mirror of https://github.com/Klagarge/Cursor.git synced 2025-02-21 14:27:17 +00:00

4614 lines
55 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2021-11-24 10:50:51 +01:00
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xt "28000,38625,29500,39375"
uid 917,0
sl 0
ro 270
xt "29500,39000,30000,39000"
pts [
tg (WTG
uid 918,0
ps "PortIoTextPlaceStrategy"
stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy"
f (Text
uid 919,0
va (VaSet
isHidden 1
font "courier,12,0"
xt "21400,38500,27000,39800"
st "rxEmpty2"
ju 2
blo "27000,39500"
tm "WireNameMgr"
*37 (Net
uid 926,0
decl (Decl
n "rxEmpty2"
t "std_ulogic"
o 6
suid 23,0
declText (MLText
uid 927,0
va (VaSet
font "courier,8,0"
xt "-1000,11700,10000,12600"
st "rxEmpty2 : std_ulogic"
*38 (PortIoOut
uid 928,0
shape (CompositeShape
uid 929,0
va (VaSet
vasetType 1
fg "0,0,32768"
optionalChildren [
uid 930,0
sl 0
ro 270
xt "62500,16625,64000,17375"
uid 931,0
sl 0
ro 270
xt "62000,17000,62500,17000"
pts [
tg (WTG
uid 932,0
ps "PortIoTextPlaceStrategy"
stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy"
f (Text
uid 933,0
va (VaSet
isHidden 1
font "courier,12,0"
xt "65000,16500,68500,17800"
st "txWr2"
blo "65000,17500"
tm "WireNameMgr"
*39 (Net
uid 940,0
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n "txWr2"
t "std_ulogic"
o 14
suid 24,0
declText (MLText
uid 941,0
va (VaSet
font "courier,8,0"
xt "-1000,18900,10000,19800"
st "txWr2 : std_ulogic"
*40 (SaComponent
uid 1201,0
optionalChildren [
*41 (CptPort
uid 1169,0
ps "OnEdgeStrategy"
shape (Triangle
uid 1170,0
ro 90
va (VaSet
vasetType 1
fg "0,65535,0"
xt "37250,20625,38000,21375"
tg (CPTG
uid 1171,0
ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy"
stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy"
f (Text
uid 1172,0
va (VaSet
font "courier,9,0"
xt "39000,20400,41500,21300"
st "clock"
blo "39000,21100"
thePort (LogicalPort
decl (Decl
n "clock"
t "std_ulogic"
o 1
suid 1,0
*42 (CptPort
uid 1173,0
ps "OnEdgeStrategy"
shape (Triangle
uid 1174,0
ro 90
va (VaSet
vasetType 1
fg "0,65535,0"
xt "37250,22625,38000,23375"
tg (CPTG
uid 1175,0
ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy"
stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy"
f (Text
uid 1176,0
va (VaSet
font "courier,9,0"
xt "39000,22400,41500,23300"
st "reset"
blo "39000,23100"
thePort (LogicalPort
decl (Decl
n "reset"
t "std_ulogic"
o 2
suid 2,0
*43 (CptPort
uid 1177,0
ps "OnEdgeStrategy"
shape (Triangle
uid 1178,0
ro 90
va (VaSet
vasetType 1
fg "0,65535,0"
xt "54000,12625,54750,13375"
tg (CPTG
uid 1179,0
ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy"
stg "RightVerticalLayoutStrategy"
f (Text
uid 1180,0
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font "courier,9,0"
xt "50500,12400,53000,13300"
st "data2"
ju 2
blo "53000,13100"
thePort (LogicalPort
m 1
decl (Decl
n "data2"
t "std_ulogic_vector"
b "(dataBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)"
o 3
suid 3,0
*44 (CptPort
uid 1181,0
ps "OnEdgeStrategy"
shape (Triangle
uid 1182,0
ro 270
va (VaSet
vasetType 1
fg "0,65535,0"
xt "54000,14625,54750,15375"
tg (CPTG
uid 1183,0
ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy"
stg "RightVerticalLayoutStrategy"
f (Text
uid 1184,0
va (VaSet
font "courier,9,0"
xt "50500,14400,53000,15300"
st "full2"
ju 2
blo "53000,15100"
thePort (LogicalPort
decl (Decl
n "full2"
t "std_ulogic"
o 4
suid 4,0
*45 (CptPort
uid 1185,0
ps "OnEdgeStrategy"
shape (Triangle
uid 1186,0
ro 90
va (VaSet
vasetType 1
fg "0,65535,0"
xt "54000,16625,54750,17375"
tg (CPTG
uid 1187,0
ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy"
stg "RightVerticalLayoutStrategy"
f (Text
uid 1188,0
va (VaSet
font "courier,9,0"
xt "51500,16400,53000,17300"
st "wr2"
ju 2
blo "53000,17100"
thePort (LogicalPort
m 1
decl (Decl
n "wr2"
t "std_ulogic"
o 5
suid 5,0
*46 (CptPort
uid 1189,0
ps "OnEdgeStrategy"
shape (Triangle
uid 1190,0
ro 90
va (VaSet
vasetType 1
fg "0,65535,0"
xt "37250,14625,38000,15375"
tg (CPTG
uid 1191,0
ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy"
stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy"
f (Text
uid 1192,0
va (VaSet
font "courier,9,0"
xt "39000,14400,42000,15300"
st "empty1"
blo "39000,15100"
thePort (LogicalPort
decl (Decl
n "empty1"
t "std_ulogic"
o 7
suid 6,0
*47 (CptPort
uid 1193,0
ps "OnEdgeStrategy"
shape (Triangle
uid 1194,0
ro 90
va (VaSet
vasetType 1
fg "0,65535,0"
xt "37250,12625,38000,13375"
tg (CPTG
uid 1195,0
ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy"
stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy"
f (Text
uid 1196,0
va (VaSet
font "courier,9,0"
xt "39000,12400,41500,13300"
st "data1"
blo "39000,13100"
thePort (LogicalPort
decl (Decl
n "data1"
t "std_ulogic_vector"
b "(dataBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)"
o 6
suid 7,0
*48 (CptPort
uid 1197,0
ps "OnEdgeStrategy"
shape (Triangle
uid 1198,0
ro 270
va (VaSet
vasetType 1
fg "0,65535,0"
xt "37250,16625,38000,17375"
tg (CPTG
uid 1199,0
ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy"
stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy"
f (Text
uid 1200,0
va (VaSet
font "courier,9,0"
xt "39000,16400,40500,17300"
st "rd1"
blo "39000,17100"
thePort (LogicalPort
m 1
decl (Decl
n "rd1"
t "std_ulogic"
o 8
suid 8,0
shape (Rectangle
uid 1202,0
va (VaSet
vasetType 1
fg "0,65535,0"
bg "0,65535,0"
lineColor "0,32896,0"
lineWidth 2
xt "38000,9000,54000,25000"
oxt "35000,10000,51000,26000"
ttg (MlTextGroup
uid 1203,0
ps "CenterOffsetStrategy"
stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy"
textVec [
*49 (Text
uid 1204,0
va (VaSet
font "courier,9,1"
xt "38600,24800,41600,25700"
st "memory"
blo "38600,25500"
tm "BdLibraryNameMgr"
*50 (Text
uid 1205,0
va (VaSet
font "courier,9,1"
xt "38600,26000,47100,26900"
st "fifoBridgeRxToTx"
blo "38600,26700"
tm "CptNameMgr"
*51 (Text
uid 1206,0
va (VaSet
font "courier,9,1"
xt "38600,27200,42600,28100"
st "rx1ToTx2"
blo "38600,27900"
tm "InstanceNameMgr"
ga (GenericAssociation
uid 1207,0
ps "EdgeToEdgeStrategy"
matrix (Matrix
uid 1208,0
text (MLText
uid 1209,0
va (VaSet
font "courier,8,0"
xt "38000,28400,103000,31100"
st "dataBitNb = dataBitNb ( positive )
fifoDepth = fifoDepth ( positive )
firstWordFallThrough = firstWordFallThrough ( boolean ) --first byte written into the FIFO immediately appears on the output "
header ""
elements [
name "dataBitNb"
type "positive"
value "dataBitNb"
name "fifoDepth"
type "positive"
value "fifoDepth"
name "firstWordFallThrough"
type "boolean"
value "firstWordFallThrough"
e "first byte written into the FIFO immediately appears on the output"
ordering 1
portVis (PortSigDisplay
sTC 0
archFileType "UNKNOWN"
*52 (SaComponent
uid 1242,0
optionalChildren [
*53 (CptPort
uid 1210,0
ps "OnEdgeStrategy"
shape (Triangle
uid 1211,0
ro 90
va (VaSet
vasetType 1
fg "0,65535,0"
xt "37250,44625,38000,45375"
tg (CPTG
uid 1212,0
ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy"
stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy"
f (Text
uid 1213,0
va (VaSet
font "courier,9,0"
xt "39000,44400,41500,45300"
st "clock"
blo "39000,45100"
thePort (LogicalPort
decl (Decl
n "clock"
t "std_ulogic"
o 1
suid 1,0
*54 (CptPort
uid 1214,0
ps "OnEdgeStrategy"
shape (Triangle
uid 1215,0
ro 90
va (VaSet
vasetType 1
fg "0,65535,0"
xt "37250,46625,38000,47375"
tg (CPTG
uid 1216,0
ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy"
stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy"
f (Text
uid 1217,0
va (VaSet
font "courier,9,0"
xt "39000,46400,41500,47300"
st "reset"
blo "39000,47100"
thePort (LogicalPort
decl (Decl
n "reset"
t "std_ulogic"
o 2
suid 2,0
*55 (CptPort
uid 1218,0
ps "OnEdgeStrategy"
shape (Triangle
uid 1219,0
ro 90
va (VaSet
vasetType 1
fg "0,65535,0"
xt "54000,36625,54750,37375"
tg (CPTG
uid 1220,0
ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy"
stg "RightVerticalLayoutStrategy"
f (Text
uid 1221,0
va (VaSet
font "courier,9,0"
xt "50500,36400,53000,37300"
st "data2"
ju 2
blo "53000,37100"
thePort (LogicalPort
m 1
decl (Decl
n "data2"
t "std_ulogic_vector"
b "(dataBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)"
o 3
suid 3,0
*56 (CptPort
uid 1222,0
ps "OnEdgeStrategy"
shape (Triangle
uid 1223,0
ro 270
va (VaSet
vasetType 1
fg "0,65535,0"
xt "54000,38625,54750,39375"
tg (CPTG
uid 1224,0
ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy"
stg "RightVerticalLayoutStrategy"
f (Text
uid 1225,0
va (VaSet
font "courier,9,0"
xt "50500,38400,53000,39300"
st "full2"
ju 2
blo "53000,39100"
thePort (LogicalPort
decl (Decl
n "full2"
t "std_ulogic"
o 4
suid 4,0
*57 (CptPort
uid 1226,0
ps "OnEdgeStrategy"
shape (Triangle
uid 1227,0
ro 90
va (VaSet
vasetType 1
fg "0,65535,0"
xt "54000,40625,54750,41375"
tg (CPTG
uid 1228,0
ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy"
stg "RightVerticalLayoutStrategy"
f (Text
uid 1229,0
va (VaSet
font "courier,9,0"
xt "51500,40400,53000,41300"
st "wr2"
ju 2
blo "53000,41100"
thePort (LogicalPort
m 1
decl (Decl
n "wr2"
t "std_ulogic"
o 5
suid 5,0
*58 (CptPort
uid 1230,0
ps "OnEdgeStrategy"
shape (Triangle
uid 1231,0
ro 90
va (VaSet
vasetType 1
fg "0,65535,0"
xt "37250,38625,38000,39375"
tg (CPTG
uid 1232,0
ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy"
stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy"
f (Text
uid 1233,0
va (VaSet
font "courier,9,0"
xt "39000,38400,42000,39300"
st "empty1"
blo "39000,39100"
thePort (LogicalPort
decl (Decl
n "empty1"
t "std_ulogic"
o 7
suid 6,0
*59 (CptPort
uid 1234,0
ps "OnEdgeStrategy"
shape (Triangle
uid 1235,0
ro 90
va (VaSet
vasetType 1
fg "0,65535,0"
xt "37250,36625,38000,37375"
tg (CPTG
uid 1236,0
ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy"
stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy"
f (Text
uid 1237,0
va (VaSet
font "courier,9,0"
xt "39000,36400,41500,37300"
st "data1"
blo "39000,37100"
thePort (LogicalPort
decl (Decl
n "data1"
t "std_ulogic_vector"
b "(dataBitNb-1 DOWNTO 0)"
o 6
suid 7,0
*60 (CptPort
uid 1238,0
ps "OnEdgeStrategy"
shape (Triangle
uid 1239,0
ro 270
va (VaSet
vasetType 1
fg "0,65535,0"
xt "37250,40625,38000,41375"
tg (CPTG
uid 1240,0
ps "CptPortTextPlaceStrategy"
stg "VerticalLayoutStrategy"
f (Text
uid 1241,0
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font "courier,9,0"
xt "39000,40400,40500,41300"
st "rd1"
blo "39000,41100"
thePort (LogicalPort
m 1
decl (Decl
n "rd1"
t "std_ulogic"
o 8
suid 8,0
shape (Rectangle
uid 1243,0
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fg "0,65535,0"
bg "0,65535,0"
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xt "38000,33000,54000,49000"
oxt "35000,10000,51000,26000"
ttg (MlTextGroup
uid 1244,0
ps "CenterOffsetStrategy"
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textVec [
*61 (Text
uid 1245,0
va (VaSet
font "courier,9,1"
xt "38600,48800,41600,49700"
st "memory"
blo "38600,49500"
tm "BdLibraryNameMgr"
*62 (Text
uid 1246,0
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font "courier,9,1"
xt "38600,49700,47100,50600"
st "fifoBridgeRxToTx"
blo "38600,50400"
tm "CptNameMgr"
*63 (Text
uid 1247,0
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font "courier,9,1"
xt "38600,50600,42600,51500"
st "rx2ToTx1"
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tm "InstanceNameMgr"
ga (GenericAssociation
uid 1248,0
ps "EdgeToEdgeStrategy"
matrix (Matrix
uid 1249,0
text (MLText
uid 1250,0
va (VaSet
font "courier,8,0"
xt "38000,52400,103000,55100"
st "dataBitNb = dataBitNb ( positive )
fifoDepth = fifoDepth ( positive )
firstWordFallThrough = firstWordFallThrough ( boolean ) --first byte written into the FIFO immediately appears on the output "
header ""
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name "dataBitNb"
type "positive"
value "dataBitNb"
name "fifoDepth"
type "positive"
value "fifoDepth"
name "firstWordFallThrough"
type "boolean"
value "firstWordFallThrough"
e "first byte written into the FIFO immediately appears on the output"
ordering 1
portVis (PortSigDisplay
sTC 0
archFileType "UNKNOWN"
*64 (Wire
uid 15,0
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uid 16,0
va (VaSet
vasetType 3
xt "30000,21000,37250,21000"
pts [
start &1
end &41
sat 32
eat 32
stc 0
st 0
sf 1
si 0
tg (WTG
uid 19,0
ps "ConnStartEndStrategy"
stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy"
f (Text
uid 20,0
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font "courier,12,0"
xt "30000,19600,33500,20900"
st "clock"
blo "30000,20600"
tm "WireNameMgr"
on &2
*65 (Wire
uid 29,0
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uid 30,0
va (VaSet
vasetType 3
xt "30000,23000,37250,23000"
pts [
start &3
end &42
sat 32
eat 32
stc 0
st 0
sf 1
si 0
tg (WTG
uid 33,0
ps "ConnStartEndStrategy"
stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy"
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uid 34,0
va (VaSet
font "courier,12,0"
xt "30000,21600,33500,22900"
st "reset"
blo "30000,22600"
tm "WireNameMgr"
on &4
*66 (Wire
uid 780,0
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uid 781,0
va (VaSet
vasetType 3
xt "54750,41000,62000,41000"
pts [
start &57
end &16
sat 32
eat 32
stc 0
st 0
sf 1
si 0
tg (WTG
uid 784,0
ps "ConnStartEndStrategy"
stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy"
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uid 785,0
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font "courier,12,0"
xt "58000,39600,61500,40900"
st "txWr1"
blo "58000,40600"
tm "WireNameMgr"
on &17
*67 (Wire
uid 794,0
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uid 795,0
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vasetType 3
lineWidth 2
xt "30000,13000,37250,13000"
pts [
start &18
end &47
sat 32
eat 32
sty 1
stc 0
st 0
sf 1
si 0
tg (WTG
uid 798,0
ps "ConnStartEndStrategy"
stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy"
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font "courier,12,0"
xt "30000,11600,34900,12900"
st "rxData1"
blo "30000,12600"
tm "WireNameMgr"
on &19
*68 (Wire
uid 808,0
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uid 809,0
va (VaSet
vasetType 3
xt "30000,17000,37250,17000"
pts [
start &48
end &20
sat 32
eat 32
stc 0
st 0
sf 1
si 0
tg (WTG
uid 812,0
ps "ConnStartEndStrategy"
stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy"
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uid 813,0
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font "courier,12,0"
xt "30000,15600,33500,16900"
st "rxRd1"
blo "30000,16600"
tm "WireNameMgr"
on &21
*69 (Wire
uid 822,0
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uid 823,0
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vasetType 3
xt "54750,39000,62000,39000"
pts [
start &22
end &56
sat 32
eat 32
stc 0
st 0
sf 1
si 0
tg (WTG
uid 826,0
ps "ConnStartEndStrategy"
stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy"
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uid 827,0
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font "courier,12,0"
xt "58000,37600,62900,38900"
st "txFull1"
blo "58000,38600"
tm "WireNameMgr"
on &23
*70 (Wire
uid 836,0
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uid 837,0
va (VaSet
vasetType 3
xt "30000,15000,37250,15000"
pts [
start &24
end &46
sat 32
eat 32
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st 0
sf 1
si 0
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uid 840,0
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uid 841,0
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xt "30000,13600,35600,14900"
st "rxEmpty1"
blo "30000,14600"
tm "WireNameMgr"
on &25
*71 (Wire
uid 850,0
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uid 851,0
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lineWidth 2
xt "54750,37000,62000,37000"
pts [
start &55
end &26
sat 32
eat 32
sty 1
stc 0
st 0
sf 1
si 0
tg (WTG
uid 854,0
ps "ConnStartEndStrategy"
stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy"
f (Text
uid 855,0
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font "courier,12,0"
xt "57000,35600,61900,36900"
st "txData1"
blo "57000,36600"
tm "WireNameMgr"
on &27
*72 (Wire
uid 864,0
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uid 865,0
va (VaSet
vasetType 3
xt "30000,41000,37250,41000"
pts [
start &60
end &28
sat 32
eat 32
stc 0
st 0
sf 1
si 0
tg (WTG
uid 868,0
ps "ConnStartEndStrategy"
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uid 869,0
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font "courier,12,0"
xt "30000,39600,33500,40900"
st "rxRd2"
blo "30000,40600"
tm "WireNameMgr"
on &29
*73 (Wire
uid 878,0
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uid 879,0
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lineWidth 2
xt "30000,37000,37250,37000"
pts [
start &30
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sat 32
eat 32
sty 1
stc 0
st 0
sf 1
si 0
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uid 882,0
ps "ConnStartEndStrategy"
stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy"
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uid 883,0
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font "courier,12,0"
xt "30000,35600,34900,36900"
st "rxData2"
blo "30000,36600"
tm "WireNameMgr"
on &31
*74 (Wire
uid 892,0
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uid 893,0
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lineWidth 2
xt "54750,13000,62000,13000"
pts [
start &43
end &32
sat 32
eat 32
sty 1
stc 0
st 0
sf 1
si 0
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uid 896,0
ps "ConnStartEndStrategy"
stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy"
f (Text
uid 897,0
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font "courier,12,0"
xt "57000,11600,61900,12900"
st "txData2"
blo "57000,12600"
tm "WireNameMgr"
on &33
*75 (Wire
uid 906,0
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uid 907,0
va (VaSet
vasetType 3
xt "54750,15000,62000,15000"
pts [
start &34
end &44
sat 32
eat 32
stc 0
st 0
sf 1
si 0
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uid 910,0
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uid 911,0
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font "courier,12,0"
xt "58000,13600,62900,14900"
st "txFull2"
blo "58000,14600"
tm "WireNameMgr"
on &35
*76 (Wire
uid 920,0
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uid 921,0
va (VaSet
vasetType 3
xt "30000,39000,37250,39000"
pts [
start &36
end &58
sat 32
eat 32
stc 0
st 0
sf 1
si 0
tg (WTG
uid 924,0
ps "ConnStartEndStrategy"
stg "STSignalDisplayStrategy"
f (Text
uid 925,0
va (VaSet
font "courier,12,0"
xt "30000,37600,35600,38900"
st "rxEmpty2"
blo "30000,38600"
tm "WireNameMgr"
on &37
*77 (Wire
uid 934,0
shape (OrthoPolyLine
uid 935,0
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