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2024-03-15 15:03:34 +01:00
ARCHITECTURE order2_masterVersion OF DAC IS
constant attenuationShift: positive := 3;
constant acc1BitNb: positive := parallelIn'length+5;
constant acc2BitNb: positive := parallelIn'length+5;
signal parallelIn1, parallelIn2: signed(parallelIn'high downto 0);
signal acc1: signed(acc1BitNb-1 downto 0);
signal acc2: signed(acc2BitNb-1 downto 0);
constant c1: signed(acc1'range)
:= shift_left(to_signed(1, acc1'length), parallelIn'length-1);
constant c2: signed(acc2'range)
:= resize(shift_left(c1, 4), acc2'length);
signal quantized: std_ulogic;
-- offset input to signed values
parallelIn1(parallelIn1'high) <= not parallelIn(parallelIn'high);
parallelIn1(parallelIn1'high-1 downto 0) <=
signed(parallelIn(parallelIn'high-1 downto 0));
-- attenuate signal
parallelIn2 <= parallelIn1 - shift_right(parallelIn1, attenuationShift);
-- SD integrators
integrate1: process(reset, clock)
if reset = '1' then
acc1 <= (others => '0');
elsif rising_edge(clock) then
if quantized = '1' then
acc1 <= acc1 + resize(parallelIn2, acc1'length) - c1;
acc1 <= acc1 + resize(parallelIn2, acc1'length) + c1;
end if;
end if;
end process integrate1;
integrate2: process(reset, clock)
if reset = '1' then
acc2 <= (others => '0');
elsif rising_edge(clock) then
if quantized = '1' then
acc2 <= acc2 + resize(acc1, acc2'length) - c2;
acc2 <= acc2 + resize(acc1, acc2'length) + c2;
end if;
end if;
end process integrate2;
-- test last integrator output
quantized <= '1' when acc2 >= 0 else '0';
serialOut <= quantized;
END ARCHITECTURE order2_masterVersion;