); extern volatile __bit MSK32 __attribute__((address(0x7B2B))); extern volatile __bit MSK4 __attribute__((address(0x7E44))); extern volatile __bit MSK41 __attribute__((address(0x7E44))); extern volatile __bit MSK42 __attribute__((address(0x7B2C))); extern volatile __bit MSK5 __attribute__((address(0x7E45))); extern volatile __bit MSK51 __attribute__((address(0x7E45))); extern volatile __bit MSK52 __attribute__((address(0x7B2D))); extern volatile __bit MSK6 __attribute__((address(0x7E46))); extern volatile __bit MSK61 __attribute__((address(0x7E46))); extern volatile __bit MSK62 __attribute__((address(0x7B2E))); extern volatile __bit MSK7 __attribute__((address(0x7E47))); extern volatile __bit MSK71 __attribute__((address(0x7E47))); extern volatile __bit MSK72 __attribute__((address(0x7B2F))); extern volatile __bit NEGATIVE __attribute__((address(0x7EC4))); extern volatile __bit NOT_A __attribute__((address(0x7E3D))); extern volatile __bit NOT_A2 __attribute__((address(0x7B25))); extern volatile __bit NOT_ADDRESS2 __attribute__((address(0x7B25))); extern volatile __bit NOT_BOR __attribute__((address(0x7E80))); extern volatile __bit NOT_CE __attribute__((address(0x7C45))); extern volatile __bit NOT_CM __attribute__((address(0x7E85))); extern volatile __bit NOT_CS __attribute__((address(0x7C22))); extern volatile __bit NOT_DONE __attribute__((address(0x7E11))); extern volatile __bit NOT_LB __attribute__((address(0x7C46))); extern volatile __bit NOT_OE __attribute__((address(0x7C41))); extern volatile __bit NOT_PD __attribute__((address(0x7E82))); extern volatile __bit NOT_POR __attribute__((address(0x7E81))); extern volatile __bit NOT_RBPU __attribute__((address(0x7F8F))); extern volatile __bit NOT_RD __attribute__((address(0x7C20))); extern volatile __bit NOT_RI __attribute__((address(0x7E84))); extern volatile __bit NOT_SS __attribute__((address(0x7C2F))); extern volatile __bit NOT_SS1 __attribute__((address(0x7C2F))); extern volatile __bit NOT_SS2 __attribute__((address(0x7C1F))); extern volatile __bit NOT_T1SYNC __attribute__((address(0x7E6A))); extern volatile __bit NOT_T3SYNC __attribute__((address(0x7D8A))); extern volatile __bit NOT_TO __attribute__((address(0x7E83))); extern volatile __bit NOT_UB __attribute__((address(0x7C47))); extern volatile __bit NOT_W __attribute__((address(0x7E3A))); extern volatile __bit NOT_W2 __attribute__((address(0x7B22))); extern volatile __bit NOT_WR __attribute__((address(0x7C21))); extern volatile __bit NOT_WRH __attribute__((address(0x7C43))); extern volatile __bit NOT_WRITE2 __attribute__((address(0x7B22))); extern volatile __bit NOT_WRL __attribute__((address(0x7C42))); extern volatile __bit NVALID __attribute__((address(0x7452))); extern volatile __bit OBF __attribute__((address(0x7D86))); extern volatile __bit OE __attribute__((address(0x7C41))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) OERR __attribute__((address(0x7D59))); extern volatile __bit OERR1 __attribute__((address(0x7D59))); extern volatile __bit OERR2 __attribute__((address(0x7B59))); extern volatile __bit OSCFIE __attribute__((address(0x7D07))); extern volatile __bit OSCFIF __attribute__((address(0x7D0F))); extern volatile __bit OSCFIP __attribute__((address(0x7D17))); extern volatile __bit OSTS __attribute__((address(0x7E9B))); extern volatile __bit OV __attribute__((address(0x7EC3))); extern volatile __bit OVERFLOW __attribute__((address(0x7EC3))); extern volatile __bit P1DC0 __attribute__((address(0x7BC8))); extern volatile __bit P1DC1 __attribute__((address(0x7BC9))); extern volatile __bit P1DC2 __attribute__((address(0x7BCA))); extern volatile __bit P1DC3 __attribute__((address(0x7BCB))); extern volatile __bit P1DC4 __attribute__((address(0x7BCC))); extern volatile __bit P1DC5 __attribute__((address(0x7BCD))); extern volatile __bit P1DC6 __attribute__((address(0x7BCE))); extern volatile __bit P1M0 __attribute__((address(0x7DEE))); extern volatile __bit P1M1 __attribute__((address(0x7DEF))); extern volatile __bit P1RSEN __attribute__((address(0x7BCF))); extern volatile __bit P2 __attribute__((address(0x7B24))); extern volatile __bit P2DC0 __attribute__((address(0x7B38))); extern volatile __bit P2DC1 __attribute__((address(0x7B39))); extern volatile __bit P2DC2 __attribute__((address(0x7B3A))); extern volatile __bit P2DC3 __attribute__((address(0x7B3B))); extern volatile __bit P2DC4 __attribute__((address(0x7B3C))); extern volatile __bit P2DC5 __attribute__((address(0x7B3D))); extern volatile __bit P2DC6 __attribute__((address(0x7B3E))); extern volatile __bit P2M0 __attribute__((address(0x7DD6))); extern volatile __bit P2M1 __attribute__((address(0x7DD7))); extern volatile __bit P2RSEN __attribute__((address(0x7B3F))); extern volatile __bit P3DC0 __attribute__((address(0x7B48))); extern volatile __bit P3DC1 __attribute__((address(0x7B49))); extern volatile __bit P3DC2 __attribute__((address(0x7B4A))); extern volatile __bit P3DC3 __attribute__((address(0x7B4B))); extern volatile __bit P3DC4 __attribute__((address(0x7B4C))); extern volatile __bit P3DC5 __attribute__((address(0x7B4D))); extern volatile __bit P3DC6 __attribute__((address(0x7B4E))); extern volatile __bit P3M0 __attribute__((address(0x7DBE))); extern volatile __bit P3M1 __attribute__((address(0x7DBF))); extern volatile __bit P3RSEN __attribute__((address(0x7B4F))); extern volatile __bit PA1 __attribute__((address(0x7C12))); extern volatile __bit PA2 __attribute__((address(0x7C11))); extern volatile __bit PA2E __attribute__((address(0x7C27))); extern volatile __bit PADCFG0 __attribute__((address(0x7515))); extern volatile __bit PADCFG1 __attribute__((address(0x7516))); extern volatile __bit PADCFG2 __attribute__((address(0x7517))); extern volatile __bit PASSALL __attribute__((address(0x7501))); extern volatile __bit PB1 __attribute__((address(0x7C3F))); extern volatile __bit PB1E __attribute__((address(0x7C26))); extern volatile __bit PB2 __attribute__((address(0x7C22))); extern volatile __bit PB3 __attribute__((address(0x7C3D))); extern volatile __bit PB3E __attribute__((address(0x7C24))); extern volatile __bit PC1 __attribute__((address(0x7C3E))); extern volatile __bit PC1E __attribute__((address(0x7C25))); extern volatile __bit PC2 __attribute__((address(0x7C21))); extern volatile __bit PC3 __attribute__((address(0x7C3C))); extern volatile __bit PC3E __attribute__((address(0x7C23))); extern volatile __bit PCFG0 __attribute__((address(0x7E08))); extern volatile __bit PCFG1 __attribute__((address(0x7E09))); extern volatile __bit PCFG2 __attribute__((address(0x7E0A))); extern volatile __bit PCFG3 __attribute__((address(0x7E0B))); extern volatile __bit PD __attribute__((address(0x7E82))); extern volatile __bit PD2 __attribute__((address(0x7C20))); extern volatile __bit PEIE __attribute__((address(0x7F96))); extern volatile __bit PEIE_GIEL __attribute__((address(0x7F96))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) PEN __attribute__((address(0x7E2A))); extern volatile __bit PEN1 __attribute__((address(0x7E2A))); extern volatile __bit PEN2 __attribute__((address(0x7B12))); extern volatile __bit PGC __attribute__((address(0x7C0E))); extern volatile __bit PGD __attribute__((address(0x7C0F))); extern volatile __bit PHDREN __attribute__((address(0x7513))); extern volatile __bit PHYRDY __attribute__((address(0x77E8))); extern volatile __bit PKTDEC __attribute__((address(0x77F6))); extern volatile __bit PKTIE __attribute__((address(0x77DE))); extern volatile __bit PKTIF __attribute__((address(0x7B06))); extern volatile __bit PLLEN __attribute__((address(0x7CDE))); extern volatile __bit PMEN __attribute__((address(0x76C4))); extern volatile __bit POR __attribute__((address(0x7E81))); extern volatile __bit PPRE __attribute__((address(0x7CDC))); extern volatile __bit PPST0 __attribute__((address(0x7CDD))); extern volatile __bit PPST1 __attribute__((address(0x7CDF))); extern volatile __bit PSA __attribute__((address(0x7EAB))); extern volatile __bit PSP0 __attribute__((address(0x7C18))); extern volatile __bit PSP1 __attribute__((address(0x7C19))); extern volatile __bit PSP2 __attribute__((address(0x7C1A))); extern volatile __bit PSP3 __attribute__((address(0x7C1B))); extern volatile __bit PSP4 __attribute__((address(0x7C1C))); extern volatile __bit PSP5 __attribute__((address(0x7C1D))); extern volatile __bit PSP6 __attribute__((address(0x7C1E))); extern volatile __bit PSP7 __attribute__((address(0x7C1F))); extern volatile __bit PSPIE __attribute__((address(0x7CEF))); extern volatile __bit PSPIF __attribute__((address(0x7CF7))); extern volatile __bit PSPIP __attribute__((address(0x7CFF))); extern volatile __bit PSPMODE __attribute__((address(0x7D84))); extern volatile __bit PSS1AC0 __attribute__((address(0x7DB2))); extern volatile __bit PSS1AC1 __attribute__((address(0x7DB3))); extern volatile __bit PSS1BD0 __attribute__((address(0x7DB0))); extern volatile __bit PSS1BD1 __attribute__((address(0x7DB1))); extern volatile __bit PSS2AC0 __attribute__((address(0x7B42))); extern volatile __bit PSS2AC1 __attribute__((address(0x7B43))); extern volatile __bit PSS2BD0 __attribute__((address(0x7B40))); extern volatile __bit PSS2BD1 __attribute__((address(0x7B41))); extern volatile __bit PSS3AC0 __attribute__((address(0x7B52))); extern volatile __bit PSS3AC1 __attribute__((address(0x7B53))); extern volatile __bit PSS3BD0 __attribute__((address(0x7B50))); extern volatile __bit PSS3BD1 __attribute__((address(0x7B51))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RA0 __attribute__((address(0x7C00))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RA1 __attribute__((address(0x7C01))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RA2 __attribute__((address(0x7C02))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RA3 __attribute__((address(0x7C03))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RA4 __attribute__((address(0x7C04))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RA5 __attribute__((address(0x7C05))); extern volatile __bit RA7 __attribute__((address(0x7C07))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RB0 __attribute__((address(0x7C08))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RB1 __attribute__((address(0x7C09))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RB2 __attribute__((address(0x7C0A))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RB3 __attribute__((address(0x7C0B))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RB4 __attribute__((address(0x7C0C))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RB5 __attribute__((address(0x7C0D))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RB6 __attribute__((address(0x7C0E))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RB7 __attribute__((address(0x7C0F))); extern volatile __bit RBIE __attribute__((address(0x7F93))); extern volatile __bit RBIF __attribute__((address(0x7F90))); extern volatile __bit RBIP __attribute__((address(0x7F88))); extern volatile __bit RBPU __attribute__((address(0x7F8F))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RC0 __attribute__((address(0x7C10))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RC1 __attribute__((address(0x7C11))); extern volatile __bit RC1IE __attribute__((address(0x7CED))); extern volatile __bit RC1IF __attribute__((address(0x7CF5))); extern volatile __bit RC1IP __attribute__((address(0x7CFD))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RC2 __attribute__((address(0x7C12))); extern volatile __bit RC2IE __attribute__((address(0x7D1D))); extern volatile __bit RC2IF __attribute__((address(0x7D25))); extern volatile __bit RC2IP __attribute__((address(0x7D2D))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RC3 __attribute__((address(0x7C13))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RC4 __attribute__((address(0x7C14))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RC5 __attribute__((address(0x7C15))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RC6 __attribute__((address(0x7C16))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RC7 __attribute__((address(0x7C17))); extern volatile __bit RC8_92 __attribute__((address(0x7B5E))); extern volatile __bit RC92 __attribute__((address(0x7B5E))); extern volatile __bit RCD82 __attribute__((address(0x7B58))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RCEN __attribute__((address(0x7E2B))); extern volatile __bit RCEN1 __attribute__((address(0x7E2B))); extern volatile __bit RCEN2 __attribute__((address(0x7B13))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RCIDL __attribute__((address(0x7BF6))); extern volatile __bit RCIDL1 __attribute__((address(0x7BF6))); extern volatile __bit RCIDL2 __attribute__((address(0x7BE6))); extern volatile __bit RCIE __attribute__((address(0x7CED))); extern volatile __bit RCIF __attribute__((address(0x7CF5))); extern volatile __bit RCIP __attribute__((address(0x7CFD))); extern volatile __bit RCMT1 __attribute__((address(0x7BF6))); extern volatile __bit RCMT2 __attribute__((address(0x7BE6))); extern volatile __bit RD __attribute__((address(0x7C20))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RD0 __attribute__((address(0x7C18))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RD1 __attribute__((address(0x7C19))); extern volatile __bit RD163 __attribute__((address(0x7D8F))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RD2 __attribute__((address(0x7C1A))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RD3 __attribute__((address(0x7C1B))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RD4 __attribute__((address(0x7C1C))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RD5 __attribute__((address(0x7C1D))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RD6 __attribute__((address(0x7C1E))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RD7 __attribute__((address(0x7C1F))); extern volatile __bit RDE __attribute__((address(0x7C20))); extern volatile __bit RDPU __attribute__((address(0x7C4F))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RE0 __attribute__((address(0x7C20))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RE1 __attribute__((address(0x7C21))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RE2 __attribute__((address(0x7C22))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RE3 __attribute__((address(0x7C23))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RE4 __attribute__((address(0x7C24))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RE5 __attribute__((address(0x7C25))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RE6 __attribute__((address(0x7C26))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RE7 __attribute__((address(0x7C27))); extern volatile __bit READ_WRITE2 __attribute__((address(0x7B22))); extern volatile __bit REPU __attribute__((address(0x7C4E))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RF0 __attribute__((address(0x7C28))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RF1 __attribute__((address(0x7C29))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RF2 __attribute__((address(0x7C2A))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RF3 __attribute__((address(0x7C2B))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RF4 __attribute__((address(0x7C2C))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RF5 __attribute__((address(0x7C2D))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RF6 __attribute__((address(0x7C2E))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RF7 __attribute__((address(0x7C2F))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RG0 __attribute__((address(0x7C30))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RG1 __attribute__((address(0x7C31))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RG2 __attribute__((address(0x7C32))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RG3 __attribute__((address(0x7C33))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RG4 __attribute__((address(0x7C34))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RG5 __attribute__((address(0x7C35))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RG6 __attribute__((address(0x7C36))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RG7 __attribute__((address(0x7C37))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RH0 __attribute__((address(0x7C38))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RH1 __attribute__((address(0x7C39))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RH2 __attribute__((address(0x7C3A))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RH3 __attribute__((address(0x7C3B))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RH4 __attribute__((address(0x7C3C))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RH5 __attribute__((address(0x7C3D))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RH6 __attribute__((address(0x7C3E))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RH7 __attribute__((address(0x7C3F))); extern volatile __bit RI __attribute__((address(0x7E84))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RJ0 __attribute__((address(0x7C40))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RJ1 __attribute__((address(0x7C41))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RJ2 __attribute__((address(0x7C42))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RJ3 __attribute__((address(0x7C43))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RJ4 __attribute__((address(0x7C44))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RJ5 __attribute__((address(0x7C45))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RJ6 __attribute__((address(0x7C46))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RJ7 __attribute__((address(0x7C47))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RJPU __attribute__((address(0x7C07))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RSEN __attribute__((address(0x7E29))); extern volatile __bit RSEN1 __attribute__((address(0x7E29))); extern volatile __bit RSEN2 __attribute__((address(0x7B11))); extern volatile __bit RW __attribute__((address(0x7E3A))); extern volatile __bit RW1 __attribute__((address(0x7E3A))); extern volatile __bit RW2 __attribute__((address(0x7B22))); extern volatile __bit RX __attribute__((address(0x7C17))); extern volatile __bit RX1 __attribute__((address(0x7C17))); extern volatile __bit RX2 __attribute__((address(0x7C32))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RX9 __attribute__((address(0x7D5E))); extern volatile __bit RX91 __attribute__((address(0x7D5E))); extern volatile __bit RX92 __attribute__((address(0x7B5E))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RX9D __attribute__((address(0x7D58))); extern volatile __bit RX9D1 __attribute__((address(0x7D58))); extern volatile __bit RX9D2 __attribute__((address(0x7B58))); extern volatile __bit RXB0IE __attribute__((address(0x7D18))); extern volatile __bit RXB1IE __attribute__((address(0x7D19))); extern volatile __bit RXBNIE __attribute__((address(0x7D19))); extern volatile __bit RXBNIF __attribute__((address(0x7D21))); extern volatile __bit RXBNIP __attribute__((address(0x7D29))); extern volatile __bit RXBUSY __attribute__((address(0x77EA))); extern volatile __bit RXCKP __attribute__((address(0x7BF5))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) RXDTP __attribute__((address(0x7BF5))); extern volatile __bit RXDTP1 __attribute__((address(0x7BF5))); extern volatile __bit RXDTP2 __attribute__((address(0x7BE5))); extern volatile __bit RXEN __attribute__((address(0x7E92))); extern volatile __bit RXERIE __attribute__((address(0x77D8))); extern volatile __bit RXERIF __attribute__((address(0x7B00))); extern volatile __bit RXPAUS __attribute__((address(0x7502))); extern volatile __bit RXRST __attribute__((address(0x7E96))); extern volatile __bit R_NOT_W2 __attribute__((address(0x7B22))); extern volatile __bit R_W2 __attribute__((address(0x7B22))); extern volatile __bit R_nW2 __attribute__((address(0x7B22))); extern volatile __bit S2 __attribute__((address(0x7B23))); extern volatile __bit SCAN __attribute__((address(0x7451))); extern volatile __bit SCK __attribute__((address(0x7C13))); extern volatile __bit SCK1 __attribute__((address(0x7C13))); extern volatile __bit SCK2 __attribute__((address(0x7C1E))); extern volatile __bit SCKP1 __attribute__((address(0x7BF4))); extern volatile __bit SCKP2 __attribute__((address(0x7BE4))); extern volatile __bit SCL __attribute__((address(0x7C13))); extern volatile __bit SCL1 __attribute__((address(0x7C13))); extern volatile __bit SCL2 __attribute__((address(0x7C1E))); extern volatile __bit SCS0 __attribute__((address(0x7E98))); extern volatile __bit SCS1 __attribute__((address(0x7E99))); extern volatile __bit SDA __attribute__((address(0x7C14))); extern volatile __bit SDA1 __attribute__((address(0x7C14))); extern volatile __bit SDA2 __attribute__((address(0x7C1D))); extern volatile __bit SDI __attribute__((address(0x7C14))); extern volatile __bit SDI1 __attribute__((address(0x7C14))); extern volatile __bit SDI2 __attribute__((address(0x7C1D))); extern volatile __bit SDO __attribute__((address(0x7C15))); extern volatile __bit SDO1 __attribute__((address(0x7C15))); extern volatile __bit SDO2 __attribute__((address(0x7C1C))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) SEN __attribute__((address(0x7E28))); extern volatile __bit SEN1 __attribute__((address(0x7E28))); extern volatile __bit SEN2 __attribute__((address(0x7B10))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) SENDB __attribute__((address(0x7D63))); extern volatile __bit SENDB1 __attribute__((address(0x7D63))); extern volatile __bit SENDB2 __attribute__((address(0x7B63))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) SMP __attribute__((address(0x7E3F))); extern volatile __bit SMP1 __attribute__((address(0x7E3F))); extern volatile __bit SMP2 __attribute__((address(0x7B27))); extern volatile __bit SOSCEN __attribute__((address(0x7E6B))); extern volatile __bit SOSCEN3 __attribute__((address(0x7D8B))); extern volatile __bit SP0 __attribute__((address(0x7FE0))); extern volatile __bit SP1 __attribute__((address(0x7FE1))); extern volatile __bit SP2 __attribute__((address(0x7FE2))); extern volatile __bit SP3 __attribute__((address(0x7FE3))); extern volatile __bit SP4 __attribute__((address(0x7FE4))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) SPEN __attribute__((address(0x7D5F))); extern volatile __bit SPEN1 __attribute__((address(0x7D5F))); extern volatile __bit SPEN2 __attribute__((address(0x7B5F))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) SREN __attribute__((address(0x7D5D))); extern volatile __bit SREN1 __attribute__((address(0x7D5D))); extern volatile __bit SREN2 __attribute__((address(0x7B5D))); extern volatile __bit SRENA __attribute__((address(0x7D5D))); extern volatile __bit SS __attribute__((address(0x7C2F))); extern volatile __bit SS1 __attribute__((address(0x7C2F))); extern volatile __bit SS2 __attribute__((address(0x7C1F))); extern volatile __bit SSP1IE __attribute__((address(0x7CEB))); extern volatile __bit SSP1IF __attribute__((address(0x7CF3))); extern volatile __bit SSP1IP __attribute__((address(0x7CFB))); extern volatile __bit SSP2IE __attribute__((address(0x7D1F))); extern volatile __bit SSP2IF __attribute__((address(0x7D27))); extern volatile __bit SSP2IP __attribute__((address(0x7D2F))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) SSPEN __attribute__((address(0x7E35))); extern volatile __bit SSPEN1 __attribute__((address(0x7E35))); extern volatile __bit SSPEN2 __attribute__((address(0x7B1D))); extern volatile __bit SSPIE __attribute__((address(0x7CEB))); extern volatile __bit SSPIF __attribute__((address(0x7CF3))); extern volatile __bit SSPIP __attribute__((address(0x7CFB))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) SSPM0 __attribute__((address(0x7E30))); extern volatile __bit SSPM01 __attribute__((address(0x7E30))); extern volatile __bit SSPM02 __attribute__((address(0x7B18))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) SSPM1 __attribute__((address(0x7E31))); extern volatile __bit SSPM11 __attribute__((address(0x7E31))); extern volatile __bit SSPM12 __attribute__((address(0x7B19))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) SSPM2 __attribute__((address(0x7E32))); extern volatile __bit SSPM21 __attribute__((address(0x7E32))); extern volatile __bit SSPM22 __attribute__((address(0x7B1A))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) SSPM3 __attribute__((address(0x7E33))); extern volatile __bit SSPM31 __attribute__((address(0x7E33))); extern volatile __bit SSPM32 __attribute__((address(0x7B1B))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) SSPOV __attribute__((address(0x7E36))); extern volatile __bit SSPOV1 __attribute__((address(0x7E36))); extern volatile __bit SSPOV2 __attribute__((address(0x7B1E))); extern volatile __bit START __attribute__((address(0x7E3B))); extern volatile __bit START1 __attribute__((address(0x7E3B))); extern volatile __bit START2 __attribute__((address(0x7B23))); extern volatile __bit STKFUL __attribute__((address(0x7FE7))); extern volatile __bit STKOVF __attribute__((address(0x7FE7))); extern volatile __bit STKPTR0 __attribute__((address(0x7FE0))); extern volatile __bit STKPTR1 __attribute__((address(0x7FE1))); extern volatile __bit STKPTR2 __attribute__((address(0x7FE2))); extern volatile __bit STKPTR3 __attribute__((address(0x7FE3))); extern volatile __bit STKPTR4 __attribute__((address(0x7FE4))); extern volatile __bit STKUNF __attribute__((address(0x7FE6))); extern volatile __bit STOP __attribute__((address(0x7E3C))); extern volatile __bit STOP1 __attribute__((address(0x7E3C))); extern volatile __bit STOP2 __attribute__((address(0x7B24))); extern volatile __bit SWDTE __attribute__((address(0x7E88))); extern volatile __bit SWDTEN __attribute__((address(0x7E88))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) SYNC __attribute__((address(0x7D64))); extern volatile __bit SYNC1 __attribute__((address(0x7D64))); extern volatile __bit SYNC2 __attribute__((address(0x7B64))); extern volatile __bit T08BIT __attribute__((address(0x7EAE))); extern volatile __bit T0CKI __attribute__((address(0x7C04))); extern volatile __bit T0CS __attribute__((address(0x7EAD))); extern volatile __bit T0IE __attribute__((address(0x7F95))); extern volatile __bit T0IF __attribute__((address(0x7F92))); extern volatile __bit T0IP __attribute__((address(0x7F8A))); extern volatile __bit T0PS0 __attribute__((address(0x7EA8))); extern volatile __bit T0PS1 __attribute__((address(0x7EA9))); extern volatile __bit T0PS2 __attribute__((address(0x7EAA))); extern volatile __bit T0SE __attribute__((address(0x7EAC))); extern volatile __bit T13CKI __attribute__((address(0x7C10))); extern volatile __bit T1CKPS0 __attribute__((address(0x7E6C))); extern volatile __bit T1CKPS1 __attribute__((address(0x7E6D))); extern volatile __bit T1INSYNC __attribute__((address(0x7E6A))); extern volatile __bit T1OSCEN __attribute__((address(0x7E6B))); extern volatile __bit T1OSI __attribute__((address(0x7C11))); extern volatile __bit T1OSO __attribute__((address(0x7C10))); extern volatile __bit T1RD16 __attribute__((address(0x7E6F))); extern volatile __bit T1RUN __attribute__((address(0x7E6E))); extern volatile __bit T1SYNC __attribute__((address(0x7E6A))); extern volatile __bit T2CKPS0 __attribute__((address(0x7E50))); extern volatile __bit T2CKPS1 __attribute__((address(0x7E51))); extern volatile __bit T2OUTPS0 __attribute__((address(0x7E53))); extern volatile __bit T2OUTPS1 __attribute__((address(0x7E54))); extern volatile __bit T2OUTPS2 __attribute__((address(0x7E55))); extern volatile __bit T2OUTPS3 __attribute__((address(0x7E56))); extern volatile __bit T3CCP1 __attribute__((address(0x7D8B))); extern volatile __bit T3CCP2 __attribute__((address(0x7D8E))); extern volatile __bit T3CKPS0 __attribute__((address(0x7D8C))); extern volatile __bit T3CKPS1 __attribute__((address(0x7D8D))); extern volatile __bit T3INSYNC __attribute__((address(0x7D8A))); extern volatile __bit T3RD16 __attribute__((address(0x7D8F))); extern volatile __bit T3SYNC __attribute__((address(0x7D8A))); extern volatile __bit T4CKPS0 __attribute__((address(0x7BB0))); extern volatile __bit T4CKPS1 __attribute__((address(0x7BB1))); extern volatile __bit T4OUTPS0 __attribute__((address(0x7BB3))); extern volatile __bit T4OUTPS1 __attribute__((address(0x7BB4))); extern volatile __bit T4OUTPS2 __attribute__((address(0x7BB5))); extern volatile __bit T4OUTPS3 __attribute__((address(0x7BB6))); extern volatile __bit TMR0IE __attribute__((address(0x7F95))); extern volatile __bit TMR0IF __attribute__((address(0x7F92))); extern volatile __bit TMR0IP __attribute__((address(0x7F8A))); extern volatile __bit TMR0ON __attribute__((address(0x7EAF))); extern volatile __bit TMR1CS __attribute__((address(0x7E69))); extern volatile __bit TMR1IE __attribute__((address(0x7CE8))); extern volatile __bit TMR1IF __attribute__((address(0x7CF0))); extern volatile __bit TMR1IP __attribute__((address(0x7CF8))); extern volatile __bit TMR1ON __attribute__((address(0x7E68))); extern volatile __bit TMR2IE __attribute__((address(0x7CE9))); extern volatile __bit TMR2IF __attribute__((address(0x7CF1))); extern volatile __bit TMR2IP __attribute__((address(0x7CF9))); extern volatile __bit TMR2ON __attribute__((address(0x7E52))); extern volatile __bit TMR3CS __attribute__((address(0x7D89))); extern volatile __bit TMR3IE __attribute__((address(0x7D01))); extern volatile __bit TMR3IF __attribute__((address(0x7D09))); extern volatile __bit TMR3IP __attribute__((address(0x7D11))); extern volatile __bit TMR3ON __attribute__((address(0x7D88))); extern volatile __bit TMR4IE __attribute__((address(0x7D1B))); extern volatile __bit TMR4IF __attribute__((address(0x7D23))); extern volatile __bit TMR4IP __attribute__((address(0x7D2B))); extern volatile __bit TMR4ON __attribute__((address(0x7BB2))); extern volatile __bit TO __attribute__((address(0x7E83))); extern volatile __bit TRISA0 __attribute__((address(0x7C90))); extern volatile __bit TRISA1 __attribute__((address(0x7C91))); extern volatile __bit TRISA2 __attribute__((address(0x7C92))); extern volatile __bit TRISA3 __attribute__((address(0x7C93))); extern volatile __bit TRISA4 __attribute__((address(0x7C94))); extern volatile __bit TRISA5 __attribute__((address(0x7C95))); extern volatile __bit TRISB0 __attribute__((address(0x7C98))); extern volatile __bit TRISB1 __attribute__((address(0x7C99))); extern volatile __bit TRISB2 __attribute__((address(0x7C9A))); extern volatile __bit TRISB3 __attribute__((address(0x7C9B))); extern volatile __bit TRISB4 __attribute__((address(0x7C9C))); extern volatile __bit TRISB5 __attribute__((address(0x7C9D))); extern volatile __bit TRISB6 __attribute__((address(0x7C9E))); extern volatile __bit TRISB7 __attribute__((address(0x7C9F))); extern volatile __bit TRISC0 __attribute__((address(0x7CA0))); extern volatile __bit TRISC1 __attribute__((address(0x7CA1))); extern volatile __bit TRISC2 __attribute__((address(0x7CA2))); extern volatile __bit TRISC3 __attribute__((address(0x7CA3))); extern volatile __bit TRISC4 __attribute__((address(0x7CA4))); extern volatile __bit TRISC5 __attribute__((address(0x7CA5))); extern volatile __bit TRISC6 __attribute__((address(0x7CA6))); extern volatile __bit TRISC7 __attribute__((address(0x7CA7))); extern volatile __bit TRISD0 __attribute__((address(0x7CA8))); extern volatile __bit TRISD1 __attribute__((address(0x7CA9))); extern volatile __bit TRISD2 __attribute__((address(0x7CAA))); extern volatile __bit TRISD3 __attribute__((address(0x7CAB))); extern volatile __bit TRISD4 __attribute__((address(0x7CAC))); extern volatile __bit TRISD5 __attribute__((address(0x7CAD))); extern volatile __bit TRISD6 __attribute__((address(0x7CAE))); extern volatile __bit TRISD7 __attribute__((address(0x7CAF))); extern volatile __bit TRISE0 __attribute__((address(0x7CB0))); extern volatile __bit TRISE1 __attribute__((address(0x7CB1))); extern volatile __bit TRISE2 __attribute__((address(0x7CB2))); extern volatile __bit TRISE3 __attribute__((address(0x7CB3))); extern volatile __bit TRISE4 __attribute__((address(0x7CB4))); extern volatile __bit TRISE5 __attribute__((address(0x7CB5))); extern volatile __bit TRISE6 __attribute__((address(0x7CB6))); extern volatile __bit TRISE7 __attribute__((address(0x7CB7))); extern volatile __bit TRISF0 __attribute__((address(0x7CB8))); extern volatile __bit TRISF1 __attribute__((address(0x7CB9))); extern volatile __bit TRISF2 __attribute__((address(0x7CBA))); extern volatile __bit TRISF3 __attribute__((address(0x7CBB))); extern volatile __bit TRISF4 __attribute__((address(0x7CBC))); extern volatile __bit TRISF5 __attribute__((address(0x7CBD))); extern volatile __bit TRISF6 __attribute__((address(0x7CBE))); extern volatile __bit TRISF7 __attribute__((address(0x7CBF))); extern volatile __bit TRISG0 __attribute__((address(0x7CC0))); extern volatile __bit TRISG1 __attribute__((address(0x7CC1))); extern volatile __bit TRISG2 __attribute__((address(0x7CC2))); extern volatile __bit TRISG3 __attribute__((address(0x7CC3))); extern volatile __bit TRISG4 __attribute__((address(0x7CC4))); extern volatile __bit TRISG5 __attribute__((address(0x7CC5))); extern volatile __bit TRISG6 __attribute__((address(0x7CC6))); extern volatile __bit TRISG7 __attribute__((address(0x7CC7))); extern volatile __bit TRISH0 __attribute__((address(0x7CC8))); extern volatile __bit TRISH1 __attribute__((address(0x7CC9))); extern volatile __bit TRISH2 __attribute__((address(0x7CCA))); extern volatile __bit TRISH3 __attribute__((address(0x7CCB))); extern volatile __bit TRISH4 __attribute__((address(0x7CCC))); extern volatile __bit TRISH5 __attribute__((address(0x7CCD))); extern volatile __bit TRISH6 __attribute__((address(0x7CCE))); extern volatile __bit TRISH7 __attribute__((address(0x7CCF))); extern volatile __bit TRISJ0 __attribute__((address(0x7CD0))); extern volatile __bit TRISJ1 __attribute__((address(0x7CD1))); extern volatile __bit TRISJ2 __attribute__((address(0x7CD2))); extern volatile __bit TRISJ3 __attribute__((address(0x7CD3))); extern volatile __bit TRISJ4 __attribute__((address(0x7CD4))); extern volatile __bit TRISJ5 __attribute__((address(0x7CD5))); extern volatile __bit TRISJ6 __attribute__((address(0x7CD6))); extern volatile __bit TRISJ7 __attribute__((address(0x7CD7))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) TRMT __attribute__((address(0x7D61))); extern volatile __bit TRMT1 __attribute__((address(0x7D61))); extern volatile __bit TRMT2 __attribute__((address(0x7B61))); extern volatile __bit TUN4 __attribute__((address(0x7CDC))); extern volatile __bit TUN5 __attribute__((address(0x7CDD))); extern volatile __bit TX __attribute__((address(0x7C16))); extern volatile __bit TX1 __attribute__((address(0x7C16))); extern volatile __bit TX1IE __attribute__((address(0x7CEC))); extern volatile __bit TX1IF __attribute__((address(0x7CF4))); extern volatile __bit TX1IP __attribute__((address(0x7CFC))); extern volatile __bit TX2 __attribute__((address(0x7C31))); extern volatile __bit TX2IE __attribute__((address(0x7D1C))); extern volatile __bit TX2IF __attribute__((address(0x7D24))); extern volatile __bit TX2IP __attribute__((address(0x7D2C))); extern volatile __bit TX8_92 __attribute__((address(0x7B66))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) TX9 __attribute__((address(0x7D66))); extern volatile __bit TX91 __attribute__((address(0x7D66))); extern volatile __bit TX92 __attribute__((address(0x7B66))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) TX9D __attribute__((address(0x7D60))); extern volatile __bit TX9D1 __attribute__((address(0x7D60))); extern volatile __bit TX9D2 __attribute__((address(0x7B60))); extern volatile __bit TXABRT __attribute__((address(0x77E9))); extern volatile __bit TXB0IE __attribute__((address(0x7D1A))); extern volatile __bit TXB1IE __attribute__((address(0x7D1B))); extern volatile __bit TXB2IE __attribute__((address(0x7D1C))); extern volatile __bit TXBNIE __attribute__((address(0x7D1C))); extern volatile __bit TXBNIF __attribute__((address(0x7D24))); extern volatile __bit TXBNIP __attribute__((address(0x7D2C))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) TXCKP __attribute__((address(0x7BF4))); extern volatile __bit TXCKP1 __attribute__((address(0x7BF4))); extern volatile __bit TXCKP2 __attribute__((address(0x7BE4))); extern volatile __bit TXCRCEN __attribute__((address(0x7514))); extern volatile __bit TXD82 __attribute__((address(0x7B60))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) TXEN __attribute__((address(0x7D65))); extern volatile __bit TXEN1 __attribute__((address(0x7D65))); extern volatile __bit TXEN2 __attribute__((address(0x7B65))); extern volatile __bit TXERIE __attribute__((address(0x77D9))); extern volatile __bit TXERIF __attribute__((address(0x7B01))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) TXIE __attribute__((address(0x7CEC))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) TXIF __attribute__((address(0x7CF4))); extern volatile __bit TXIP __attribute__((address(0x7CFC))); extern volatile __bit TXPAUS __attribute__((address(0x7503))); extern volatile __bit TXRST __attribute__((address(0x7E97))); extern volatile __bit TXRTS __attribute__((address(0x7E93))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) UA __attribute__((address(0x7E39))); extern volatile __bit UA1 __attribute__((address(0x7E39))); extern volatile __bit UA2 __attribute__((address(0x7B21))); extern volatile __bit UB __attribute__((address(0x7C47))); extern volatile __bit UCEN __attribute__((address(0x76C7))); extern volatile __bit ULPWUIN __attribute__((address(0x7C00))); extern volatile __bit VCFG0 __attribute__((address(0x7E0C))); extern volatile __bit VCFG01 __attribute__((address(0x7E0C))); extern volatile __bit VCFG1 __attribute__((address(0x7E0D))); extern volatile __bit VCFG11 __attribute__((address(0x7E0D))); extern volatile __bit VREFM __attribute__((address(0x7C02))); extern volatile __bit VREFP __attribute__((address(0x7C03))); extern volatile __bit W4E __attribute__((address(0x7BF1))); extern volatile __bit WAIT0 __attribute__((address(0x7CE4))); extern volatile __bit WAIT1 __attribute__((address(0x7CE5))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) WCOL __attribute__((address(0x7E37))); extern volatile __bit WCOL1 __attribute__((address(0x7E37))); extern volatile __bit WCOL2 __attribute__((address(0x7B1F))); extern volatile __bit WM0 __attribute__((address(0x7CE0))); extern volatile __bit WM1 __attribute__((address(0x7CE1))); extern volatile __bit __attribute__((__deprecated__)) WR __attribute__((address(0x7D31))); extern volatile __bit WRE __attribute__((address(0x7C21))); extern volatile __bit WREN __attribute__((address(0x7D32))); extern volatile __bit WRERR __attribute__((address(0x7D33))); extern volatile __bit WRH __attribute__((address(0x7C43))); extern volatile __bit WRL __attribute__((address(0x7C42))); extern volatile __bit WUE1 __attribute__((address(0x7BF1))); extern volatile __bit WUE2 __attribute__((address(0x7BE1))); extern volatile __bit ZERO __attribute__((address(0x7EC2))); extern volatile __bit nA2 __attribute__((address(0x7B25))); extern volatile __bit nADDRESS2 __attribute__((address(0x7B25))); extern volatile __bit nBOR __attribute__((address(0x7E80))); extern volatile __bit nCE __attribute__((address(0x7C45))); extern volatile __bit nCM __attribute__((address(0x7E85))); extern volatile __bit nCS __attribute__((address(0x7C22))); extern volatile __bit nDONE __attribute__((address(0x7E11))); extern volatile __bit nLB __attribute__((address(0x7C46))); extern volatile __bit nOE __attribute__((address(0x7C41))); extern volatile __bit nPD __attribute__((address(0x7E82))); extern volatile __bit nPOR __attribute__((address(0x7E81))); extern volatile __bit nRBPU __attribute__((address(0x7F8F))); extern volatile __bit nRD __attribute__((address(0x7C20))); extern volatile __bit nRI __attribute__((address(0x7E84))); extern volatile __bit nSS __attribute__((address(0x7C2F))); extern volatile __bit nSS1 __attribute__((address(0x7C2F))); extern volatile __bit nSS2 __attribute__((address(0x7C1F))); extern volatile __bit nT1SYNC __attribute__((address(0x7E6A))); extern volatile __bit nT3SYNC __attribute__((address(0x7D8A))); extern volatile __bit nTO __attribute__((address(0x7E83))); extern volatile __bit nUB __attribute__((address(0x7C47))); extern volatile __bit nW2 __attribute__((address(0x7B22))); extern volatile __bit nWR __attribute__((address(0x7C21))); extern volatile __bit nWRH __attribute__((address(0x7C43))); extern volatile __bit nWRITE2 __attribute__((address(0x7B22))); extern volatile __bit nWRL __attribute__((address(0x7C42))); # 486 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\pic18_chip_select.h" 2 3 # 9 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\pic18.h" 2 3 # 19 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\pic18.h" 3 __attribute__((__unsupported__("The " "flash_write" " routine is no longer supported. Please use the MPLAB X MCC."))) void flash_write(const unsigned char *, unsigned int, __far unsigned char *); __attribute__((__unsupported__("The " "EraseFlash" " routine is no longer supported. Please use the MPLAB X MCC."))) void EraseFlash(unsigned long startaddr, unsigned long endaddr); # 1 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\errata.h" 1 3 # 28 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\pic18.h" 2 3 # 156 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\pic18.h" 3 __attribute__((__unsupported__("The " "Read_b_eep" " routine is no longer supported. Please use the MPLAB X MCC."))) unsigned char Read_b_eep(unsigned int badd); __attribute__((__unsupported__("The " "Busy_eep" " routine is no longer supported. Please use the MPLAB X MCC."))) void Busy_eep(void); __attribute__((__unsupported__("The " "Write_b_eep" " routine is no longer supported. Please use the MPLAB X MCC."))) void Write_b_eep(unsigned int badd, unsigned char bdat); # 192 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\pic18.h" 3 unsigned char __t1rd16on(void); unsigned char __t3rd16on(void); # 34 "C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v6.00/packs/Microchip/PIC18F-J_DFP/1.5.44/xc8\\pic\\include\\xc.h" 2 3 # 49 "mcc_generated_files/mcc.h" 2 # 1 "mcc_generated_files/device_config.h" 1 # 50 "mcc_generated_files/mcc.h" 2 # 1 "mcc_generated_files/pin_manager.h" 1 # 109 "mcc_generated_files/pin_manager.h" void PIN_MANAGER_Initialize (void); # 121 "mcc_generated_files/pin_manager.h" void PIN_MANAGER_IOC(void); # 51 "mcc_generated_files/mcc.h" 2 # 1 "C:\\Program Files\\Microchip\\xc8\\v2.40\\pic\\include\\c99\\stdbool.h" 1 3 # 53 "mcc_generated_files/mcc.h" 2 # 1 "C:\\Program Files\\Microchip\\xc8\\v2.40\\pic\\include\\c99\\conio.h" 1 3 # 1 "C:\\Program Files\\Microchip\\xc8\\v2.40\\pic\\include\\c99\\stdio.h" 1 3 # 24 "C:\\Program Files\\Microchip\\xc8\\v2.40\\pic\\include\\c99\\stdio.h" 3 # 1 "C:\\Program Files\\Microchip\\xc8\\v2.40\\pic\\include\\c99\\bits/alltypes.h" 1 3 typedef void * va_list[1]; typedef void * __isoc_va_list[1]; # 137 "C:\\Program Files\\Microchip\\xc8\\v2.40\\pic\\include\\c99\\bits/alltypes.h" 3 typedef long ssize_t; # 246 "C:\\Program Files\\Microchip\\xc8\\v2.40\\pic\\include\\c99\\bits/alltypes.h" 3 typedef long long off_t; # 399 "C:\\Program Files\\Microchip\\xc8\\v2.40\\pic\\include\\c99\\bits/alltypes.h" 3 typedef struct _IO_FILE FILE; # 24 "C:\\Program Files\\Microchip\\xc8\\v2.40\\pic\\include\\c99\\stdio.h" 2 3 # 52 "C:\\Program Files\\Microchip\\xc8\\v2.40\\pic\\include\\c99\\stdio.h" 3 typedef union _G_fpos64_t { char __opaque[16]; double __align; } fpos_t; extern FILE *const stdin; extern FILE *const stdout; extern FILE *const stderr; FILE *fopen(const char *restrict, const char *restrict); FILE *freopen(const char *restrict, const char *restrict, FILE *restrict); int fclose(FILE *); int remove(const char *); int rename(const char *, const char *); int feof(FILE *); int ferror(FILE *); int fflush(FILE *); void clearerr(FILE *); int fseek(FILE *, long, int); long ftell(FILE *); void rewind(FILE *); int fgetpos(FILE *restrict, fpos_t *restrict); int fsetpos(FILE *, const fpos_t *); size_t fread(void *restrict, size_t, size_t, FILE *restrict); size_t fwrite(const void *restrict, size_t, size_t, FILE *restrict); int fgetc(FILE *); int getc(FILE *); int getchar(void); int ungetc(int, FILE *); int fputc(int, FILE *); int putc(int, FILE *); int putchar(int); char *fgets(char *restrict, int, FILE *restrict); char *gets(char *); int fputs(const char *restrict, FILE *restrict); int puts(const char *); __attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 1, 2))) int printf(const char *restrict, ...); __attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 2, 3))) int fprintf(FILE *restrict, const char *restrict, ...); __attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 2, 3))) int sprintf(char *restrict, const char *restrict, ...); __attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 3, 4))) int snprintf(char *restrict, size_t, const char *restrict, ...); __attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 1, 0))) int vprintf(const char *restrict, __isoc_va_list); int vfprintf(FILE *restrict, const char *restrict, __isoc_va_list); __attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 2, 0))) int vsprintf(char *restrict, const char *restrict, __isoc_va_list); __attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 3, 0))) int vsnprintf(char *restrict, size_t, const char *restrict, __isoc_va_list); __attribute__((__format__(__scanf__, 1, 2))) int scanf(const char *restrict, ...); __attribute__((__format__(__scanf__, 2, 3))) int fscanf(FILE *restrict, const char *restrict, ...); __attribute__((__format__(__scanf__, 2, 3))) int sscanf(const char *restrict, const char *restrict, ...); __attribute__((__format__(__scanf__, 1, 0))) int vscanf(const char *restrict, __isoc_va_list); int vfscanf(FILE *restrict, const char *restrict, __isoc_va_list); __attribute__((__format__(__scanf__, 2, 0))) int vsscanf(const char *restrict, const char *restrict, __isoc_va_list); void perror(const char *); int setvbuf(FILE *restrict, char *restrict, int, size_t); void setbuf(FILE *restrict, char *restrict); char *tmpnam(char *); FILE *tmpfile(void); FILE *fmemopen(void *restrict, size_t, const char *restrict); FILE *open_memstream(char **, size_t *); FILE *fdopen(int, const char *); FILE *popen(const char *, const char *); int pclose(FILE *); int fileno(FILE *); int fseeko(FILE *, off_t, int); off_t ftello(FILE *); int dprintf(int, const char *restrict, ...); int vdprintf(int, const char *restrict, __isoc_va_list); void flockfile(FILE *); int ftrylockfile(FILE *); void funlockfile(FILE *); int getc_unlocked(FILE *); int getchar_unlocked(void); int putc_unlocked(int, FILE *); int putchar_unlocked(int); ssize_t getdelim(char **restrict, size_t *restrict, int, FILE *restrict); ssize_t getline(char **restrict, size_t *restrict, FILE *restrict); int renameat(int, const char *, int, const char *); char *ctermid(char *); char *tempnam(const char *, const char *); # 7 "C:\\Program Files\\Microchip\\xc8\\v2.40\\pic\\include\\c99\\conio.h" 2 3 # 54 "mcc_generated_files/mcc.h" 2 # 1 "mcc_generated_files/adc.h" 1 # 72 "mcc_generated_files/adc.h" typedef uint16_t adc_result_t; typedef struct { adc_result_t adcResult1; adc_result_t adcResult2; } adc_sync_double_result_t; # 95 "mcc_generated_files/adc.h" typedef enum { voltage = 0x5, current = 0x6 } adc_channel_t; # 134 "mcc_generated_files/adc.h" void ADC_Initialize(void); # 164 "mcc_generated_files/adc.h" void ADC_SelectChannel(adc_channel_t channel); # 191 "mcc_generated_files/adc.h" void ADC_StartConversion(void); # 223 "mcc_generated_files/adc.h" _Bool ADC_IsConversionDone(void); # 256 "mcc_generated_files/adc.h" adc_result_t ADC_GetConversionResult(void); # 286 "mcc_generated_files/adc.h" adc_result_t ADC_GetConversion(adc_channel_t channel); # 314 "mcc_generated_files/adc.h" void ADC_TemperatureAcquisitionDelay(void); # 55 "mcc_generated_files/mcc.h" 2 # 70 "mcc_generated_files/mcc.h" void SYSTEM_Initialize(void); # 83 "mcc_generated_files/mcc.h" void OSCILLATOR_Initialize(void); # 47 "mcc_generated_files/mcc.c" 2 void SYSTEM_Initialize(void) { PIN_MANAGER_Initialize(); OSCILLATOR_Initialize(); ADC_Initialize(); } void OSCILLATOR_Initialize(void) { OSCCON = 0x02; OSCTUNE = 0x00; }