mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 22:57:16 +00:00
925 lines
32 KiB
925 lines
32 KiB
-- console output
procedure print(value : string) is
variable my_line : line;
write(my_line, value);
writeLine(output, my_line);
end print;
-- string manipulation
-- change to lowercase
procedure lc(value: inout line) is
variable out_line: line;
for index in value'range loop
if (value(index) >= 'A') and (value(index) <= 'Z') then
value(index) := character'val(character'pos(value(index))
- character'pos('A')
+ character'pos('a')
end if;
end loop;
end lc;
function lc(value: string) return string is
variable out_line: line;
write(out_line, value);
end lc;
-- change to uppercase
procedure uc(value: inout line) is
variable out_line: line;
for index in value'range loop
if (value(index) >= 'a') and (value(index) <= 'z') then
value(index) := character'val(character'pos(value(index))
- character'pos('a')
+ character'pos('A')
end if;
end loop;
end uc;
function uc(value: string) return string is
variable out_line: line;
write(out_line, value);
end uc;
-- formatted string output: padding and justifying
function pad(
value : string;
string_length : natural;
fill_char : character := ' ';
right_justify : boolean := false
) return string is
variable value_line : line;
variable out_line : line;
variable value_length : natural;
variable shift_sign : boolean;
write(value_line, value);
value_length := value_line.all'length;
if string_length = 0 then
write(out_line, value_line.all);
elsif string_length > value_length then
if right_justify then
if (value_line.all(value_line.all'left) <= '-') and not(fill_char = ' ') then
shift_sign := true;
write(out_line, value_line.all(value_line.all'left));
end if;
for index in 1 to string_length-value_length loop
write(out_line, fill_char);
end loop;
end if;
if shift_sign then
write(out_line, value_line.all(value_line.all'left+1 to value_line.all'right));
write(out_line, value_line.all);
end if;
if not right_justify then
for index in 1 to string_length-value_length loop
write(out_line, fill_char);
end loop;
end if;
elsif string_length < value_length then
write(out_line, '#');
write(out_line, value_line.all(value_length-string_length+2 to value_length));
write(out_line, value_line.all);
end if;
end pad;
-- remove separator characters at beginning and end of line
procedure rm_side_separators(
value : inout line;
separators : in string
) is
variable input_line : line := value;
variable found : boolean := false;
variable position : integer := 0;
-- remove all separators in the beginning
position := -1;
for character_index in input_line'range loop
found := false;
for separator_index in separators'range loop
if input_line(character_index) = separators(separator_index) then
found := true;
end if;
end loop;
if found then
position := character_index;
end if;
end loop;
if position > -1 then
input_line := new string'( input_line(position+1 to input_line'right) );
end if;
-- remove all separators in the end
position := -1;
for character_index in input_line'reverse_range loop
found := false;
for separator_index in separators'range loop
if input_line(character_index) = separators(separator_index) then
found := true;
end if;
end loop;
if found then
position := character_index;
end if;
end loop;
if position > -1 then
input_line := new string'( input_line(input_line'left to position-1) );
end if;
value := input_line;
procedure rm_side_separators(value : inout line) is
rm_side_separators(value, " :" & ht);
-- remove multiple occurences of separator characters, keeping one single
procedure trim_line(
value : inout line;
separators : in string
) is
variable input_line: line := value;
variable output_line: line := new string'("");
variable is_separator, was_separator : boolean := false;
for character_index in input_line'range loop
is_separator := false;
for separator_index in separators'range loop
if input_line.all(character_index) = separators(separator_index) then
is_separator := true;
end if;
end loop;
if not (is_separator and was_separator) then
write(output_line, input_line.all(character_index));
end if;
was_separator := is_separator;
end loop;
value := output_line;
procedure trim_line(value : inout line) is
trim_line(value, " :" & ht);
-- remove all occurences of separator characters
procedure rm_all_separators(
value : inout line;
separators : in string
) is
variable input_line : line := value;
variable is_separator : boolean := false;
-- remove separators from beginn and end of the line
-- rm_separator_be(value, separators);
-- empty output line
value := new string'("");
-- find all separator symbols
for character_index in input_line'range loop
is_separator := false;
for separator_index in separators'range loop
if input_line(character_index) = separators(separator_index) then
is_separator := true;
end if;
end loop;
if not is_separator then
write(value, input_line.all(character_index));
end if;
end loop;
procedure rm_all_separators(value : inout line) is
rm_all_separators(value, " _." & ht);
-- read first "word" out of a line
procedure read_first(
value : inout line;
separators : in string;
first : out line
) is
variable input_line: line;
variable position: natural := 0;
input_line := value;
for character_index in input_line.all'reverse_range loop
for separator_index in separators'range loop
if input_line.all(character_index) = separators(separator_index) then
position := character_index;
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
if position > 1 then
first := new string'(input_line.all(input_line'left to position-1));
value := new string'(input_line(position+1 to input_line'right));
first := new string'(input_line.all);
value := new string'("");
end if;
procedure read_first(value : inout line; first : out line) is
read_first(value, " :" & ht, first);
-- read last "word" out of a line
procedure read_last(
value : inout line;
separators : in string;
last : out line
) is
variable input_line: line := value;
variable position: natural := 0;
for character_index in input_line'range loop
for separator_index in separators'range loop
if input_line(character_index) = separators(separator_index) then
position := character_index;
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
if position <= input_line'right and
position > 0 then
value := new string'(input_line(input_line'left to position-1));
last := new string'(input_line(position+1 to input_line'right));
last := new string'(input_line.all);
end if;
procedure read_last(value : inout line; last : out line) is
read_last(value, " :" & ht, last);
-- formatted string output, internal functions
-- get format specification
procedure get_format_items(
format : string;
right_justify : out boolean;
add_sign : out boolean;
fill_char : out character;
total_length : out natural;
point_precision : out natural;
format_type : inout line
) is
variable find_sign : boolean := false;
variable find_padding : boolean := false;
variable find_length : boolean := false;
variable find_precision : boolean := false;
variable find_type : boolean := false;
variable right_justify_int : boolean := true;
variable total_length_int : natural := 0;
variable point_precision_int : natural := 0;
add_sign := false;
fill_char := ' ';
for index in 1 to format'length loop
if find_type then
write(format_type, format(index));
end if;
if find_precision then
if (format(index) >= '0') and (format(index) <= '9') then
point_precision_int := 10*point_precision_int + character'pos(format(index)) - character'pos('0');
if format(index+1) >= 'A' then
find_precision := false;
find_type := true;
end if;
end if;
end if;
if find_length then
if (format(index) >= '0') and (format(index) <= '9') then
total_length_int := 10*total_length_int + character'pos(format(index)) - character'pos('0');
end if;
if format(index) = '.' then
find_length := false;
find_precision := true;
elsif format(index+1) >= 'A' then
find_length := false;
find_type := true;
end if;
end if;
if find_padding then
if format(index) = '0' then
if right_justify_int then
fill_char := '0';
end if;
end if;
find_padding := false;
if format(index+1) >= 'A' then
find_type := true;
find_length := true;
end if;
end if;
if find_sign then
if format(index) = '-' then
right_justify_int := false;
end if;
if format(index) = '+' then
add_sign := true;
end if;
find_sign := false;
if format(index+1) <= '-' then
find_sign := true;
elsif format(index+1) = '0' then
find_padding := true;
elsif format(index+1) >= 'A' then
find_type := true;
find_length := true;
end if;
end if;
if format(index) = '%' then
if format(index+1) <= '-' then
find_sign := true;
elsif format(index+1) = '0' then
find_padding := true;
elsif format(index+1) >= 'A' then
find_type := true;
find_length := true;
end if;
end if;
end loop;
right_justify := right_justify_int;
total_length := total_length_int;
point_precision := point_precision_int;
end get_format_items;
-- formatted string output: converting std_ulogic to character
function to_character(value: std_ulogic) return character is
variable out_value: character;
case value is
when 'U' => out_value := 'U';
when 'X' => out_value := 'X';
when '0' => out_value := '0';
when '1' => out_value := '1';
when 'Z' => out_value := 'Z';
when 'W' => out_value := 'W';
when 'L' => out_value := 'L';
when 'H' => out_value := 'H';
when '-' => out_value := '-';
end case;
end to_character;
-- formatted string output: binary integer
function sprintf_b(value: std_ulogic_vector) return string is
variable out_line : line;
for index in value'range loop
write(out_line, to_character(value(index)));
end loop;
end sprintf_b;
-- formatted string output: decimal integer
function sprintf_d(
right_justify : boolean;
add_sign : boolean;
fill_char : character;
string_length : natural;
value : integer
) return string is
variable value_line : line;
if add_sign and (value >= 0) then
write(value_line, '+');
end if;
write(value_line, value);
if string_length = 0 then
return(pad(value_line.all, string_length, fill_char, right_justify));
end if;
end sprintf_d;
-- formatted string output: fixed point real
function sprintf_f(
right_justify : boolean;
add_sign : boolean;
fill_char : character;
string_length : natural;
point_precision : natural;
value : real
) return string is
variable point_precision_int : natural;
variable integer_part : integer;
variable decimal_part : natural;
variable value_line : line;
if point_precision = 0 then
point_precision_int := 6;
point_precision_int := point_precision;
end if;
if value >= 0.0 then
integer_part := integer(value-0.5);
integer_part := - integer(-value-0.5);
end if;
decimal_part := abs(integer((value-real(integer_part))*(10.0**point_precision_int)));
if add_sign and (value >= 0.0) then
write(value_line, '+');
end if;
write(value_line, integer_part);
write(value_line, '.');
write(value_line, sprintf_d(true, false, '0', point_precision_int, decimal_part));
if string_length = 0 then
return(pad(value_line.all, string_length, fill_char, right_justify));
end if;
end sprintf_f;
-- formatted string output: hexadecimal integer
function sprintf_X(
extend_unsigned : boolean;
value : std_ulogic_vector
) return string is
variable bit_count : positive;
variable value_line : line;
variable out_line : line;
variable nibble: string(1 to 4);
bit_count := value'length;
while (bit_count mod 4) /= 0 loop
if extend_unsigned then
write(value_line, to_character('0'));
write(value_line, to_character(value(value'high)));
end if;
bit_count := bit_count + 1;
end loop;
write(value_line, sprintf_b(value));
for index in value_line.all'range loop
if (index mod 4) = 0 then
nibble := value_line.all(index-3 to index);
case nibble is
when "0000" => write(out_line, 0);
when "0001" => write(out_line, 1);
when "0010" => write(out_line, 2);
when "0011" => write(out_line, 3);
when "0100" => write(out_line, 4);
when "0101" => write(out_line, 5);
when "0110" => write(out_line, 6);
when "0111" => write(out_line, 7);
when "1000" => write(out_line, 8);
when "1001" => write(out_line, 9);
when "1010" => write(out_line, 'A');
when "1011" => write(out_line, 'B');
when "1100" => write(out_line, 'C');
when "1101" => write(out_line, 'D');
when "1110" => write(out_line, 'E');
when "1111" => write(out_line, 'F');
when others => write(out_line, 'X');
end case;
end if;
end loop;
end sprintf_X;
-- formatted string output, interface functions
-- integer
function sprintf(format : string; value : integer) return string is
variable right_justify : boolean;
variable add_sign : boolean;
variable fill_char : character;
variable string_length : natural;
variable point_precision : natural;
variable format_type : line;
get_format_items(format, right_justify, add_sign, fill_char,
string_length, point_precision, format_type);
if format_type.all = "b" then
if string_length = 0 then
string_length := 8;
end if;
return(sprintf_b(std_ulogic_vector(to_signed(value, string_length+1)(string_length-1 downto 0))));
elsif format_type.all = "d" then
return(sprintf_d(right_justify, add_sign, fill_char, string_length, value));
elsif format_type.all = "f" then
return(sprintf_f(right_justify, add_sign, fill_char,
string_length, point_precision, real(value)));
elsif (format_type.all = "X") or (format_type.all = "x") then
if string_length = 0 then
string_length := 8;
end if;
string_length := 4*string_length;
if format_type.all = "X" then
return(sprintf_X(false, std_ulogic_vector(to_signed(value, string_length+1)(string_length-1 downto 0))));
return(lc(sprintf_X(false, std_ulogic_vector(to_signed(value, string_length+1)(string_length-1 downto 0)))));
end if;
return("Unhandled format type: '" & format_type.all & "'");
end if;
end sprintf;
-- real
function sprintf(format : string; value : real) return string is
variable right_justify : boolean;
variable add_sign : boolean;
variable fill_char : character;
variable string_length : natural;
variable point_precision : natural;
variable format_type : line;
get_format_items(format, right_justify, add_sign, fill_char,
string_length, point_precision, format_type);
if (format_type.all = "d") or (point_precision = 0) then
return(sprintf_d(right_justify, add_sign, fill_char,
string_length, integer(value)));
elsif format_type.all = "f" then
return(sprintf_f(right_justify, add_sign, fill_char,
string_length, point_precision, value));
return("Unhandled format type: '" & format_type.all & "'");
end if;
end sprintf;
-- std_logic
function sprintf(format : string; value : std_logic) return string is
variable right_justify : boolean;
variable add_sign : boolean;
variable fill_char : character;
variable string_length : natural;
variable point_precision : natural;
variable format_type : line;
variable logic_vector: std_logic_vector(1 to 1);
get_format_items(format, right_justify, add_sign, fill_char,
string_length, point_precision, format_type);
if (format_type.all = "b") or (format_type.all = "d") or
(format_type.all = "X") or (format_type.all = "x") then
logic_vector(1) := value;
return(sprintf(format, std_ulogic_vector(logic_vector)));
return("Not a std_logic format: '" & format_type.all & "'");
end if;
end sprintf;
-- std_ulogic_vector
function sprintf(format : string; value : std_ulogic_vector) return string is
variable right_justify : boolean;
variable add_sign : boolean;
variable fill_char : character;
variable bit_string_length : natural;
variable point_precision : natural;
variable format_type : line;
get_format_items(format, right_justify, add_sign, fill_char,
bit_string_length, point_precision, format_type);
if format_type.all = "b" then
return(pad(sprintf_b(value), bit_string_length, fill_char, right_justify));
elsif format_type.all = "d" then
return(sprintf_d(right_justify, add_sign, fill_char, bit_string_length, to_integer(unsigned(value))));
elsif (format_type.all = "X") or (format_type.all = "x") then
if format_type.all = "X" then
return(pad(sprintf_X(true, value), bit_string_length, fill_char, right_justify));
return(lc(pad(sprintf_X(true, value), bit_string_length, fill_char, right_justify)));
end if;
return("Not a std_ulogic_vector format: '" & format_type.all & "'");
end if;
end sprintf;
-- std_logic_vector
function sprintf(format : string; value : std_logic_vector) return string is
variable right_justify : boolean;
variable add_sign : boolean;
variable fill_char : character;
variable string_length : natural;
variable point_precision : natural;
variable format_type : line;
get_format_items(format, right_justify, add_sign, fill_char,
string_length, point_precision, format_type);
if (format_type.all = "b") or (format_type.all = "d") or
(format_type.all = "X") or (format_type.all = "x") then
return(sprintf(format, std_ulogic_vector(value)));
return("Not a std_logic_vector format: '" & format_type.all & "'");
end if;
end sprintf;
-- unsigned
function sprintf(format : string; value : unsigned) return string is
variable right_justify : boolean;
variable add_sign : boolean;
variable fill_char : character;
variable string_length : natural;
variable point_precision : natural;
variable format_type : line;
get_format_items(format, right_justify, add_sign, fill_char,
string_length, point_precision, format_type);
if (format_type.all = "b") or (format_type.all = "d") or
(format_type.all = "X") or (format_type.all = "x") then
return(sprintf(format, std_ulogic_vector(value)));
return("Not an unsigned format: '" & format_type.all & "'");
end if;
end sprintf;
-- signed
function sprintf(format : string; value : signed) return string is
variable right_justify : boolean;
variable add_sign : boolean;
variable fill_char : character;
variable bit_string_length : natural;
variable point_precision : natural;
variable format_type : line;
get_format_items(format, right_justify, add_sign, fill_char,
bit_string_length, point_precision, format_type);
if (fill_char = '0') and (value(value'left) = '1') then
fill_char := '1';
end if;
if format_type.all = "b" then
return(pad(sprintf_b(std_ulogic_vector(value)), bit_string_length, fill_char, right_justify));
elsif format_type.all = "d" then
return(sprintf_d(right_justify, add_sign, fill_char, bit_string_length, to_integer(signed(value))));
elsif (format_type.all = "X") or (format_type.all = "x") then
if fill_char = '1' then
fill_char := 'F';
end if;
if format_type.all = "X" then
return(pad(sprintf_X(true, std_ulogic_vector(value)), bit_string_length, fill_char, right_justify));
return(lc(pad(sprintf_X(true, std_ulogic_vector(value)), bit_string_length, fill_char, right_justify)));
end if;
return("Not a signed format: '" & format_type.all & "'");
end if;
end sprintf;
-- time
function sprintf(format : string; value : time) return string is
variable right_justify : boolean;
variable add_sign : boolean;
variable fill_char : character;
variable string_length : natural;
variable point_precision : natural;
variable format_type : line;
variable scaling : real;
variable base_time : time;
variable unit : string(1 to 3);
get_format_items(format, right_justify, add_sign, fill_char,
string_length, point_precision, format_type);
if format_type.all(format_type.all'left) = 't' then
scaling := 10.0**point_precision;
if format_type.all = "tp" then
base_time := 1 ps;
unit := " ps";
elsif format_type.all = "tn" then
base_time := 1 ns;
unit := " ns";
elsif format_type.all = "tu" then
base_time := 1 us;
unit := " us";
elsif format_type.all = "tm" then
base_time := 1 ms;
unit := " ms";
elsif format_type.all = "ts" then
base_time := 1 sec;
unit := " s.";
return("Undefined time format: '" & format_type.all & "'");
end if;
if point_precision = 0 then
return(sprintf_d(right_justify, add_sign, fill_char,
string_length, value/base_time) & unit);
return(sprintf_f(right_justify, add_sign, fill_char, string_length,
point_precision, real(scaling*value/base_time)/scaling) & unit);
end if;
return("Not a time format: '" & format_type.all & "'");
end if;
end sprintf;
-- formatted string input
-- read a nibble out of a character
function sscanf(value : character) return natural is
if (value >= '0') and (value <= '9') then
return(character'pos(value) - character'pos('0'));
elsif (value >= 'a') and (value <= 'f') then
return(character'pos(value) - character'pos('a') + 10);
elsif (value >= 'A') and (value <= 'F') then
return(character'pos(value) - character'pos('A') + 10);
end if;
end sscanf;
function sscanf(value : character) return nibbleUnsignedType is
return(to_unsigned(sscanf(value), nibbleUnsignedType'length));
end sscanf;
function sscanf(value : character) return nibbleUlogicType is
variable unsigned_value : nibbleUnsignedType;
unsigned_value := sscanf(value);
end sscanf;
-- read an binary word out of a string
function sscanf(value : string) return natural is
variable integer_value : natural;
integer_value := 0;
for index in value'left to value'right loop
integer_value := integer_value*16 + sscanf(value(index));
end loop;
function sscanf(value : string) return unsigned is
variable unsigned_value : unsigned(4*value'length-1 downto 0);
unsigned_value := to_unsigned(0,unsigned_value'length);
for index in value'left to value'right loop
unsigned_value := shift_left(unsigned_value,4) + to_unsigned(sscanf(value(index)),4);
end loop;
function sscanf(value : string) return std_ulogic_vector is
variable unsigned_value : unsigned(4*value'length-1 downto 0);
unsigned_value := sscanf(value);
-- read time from a string
-- time can be formated as follows:
-- "1ps" or "1 ps" or " 1 ps " or " 1ps"
-- possible time units are: hr, min, sec, ms, us, ns, ps, fs
procedure sscanf(
value : inout line;
time_val : out time
) is
variable time_line : line := value;
variable time_base : string(1 to 3);
variable time_value : integer;
variable time_int : time;
-- remove all spaces and tabs
-- strip time base (3 last characters)
time_base := time_line(time_line'right-2 to time_line'right);
-- separate time value and base
if time_base(2 to 3) = "hr" then
time_int := 1 hr;
time_value := integer'value(time_line(time_line'left to time_line'right -2));
elsif time_base = "min" then
time_int := 1 min;
time_value := integer'value(time_line(time_line'left to time_line'right -3));
elsif time_base = "sec" then
time_int := 1 sec;
time_value := integer'value(time_line(time_line'left to time_line'right -3));
elsif time_base(2 to 3) = "ms" then
time_int := 1 ms;
time_value := integer'value(time_line(time_line'left to time_line'right -2));
elsif time_base(2 to 3) = "us" then
time_int := 1 us;
time_value := integer'value(time_line(time_line'left to time_line'right -2));
elsif time_base(2 to 3) = "ns" then
time_int := 1 ns;
time_value := integer'value(time_line(time_line'left to time_line'right -2));
elsif time_base(2 to 3) = "ps" then
time_int := 1 ps;
time_value := integer'value(time_line(time_line'left to time_line'right -2));
elsif time_base(2 to 3) = "fs" then
time_int := 1 fs;
time_value := integer'value(time_line(time_line'left to time_line'right -2));
time_int := 0 ps;
time_value := 1;
end if;
-- build time from value and base
time_val := time_int * time_value;
function sscanf(value : string) return time is
variable value_line : line;
variable time_val : time;
value_line := new string'(value);
sscanf(value_line, time_val);
END testUtils;