2022-09-22 13:13:15 +02:00

282 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Prints steps of Reed-Solomon decoding
(C) 2022 Louis Heredero louis.heredero@edu.vs.ch
class GF:
def __init__(self, val):
self.val = val
def copy(self):
return GF(self.val)
def __add__(self, n):
return GF(self.val ^ n.val)
def __sub__(self, n):
return GF(self.val ^ n.val)
def __mul__(self, n):
if self.val == 0 or n.val == 0:
return GF(0)
return GF.EXP[GF.LOG[self.val].val + GF.LOG[n.val].val].copy()
def __truediv__(self, n):
if n.val == 0:
raise ZeroDivisionError
if self.val == 0:
return GF(0)
return GF.EXP[(GF.LOG[self.val].val + 255 - GF.LOG[n.val].val)%255].copy()
def __pow__(self, n):
return GF.EXP[(GF.LOG[self.val].val * n.val)%255].copy()
def __repr__(self):
return self.val.__repr__()
#return f"GF({self.val})"
def log(self):
return GF.LOG[self.val]
GF.EXP = [GF(0)]*512
GF.LOG = [GF(0)]*256
value = 1
for exponent in range(255):
GF.LOG[value] = GF(exponent)
GF.EXP[exponent] = GF(value)
value = ((value << 1) ^ 285) if value > 127 else value << 1
for i in range(255, 512):
GF.EXP[i] = GF.EXP[i-255].copy()
class Poly:
def __init__(self, coefs):
self.coefs = coefs.copy()
def deg(self):
return len(self.coefs)
def copy(self):
return Poly(self.coefs)
def __add__(self, p):
d1, d2 = self.deg, p.deg
deg = max(d1,d2)
result = [GF(0) for i in range(deg)]
for i in range(d1):
result[i + deg - d1] = self.coefs[i]
for i in range(d2):
result[i + deg - d2] += p.coefs[i]
return Poly(result)
def __mul__(self, p):
result = [GF(0) for i in range(self.deg+p.deg-1)]
for i in range(p.deg):
for j in range(self.deg):
result[i+j] += self.coefs[j] * p.coefs[i]
return Poly(result)
def __truediv__(self, p):
dividend = self.coefs.copy()
dividend += [GF(0) for i in range(p.deg-1)]
quotient = []
for i in range(self.deg):
coef = dividend[i] / p.coefs[0]
print("sub:", p*Poly([coef]))
for j in range(p.deg):
dividend[i+j] -= p.coefs[j] * coef
print("rem:", dividend)
while dividend[0].val == 0:
return [Poly(quotient), Poly(dividend)]
def __repr__(self):
return f"<Poly {self.coefs}>"
def eval(self, x):
y = GF(0)
for i in range(self.deg):
y += self.coefs[i] * x**GF(self.deg-i-1)
return y
def del_lead_zeros(self):
while len(self.coefs) > 1 and self.coefs[0].val == 0:
if len(self.coefs) == 0:
self.coefs = [GF(0)]
return self
def get_generator_poly(n):
poly = Poly([GF(1)])
for i in range(n):
poly *= Poly([GF(1), GF(2)**GF(i)])
return poly
class ReedSolomonException(Exception):
def correct(data, ec):
n = len(ec)
data = Poly([GF(int(cw, 2)) for cw in data+ec])
##print("data", list(map(lambda c:c.val, data.coefs)))
print("r(x)", data)
syndrome = [0]*n
corrupted = False
for i in range(n):
syndrome[i] = data.eval(GF.EXP[i])
if syndrome[i].val != 0:
corrupted = True
if not corrupted:
print("No errors")
return data
syndrome = Poly(syndrome[::-1])
print("syndrome", syndrome)
#Find locator poly
sigma, omega = euclidean_algorithm(Poly([GF(1)]+[GF(0) for i in range(n)]), syndrome, n)
print("locator", sigma)
print("evaluator", omega)
error_loc = find_error_loc(sigma)
print("location", error_loc)
error_mag = find_error_mag(omega, error_loc)
print("mag", error_mag)
for i in range(len(error_loc)):
pos = GF(error_loc[i]).log()
pos = data.deg - pos.val - 1
if pos < 0:
raise ReedSolomonException("Bad error location")
data.coefs[pos] += GF(error_mag[i])
return data
def euclidean_algorithm(a, b, R):
if a.deg < b.deg:
a, b = b, a
r_last = a
r = b
t_last = Poly([GF(0)])
t = Poly([GF(1)])
while r.deg-1 >= int(R/2):
r_last_last = r_last
t_last_last = t_last
r_last = r
t_last = t
if r_last.coefs[0] == 0:
raise ReedSolomonException("r_{i-1} was zero")
r = r_last_last
q = Poly([GF(0)])
denom_lead_term = r_last.coefs[0]
dlt_inv = denom_lead_term ** GF(-1)
I = 0
while r.deg >= r_last.deg and r.coefs[0] != 0:
I += 1
deg_diff = r.deg - r_last.deg
scale = r.coefs[0] * dlt_inv
q += Poly([scale]+[GF(0) for i in range(deg_diff)])
r += r_last * Poly([scale]+[GF(0) for i in range(deg_diff)])
if I > 100:
raise ReedSolomonException("Too long")
t = (q * t_last).del_lead_zeros() + t_last_last
if r.deg >= r_last.deg:
raise ReedSolomonException("Division algorithm failed to reduce polynomial")
sigma_tilde_at_zero = t.coefs[-1]
if sigma_tilde_at_zero.val == 0:
raise ReedSolomonException("sigma_tilde(0) was zero")
inv = Poly([sigma_tilde_at_zero ** GF(-1)])
sigma = t * inv
omega = r * inv
return [sigma, omega]
def find_error_loc(error_loc):
num_errors = error_loc.deg-1
if num_errors == 1:
return [error_loc.coefs[-2].val]
result = [0]*num_errors
e = 0
i = 1
while i < 256 and e < num_errors:
if error_loc.eval(GF(i)).val == 0:
result[e] = (GF(i) ** GF(-1)).val
e += 1
i += 1
if e != num_errors:
raise ReedSolomonException("Error locator degree does not match number of roots")
return result
def find_error_mag(error_eval, error_loc):
s = len(error_loc)
result = [0]*s
for i in range(s):
xi_inv = GF(error_loc[i]) ** GF(-1)
denom = GF(1)
for j in range(s):
if i != j:
denom *= GF(1) + GF(error_loc[j]) * xi_inv
result[i] = ( error_eval.eval(xi_inv) * (denom ** GF(-1)) ).val
return result
if __name__ == "__main__":
m = Poly([GF(67),GF(111),GF(100),GF(101),GF(115)])
g = get_generator_poly(4)
data = [67,111,110,101,115]
#ec = [119,123,82]
ec = [50,166,245,58]
data = [f"{n:08b}" for n in data]
ec = [f"{n:08b}" for n in ec]
print(correct(data, ec))