// // Description: Title page for the thesis template // Author : Silvan Zahno // #import "../00-templates/helpers.typ": * #let page-title-thesis( title: none, subtitle: subtitle, date: (), school: (), author: (), professor: (), icons: ( topleft: none, topright: none, bottomleft: none, bottomright: none, ), ) = { table( stroke:none, columns: (50%, 50%), align: (x, y) => (left, right).at(x), [#if icons.topleft != none {[#image(icons.topleft, width:6cm)]} else {[]}], [#if icons.topright != none {[#image(icons.topright, width:4cm)]} else {[]}], ) v(1fr) v(1em) align(center, [#text(size:larger, school.orientation)]) v(1em) align(center, [#text(size:large, [Major #school.specialisation])]) v(2em) v(1em) align(center, [#text(size:large, [#author.name])]) v(2em) titlebox( title: title, ) align(center, [#text(size:small, [#subtitle])]) [ #v(1fr) _Submission date of the report_ \ #date.submission ] table( stroke:none, columns: (50%, 50%), align: (x, y) => (left+horizon, right+horizon).at(x), [#if icons.bottomleft != none {[#image(icons.bottomleft, width:4cm)]} else {[]}], [#if icons.bottomright != none {[#image(icons.bottomright, width:1.5cm)]} else {[]}], ) }