2024-04-17 08:11:16 +00:00

2470 lines
78 KiB

// Welcome to tablex!
// Feel free to contribute with any features you think are missing.
// -- table counter --
#let _tablex-table-counter = counter("_tablex-table-counter")
// -- compat --
#let calc-mod(a, b) = {
calc.floor(a) - calc.floor(b * calc.floor(a / b))
// ------------
// -- types --
#let hlinex(
start: 0, end: auto, y: auto,
stroke: auto,
stop-pre-gutter: auto, gutter-restrict: none,
stroke-expand: true,
expand: none
) = (
tablex-dict-type: "hline",
start: start,
end: end,
y: y,
stroke: stroke,
stop-pre-gutter: stop-pre-gutter,
gutter-restrict: gutter-restrict,
stroke-expand: stroke-expand,
expand: expand,
parent: none, // if hline was broken into multiple
#let vlinex(
start: 0, end: auto, x: auto,
stroke: auto,
stop-pre-gutter: auto, gutter-restrict: none,
stroke-expand: true,
expand: none
) = (
tablex-dict-type: "vline",
start: start,
end: end,
x: x,
stroke: stroke,
stop-pre-gutter: stop-pre-gutter,
gutter-restrict: gutter-restrict,
stroke-expand: stroke-expand,
expand: expand,
parent: none,
#let cellx(content,
x: auto, y: auto,
rowspan: 1, colspan: 1,
fill: auto, align: auto,
inset: auto
) = (
tablex-dict-type: "cell",
content: content,
rowspan: rowspan,
colspan: colspan,
align: align,
fill: fill,
inset: inset,
x: x,
y: y,
#let occupied(x: 0, y: 0, parent_x: none, parent_y: none) = (
tablex-dict-type: "occupied",
x: x,
y: y,
parent_x: parent_x,
parent_y: parent_y
// -- end: types --
// -- type checks, transformers and validators --
// Is this a valid dict created by this library?
#let is-tablex-dict(x) = (
type(x) == "dictionary"
and "tablex-dict-type" in x
#let is-tablex-dict-type(x, ..dict_types) = (
and x.tablex-dict-type in dict_types.pos()
#let is-tablex-cell(x) = is-tablex-dict-type(x, "cell")
#let is-tablex-hline(x) = is-tablex-dict-type(x, "hline")
#let is-tablex-vline(x) = is-tablex-dict-type(x, "vline")
#let is-some-tablex-line(x) = is-tablex-dict-type(x, "hline", "vline")
#let is-tablex-occupied(x) = is-tablex-dict-type(x, "occupied")
#let table-item-convert(item, keep_empty: true) = {
if type(item) == "function" { // dynamic cell content
} else if keep_empty and item == () {
} else if type(item) != "dictionary" or "tablex-dict-type" not in item {
} else {
#let rowspanx(length, content, ..cell_options) = {
if is-tablex-cell(content) {
(..content, rowspan: length, ..cell_options.named())
} else {
rowspan: length,
#let colspanx(length, content, ..cell_options) = {
if is-tablex-cell(content) {
(..content, colspan: length, ..cell_options.named())
} else {
colspan: length,
// Get expected amount of cell positions
// in the table (considering colspan and rowspan)
#let get-expected-grid-len(items, col_len: 0) = {
let len = 0
// maximum explicit 'y' specified
let max_explicit_y = items
.filter(c => c.y != auto)
.fold(0, (acc, cell) => {
if (is-tablex-cell(cell)
and type(cell.y) in ("integer", "float")
and cell.y > acc) {
} else {
for item in items {
if is-tablex-cell(item) and item.x == auto and item.y == auto {
// cell occupies (colspan * rowspan) spaces
len += item.colspan * item.rowspan
} else if type(item) == "content" {
len += 1
let rows(len) = calc.ceil(len / col_len)
while rows(len) < max_explicit_y {
len += col_len
#let validate-cols-rows(columns, rows, items: ()) = {
if type(columns) == "integer" {
assert(columns >= 0, message: "Error: Cannot have a negative amount of columns.")
columns = (auto,) * columns
if type(rows) == "integer" {
assert(rows >= 0, message: "Error: Cannot have a negative amount of rows.")
rows = (auto,) * rows
if type(columns) != "array" {
columns = (columns,)
if type(rows) != "array" {
rows = (rows,)
// default empty column to a single auto column
if columns.len() == 0 {
columns = (auto,)
// default empty row to a single auto row
if rows.len() == 0 {
rows = (auto,)
let col_row_is_valid(col_row) = (
col_row == auto or type(col_row) in (
"fraction", "length", "relative length", "ratio"
if not columns.all(col_row_is_valid) {
panic("Invalid column sizes (must all be 'auto' or a valid length specifier).")
if not rows.all(col_row_is_valid) {
panic("Invalid row sizes (must all be 'auto' or a valid length specifier).")
let col_len = columns.len()
let grid_len = get-expected-grid-len(items, col_len: col_len)
let expected_rows = calc.ceil(grid_len / col_len)
// more cells than expected => add rows
if rows.len() < expected_rows {
let missing_rows = expected_rows - rows.len()
rows += (rows.last(),) * missing_rows
let new_items = ()
let is_at_first_column(grid_len) = calc-mod(grid_len, col_len) == 0
while not is_at_first_column(get-expected-grid-len(items + new_items, col_len: col_len)) { // fix incomplete rows
(columns: columns, rows: rows, items: new_items)
// -- end: type checks and validators --
// -- utility functions --
// Which positions does a cell occupy
// (Usually just its own, but increases if colspan / rowspan
// is greater than 1)
#let positions-spanned-by(cell, x: 0, y: 0, x_limit: 0, y_limit: none) = {
let result = ()
let rowspan = if "rowspan" in cell { cell.rowspan } else { 1 }
let colspan = if "colspan" in cell { cell.colspan } else { 1 }
if rowspan < 1 {
panic("Cell rowspan must be 1 or greater (bad cell: " + repr((x, y)) + ")")
} else if colspan < 1 {
panic("Cell colspan must be 1 or greater (bad cell: " + repr((x, y)) + ")")
let max_x = x + colspan
let max_y = y + rowspan
if x_limit != none {
max_x = calc.min(x_limit, max_x)
if y_limit != none {
max_y = calc.min(y_limit, max_y)
for x in range(x, max_x) {
for y in range(y, max_y) {
result.push((x, y))
// initialize an array with a certain element or init function, repeated
#let init-array(amount, element: none, init_function: none) = {
let nones = ()
if init_function == none {
init_function = () => element
range(amount).map(i => init_function())
// Default 'x' to a certain value if it is equal to the forbidden value
// ('none' by default)
#let default-if-not(x, default, if_isnt: none) = {
if x == if_isnt {
} else {
// Default 'x' to a certain value if it is none
#let default-if-none(x, default) = default-if-not(x, default, if_isnt: none)
// Default 'x' to a certain value if it is auto
#let default-if-auto(x, default) = default-if-not(x, default, if_isnt: auto)
// Default 'x' to a certain value if it is auto or none
#let default-if-auto-or-none(x, default) = if x in (auto, none) {
} else {
// The max between a, b, or the other one if either is 'none'.
#let max-if-not-none(a, b) = if a in (none, auto) {
} else if b in (none, auto) {
} else {
calc.max(a, b)
// Backwards-compatible enumerate
#let enumerate(arr) = {
if type(arr) != "array" {
return arr
let new-arr = ()
let i = 0
for x in arr {
new-arr.push((i, x))
i += 1
// Gets the topmost parent of a line.
#let get-top-parent(line) = {
let previous = none
let current = line
while current != none {
previous = current
current = previous.parent
// Convert a certain (non-relative) length to pt
// styles: from style()
// page_size: equivalent to 100%
// frac_amount: amount of 'fr' specified
// frac_total: total space shared by fractions
#let convert-length-to-pt(
styles: none, page_size: none, frac_amount: none, frac_total: none
) = {
page_size = 0pt + page_size
if type(len) == "length" {
if "em" in repr(len) {
if styles == none {
panic("Cannot convert length to pt ('styles' not specified).")
measure(line(length: len), styles).width + 0pt
} else {
len + 0pt // mm, in, pt
} else if type(len) == "ratio" {
if page_size == none {
panic("Cannot convert ratio to pt ('page_size' not specified).")
((len / 1%) / 100) * page_size + 0pt // e.g. 100% / 1% = 100; / 100 = 1; 1 * page_size
} else if type(len) == "fraction" {
if frac_amount == none {
panic("Cannot convert fraction to pt ('frac_amount' not specified).")
if frac_total == none {
panic("Cannot convert fraction to pt ('frac_total' not specified).")
if frac_amount <= 0 {
return 0pt
let len_per_frac = frac_total / frac_amount
(len_per_frac * (len / 1fr)) + 0pt
} else if type(len) == "relative length" {
if styles == none {
panic("Cannot convert relative length to pt ('styles' not specified).")
let ratio_regex = regex("^\\d+%")
let ratio = repr(len).find(ratio_regex)
if ratio == none { // 2em + 5pt (doesn't contain 100% or something)
measure(line(length: len), styles).width
} else { // 100% + 2em + 5pt --> extract the "100%" part
if page_size == none {
panic("Cannot convert relative length to pt ('page_size' not specified).")
// SAFETY: guaranteed to be a ratio by regex
let ratio_part = eval(ratio)
assert(type(ratio_part) == "ratio", message: "Eval didn't return a ratio")
let other_part = len - ratio_part // get the (2em + 5pt) part
let ratio_part_pt = ((ratio_part / 1%) / 100) * page_size
let other_part_pt = 0pt
if other_part < 0pt {
other_part_pt = -measure(line(length: -other_part), styles).width
} else {
other_part_pt = measure(line(length: other_part), styles).width
ratio_part_pt + other_part_pt + 0pt
} else {
panic("Cannot convert '" + type(len) + "' to length.")
// Convert a stroke to its thickness
#let stroke-len(stroke, stroke-auto: 1pt) = {
let stroke = default-if-auto(stroke, stroke-auto)
if type(stroke) in ("length", "relative length") {
} else if type(stroke) == "color" {
} else if type(stroke) == "stroke" { // 2em + blue
let r = regex("^\\d+(?:em|pt|cm|in|%)")
let s = repr(stroke).find(r)
if s == none {
} else {
} else if type(stroke) == "dictionary" and "thickness" in stroke {
} else {
// --- end: utility functions ---
// --- grid functions ---
#let create-grid(width, initial_height) = (
tablex-dict-type: "grid",
items: init-array(width * initial_height),
width: width
#let is-tablex-grid(value) = is-tablex-dict-type("grid")
// Gets the index of (x, y) in a grid's array.
#let grid-index-at(x, y, grid: none, width: none) = {
width = default-if-none(grid, (width: width)).width
width = calc.floor(width)
(y * width) + calc-mod(x, width)
// Gets the cell at the given grid x, y position.
// Width (amount of columns) per line must be known.
// E.g. grid-at(grid, 5, 2, width: 7) => 5th column, 2nd row (7 columns per row)
#let grid-at(grid, x, y) = {
let index = grid-index-at(x, y, width: grid.width)
if index < grid.items.len() {
} else {
// Returns 'true' if the cell at (x, y)
// exists in the grid.
#let grid-has-pos(grid, x, y) = (
grid-index-at(x, y, grid: grid) < grid.items.len()
// How many rows are in this grid? (Given its width)
#let grid-count-rows(grid) = (
calc.floor(grid.items.len() / grid.width)
// Converts a grid array index to (x, y)
#let grid-index-to-pos(grid, index) = (
(calc-mod(index, grid.width), calc.floor(index / grid.width))
// Fetches an entire row of cells (all positions with the given y).
#let grid-get-row(grid, y) = {
range(grid.width).map(x => grid-at(grid, x, y))
// Fetches an entire column of cells (all positions with the given x).
#let grid-get-column(grid, x) = {
range(grid-count-rows(grid)).map(y => grid-at(grid, x, y))
// Expand grid to the given coords (add the missing cells)
#let grid-expand-to(grid, x, y, fill_with: (grid) => none) = {
let rows = grid-count-rows(grid)
let rowws = rows
// quickly add missing rows
while rows < y {
grid.items += (fill_with(grid),) * grid.width
rows += 1
let now = grid-index-to-pos(grid, grid.items.len() - 1)
// now columns and/or last missing row
while not grid-has-pos(grid, x, y) {
let new = grid-index-to-pos(grid, grid.items.len() - 1)
// if occupied (extension of a cell) => get the cell that generated it.
// if a normal cell => return it, untouched.
#let get-parent-cell(cell, grid: none) = {
if is-tablex-occupied(cell) {
grid-at(grid, cell.parent_x, cell.parent_y)
} else if is-tablex-cell(cell) {
} else {
panic("Cannot get parent table cell of a non-cell object: " + repr(cell))
// Return the next position available on the grid
#let next-available-position(
grid, x: 0, y: 0, x_limit: 0, y_limit: 0
) = {
let cell = (x, y)
let there_is_next(cell_pos) = {
let grid_cell = grid-at(grid, ..cell_pos)
grid_cell != none
while there_is_next(cell) {
x += 1
if x >= x_limit {
x = 0
y += 1
cell = (x, y)
if y >= y_limit { // last row reached - stop
// Organize cells in a grid from the given items,
// and also get all given lines
#let generate-grid(items, x_limit: 0, y_limit: 0, map-cells: c => c) = {
// init grid as a matrix
// y_limit x x_limit
let grid = create-grid(x_limit, y_limit)
let grid-index-at = grid-index-at.with(width: x_limit)
let hlines = ()
let vlines = ()
let prev_x = 0
let prev_y = 0
let x = 0
let y = 0
let first_cell_reached = false // if true, hline should always be placed after the current row
let row_wrapped = false // if true, a vline should be added to the end of a row
let range_of_items = range(items.len())
let new_empty_cell(grid, index: auto) = {
let empty_cell = cellx[]
let index = default-if-auto(index, grid.items.len())
let new_cell_pos = grid-index-to-pos(grid, index)
empty_cell.x = new_cell_pos.at(0)
empty_cell.y = new_cell_pos.at(1)
// go through all input
for i in range_of_items {
let item = items.at(i)
// allow specifying () to change vline position
if type(item) == "array" and item.len() == 0 {
if x == 0 and y == 0 { // increment vline's secondary counter
prev_x += 1
continue // ignore all '()'
let item = table-item-convert(item)
if is-some-tablex-line(item) { // detect lines' x, y
if is-tablex-hline(item) {
let this_y = if first_cell_reached {
prev_y + 1
} else {
item.y = default-if-auto(item.y, this_y)
} else if is-tablex-vline(item) {
if item.x == auto {
if x == 0 and y == 0 { // placed before any elements
item.x = prev_x
prev_x += 1 // use this as a 'secondary counter'
// in the meantime
if prev_x > x_limit + 1 {
panic("Error: Specified way too many vlines or empty () cells before the first row of the table. (Note that () is used to separate vline()s at the beginning of the table.) Please specify at most " + str(x_limit + 1) + " empty cells or vlines before the first cell of the table.")
} else if row_wrapped {
item.x = x_limit // allow v_line at the last column
row_wrapped = false
} else {
item.x = x
} else {
panic("Invalid line received (must be hline or vline).")
items.at(i) = item // override item with the new x / y coord set
let cell = item
assert(is-tablex-cell(cell), message: "All table items must be cells or lines.")
first_cell_reached = true
let this_x = default-if-auto(cell.x, x)
let this_y = default-if-auto(cell.y, y)
if cell.x == none or cell.y == none {
panic("Error: Received cell with 'none' as x or y.")
if this_x == none or this_y == none {
panic("Internal tablex error: Grid wasn't large enough to fit the given cells. (Previous position: " + repr((prev_x, prev_y)) + ", new cell: " + repr(cell) + ")")
cell.x = this_x
cell.y = this_y
cell = table-item-convert(map-cells(cell))
assert(is-tablex-cell(cell), message: "Tablex error: 'map-cells' returned something that isn't a valid cell.")
if row_wrapped {
row_wrapped = false
let content = cell.content
let content = if type(content) == "function" {
let res = content(this_x, this_y)
if is-tablex-cell(res) {
cell = res
this_x = cell.x
this_y = cell.y
} else {
} else {
if this_x == none or this_y == none {
panic("Error: Cell with function as content returned another cell with 'none' as x or y!")
if type(this_x) != "integer" or type(this_y) != "integer" {
panic("Error: Cell coordinates must be integers. Invalid pair: " + repr((this_x, this_y)))
cell.content = content
// up to which 'y' does this cell go
let max_x = this_x + cell.colspan - 1
let max_y = this_y + cell.rowspan - 1
if this_x >= x_limit {
panic("Error: Cell at " + repr((this_x, this_y)) + " is placed at an inexistent column.")
if max_x >= x_limit {
panic("Error: Cell at " + repr((this_x, this_y)) + " has a colspan of " + repr(cell.colspan) + ", which would exceed the available columns.")
let cell_positions = positions-spanned-by(cell, x: this_x, y: this_y, x_limit: x_limit, y_limit: none)
for position in cell_positions {
let px = position.at(0)
let py = position.at(1)
let currently_there = grid-at(grid, px, py)
if currently_there != none {
let parent_cell = get-parent-cell(currently_there, grid: grid)
panic("Error: Multiple cells attempted to occupy the cell position at " + repr((px, py)) + ": one starting at " + repr((this_x, this_y)) + ", and one starting at " + repr((parent_cell.x, parent_cell.y)))
// initial position => assign it to the cell's x/y
if position == (this_x, this_y) {
cell.x = this_x
cell.y = this_y
// expand grid to allow placing this cell (including colspan / rowspan)
let grid_expand_res = grid-expand-to(grid, grid.width - 1, max_y)
grid = grid_expand_res
y_limit = grid-count-rows(grid)
let index = grid-index-at(this_x, this_y)
if index > grid.items.len() {
panic("Internal tablex error: Could not expand grid to include cell at " + repr((this_x, this_y)))
grid.items.at(index) = cell
items.at(i) = cell
// other secondary position (from colspan / rowspan)
} else {
let index = grid-index-at(px, py)
grid.items.at(index) = occupied(x: px, y: py, parent_x: this_x, parent_y: this_y) // indicate this position's parent cell (to join them later)
let next_pos = next-available-position(grid, x: this_x, y: this_y, x_limit: x_limit, y_limit: y_limit)
prev_x = this_x
prev_y = this_y
x = next_pos.at(0)
y = next_pos.at(1)
if prev_y != y {
row_wrapped = true // we changed rows!
// for missing cell positions: add empty cell
for index_item in enumerate(grid.items) {
let index = index_item.at(0)
let item = index_item.at(1)
if item == none {
grid.items.at(index) = new_empty_cell(grid, index: index)
// while there are incomplete rows for some reason, add empty cells
while calc-mod(grid.items.len(), grid.width) != 0 {
grid: grid,
items: grid.items,
hlines: hlines,
vlines: vlines,
new_row_count: grid-count-rows(grid)
// -- end: grid functions --
// -- col/row size functions --
// Makes a cell's box, using the given options
// cell - The cell data (including content)
// width, height - The cell's dimensions
// inset - The table's inset
// align_default - The default alignment if the cell doesn't specify one
// fill_default - The default fill color / etc if the cell doesn't specify one
#let make-cell-box(
width: 0pt, height: 0pt, inset: 5pt,
align_default: left,
fill_default: none) = {
let align_default = if type(align_default) == "function" {
align_default(cell.x, cell.y) // column, row
} else {
let fill_default = if type(fill_default) == "function" {
fill_default(cell.x, cell.y) // row, column
} else {
let content = cell.content
let inset = default-if-auto(cell.inset, inset)
// use default align (specified in
// table 'align:')
// when the cell align is 'auto'
let cell_align = default-if-auto(cell.align, align_default)
// same here for fill
let cell_fill = default-if-auto(cell.fill, fill_default)
if cell_align != auto and type(cell_align) not in ("alignment", "2d alignment") {
panic("Invalid alignment specified (must be either a function (row, column) -> alignment, an alignment value - such as 'left' or 'center + top' -, or 'auto').")
let aligned_cell_content = if cell_align == auto {
} else {
width: width, height: height,
inset: inset, fill: cell_fill,
// avoid #set problems
baseline: 0pt,
outset: 0pt, radius: 0pt, stroke: none,
// Sums the sizes of fixed-size tracks (cols/rows). Anything else
// (auto, 1fr, ...) is ignored.
#let sum-fixed-size-tracks(tracks) = {
tracks.fold(0pt, (acc, el) => {
if type(el) == "length" {
acc + el
} else {
// Calculate the size of fraction tracks (cols/rows) (1fr, 2fr, ...),
// based on the remaining sizes (after fixed-size and auto columns)
#let determine-frac-tracks(tracks, remaining: 0pt, gutter: none) = {
let frac-tracks = enumerate(tracks).filter(t => type(t.at(1)) == "fraction")
let amount-frac = frac-tracks.fold(0, (acc, el) => acc + (el.at(1) / 1fr))
if type(gutter) == "fraction" {
amount-frac += (gutter / 1fr) * (tracks.len() - 1)
let frac-width = if amount-frac > 0 {
remaining / amount-frac
} else {
if type(gutter) == "fraction" {
gutter = frac-width * (gutter / 1fr)
for i_size in frac-tracks {
let i = i_size.at(0)
let size = i_size.at(1)
tracks.at(i) = frac-width * (size / 1fr)
(tracks: tracks, gutter: gutter)
// Gets the last (rightmost) auto column a cell is inserted in, for
// due expansion
#let get-colspan-last-auto-col(cell, columns: none) = {
let cell_cols = range(cell.x, cell.x + cell.colspan)
let last_auto_col = none
for i_col in enumerate(columns).filter(i_col => i_col.at(0) in cell_cols) {
let i = i_col.at(0)
let col = i_col.at(1)
if col == auto {
last_auto_col = max-if-not-none(last_auto_col, i)
// Gets the last (bottom-most) auto row a cell is inserted in, for
// due expansion
#let get-rowspan-last-auto-row(cell, rows: none) = {
let cell_rows = range(cell.y, cell.y + cell.rowspan)
let last_auto_row = none
for i_row in enumerate(rows).filter(i_row => i_row.at(0) in cell_rows) {
let i = i_row.at(0)
let row = i_row.at(1)
if row == auto {
last_auto_row = max-if-not-none(last_auto_row, i)
// Given a cell that may span one or more columns, sums the
// sizes of the columns it spans, when those columns have fixed sizes.
// Useful to subtract from the total width to find out how much more
// should an auto column extend to have that cell fit in the table.
#let get-colspan-fixed-size-covered(cell, columns: none) = {
let cell_cols = range(cell.x, cell.x + cell.colspan)
let size = 0pt
for i_col in enumerate(columns).filter(i_col => i_col.at(0) in cell_cols) {
let i = i_col.at(0)
let col = i_col.at(1)
if type(col) == "length" {
size += col
// Given a cell that may span one or more rows, sums the
// sizes of the rows it spans, when those rows have fixed sizes.
// Useful to subtract from the total height to find out how much more
// should an auto row extend to have that cell fit in the table.
#let get-rowspan-fixed-size-covered(cell, rows: none) = {
let cell_rows = range(cell.y, cell.y + cell.rowspan)
let size = 0pt
for i_row in enumerate(rows).filter(i_row => i_row.at(0) in cell_rows) {
let i = i_row.at(0)
let row = i_row.at(1)
if type(row) == "length" {
size += row
// calculate the size of auto columns (based on the max width of their cells)
#let determine-auto-columns(grid: (), styles: none, columns: none, inset: none) = {
assert(styles != none, message: "Cannot measure auto columns without styles")
let total_auto_size = 0pt
let auto_sizes = ()
let new_columns = columns
for i_col in enumerate(columns) {
let i = i_col.at(0)
let col = i_col.at(1)
if col == auto {
// max cell width
let col_size = grid-get-column(grid, i)
.fold(0pt, (max, cell) => {
if cell == none {
panic("Not enough cells specified for the given amount of rows and columns.")
let pcell = get-parent-cell(cell, grid: grid) // in case this is a colspan
let last_auto_col = get-colspan-last-auto-col(pcell, columns: columns)
// only expand the last auto column of a colspan,
// and only the amount necessary that isn't already
// covered by fixed size columns.
if last_auto_col == i {
// take extra inset as extra width or height on 'auto'
let cell_inset = default-if-auto(pcell.inset, inset)
let cell_inset = convert-length-to-pt(cell_inset, styles: styles)
let width = measure(pcell.content, styles).width + 2*cell_inset
let fixed_size = get-colspan-fixed-size-covered(pcell, columns: columns)
calc.max(max, width - fixed_size, 0pt)
} else {
total_auto_size += col_size
auto_sizes.push((i, col_size))
new_columns.at(i) = col_size
(total: total_auto_size, sizes: auto_sizes, columns: new_columns)
#let fit-auto-columns(available: 0pt, auto_cols: none, columns: none) = {
let remaining = available
let auto_cols_remaining = auto_cols.len()
if auto_cols_remaining <= 0 {
return columns
let fair_share = remaining / auto_cols_remaining
for i_col in auto_cols {
let i = i_col.at(0)
let col = i_col.at(1)
auto_cols_remaining -= 1
if auto_cols_remaining <= 0 {
return columns // no more to share
if col < fair_share { // ok, keep your size, it's less than the limit
remaining -= col
fair_share = remaining / auto_cols_remaining
} else { // you surpassed the limit!!!
remaining -= fair_share
columns.at(i) = fair_share
#let determine-column-sizes(grid: (), page_width: 0pt, styles: none, columns: none, inset: none, col-gutter: none) = {
let columns = columns.map(c => {
if type(c) in ("length", "relative length", "ratio") {
convert-length-to-pt(c, styles: styles, page_size: page_width)
} else if c == none {
} else {
// what is the fixed size of the gutter?
// (calculate it later if it's fractional)
let fixed-size-gutter = if type(col-gutter) == "length" {
} else {
let total_fixed_size = sum-fixed-size-tracks(columns) + fixed-size-gutter * (columns.len() - 1)
let available_size = page_width - total_fixed_size
// page_width == 0pt => page width is 'auto'
// so we don't have to restrict our table's size
if available_size >= 0pt or page_width == 0pt {
let auto_cols_result = determine-auto-columns(grid: grid, styles: styles, columns: columns, inset: inset)
let total_auto_size = auto_cols_result.total
let auto_sizes = auto_cols_result.sizes
columns = auto_cols_result.columns
let remaining_size = available_size - total_auto_size
if remaining_size >= 0pt {
let frac_res = determine-frac-tracks(
remaining: remaining_size,
gutter: col-gutter
columns = frac_res.tracks
fixed-size-gutter = frac_res.gutter
} else {
// don't shrink on width 'auto'
if page_width != 0pt {
columns = fit-auto-columns(
available: available_size,
auto_cols: auto_sizes,
columns: columns
columns = columns.map(c => {
if type(c) == "fraction" {
0pt // no space left to be divided
} else {
} else {
columns = columns.map(c => {
if c == auto or type(c) == "fraction" {
0pt // no space remaining!
} else {
columns: columns,
gutter: if col-gutter == none {
} else {
// calculate the size of auto rows (based on the max height of their cells)
#let determine-auto-rows(grid: (), styles: none, columns: none, rows: none, align: auto, inset: none) = {
assert(styles != none, message: "Cannot measure auto rows without styles")
let total_auto_size = 0pt
let auto_sizes = ()
let new_rows = rows
for i_row in enumerate(rows) {
let i = i_row.at(0)
let row = i_row.at(1)
if row == auto {
// max cell height
let row_size = grid-get-row(grid, i)
.fold(0pt, (max, cell) => {
if cell == none {
panic("Not enough cells specified for the given amount of rows and columns.")
let pcell = get-parent-cell(cell, grid: grid) // in case this is a rowspan
let last_auto_row = get-rowspan-last-auto-row(pcell, rows: rows)
// only expand the last auto row of a rowspan,
// and only the amount necessary that isn't already
// covered by fixed size rows.
if last_auto_row == i {
let width = get-colspan-fixed-size-covered(pcell, columns: columns)
// take extra inset as extra width or height on 'auto'
let cell_inset = default-if-auto(pcell.inset, inset)
let cell_inset = convert-length-to-pt(cell_inset, styles: styles)
let cell-box = make-cell-box(
width: width, height: auto,
inset: cell_inset, align_default: align
// measure the cell's actual height,
// with its calculated width
// and with other constraints
let height = measure(cell-box, styles).height// + 2*cell_inset (box already considers inset)
let fixed_size = get-rowspan-fixed-size-covered(pcell, rows: rows)
calc.max(max, height - fixed_size, 0pt)
} else {
total_auto_size += row_size
auto_sizes.push((i, row_size))
new_rows.at(i) = row_size
(total: total_auto_size, sizes: auto_sizes, rows: new_rows)
#let determine-row-sizes(grid: (), page_height: 0pt, styles: none, columns: none, rows: none, align: auto, inset: none, row-gutter: none) = {
let rows = rows.map(r => {
if type(r) in ("length", "relative length", "ratio") {
convert-length-to-pt(r, styles: styles, page_size: page_height)
} else {
let auto_rows_res = determine-auto-rows(
grid: grid, columns: columns, rows: rows, styles: styles, align: align, inset: inset
let auto_size = auto_rows_res.total
rows = auto_rows_res.rows
// what is the fixed size of the gutter?
// (calculate it later if it's fractional)
let fixed-size-gutter = if type(row-gutter) == "length" {
} else {
let remaining = page_height - sum-fixed-size-tracks(rows) - auto_size - fixed-size-gutter * (rows.len() - 1)
if remaining >= 0pt { // split fractions in one page
let frac_res = determine-frac-tracks(rows, remaining: remaining, gutter: row-gutter)
rows: frac_res.tracks,
gutter: frac_res.gutter
} else {
rows: rows.map(r => {
if type(r) == "fraction" { // no space remaining in this page or box
} else {
gutter: if row-gutter == none {
} else {
// Determine the size of 'auto' and 'fr' columns and rows
#let determine-auto-column-row-sizes(
grid: (),
page_width: 0pt, page_height: 0pt,
styles: none,
columns: none, rows: none,
inset: none, gutter: none,
align: auto,
) = {
let inset = convert-length-to-pt(inset, styles: styles)
let columns_res = determine-column-sizes(
grid: grid,
page_width: page_width, styles: styles, columns: columns,
inset: inset,
col-gutter: gutter.col
columns = columns_res.columns
gutter.col = columns_res.gutter
let rows_res = determine-row-sizes(
grid: grid,
page_height: page_height, styles: styles,
columns: columns, // so we consider available width
rows: rows,
inset: inset,
align: align,
row-gutter: gutter.row
rows = rows_res.rows
gutter.row = rows_res.gutter
columns: columns,
rows: rows,
gutter: gutter
// -- end: col/row size functions --
// -- width/height utilities --
#let width-between(start: 0, end: none, columns: (), gutter: none, pre-gutter: false) = {
let col-gutter = default-if-none(default-if-none(gutter, (col: 0pt)).col, 0pt)
end = default-if-none(end, columns.len())
let col_range = range(start, calc.min(columns.len() + 1, end))
let sum = 0pt
for i in col_range {
sum += columns.at(i) + col-gutter
// if the end is after all columns, there is
// no gutter at the end.
if pre-gutter or end == columns.len() {
sum = calc.max(0pt, sum - col-gutter) // remove extra gutter from last col
#let height-between(start: 0, end: none, rows: (), gutter: none, pre-gutter: false) = {
let row-gutter = default-if-none(default-if-none(gutter, (row: 0pt)).row, 0pt)
end = default-if-none(end, rows.len())
let row_range = range(start, calc.min(rows.len() + 1, end))
let sum = 0pt
for i in row_range {
sum += rows.at(i) + row-gutter
// if the end is after all rows, there is
// no gutter at the end.
if pre-gutter or end == rows.len() {
sum = calc.max(0pt, sum - row-gutter) // remove extra gutter from last row
#let cell-width(x, colspan: 1, columns: (), gutter: none) = {
width-between(start: x, end: x + colspan, columns: columns, gutter: gutter, pre-gutter: true)
#let cell-height(y, rowspan: 1, rows: (), gutter: none) = {
height-between(start: y, end: y + rowspan, rows: rows, gutter: gutter, pre-gutter: true)
// overide start and end for vlines and hlines (keep styling options and stuff)
#let v-or-hline-with-span(v_or_hline, start: none, end: none) = {
start: start,
end: end,
parent: v_or_hline // the one that generated this
// check the subspan a hline or vline goes through inside a larger span
#let get-included-span(l_start, l_end, start: 0, end: 0, limit: 0) = {
if l_start in (none, auto) {
l_start = 0
if l_end in (none, auto) {
l_end = limit
l_start = calc.max(0, l_start)
l_end = calc.min(end, limit)
// ---- ==== or ==== ----
if l_end < start or l_start > end {
return none
// --##== ; ==##-- ; #### ; ... : intersection.
(calc.max(l_start, start), calc.min(l_end, end))
// restrict hlines and vlines to the cells' borders.
// i.e.
// | (vline)
// |
// (hline) ----====--- (= and || indicate intersection)
// | ||
// ---- <--- sample cell
#let v-and-hline-spans-for-cell(cell, hlines: (), vlines: (), x_limit: 0, y_limit: 0, grid: ()) = {
// only draw lines from the parent cell
if is-tablex-occupied(cell) {
return (
hlines: (),
vlines: ()
let hlines = hlines
.filter(h => {
let y = h.y
let in_top_or_bottom = y in (cell.y, cell.y + cell.rowspan)
let hline_hasnt_already_ended = (
h.end in (auto, none) // always goes towards the right
or h.end >= cell.x + cell.colspan // ends at or after this cell
and hline_hasnt_already_ended)
.map(h => {
// get the intersection between the hline and the cell's x-span.
let span = get-included-span(h.start, h.end, start: cell.x, end: cell.x + cell.colspan, limit: x_limit)
if span == none { // no intersection!
} else {
v-or-hline-with-span(h, start: span.at(0), end: span.at(1))
.filter(x => x != none)
let vlines = vlines
.filter(v => {
let x = v.x
let at_left_or_right = x in (cell.x, cell.x + cell.colspan)
let vline_hasnt_already_ended = (
v.end in (auto, none) // always goes towards the bottom
or v.end >= cell.y + cell.rowspan // ends at or after this cell
and vline_hasnt_already_ended)
.map(v => {
// get the intersection between the hline and the cell's x-span.
let span = get-included-span(v.start, v.end, start: cell.y, end: cell.y + cell.rowspan, limit: y_limit)
if span == none { // no intersection!
} else {
v-or-hline-with-span(v, start: span.at(0), end: span.at(1))
.filter(x => x != none)
hlines: hlines,
vlines: vlines
// Are two hlines the same?
// (Check to avoid double drawing)
#let is-same-hline(a, b) = (
and is-tablex-hline(b)
and a.y == b.y
and a.start == b.start
and a.end == b.end
and a.gutter-restrict == b.gutter-restrict
#let _largest-stroke-among-lines(lines, stroke-auto: 1pt) = (
calc.max(0pt, ..lines.map(l => stroke-len(l.stroke, stroke-auto: stroke-auto)))
#let _largest-stroke-among-hlines-at-y(y, hlines: none, stroke-auto: 1pt) = {
_largest-stroke-among-lines(hlines.filter(h => h.y == y), stroke-auto: stroke-auto)
#let _largest-stroke-among-vlines-at-x(x, vlines: none, stroke-auto: 1pt) = {
_largest-stroke-among-lines(vlines.filter(v => v.x == x), stroke-auto: stroke-auto)
// -- end: width/height utilities --
// -- drawing --
#let parse-stroke(stroke) = {
if type(stroke) == "color" {
stroke + 1pt
} else if type(stroke) in ("length", "relative length", "ratio", "stroke", "dictionary") or stroke in (none, auto) {
} else {
panic("Invalid stroke '" + repr(stroke) + "'.")
// How much should this line expand?
// If it's not at the edge of the parent line => don't expand
// spanned-tracks-len: row_len (if vline), col_len (if hline)
#let get-actual-expansion(line, spanned-tracks-len: 0) = {
// TODO: better handle negative expansion
if line.expand in (none, (none, none), auto, (auto, auto)) {
return (none, none)
if type(line.expand) != "array" {
line.expand = (line.expand, line.expand)
let parent = get-top-parent(line)
let parent-start = default-if-auto-or-none(parent.start, 0)
let parent-end = default-if-auto-or-none(parent.end, spanned-tracks-len)
let start = default-if-auto-or-none(line.start, 0)
let end = default-if-auto-or-none(line.end, spanned-tracks-len)
let expansion = (none, none)
if start == parent-start { // starts where its parent starts
expansion.at(0) = default-if-auto(line.expand.at(0), 0pt) // => expand to the left
if end == parent-end { // ends where its parent ends
expansion.at(1) = default-if-auto(line.expand.at(1), 0pt) // => expand to the right
#let draw-hline(hline, initial_x: 0, initial_y: 0, columns: (), rows: (), stroke: auto, vlines: (), gutter: none, pre-gutter: false) = {
let start = hline.start
let end = hline.end
let stroke-auto = parse-stroke(stroke)
let stroke = default-if-auto(hline.stroke, stroke)
let stroke = parse-stroke(stroke)
if default-if-auto-or-none(start, 0) == default-if-auto-or-none(end, columns.len()) { return }
if (pre-gutter and hline.gutter-restrict == bottom) or (not pre-gutter and hline.gutter-restrict == top) {
let expand = get-actual-expansion(hline, spanned-tracks-len: columns.len())
let left-expand = default-if-auto-or-none(expand.at(0), 0pt)
let right-expand = default-if-auto-or-none(expand.at(1), 0pt)
if default-if-auto(hline.stroke-expand, true) == true {
let largest-stroke = _largest-stroke-among-vlines-at-x.with(vlines: vlines, stroke-auto: stroke-auto)
left-expand += largest-stroke(default-if-auto-or-none(start, 0)) / 2 // expand to the left to close stroke gap
right-expand += largest-stroke(default-if-auto-or-none(end, columns.len())) / 2 // close stroke gap to the right
let y = height-between(start: initial_y, end: hline.y, rows: rows, gutter: gutter, pre-gutter: pre-gutter)
let start_x = width-between(start: initial_x, end: start, columns: columns, gutter: gutter, pre-gutter: false) - left-expand
let end_x = width-between(start: initial_x, end: end, columns: columns, gutter: gutter, pre-gutter: hline.stop-pre-gutter == true) + right-expand
if end_x - start_x < 0pt {
return // negative length
let start = (
let end = (
if stroke != auto {
if stroke != none {
line(start: start, end: end, stroke: stroke)
} else {
line(start: start, end: end)
#let draw-vline(vline, initial_x: 0, initial_y: 0, columns: (), rows: (), stroke: auto, gutter: none, hlines: (), pre-gutter: false, stop-before-row-gutter: false) = {
let start = vline.start
let end = vline.end
let stroke-auto = parse-stroke(stroke)
let stroke = default-if-auto(vline.stroke, stroke)
let stroke = parse-stroke(stroke)
if default-if-auto-or-none(start, 0) == default-if-auto-or-none(end, rows.len()) { return }
if (pre-gutter and vline.gutter-restrict == right) or (not pre-gutter and vline.gutter-restrict == left) {
let expand = get-actual-expansion(vline, spanned-tracks-len: rows.len())
let top-expand = default-if-auto-or-none(expand.at(0), 0pt)
let bottom-expand = default-if-auto-or-none(expand.at(1), 0pt)
if default-if-auto(vline.stroke-expand, true) == true {
let largest-stroke = _largest-stroke-among-hlines-at-y.with(hlines: hlines, stroke-auto: stroke-auto)
top-expand += largest-stroke(default-if-auto-or-none(start, 0)) / 2 // close stroke gap to the top
bottom-expand += largest-stroke(default-if-auto-or-none(end, rows.len())) / 2 // close stroke gap to the bottom
let x = width-between(start: initial_x, end: vline.x, columns: columns, gutter: gutter, pre-gutter: pre-gutter)
let start_y = height-between(start: initial_y, end: start, rows: rows, gutter: gutter) - top-expand
let end_y = height-between(start: initial_y, end: end, rows: rows, gutter: gutter, pre-gutter: stop-before-row-gutter or vline.stop-pre-gutter == true) + bottom-expand
if end_y - start_y < 0pt {
return // negative length
let start = (
let end = (
if stroke != auto {
if stroke != none {
line(start: start, end: end, stroke: stroke)
} else {
line(start: start, end: end)
// -- end: drawing
// main functions
// Gets a state variable that holds the page's max x ("width") and max y ("height"),
// considering the left and top margins.
// Requires placing 'get-page-dim-writer(the_returned_state)' on the
// document.
// The id is to differentiate the state for each table.
#let get-page-dim-state(id) = state("tablex_tablex_page_dims__" + repr(id), (width: 0pt, height: 0pt, top_left: none, bottom_right: none))
// A little trick to get the page max width and max height.
// Places a component on the page (or outer container)'s top left,
// and one on the page's bottom right, and subtracts their coordinates.
// Must be fed a state variable, which is updated with (width: max x, height: max y).
// The content it returns must be placed in the document for the page state to be
// written to.
// NOTE: This function cannot differentiate between the actual page
// and a possible box or block where the component using this function
// could be contained in.
#let get-page-dim-writer() = locate(w_loc => {
let table_id = _tablex-table-counter.at(w_loc)
let page_dim_state = get-page-dim-state(table_id)
place(top + left, locate(loc => {
page_dim_state.update(s => {
if s.top_left != none {
} else {
let pos = loc.position()
let width = s.width - pos.x
let height = s.width - pos.y
(width: width, height: height, top_left: pos, bottom_right: s.bottom_right)
place(bottom + right, locate(loc => {
page_dim_state.update(s => {
if s.bottom_right != none {
} else {
let pos = loc.position()
let width = s.width + pos.x
let height = s.width + pos.y
(width: width, height: height, top_left: s.top_left, bottom_right: pos)
// Draws a row group using locate() and a block().
#let draw-row-group(
is-header: false,
header-pages-state: none,
first-row-group: none,
columns: none, rows: none,
stroke: none,
gutter: none,
repeat-header: false,
styles: none,
min-pos: none,
max-pos: none,
header-hlines-have-priority: true,
table-loc: none,
total-width: none,
global-hlines: (),
global-vlines: (),
) = {
let width-between = width-between.with(columns: columns, gutter: gutter)
let height-between = height-between.with(rows: rows, gutter: gutter)
let draw-hline = draw-hline.with(columns: columns, rows: rows, stroke: stroke, gutter: gutter, vlines: global-vlines)
let draw-vline = draw-vline.with(columns: columns, rows: rows, stroke: stroke, gutter: gutter, hlines: global-hlines)
let group-rows = row-group.rows
let hlines = row-group.hlines
let vlines = row-group.vlines
let start-y = row-group.y_span.at(0)
let end-y = row-group.y_span.at(1)
locate(loc => {
// let old_page = latest-page-state.at(loc)
// let this_page = loc.page()
// let page_turned = not is-header and old_page not in (this_page, -1)
let pos = loc.position()
let page = pos.page
let rel_page = page - table-loc.page() + 1
let at_top = pos.y == min-pos.y // to guard against re-draw issues
let header_pages = header-pages-state.at(loc)
let header_count = header_pages.len()
let page_turned = page not in header_pages
// draw row group
breakable: false,
fill: none, radius: 0pt, stroke: none,
let added_header_height = 0pt // if we added a header, move down
// page turned => add header
if page_turned and at_top and not is-header {
if repeat-header != false {
header-pages-state.update(l => l + (page,))
if (repeat-header == true) or (type(repeat-header) == "integer" and rel_page <= repeat-header) or (type(repeat-header) == "array" and rel_page in repeat-header) {
let measures = measure(first-row-group.content, styles)
place(top+left, first-row-group.content) // add header
added_header_height = measures.height
let row_gutter_dy = default-if-none(gutter.row, 0pt)
// move lines down by the height of the added header
show line: place.with(top + left, dy: added_header_height)
let first_x = none
let first_y = none
let row_heights = 0pt
let first_row = true
for row in group-rows {
if row.len() > 0 {
let first_cell = row.at(0)
row_heights += rows.at(first_cell.cell.y)
for cell_box in row {
let x = cell_box.cell.x
let y = cell_box.cell.y
first_x = default-if-none(first_x, x)
first_y = default-if-none(first_y, y)
// place the cell!
dx: width-between(start: first_x, end: x),
dy: height-between(start: first_y, end: y) + added_header_height,
// let box_h = measure(cell_box.box, styles).height
// tallest_box_h = calc.max(tallest_box_h, box_h)
first_row = false
let row_group_height = row_heights + added_header_height + (row_gutter_dy * group-rows.len())
let is_last_row = pos.y + row_group_height + row_gutter_dy >= max-pos.y
if is_last_row {
row_group_height -= row_gutter_dy
// one less gutter at the end
hide(rect(width: total-width, height: row_group_height))
let draw-hline = draw-hline.with(initial_x: first_x, initial_y: first_y)
let draw-vline = draw-vline.with(initial_x: first_x, initial_y: first_y)
let header_last_y = if first-row-group != none {
} else {
// if this is the second row, and the header's hlines
// do not have priority (thus are not drawn by them,
// otherwise they'd repeat on every page), then
// we draw its hlines for the header, below it.
let hlines = if not header-hlines-have-priority and not is-header and start-y == header_last_y + 1 {
let hlines_below_header = first-row-group.row_group.hlines.filter(h => h.y == header_last_y + 1)
hlines + hlines_below_header
} else {
for hline in hlines {
// only draw the top hline
// if header's wasn't already drawn
if hline.y == start-y {
let header_last_y = if first-row-group != none {
} else {
if not header-hlines-have-priority and not is-header and start-y == header_last_y + 1 {
// second row (after header, and it has no hline priority).
draw-hline(hline, pre-gutter: false)
} else if hline.y == 0 or (gutter.row != none and hline.gutter-restrict == top) {
draw-hline(hline, pre-gutter: false)
} else if page_turned and (added_header_height == 0pt or not header-hlines-have-priority) {
draw-hline(hline, pre-gutter: false)
// no header repeated, but still at the top of the current page
} else {
if hline.y == end-y + 1 and (
(is-header and not header-hlines-have-priority)
or (gutter.row != none and hline.gutter-restrict == top)) {
continue // the next row group should draw this
// normally, only draw the bottom hlines
draw-hline(hline, pre-gutter: true)
// don't draw the post-row gutter hline
// if this is the last row in the page
// or the last row in the whole table
if gutter.row != none and hline.y < rows.len() and not is_last_row {
draw-hline(hline, pre-gutter: false)
for vline in vlines {
draw-vline(vline, pre-gutter: true, stop-before-row-gutter: is_last_row)
// don't draw the post-col gutter vline
// if this is the last vline
if gutter.col != none and vline.x < columns.len() {
draw-vline(vline, pre-gutter: false, stop-before-row-gutter: is_last_row)
// Generates groups of rows.
// By default, 1 row + rows from its rowspan cells = 1 row group.
// The first row group is the header, which is repeated across pages.
#let generate-row-groups(
grid: none,
columns: none, rows: none,
stroke: none, inset: none,
gutter: none,
fill: none,
align: none,
hlines: none, vlines: none,
repeat-header: false,
styles: none,
header-hlines-have-priority: true,
min-pos: none,
max-pos: none,
header-rows: 1,
table-loc: none,
table-id: none,
) = {
let col_len = columns.len()
let row_len = rows.len()
// specialize some functions for the given grid, columns and rows
let v-and-hline-spans-for-cell = v-and-hline-spans-for-cell.with(vlines: vlines, x_limit: col_len, y_limit: row_len, grid: grid)
let cell-width = cell-width.with(columns: columns, gutter: gutter)
let cell-height = cell-height.with(rows: rows, gutter: gutter)
let width-between = width-between.with(columns: columns, gutter: gutter)
let height-between = height-between.with(rows: rows, gutter: gutter)
// each row group is an unbreakable unit of rows.
// In general, they're just one row. However, they can be multiple rows
// if one of their cells spans multiple rows.
let first_row_group = none
let header_pages = state("tablex_tablex_header_pages__" + repr(table-id), (table-loc.page(),))
let this_row_group = (rows: ((),), hlines: (), vlines: (), y_span: (0, 0))
let total_width = width-between(end: none)
let row_group_add_counter = 1 // how many more rows are going to be added to the latest row group
let current_row = 0
let header_rows_count = calc.min(row_len, header-rows)
for row in range(0, row_len) {
// maximum cell total rowspan in this row
let max_rowspan = 0
for column in range(0, col_len) {
let cell = grid-at(grid, column, row)
let lines_dict = v-and-hline-spans-for-cell(cell, hlines: hlines)
let hlines = lines_dict.hlines
let vlines = lines_dict.vlines
if is-tablex-cell(cell) {
// ensure row-spanned rows are in the same group
row_group_add_counter = calc.max(row_group_add_counter, cell.rowspan)
let width = cell-width(cell.x, colspan: cell.colspan)
let height = cell-height(cell.y, rowspan: cell.rowspan)
let cell_box = make-cell-box(
width: width, height: height, inset: inset,
align_default: align,
fill_default: fill)
this_row_group.rows.last().push((cell: cell, box: cell_box))
let hlines = hlines
.filter(h =>
.len() == 0)
let vlines = vlines
.filter(v => v not in this_row_group.vlines)
this_row_group.hlines += hlines
this_row_group.vlines += vlines
current_row += 1
row_group_add_counter = calc.max(0, row_group_add_counter - 1) // one row added
header_rows_count = calc.max(0, header_rows_count - 1) // ensure at least the amount of requested header rows was added
// added all pertaining rows to the group
// now we can draw it
if row_group_add_counter <= 0 and header_rows_count <= 0 {
row_group_add_counter = 1
let row_group = this_row_group
// get where the row starts and where it ends
let start_y = row_group.y_span.at(0)
let end_y = row_group.y_span.at(1)
let next_y = end_y + 1
this_row_group = (rows: ((),), hlines: (), vlines: (), y_span: (next_y, next_y))
let is_header = first_row_group == none
let content = draw-row-group(
is-header: is_header,
header-pages-state: header_pages,
first-row-group: first_row_group,
columns: columns, rows: rows,
stroke: stroke,
gutter: gutter,
repeat-header: repeat-header,
total-width: total_width,
table-loc: table-loc,
header-hlines-have-priority: header-hlines-have-priority,
min-pos: min-pos,
max-pos: max-pos,
styles: styles,
global-hlines: hlines,
global-vlines: vlines,
if is_header { // this is now the header group.
first_row_group = (row_group: row_group, content: content) // 'content' to repeat later
} else {
this_row_group.y_span.at(1) += 1
// -- end: main functions
// option parsing functions
#let _parse-lines(
hlines, vlines,
page-width: none, page-height: none,
styles: none
) = {
let parse-func(line, page-size: none) = {
line.stroke-expand = line.stroke-expand == true
line.expand = default-if-auto(line.expand, none)
if type(line.expand) != "array" and line.expand != none {
line.expand = (line.expand, line.expand)
line.expand = if line.expand == none {
} else {
line.expand.slice(0, 2).map(e => {
if e == none {
} else {
e = default-if-auto(e, 0pt)
if type(e) not in ("length", "relative length", "ratio") {
panic("'expand' argument to lines must be a pair (length, length).")
convert-length-to-pt(e, styles: styles, page_size: page-size)
hlines: hlines.map(parse-func.with(page-size: page-width)),
vlines: vlines.map(parse-func.with(page-size: page-height))
// Parses 'auto-lines', generating the corresponding lists of
// new hlines and vlines
#let generate-autolines(auto-lines: false, auto-hlines: auto, auto-vlines: auto, hlines: none, vlines: none, col_len: none, row_len: none) = {
let auto-hlines = default-if-auto(auto-hlines, auto-lines)
let auto-vlines = default-if-auto(auto-vlines, auto-lines)
let new_hlines = ()
let new_vlines = ()
if auto-hlines {
new_hlines = range(0, row_len + 1)
.filter(y => hlines.filter(h => h.y == y).len() == 0)
.map(y => hlinex(y: y))
if auto-vlines {
new_vlines = range(0, col_len + 1)
.filter(x => vlines.filter(v => v.x == x).len() == 0)
.map(x => vlinex(x: x))
(new_hlines: new_hlines, new_vlines: new_vlines)
#let parse-gutters(col-gutter: auto, row-gutter: auto, gutter: auto, styles: none, page-width: 0pt, page-height: 0pt) = {
col-gutter = default-if-auto(col-gutter, gutter)
row-gutter = default-if-auto(row-gutter, gutter)
col-gutter = default-if-auto(col-gutter, 0pt)
row-gutter = default-if-auto(row-gutter, 0pt)
if type(col-gutter) in ("length", "relative length", "ratio") {
col-gutter = convert-length-to-pt(col-gutter, styles: styles, page_size: page-width)
if type(row-gutter) in ("length", "relative length", "ratio") {
row-gutter = convert-length-to-pt(row-gutter, styles: styles, page_size: page-width)
(col: col-gutter, row: row-gutter)
// Accepts a map-X param, and returns its default, or validates
// it.
#let parse-map-func(map-func, uses-second-param: false) = {
if map-func in (none, auto) {
if uses-second-param {
(a, b) => b // identity
} else {
o => o // identity
} else if type(map-func) != "function" {
panic("Map parameters must be functions.")
} else {
#let apply-maps(
grid: (),
hlines: (),
vlines: (),
map-hlines: none,
map-vlines: none,
map-rows: none,
map-cols: none,
) = {
vlines = vlines.map(map-vlines)
if vlines.any(h => not is-tablex-vline(h)) {
panic("'map-vlines' function returned a non-vline.")
hlines = hlines.map(map-hlines)
if hlines.any(h => not is-tablex-hline(h)) {
panic("'map-hlines' function returned a non-hline.")
let col_len = grid.width
let row_len = grid-count-rows(grid)
for row in range(row_len) {
let original_cells = grid-get-row(grid, row)
// occupied cells = none for the outer user
let cells = map-rows(row, original_cells.map(c => {
if is-tablex-occupied(c) { none } else { c }
if type(cells) != "array" {
panic("Tablex error: 'map-rows' returned something that isn't an array.")
// only modify non-occupied cells
let cells = enumerate(cells).filter(i_c => is-tablex-cell(original_cells.at(i_c.at(0))))
if cells.any(i_c => not is-tablex-cell(i_c.at(1))) {
panic("Tablex error: 'map-rows' returned a non-cell.")
if cells.any(i_c => {
let c = i_c.at(1)
let x = c.x
let y = c.y
type(x) != "integer" or type(y) != "integer" or x < 0 or y < 0 or x >= col_len or y >= row_len
}) {
panic("Tablex error: 'map-rows' returned a cell with invalid coordinates.")
if cells.any(i_c => i_c.at(1).y != row) {
panic("Tablex error: 'map-rows' returned a cell in a different row (the 'y' must be kept the same).")
if cells.any(i_c => {
let i = i_c.at(0)
let c = i_c.at(1)
let orig_c = original_cells.at(i)
c.colspan != orig_c.colspan or c.rowspan != orig_c.rowspan
}) {
panic("Tablex error: Please do not change the colspan or rowspan of a cell in 'map-rows'.")
for i_cell in cells {
let cell = i_cell.at(1)
grid.items.at(grid-index-at(cell.x, cell.y, grid: grid)) = cell
for column in range(col_len) {
let original_cells = grid-get-column(grid, column)
// occupied cells = none for the outer user
let cells = map-cols(column, original_cells.map(c => {
if is-tablex-occupied(c) { none } else { c }
if type(cells) != "array" {
panic("Tablex error: 'map-cols' returned something that isn't an array.")
// only modify non-occupied cells
let cells = enumerate(cells).filter(i_c => is-tablex-cell(original_cells.at(i_c.at(0))))
if cells.any(i_c => not is-tablex-cell(i_c.at(1))) {
panic("Tablex error: 'map-cols' returned a non-cell.")
if cells.any(i_c => {
let c = i_c.at(1)
let x = c.x
let y = c.y
type(x) != "integer" or type(y) != "integer" or x < 0 or y < 0 or x >= col_len or y >= row_len
}) {
panic("Tablex error: 'map-cols' returned a cell with invalid coordinates.")
if cells.any(i_c => i_c.at(1).x != column) {
panic("Tablex error: 'map-cols' returned a cell in a different column (the 'x' must be kept the same).")
if cells.any(i_c => {
let i = i_c.at(0)
let c = i_c.at(1)
let orig_c = original_cells.at(i)
c.colspan != orig_c.colspan or c.rowspan != orig_c.rowspan
}) {
panic("Tablex error: Please do not change the colspan or rowspan of a cell in 'map-cols'.")
for i_cell in cells {
let cell = i_cell.at(1)
cell.content = [#cell.content]
grid.items.at(grid-index-at(cell.x, cell.y, grid: grid)) = cell
(grid: grid, hlines: hlines, vlines: vlines)
#let validate-header-rows(header-rows) = {
header-rows = default-if-auto(default-if-none(header-rows, 0), 1)
if type(header-rows) != "integer" or header-rows < 0 {
panic("Tablex error: 'header-rows' must be a (positive) integer.")
#let validate-repeat-header(repeat-header, header-rows: none) = {
if header-rows == none or header-rows < 0 {
return false // cannot repeat an empty header
repeat-header = default-if-auto(default-if-none(repeat-header, false), false)
if type(repeat-header) not in ("boolean", "integer", "array") {
panic("Tablex error: 'repeat-header' must be a boolean (true - always repeat the header, false - never), an integer (amount of pages for which to repeat the header), or an array of integers (relative pages in which the header should repeat).")
} else if type(repeat-header) == "array" and repeat-header.any(i => type(i) != "integer") {
panic("Tablex error: 'repeat-header' cannot be an array of anything other than integers!")
#let validate-header-hlines-priority(
) = {
header-hlines-have-priority = default-if-auto(default-if-none(header-hlines-have-priority, true), true)
if type(header-hlines-have-priority) != "boolean" {
panic("Tablex error: 'header-hlines-have-priority' option must be a boolean.")
// -- end: option parsing
// Creates a table.
// columns: table column sizes (array of sizes,
// or a single size for 1 column)
// rows: row sizes (same format as columns)
// align: how to align cells (alignment or
// a function (col, row) => alignment)
// items: The table items, as specified by the columns
// and rows. Can also be cellx, hlinex and vlinex objects.
// fill: how to fill cells (color or
// a function (col, row) => color)
// stroke: how to draw the table lines (stroke)
// column-gutter: optional separation (length) between columns
// row-gutter: optional separation (length) between rows
// gutter: quickly apply a length to both column- and row-gutter
// repeat-header: true = repeat the first row (or rowspan)
// on all pages; integer = repeat for the first n pages;
// array of integers = repeat on exactly those pages
// (where 1 is the first, so ignored); false = do not repeat
// the first row group (default).
// header-rows: minimum amount of rows for the repeatable
// header. 1 by default. Automatically increases if
// one of the cells is a rowspan that would go beyond the
// given amount of rows. For example, if 3 is given,
// then at least the first 3 rows will repeat.
// header-hlines-have-priority: if true, the horizontal
// lines below the header being repeated take priority
// over the rows they appear atop of on further pages.
// If false, they draw their own horizontal lines.
// Defaults to true.
// auto-lines: true = applies true to both auto-hlines and
// auto-vlines; false = applies false to both.
// Their values override this one unless they are 'auto'.
// auto-hlines: true = draw a horizontal line on every line
// without a manual horizontal line specified; false = do
// not draw any horizontal line without manual specification.
// Defaults to 'auto' (follows 'auto-lines').
// auto-vlines: true = draw a vertical line on every column
// without a manual vertical line specified; false = requires
// manual specification. Defaults to 'auto' (follows
// 'auto-lines')
// map-cells: Takes a cellx and returns another cellx (or
// content).
// map-hlines: Takes each horizontal line (hlinex) and
// returns another.
// map-vlines: Takes each vertical line (vlinex) and
// returns another.
// map-rows: Maps each row of cells.
// Takes (row_num, cell_array) and returns
// the modified cell_array. Note that, here, they
// cannot be sent to another row. Also, cells may be
// 'none' if they're a position taken by a cell in a
// colspan/rowspan.
// map-cols: Maps each column of cells.
// Takes (col_num, cell_array) and returns
// the modified cell_array. Note that, here, they
// cannot be sent to another row. Also, cells may be
// 'none' if they're a position taken by a cell in a
// colspan/rowspan.
#let tablex(
columns: auto, rows: auto,
inset: 5pt,
align: auto,
fill: none,
stroke: auto,
column-gutter: auto, row-gutter: auto,
gutter: none,
repeat-header: false,
header-rows: 1,
header-hlines-have-priority: true,
auto-lines: true,
auto-hlines: auto,
auto-vlines: auto,
map-cells: none,
map-hlines: none,
map-vlines: none,
map-rows: none,
map-cols: none,
) = {
get-page-dim-writer() // get the current page's dimensions
let header-rows = validate-header-rows(header-rows)
let repeat-header = validate-repeat-header(repeat-header, header-rows: header-rows)
let header-hlines-have-priority = validate-header-hlines-priority(header-hlines-have-priority)
let map-cells = parse-map-func(map-cells)
let map-hlines = parse-map-func(map-hlines)
let map-vlines = parse-map-func(map-vlines)
let map-rows = parse-map-func(map-rows, uses-second-param: true)
let map-cols = parse-map-func(map-cols, uses-second-param: true)
locate(t_loc => style(styles => {
let table_id = _tablex-table-counter.at(t_loc)
let page_dimensions = get-page-dim-state(table_id)
let page_dim_at = page_dimensions.final(t_loc)
let t_pos = t_loc.position()
// Subtract the max width/height from current width/height to disregard margin/etc.
let page_width = page_dim_at.width
let page_height = page_dim_at.height
let max_pos = default-if-none(page_dim_at.bottom_right, (x: t_pos.x + page_width, y: t_pos.y + page_height))
let min_pos = default-if-none(page_dim_at.top_left, t_pos)
let items = items.pos().map(table-item-convert)
let gutter = parse-gutters(
col-gutter: column-gutter, row-gutter: row-gutter,
gutter: gutter,
styles: styles,
page-width: page_width, page-height: page_height
let validated_cols_rows = validate-cols-rows(
columns, rows, items: items.filter(is-tablex-cell))
let columns = validated_cols_rows.columns
let rows = validated_cols_rows.rows
items += validated_cols_rows.items
let col_len = columns.len()
let row_len = rows.len()
// generate cell matrix and other things
let grid_info = generate-grid(
x_limit: col_len, y_limit: row_len,
map-cells: map-cells
let table_grid = grid_info.grid
let hlines = grid_info.hlines
let vlines = grid_info.vlines
let items = grid_info.items
for _ in range(grid_info.new_row_count - row_len) {
rows.push(auto) // add new rows (due to extra cells)
let col_len = columns.len()
let row_len = rows.len()
let auto_lines_res = generate-autolines(
auto-lines: auto-lines, auto-hlines: auto-hlines,
auto-vlines: auto-vlines,
hlines: hlines,
vlines: vlines,
col_len: col_len,
row_len: row_len
hlines += auto_lines_res.new_hlines
vlines += auto_lines_res.new_vlines
let parsed_lines = _parse-lines(hlines, vlines, styles: styles, page-width: page_width, page-height: page_height)
hlines = parsed_lines.hlines
vlines = parsed_lines.vlines
let mapped_grid = apply-maps(
grid: table_grid,
hlines: hlines,
vlines: vlines,
map-hlines: map-hlines,
map-vlines: map-vlines,
map-rows: map-rows,
map-cols: map-cols
table_grid = mapped_grid.grid
hlines = mapped_grid.hlines
vlines = mapped_grid.vlines
// re-parse just in case
let parsed_lines = _parse-lines(hlines, vlines, styles: styles, page-width: page_width, page-height: page_height)
hlines = parsed_lines.hlines
vlines = parsed_lines.vlines
// convert auto to actual size
let updated_cols_rows = determine-auto-column-row-sizes(
grid: table_grid,
page_width: page_width, page_height: page_height,
styles: styles,
columns: columns, rows: rows,
inset: inset, align: align,
gutter: gutter
let columns = updated_cols_rows.columns
let rows = updated_cols_rows.rows
let gutter = updated_cols_rows.gutter
let row_groups = generate-row-groups(
grid: table_grid,
columns: columns, rows: rows,
stroke: stroke, inset: inset,
gutter: gutter,
fill: fill, align: align,
hlines: hlines, vlines: vlines,
styles: styles,
repeat-header: repeat-header,
header-hlines-have-priority: header-hlines-have-priority,
header-rows: header-rows,
min-pos: min_pos,
max-pos: max_pos,
table-loc: t_loc,
table-id: table_id
grid(columns: (auto,), rows: auto, ..row_groups)
// Same as table but defaults to lines off
#let gridx(..options) = {
tablex(auto-lines: false, ..options)