- getAddress() - Method in class ch.hevs.isi.field.ModbusRegister
get the address of the modbus register
- getDataPointOnListFromLabel(String) - Static method in class ch.hevs.isi.core.DataPoint
Get the DataPoint from the label
- getHexString(byte[]) - Static method in class ch.hevs.isi.utils.Utility
Utility method to convert a byte array in a string made up of hex (0,.. 9, a,..f)
- getHexString(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class ch.hevs.isi.utils.Utility
Utility method to convert a byte array in a string made up of hex (0,.. 9, a,..f)
- getHexStringForDebug(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class ch.hevs.isi.utils.Utility
Utility method to convert a byte array in a string made up of hex (0,.. 9, a,..f) and
format the string with `0xCC` where CC is the string in HEX
- getLabel() - Method in class ch.hevs.isi.core.DataPoint
Just get the label of this DataPoint
- getMySelf() - Static method in class ch.hevs.isi.db.DatabaseConnector
Get the instance of the database connector
- getMySelf() - Static method in class ch.hevs.isi.field.FieldConnector
static method to create a singleton pattern of the class
checks if an instance of the class is already made
if not, it creates an instance of the class FieldConnector
- getMySelf() - Static method in class ch.hevs.isi.field.ModbusAccessor
static method to create a singleton pattern of the class
checks if an instance of the class is already made
if not, it creates an instance of the class ModbusAccessor
- getMySelf() - Static method in class ch.hevs.isi.web.WebConnector
Get the singleton instance
create it if it does not exist
- getNanosForDB() - Method in class ch.hevs.isi.db.TimeManager
Gives the actual timestamp according to the EA clock.
- getRegisterFromDatapoint(DataPoint) - Static method in class ch.hevs.isi.field.ModbusRegister
get the modbus register from the desired datapoint
- getStringRndVal(int) - Static method in class ch.hevs.isi.utils.Utility
Retrieves a random value rounded to 2 decimal...
- getValue() - Method in class ch.hevs.isi.core.BooleanDataPoint
Get the value of this DataPoint
- getValue() - Method in class ch.hevs.isi.core.FloatDataPoint
Get the value of this DataPoint