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2024-02-23 13:01:05 +00:00
LIBRARY Common_test;
USE Common_test.testUtils.all;
ARCHITECTURE test OF ahbUart_tester IS
-- reset and clock
constant clockPeriod: time := (1.0/clockFrequency) * 1 sec;
signal clock_int: std_uLogic := '1';
signal reset_int: std_uLogic;
-- test information
signal noteTopSeparator : string(1 to 80) := (others => '-');
signal errorTopSeparator : string(1 to 80) := (others => '#');
signal bottomSeparator : string(1 to 80) := (others => '.');
signal indentation : string(1 to 2) := (others => ' ');
signal noteInformation : string(1 to 9) := (others => ' ');
signal errorInformation : string(1 to 10) := (others => ' ');
signal failureInformation : string(1 to 12) := (others => ' ');
signal testInformation : string(1 to 50) := (others => ' ');
-- register definition
constant dataRegisterAddress: natural := 0;
constant controlRegisterAddress: natural := 1;
constant scalerRegisterAddress: natural := 2;
constant statusRegisterAddress: natural := 1;
constant statusValidAddress: natural := 0;
constant valueRegisterAddress: natural := 1;
-- AMBA bus access
signal registerAddress: natural;
signal registerData: integer;
signal registerWrite: std_uLogic;
signal registerRead: std_uLogic;
signal writeFlag, readFlag, readFlag1: std_uLogic;
signal writeData, readData: integer;
-- UART access
constant baudPeriodNb: positive := 4;
signal uartData: integer;
signal uartSend: std_uLogic;
-- reset and clock
reset_int <= '1', '0' after 2*clockPeriod;
hReset_n <= not(reset_int);
clock_int <= not clock_int after clockPeriod/2;
hClk <= transport clock_int after clockPeriod*9.0/10.0;
-- test sequence
testSequence: process
registerAddress <= 0;
registerData <= 0;
registerWrite <= '0';
registerRead <= '0';
uartSend <= '0';
wait for 1 us;
-- write baud rate
testInformation <= pad("Writing baud rate", testInformation'length);
wait for 0 ns;
assert false
noteTopSeparator & cr &
noteInformation & indentation & testInformation & cr &
noteInformation & bottomSeparator
severity note;
registerAddress <= scalerRegisterAddress;
registerData <= baudPeriodNb;
registerWrite <= '1', '0' after clockPeriod;
wait for 4*clockPeriod;
-- write Tx data 55h
testInformation <= pad("Writing Tx data", testInformation'length);
wait for 0 ns;
assert false
noteTopSeparator & cr &
noteInformation & indentation & testInformation & cr &
noteInformation & bottomSeparator
severity note;
registerAddress <= dataRegisterAddress;
registerData <= 16#55#;
registerWrite <= '1', '0' after clockPeriod;
wait for 20*baudPeriodNb*clockPeriod;
-- write Tx data 0Fh
testInformation <= (others => ' ');
wait for 1 ns;
testInformation <= pad("Writing Tx data", testInformation'length);
wait for 0 ns;
assert false
noteTopSeparator & cr &
noteInformation & indentation & testInformation & cr &
noteInformation & bottomSeparator
severity note;
registerAddress <= dataRegisterAddress;
registerData <= 16#0F#;
registerWrite <= '1', '0' after clockPeriod;
wait for 4*clockPeriod;
-- read status
testInformation <= pad("Reading status", testInformation'length);
wait for 0 ns;
assert false
noteTopSeparator & cr &
noteInformation & indentation & testInformation & cr &
noteInformation & bottomSeparator
severity note;
registerAddress <= statusRegisterAddress;
registerRead <= '1', '0' after clockPeriod;
for index in 1 to 4 loop
wait until rising_edge(clock_int);
end loop;
assert readData = 16#02#
errorTopSeparator & cr &
errorInformation & indentation &
"expected status sending flag" & cr &
errorInformation & bottomSeparator
severity error;
wait for 12*baudPeriodNb*clockPeriod;
-- read status
testInformation <= (others => ' ');
wait for 1 ns;
testInformation <= pad("Reading status", testInformation'length);
wait for 0 ns;
assert false
noteTopSeparator & cr &
noteInformation & indentation & testInformation & cr &
noteInformation & bottomSeparator
severity note;
registerRead <= '1', '0' after clockPeriod;
for index in 1 to 4 loop
wait until rising_edge(clock_int);
end loop;
assert readData = 16#00#
errorTopSeparator & cr &
errorInformation & indentation &
"expected no flag" & cr &
errorInformation & bottomSeparator
severity error;
wait for 20*baudPeriodNb*clockPeriod;
-- receive AAh
testInformation <= pad("Receiving Rx data", testInformation'length);
wait for 0 ns;
assert false
noteTopSeparator & cr &
noteInformation & indentation & testInformation & cr &
noteInformation & bottomSeparator
severity note;
uartData <= 16#AA#;
uartSend <= '1', '0' after clockPeriod;
wait for 4*clockPeriod;
-- read status
testInformation <= pad("Reading status", testInformation'length);
wait for 0 ns;
assert false
noteTopSeparator & cr &
noteInformation & indentation & testInformation & cr &
noteInformation & bottomSeparator
severity note;
registerAddress <= statusRegisterAddress;
registerRead <= '1', '0' after clockPeriod;
for index in 1 to 4 loop
wait until rising_edge(clock_int);
end loop;
assert readData = 16#04#
errorTopSeparator & cr &
errorInformation & indentation &
"expected status receiving flag" & cr &
errorInformation & bottomSeparator
severity error;
wait for 10*baudPeriodNb*clockPeriod;
-- read status again
testInformation <= (others => ' ');
wait for 1 ns;
testInformation <= pad("Reading status", testInformation'length);
wait for 0 ns;
assert false
noteTopSeparator & cr &
noteInformation & indentation & testInformation & cr &
noteInformation & bottomSeparator
severity note;
registerRead <= '1', '0' after clockPeriod;
for index in 1 to 4 loop
wait until rising_edge(clock_int);
end loop;
assert readData = 16#01#
errorTopSeparator & cr &
errorInformation & indentation &
"expected status data available flag" & cr &
errorInformation & bottomSeparator
severity error;
wait for 4*clockPeriod;
-- read data
testInformation <= pad("Reading data", testInformation'length);
wait for 0 ns;
assert false
noteTopSeparator & cr &
noteInformation & indentation & testInformation & cr &
noteInformation & bottomSeparator
severity note;
registerAddress <= dataRegisterAddress;
registerRead <= '1', '0' after clockPeriod;
for index in 1 to 4 loop
wait until rising_edge(clock_int);
end loop;
assert readData = 16#AA#
errorTopSeparator & cr &
errorInformation & indentation & "read data not as expected" & cr &
errorInformation & bottomSeparator
severity error;
wait for 4*clockPeriod;
-- read status
testInformation <= pad("Reading status", testInformation'length);
wait for 0 ns;
assert false
noteTopSeparator & cr &
noteInformation & indentation & testInformation & cr &
noteInformation & bottomSeparator
severity note;
registerAddress <= statusRegisterAddress;
registerRead <= '1', '0' after clockPeriod;
for index in 1 to 4 loop
wait until rising_edge(clock_int);
end loop;
assert readData = 16#00#
errorTopSeparator & cr &
errorInformation & indentation &
"expected no flag" & cr &
errorInformation & bottomSeparator
severity error;
wait for 4*clockPeriod;
-- end of simulation
wait for 100 ns;
testInformation <= pad("End of tests", testInformation'length);
wait for 0 ns;
assert false
noteTopSeparator & cr &
failureInformation & indentation & testInformation & cr &
failureInformation & bottomSeparator
severity failure;
end process testSequence;
-- AMBA bus access
-- phase 1: address and controls
busAccess1: process
variable writeAccess: boolean := false;
wait on reset_int, registerWrite, registerRead;
if falling_edge(reset_int) then
hAddr <= (others => '-');
hTrans <= transIdle;
hSel <= '0';
writeFlag <= '0';
end if;
if rising_edge(registerWrite) or rising_edge(registerRead) then
writeAccess := false;
if rising_edge(registerWrite) then
writeAccess := true;
end if;
wait until rising_edge(clock_int);
hAddr <= to_unsigned(registerAddress, hAddr'length),
(others => '-') after clockPeriod + 1 ns;
hTrans <= transNonSeq, transIdle after clockPeriod + 1 ns;
hSel <= '1', '0' after clockPeriod + 1 ns;
if writeAccess then
writeFlag <= '1', '0' after clockPeriod + 1 ns;
writeData <= registerData;
readFlag <= '1', '0' after clockPeriod + 1 ns;
end if;
end if;
end process busAccess1;
hWrite <= writeFlag;
-- phase 2: data write
busAccess2: process
wait until rising_edge(clock_int);
hWData <= (others => '-');
readFlag1 <= '0';
if writeFlag = '1' then
hWData <= std_uLogic_vector(to_signed(writeData, hWData'length));
end if;
readFlag1 <= readFlag;
end process busAccess2;
-- phase 3: data read
busAccess3: process
wait until rising_edge(clock_int);
if readFlag1 = '1' then
readData <= to_integer(to_01(unsigned(hRData)));
end if;
end process busAccess3;
-- UART access
sendByte: process
variable serialData: unsigned(7 downto 0);
-- send stop bit
RxD <= '1';
-- get new word
wait until rising_edge(uartSend);
serialData := to_unsigned(uartData, serialData'length);
-- send start bit
RxD <= '0';
wait for baudPeriodNb * clockPeriod;
-- send data bits
for index in serialData'reverse_range loop
RxD <= serialData(index);
wait for baudPeriodNb * clockPeriod;
end loop;
end process sendByte;