mirror of https://github.com/Klagarge/Cursor.git synced 2025-03-11 05:54:31 +00:00
2021-11-24 10:50:51 +01:00

4592 lines
54 KiB

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n "carry"
t "std_ulogic_vector"
b "(nbBits DOWNTO 0)"
o 7
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n "toInc"
t "std_ulogic_vector"
b "(nbBits-1 DOWNTO 0)"
o 10
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st "SIGNAL toInc : std_ulogic_vector(nbBits-1 DOWNTO 0)
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n "newCounter"
t "unsigned"
b "(nbBits-1 DOWNTO 0)"
o 9
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st "SIGNAL newCounter : unsigned(nbBits-1 DOWNTO 0)
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uid 953,0
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o 3
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o 1
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n "enable"
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o 4
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o 1
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sl "(i)"
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ss 0
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ss 0
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ss 0
es 0
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si 0
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*80 (Wire
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sl "(i)"
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uid 674,0
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