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synced 2025-03-11 13:54:32 +00:00
162 lines
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162 lines
4.8 KiB
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# trimLibs
# Comment regular libraries in an concatenated file
# Help Parameter : <?>
# Parameter : trimlibs.pl <Input File Name> <Output File Name>
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Authors:
# cof: [François Corthay](francois.corthay@hevs.ch)
# guo: [Oliver A. Gubler](oliver.gubler@hevs.ch)
# zas: [Silvan Zahno](silvan.zahno@hevs.ch)
# gal: [Laurent Gauch]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Changelog:
# 2019.08.23 : cof
# * Comment "omment "FOR xxxx : yyy USE ENTITY zzz;"" instead all "For All ... work" lines
# * Seen problems in ELN_Kart
# 2019.06.11 : zas
# * Comment "For All .... work."" instead all "For All" lines
# * Allow Outputfilename as Env var or as Script parameter
# 2015-08-25 : guo
# * added unisim to the list of excluded libraries
# 2015-05-08 : guo
# * added verbosity debug
# * changed this header
# * minor comment modifications
# 2013-08-13 : zas guo
# Handle error if environment variable not found, character'pos('$') -> ')
# was found as env var, added exception
# 2013-06-13 : cof zas guo
# Remove comments from testline
# 2013-01-09 : cof --
# * Bugfix: no carriage return on commented "use" statements
# * Bugfix: more precise targeting of "library" statement
# * Bugfix: "Library" test after "use" test
# 2012-04-27 : zas
# * Bugfix: on feature added in version 2011-06-10
# 2012-02-02 : zas
# * Write the output into a new file with the name defined in the
# * $DESIGN_NAME variable
# 2012-01-23 : zas
# * Replaces $env_var_name by the value of the found environmemnt variable.
# * Mostly used to replace $SIMULATION_DIR for initialise bram's from a file
# * placed in the Simulation Directory
# 2011-06-10 : zas
# Replaces
# library xxx;use xxx.yyy.all;
# with
# --library xxx;
# use work.yyy.all;
# 2005...2011 : cof
# Improvements
# 2005-01-29 : gal
# initlial release
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$separator = '-' x 79;
$indent = ' ' x 2;
$hdlInFileSpec = $ARGV[0];
if (defined $ARGV[1]) {
$hdlOutFileSpec = $ARGV[1];
else {
$hdlOutFileSpec = 'trimmed.vhd';
$verbose = 1;
$debug = 0;
# program I/O files
$tempFileSpec = $hdlOutFileSpec . '.tmp';
if ($verbose == 1) {
print "\n$separator\n";
print "Trimming library declarations from $hdlInFileSpec to $hdlOutFileSpec\n";
print $indent, "temporary file spec: $tempFileSpec\n";
# read original file, edit and save to temporary file
my $line;
open(HDLFile, $hdlInFileSpec) || die "couldn't open $HDLFileSpec!";
open(tempFile, ">$tempFileSpec");
while (chop($line = <HDLFile>)) {
# remove all comment for the test
my $testline = $line;
$testline =~ s/--.*//;
# Replace 'use xxx.yyy' with 'use work.yyy', except if xxx is ieee or std or unisim
if ($testline =~ m/use\s.*\.all\s*;/i) {
if ( not($testline =~ m/\bieee\./i) and
not($testline =~ m/\bstd\./i) and
not($testline =~ m/\bunisim\./i)) {
# if there is any char before "use" except \s, insert new line \n
if ( ($testline =~ m/[^\s]\s*use/i) ) {
$line =~ s/use\s+.*?\./\nuse work./i;
if ($debug == 1) {
print "TEST0099: ", $testline, "\n"
else {
$line =~ s/use\s+.*?\./use work./i;
if ($debug == 1) {
print "TEST0105: ", $testline, "\n"
# Comment libraries which aren't ieee or std or unisim
if (($testline =~ m/\slibrary\s+/i) or ($testline =~ m/\Alibrary\s+/i)) {
if ( not($testline =~ m/ieee/i) and
not($testline =~ m/std/i) and
not($testline =~ m/unisim/i)) {
$line = '-- ' . $line;
# Comment "FOR xxxx : yyy USE ENTITY zzz;
if ($line =~ m/for\s+.+:.+\s+use\s+entity/i) {
$line = '-- ' . $line;
# Search for $Env_Var_Names and replace them by the value of the env_var
if ($testline =~ m/(\$[^\s\/.'"\\]+)/i) {
$envvar = $1;
$envvar =~ s/^.//;
eval {
$line =~ s/\$$envvar/$ENV{$envvar}/;
if ($@) {
print ("WARNING: Environment Variable not found: $envvar \n")
print tempFile ("$line\n");
# delete original file and rename temporary file
rename($tempFileSpec, $hdlOutFileSpec);
if ($verbose == 1) {
print "$separator\n";
#if ($verbose == 1) {
# print $indent, "Hit any <CR> to continue";
# $dummy = <STDIN>;