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2023-11-26 20:13:49 +01:00

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* File Name : TouchGFXHAL.cpp
* @attention
* <h2><center>&copy; Copyright (c) 2021 STMicroelectronics.
* All rights reserved.</center></h2>
* This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
* SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
#include <TouchGFXHAL.hpp>
#include "stm32f7xx.h"
#include <touchgfx/hal/OSWrappers.hpp>
#include <CortexMMCUInstrumentation.hpp>
//#include "FreeRTOS.h"
//#include "task.h"
using namespace touchgfx;
CortexMMCUInstrumentation instrumentation;
void TouchGFXHAL::initialize()
// Calling parent implementation of initialize().
// To overwrite the generated implementation, omit call to parent function
// and implemented needed functionality here.
// Please note, HAL::initialize() must be called to initialize the framework.
setFrameBufferStartAddresses((void*)0xC0000000, (void*)0xC003FC00, (void*)0xC007F800); //enable the animation storage to allow slide animations
void TouchGFXHAL::taskEntry()
static bool firstCall = true;
if (firstCall)
firstCall = false;
// Not necessary to call here when it is done by the
// OSWrappers::waitForVSync() method
* Gets the frame buffer address used by the TFT controller.
* @return The address of the frame buffer currently being displayed on the TFT.
uint16_t* TouchGFXHAL::getTFTFrameBuffer() const
// Calling parent implementation of getTFTFrameBuffer().
// To overwrite the generated implementation, omit call to parent function
// and implemented needed functionality here.
return TouchGFXGeneratedHAL::getTFTFrameBuffer();
* Sets the frame buffer address used by the TFT controller.
* @param [in] address New frame buffer address.
void TouchGFXHAL::setTFTFrameBuffer(uint16_t* address)
// Calling parent implementation of setTFTFrameBuffer(uint16_t* address).
// To overwrite the generated implementation, omit call to parent function
// and implemented needed functionality here.
* This function is called whenever the framework has performed a partial draw.
* @param rect The area of the screen that has been drawn, expressed in absolute coordinates.
* @see flushFrameBuffer().
void TouchGFXHAL::flushFrameBuffer(const touchgfx::Rect& rect)
// Calling parent implementation of flushFrameBuffer(const touchgfx::Rect& rect).
// To overwrite the generated implementation, omit call to parent function
// and implemented needed functionality here.
// Please note, HAL::flushFrameBuffer(const touchgfx::Rect& rect) must
// be called to notify the touchgfx framework that flush has been performed.
// If the framebuffer is placed in Write Through cached memory (e.g. SRAM) then we need
// to flush the Dcache to make sure framebuffer is correct in RAM. That's done
// using SCB_CleanInvalidateDCache().
bool TouchGFXHAL::blockCopy(void* RESTRICT dest, const void* RESTRICT src, uint32_t numBytes)
return TouchGFXGeneratedHAL::blockCopy(dest, src, numBytes);
* Configures the interrupts relevant for TouchGFX. This primarily entails setting
* the interrupt priorities for the DMA and LCD interrupts.
void TouchGFXHAL::configureInterrupts()
// Calling parent implementation of configureInterrupts().
// To overwrite the generated implementation, omit call to parent function
// and implemented needed functionality here.
* Used for enabling interrupts set in configureInterrupts()
void TouchGFXHAL::enableInterrupts()
// Calling parent implementation of enableInterrupts().
// To overwrite the generated implementation, omit call to parent function
// and implemented needed functionality here.
* Used for disabling interrupts set in configureInterrupts()
void TouchGFXHAL::disableInterrupts()
// Calling parent implementation of disableInterrupts().
// To overwrite the generated implementation, omit call to parent function
// and implemented needed functionality here.
* Configure the LCD controller to fire interrupts at VSYNC. Called automatically
* once TouchGFX initialization has completed.
void TouchGFXHAL::enableLCDControllerInterrupt()
// Calling parent implementation of enableLCDControllerInterrupt().
// To overwrite the generated implementation, omit call to parent function
// and implemented needed functionality here.
extern "C"
// portBASE_TYPE IdleTaskHook(void* p)
// {
// if ((int)p) //idle task sched out
// {
// touchgfx::HAL::getInstance()->setMCUActive(true);
// }
// else //idle task sched in
// {
// touchgfx::HAL::getInstance()->setMCUActive(false);
// }
// return pdTRUE;
// }
/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/