github-classroom[bot] d212040c30
Initial commit
2024-02-23 13:01:05 +00:00

117 lines
3.0 KiB

USE std.textio.ALL;
USE ieee.std_logic_textio.ALL;
LIBRARY Common_test;
USE Common_test.testutils.all;
ARCHITECTURE rtl OF heirv32_sc_tester IS
constant clockPeriod : time := 1.0/66E6 * 1 sec;
signal sClock : std_uLogic := '1';
signal sReset : std_uLogic ;
signal testInfo : string(1 to 40) := (others => ' ');
-- reset and clock
sReset <= '1', '0' after 3.5*clockPeriod;
rst <= sReset;
sClock <= not sClock after clockPeriod/2;
clk <= transport sClock after 0.9*clockPeriod;
btns <= (others => '0');
-- Wait list
-- 1 for all
en <= '0';
testInfo <= pad("Wait reset", testInfo'length);
wait until rst = '0';
while true loop
en <= '1';
testInfo <= pad("Addi, addr. 00", testInfo'length);
wait until clk'event and clk = '1';
wait for clockPeriod;
testInfo <= pad("Addi, addr. 04", testInfo'length);
wait for clockPeriod;
testInfo <= pad("Addi, addr. 08", testInfo'length);
wait for clockPeriod;
testInfo <= pad("Or, addr. 0C", testInfo'length);
wait for clockPeriod;
testInfo <= pad("And, addr. 10", testInfo'length);
wait for clockPeriod;
testInfo <= pad("Add, addr. 14", testInfo'length);
wait for clockPeriod;
testInfo <= pad("Beq, addr. 18", testInfo'length);
wait for clockPeriod;
testInfo <= pad("Slt, addr. 1C", testInfo'length);
wait for clockPeriod;
testInfo <= pad("Beq, addr. 20", testInfo'length);
wait for clockPeriod;
--testInfo <= pad("Addi, addr. 24", testInfo'length);
--wait for clockPeriod;
testInfo <= pad("Slt, addr. 28", testInfo'length);
wait for clockPeriod;
testInfo <= pad("Add, addr. 2C", testInfo'length);
wait for clockPeriod;
testInfo <= pad("Sub, addr. 30", testInfo'length);
wait for clockPeriod;
testInfo <= pad("Sw, addr. 34", testInfo'length);
wait for clockPeriod;
testInfo <= pad("Lw, addr. 38", testInfo'length);
wait for clockPeriod;
testInfo <= pad("Add, addr. 3C", testInfo'length);
wait for clockPeriod;
testInfo <= pad("Jal, addr. 40", testInfo'length);
wait for clockPeriod;
--testInfo <= pad("Addi, addr. 44", testInfo'length);
--wait for clockPeriod;
testInfo <= pad("Add, addr. 48", testInfo'length);
wait for clockPeriod;
testInfo <= pad("Sw, addr.4C", testInfo'length);
wait for clockPeriod;
testInfo <= pad("Beq, addr. 50", testInfo'length);
wait for 0.8*clockPeriod;
en <= '0';
testInfo <= pad("Wait a bit, PC should be 0", testInfo'length);
wait for 9.2*clockPeriod;
testInfo <= pad("Enabling system", testInfo'length);
en <= '1';
wait until clk'event and clk = '1';
end loop;
end process;