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2023-11-26 20:13:49 +01:00
* File Name : STM32DMA.hpp
* @attention
* <h2><center>&copy; Copyright (c) 2021 STMicroelectronics.
* All rights reserved.</center></h2>
* This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
* SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
#ifndef STM32F7DMA_HPP
#define STM32F7DMA_HPP
#include <touchgfx/Bitmap.hpp>
#include <touchgfx/hal/DMA.hpp>
* @class STM32F7DMA
* @brief This class specializes DMA_Interface for the STM32F7 processors.
* @sa touchgfx::DMA_Interface
class STM32F7DMA : public touchgfx::DMA_Interface
* @typedef touchgfx::DMA_Interface Base
* @brief Defines an alias representing the base.
Defines an alias representing the base.
typedef touchgfx::DMA_Interface Base;
* @fn STM32F7DMA::STM32F7DMA();
* @brief Default constructor.
* Default constructor.
* @fn STM32F7DMA::~STM32F7DMA();
* @brief Destructor.
* Destructor.
virtual ~STM32F7DMA();
* @fn DMAType touchgfx::STM32F7DMA::getDMAType()
* @brief Function for obtaining the DMA type of the concrete DMA_Interface implementation.
* Function for obtaining the DMA type of the concrete DMA_Interface implementation.
* As default, will return DMA_TYPE_CHROMART type value.
* @return a DMAType value of the concrete DMA_Interface implementation.
virtual touchgfx::DMAType getDMAType(void)
return touchgfx::DMA_TYPE_CHROMART;
* @fn touchgfx::BlitOperations STM32F7DMA::getBlitCaps();
* @brief Gets the blit capabilities.
* Gets the blit capabilities.
* This DMA supports a range of blit caps: BLIT_OP_COPY, BLIT_OP_COPY_ARGB8888,
* @return Currently supported blitcaps.
virtual touchgfx::BlitOperations getBlitCaps();
* @fn void STM32F7DMA::initialize();
* @brief Perform hardware specific initialization.
* Perform hardware specific initialization.
virtual void initialize();
* @fn void STM32F7DMA::signalDMAInterrupt()
* @brief Raises a DMA interrupt signal.
* Raises a DMA interrupt signal.
virtual void signalDMAInterrupt()
* @fn virtual void STM32F7DMA::setupDataCopy(const touchgfx::BlitOp& blitOp);
* @brief Configures the DMA for copying data to the frame buffer.
* Configures the DMA for copying data to the frame buffer.
* @param blitOp Details on the copy to perform.
virtual void setupDataCopy(const touchgfx::BlitOp& blitOp);
* @fn virtual void STM32F7DMA::setupDataFill(const touchgfx::BlitOp& blitOp);
* @brief Configures the DMA for "filling" the frame-buffer with a single color.
* Configures the DMA for "filling" the frame-buffer with a single color.
* @param blitOp Details on the "fill" to perform.
virtual void setupDataFill(const touchgfx::BlitOp& blitOp);
touchgfx::LockFreeDMA_Queue dma_queue;
touchgfx::BlitOp queue_storage[96];
* @fn void STM32F7DMA::getChromARTInputFormat()
* @brief Convert Bitmap format to ChromART Input format.
* @param format Bitmap format.
* @return ChromART Input format.
inline uint32_t getChromARTInputFormat(touchgfx::Bitmap::BitmapFormat format);
* @fn void STM32F7DMA::getChromARTOutputFormat()
* @brief Convert Bitmap format to ChromART Output format.
* @param format Bitmap format.
* @return ChromART Output format.
inline uint32_t getChromARTOutputFormat(touchgfx::Bitmap::BitmapFormat format);
#endif // STM32F7DMA_HPP
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