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2024-02-23 13:01:05 +00:00
2024-02-23 13:01:05 +00:00
2024-02-23 13:01:05 +00:00
2024-02-23 13:01:05 +00:00
2024-02-23 13:01:05 +00:00
2024-02-23 13:01:05 +00:00
2024-02-23 13:01:05 +00:00
2024-02-23 13:01:05 +00:00
2024-02-23 13:01:05 +00:00
2024-02-23 13:01:05 +00:00

NEORV32 Example Setup for the tinyVision.ai Inc. "UPduino v3.0" FPGA Board

This example setup turns the UPduino v3.0 board, which features a Lattice iCE40 UltraPlus FPGA, into a medium-scale NEORV32 microcontroller. The processor setup provides 64kB of data and instruction memory, an RTOS-capable CPU (privileged architecture) and a set of standard peripherals like UART, TWI and SPI.

Processor Configuration

  • CPU: rv32imacu_Zicsr_Zicntr (reduced CPU [m]instret & [m]cycle counter width!)
  • Memory: 64 kB instruction memory (internal IMEM), 64 kB data memory (internal DMEM), 4 kB bootloader ROM
  • Peripherals: GPIO, MTIME, UART0, SPI, TWI, PWM, WDT, TRNG
  • Clock: 24 MHz from on-chip HF oscillator (via PLL)
  • Reset: via PLL "locked" signal; external "reset" via FPGA re-reconfiguration pin (creset_n)
  • Tested with processor version
  • On-board FPGA bitstream flash storage can also be used to store/load NEORV32 application software (via the bootloader)

This setup uses optimized platform-specific memory modules for the internal data and instruction memories (DMEM & IMEM). Each memory uses two UltraPlus SPRAM primitives (total memory size per memory = 2 x 32kB = 64kB). VHDL source file for platform-specific IMEM: neorv32_imem.ice40up_spram.vhd; VHDL source file for platform-specific DMEM: neorv32_dmem.ice40up_spram.vhd. These platform-specific memories are used instead of the default platform-agnostic modules from the core's rtl/core/mem folder.

Interface Signals

See neorv32_upduino_v3.pdc for the FPGA pin mapping.

Top Entity Signal FPGA Pin Package Pin Board Header Pin
flash_csn_o (spi_cs[0]) IOB_35B 16 J3-1
flash_sck_o IOB_34A 15 J3-2
flash_sdo_o IOB_32A 14 J3-3
flash_sdi_i IOB_33B 17 J3-4
gpio_i(0) IOB_3B_G6 44 J3-9
gpio_i(1) IOB_8A 4 J3-10
gpio_i(2) IOB_9B 3 J3-11
gpio_i(3) IOB_4A 48 J3-12
gpio_o(0) (status LED) IOB_5B 45 J3-13
gpio_o(1) IOB_2A 47 J3-14
gpio_o(2) IOB_0A 46 J3-15
gpio_o(3) IOB_6A 2 J3-16
- - - -
reconfigure FPGA ("reset") CRESET 8 J2-3
pwm_o(0) gpio_i(0) (red) RGB2 41
pwm_o(1) (green) RGB0 39 J2-6
pwm_o(2) (blue) RGB1 40 J2-7
twi_sda_io IOT_42B 31 J2-9
twi_scl_io IOT_45A_G1 37 J2-10
spi_sdo_o IOT_44B 34 J2-11
spi_sck_o IOT_49A 43 J2-12
spi_csn_o (spi_cs[1]) IOT_48B 36 J2-13
spi_sdi_i IOT_51A 42 J2-14
uart_txd_o (UART0) IOT_50B 38 J2-15
uart_rxd_i (UART0) IOT_41A 28 J2-16

The TWI signals (twi_sda_io and twi_scl_io) and the reset input (rstn_i) require an external pull-up resistor. GPIO output 0 (gpio_o(0), also connected to the RGB drive) is used as output for a high-active status LED driven by the bootloader.

FPGA Utilization

Number of slice registers: 1754 out of 5280  (33%)
Number of I/O registers:     11 out of  117   (9%)
Number of LUT4s:           4882 out of 5280  (92%)
Number of DSPs:               0 out of    8   (0%)
Number of I2Cs:               0 out of    2   (0%)
Number of High Speed OSCs:    1 out of    1 (100%)
Number of Low Speed OSCs:     0 out of    1   (0%)
Number of RGB PWM:            0 out of    1   (0%)
Number of RGB Drivers:        1 out of    1 (100%)
Number of SCL FILTERs:        0 out of    2   (0%)
Number of SRAMs:              4 out of    4 (100%)
Number of WARMBOOTs:          0 out of    1   (0%)
Number of SPIs:               0 out of    2   (0%)
Number of EBRs:              15 out of   30  (50%)
Number of PLLs:               1 out of    1 (100%)

FPGA Setup

  1. start Lattice Radiant (in GUI mode)
  2. click on "open project" and select neorv32_upduino_v3.rdf from this folder
  3. click the ▶️ button to synthesize, map, place and route the design and to generate a programming file
  4. when done open the programmer (for example via "Tools" -> "Programmer"); you will need a programmer configuration, which will be created in the next steps; alternatively, you can use the pre-build configuration source/impl_1.xcf
  5. in the programmer double click on the field under "Operation" (fast configuration should be the default) and select "External SPI Memory" as "Target Memory"
  6. select "SPI Serial Flash" under "SPI Flash Options / Family"
  7. select "WinBond" under "SPI Flash Options / Vendor"
  8. select "W25Q32" under "SPI Flash Options / Device"
  9. close the dialog by clicking "ok"
  10. click on "Program Device"