Compare commits
No commits in common. "647d50e125c0441f5d5de029f4357c61fb5244db" and "6f563750fb148c42d2a848ea7aebff7f763db31a" have entirely different histories.
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
#import "../src/lib.typ" as chronos
#let example-preamble = "import \"../src/lib.typ\": *;"
#let example-scope = (
chronos: chronos
#let example(src, show-src: true, vertical: false, fill: true, wrap: true) = {
src = src.text
let full-src = example-preamble + src
let body = eval(full-src, scope: example-scope)
let img = if wrap { chronos.diagram(body) } else { body }
block(width: 100%,
stroke: black + 1pt,
radius: .5em,
fill: if fill {color.white.darken(5%)} else {none},
if show-src {
let src-block = align(left, raw(src, lang: "typc"))
columns: if vertical {1} else {2},
inset: 1em,
align: horizon + center,
stroke: none,
if vertical {table.hline()} else {table.vline()}, src-block
} else {
inset: 1em,
@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
#import "example.typ": example
#let seq-comm-align = example(```
_par("p1", display-name: "Start participant")
_par("p2", display-name: "End participant")
let alignments = (
"start", "end",
"left", "right",
for a in alignments {
"p2", "p1",
comment: raw(a),
comment-align: a
#let seq-tips = example(```
let _seq = _seq.with(comment-align: "center")
_par("a", display-name: "Alice")
_par("b", display-name: "Bob")
_seq("a", "b", comment: "Various tips", end-tip: "")
_seq("a", "b", end-tip: ">", comment: `->`)
_seq("a", "b", end-tip: ">>", comment: `->>`)
_seq("a", "b", end-tip: "\\", comment: `-\`)
_seq("a", "b", end-tip: "\\\\", comment: `-\\`)
_seq("a", "b", end-tip: "/", comment: `-/`)
_seq("a", "b", end-tip: "//", comment: `-//`)
_seq("a", "b", end-tip: "x", comment: `->x`)
_seq("a", "b", start-tip: "x", comment: `x->`)
_seq("a", "b", start-tip: "o", comment: `o->`)
_seq("a", "b", end-tip: ("o", ">"), comment: `->o`)
_seq("a", "b", start-tip: "o",
end-tip: ("o", ">"), comment: `o->o`)
_seq("a", "b", start-tip: ">",
end-tip: ">", comment: `<->`)
_seq("a", "b", start-tip: ("o", ">"),
end-tip: ("o", ">"), comment: `o<->o`)
_seq("a", "b", start-tip: "x",
end-tip: "x", comment: `x<->x`)
_seq("a", "b", end-tip: ("o", ">>"), comment: `->>o`)
_seq("a", "b", end-tip: ("o", "\\"), comment: `-\o`)
_seq("a", "b", end-tip: ("o", "\\\\"), comment: `-\\o`)
_seq("a", "b", end-tip: ("o", "/"), comment: `-/o`)
_seq("a", "b", end-tip: ("o", "//"), comment: `-//o`)
_seq("a", "b", start-tip: "x",
end-tip: ("o", ">"), comment: `x->o`)
#let grp = example(```
_par("a", display-name: "Alice")
_par("b", display-name: "Bob")
_grp("Group 1", desc: "Description", {
_seq("a", "b", comment: "Authentication")
_grp("loop", desc: "1000 times", {
_seq("a", "b", comment: "DoS Attack")
_seq("a", "b", end-tip: "x")
#let sync = example(```
_par("alice", display-name: "Alice")
_par("bob", display-name: "Bob")
_par("craig", display-name: "Craig")
_seq("bob", "alice") // Unsynchronized
_seq("bob", "craig") // "
_seq("bob", "alice") // Synchronized
_seq("bob", "craig") // "
_seq("alice", "bob") // Unsynchronized
_seq("craig", "bob") // "
_seq("alice", "bob") // Synchronized
_seq("craig", "bob") // "
#let gaps-seps = example(```
_par("alice", display-name: "Alice")
_par("bob", display-name: "Bob")
_seq("alice", "bob", comment: "Hello")
_gap(size: 10)
_seq("bob", "alice", comment: "Hi")
_sep("Another day")
_seq("alice", "bob", comment: "Hello again")
#let notes-shapes = example(```
_par("alice", display-name: "Alice")
_par("bob", display-name: "Bob")
_note("over", `default`, pos: "alice")
_note("over", `rect`, pos: "bob", shape: "rect")
_note("over", `hex`, pos: ("alice", "bob"), shape: "hex")
#let notes-sides = example(```
_par("alice", display-name: "Alice")
_par("bob", display-name: "Bob")
_par("charlie", display-name: "Charlie")
_note("left", [`left` of Alice], pos: "alice")
_note("right", [`right` of Charlie], pos: "charlie")
_note("over", [`over` Alice and Bob], pos: ("alice", "bob"))
_note("across", [`across` all participants])
_seq("alice", "bob")
_note("left", [linked with sequence])
_note("over", [A note], pos: "alice")
_note("over", [Aligned note], pos: "charlie", aligned: true)
```, vertical: true)
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
/// Creates a gap before the next element
/// - size (int): Size of the gap
#let _gap(size: 20) = {}
/// Creates a separator before the next element
/// #examples.gaps-seps
/// - name (content): Name to display in the middle of the separator
#let _sep(name) = {}
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
/// Creates a group of sequences
/// #examples.grp
/// - name (content): The group's name
/// - desc (none, content): Optional description
/// - type (str): The groups's type (unused for the moment)
/// - elmts (array): Elements inside the group (can be sequences, other groups, notes, etc.)
#let _grp(
desc: none,
type: "default",
) = {}
/// Synchronizes multiple sequences
/// #examples.sync
/// - elmts (array): Synchronized elements (generally sequences or notes)
#let _sync(
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
/// Creates a note
/// - side (str): The side on which to place the note (see @@SIDES for accepted values)
/// - content (content): The note's content
/// - pos (none, str, array): Optional participant(s) on which to draw next to / over. If `side` is "left" or "right", sets next to which participant the note is placed. If `side` is "over", sets over which participant(s) it is placed
/// - color (color): The note's color
/// - shape (str): The note's shape (see @@SHAPES for accepted values)
/// - aligned (bool): True if the note is aligned with another note, in which case `side` must be `"over"`, false otherwise
#let _note(
pos: none,
color: rgb("#FEFFDD"),
shape: "default",
aligned: false
) = {}
/// Accepted values for `shape` argument of @@_note()
/// #examples.notes-shapes
#let SHAPES = ("default", "rect", "hex")
/// Accepted values for `side` argument of @@_note()
/// #examples.notes-sides
#let SIDES = ("left", "right", "over", "across")
@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
/// Possible participant shapes
/// #box(width: 100%, align(center)[
/// #chronos.diagram({
/// import chronos: *
/// let _par = _par.with(show-bottom: false)
/// _par("Foo", display-name: "participant", shape: "participant")
/// _par("Foo1", display-name: "actor", shape: "actor")
/// _par("Foo2", display-name: "boundary", shape: "boundary")
/// _par("Foo3", display-name: "control", shape: "control")
/// _par("Foo4", display-name: "entity", shape: "entity")
/// _par("Foo5", display-name: "database", shape: "database")
/// _par("Foo6", display-name: "collections", shape: "collections")
/// _par("Foo7", display-name: "queue", shape: "queue")
/// _par("Foo8", display-name: "custom", shape: "custom", custom-image: TYPST)
/// _gap()
/// })
/// ])
#let SHAPES = (
/// Creates a new participant
/// - name (str): Unique participant name used as reference in other functions
/// - display-name (auto, content): Name to display in the diagram. If set to `auto`, `name` is used
/// - from-start (bool): If set to true, the participant is created at the top of the diagram. Otherwise, it is created at the first reference
/// - invisible (bool): If set to true, the participant will not be shown
/// - shape (str): The shape of the participant. Possible values in @@SHAPES
/// - color (color): The participant's color
/// - custom-image (none, image): If shape is 'custom', sets the custom image to display
/// - show-bottom (bool): Whether to display the bottom shape
/// - show-top (bool): Whether to display the top shape
/// -> array
#let _par(
display-name: auto,
from-start: true,
invisible: false,
shape: "participant",
color: rgb("#E2E2F0"),
custom-image: none,
show-bottom: true,
show-top: true,
) = {}
@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
/// Manually adds an event to the given participant
/// - participant (str): The participant concerned by the event
/// - event (str): The event type (see @@EVENTS for ccepted values)
#let _evt(participant, event) = {}
/// Creates a sequence / message between two participants
/// - p1 (str): Start participant
/// - p2 (str): End participant
/// - comment (none, content): Optional comment to display along the arrow
/// - comment-align (str): Where to align the comment with respect to the arrow (see @@comment-align for accepted values)
/// - dashed (bool): Whether the arrow's stroke is dashed or not
/// - start-tip (str): Start arrow tip (see @@tips for accepted values)
/// - end-tip (str): End arrow tip (see @@tips for accepted values)
/// - color (color): Arrow's color
/// - flip (bool): If true, the arrow is flipped (goes from end to start). This is particularly useful for self calls, to change the side on which the arrow appears
/// - enable-dst (bool): If true, enables the destination lifeline
/// - create-dst (bool): If true, creates the destination lifeline and participant
/// - disable-dst (bool): If true, disables the destination lifeline
/// - destroy-dst (bool): If true, destroys the destination lifeline and participant
/// - disable-src (bool): If true, disables the source lifeline
/// - destroy-src (bool): If true, destroy the source lifeline and participant
/// - lifeline-style (auto, dict): Optional styling options for lifeline rectangles (see CeTZ documentation for more information on all possible values)
/// - slant (none, int): Optional slant of the arrow
/// -> array
#let _seq(
comment: none,
comment-align: "left",
dashed: false,
start-tip: "",
end-tip: ">",
color: black,
flip: false,
enable-dst: false,
create-dst: false,
disable-dst: false,
destroy-dst: false,
disable-src: false,
destroy-src: false,
lifeline-style: auto,
slant: none
) = {}
/// Accepted values for `event` argument of @@_evt()
/// `EVENTS = ("create", "destroy", "enable", "disable")`
#let EVENTS = ("create", "destroy", "enable", "disable")
/// Accepted values for `start-tip` and `end-tip` arguments of @@_seq()
/// #examples.seq-tips
#let tips = (
"", ">", ">>", "\\", "\\\\", "/", "//", "x", "o",
/// Accepted values for `comment-align` argument of @@_seq()
/// #examples.seq-comm-align
#let comment-align = (
"start", "end", "left", "center", "right"
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,214 +0,0 @@
#import "@preview/tidy:0.3.0"
#import "src/lib.typ" as chronos
#import "src/participant.typ" as mod-par
#import "docs/examples.typ"
#import "docs/example.typ": example
#let TYPST = image("gallery/typst.png", width: 1.5cm, height: 1.5cm, fit: "contain")
#let doc-ref(target, full: false, var: false) = {
let (module, func) = target.split(".")
let label-name = module + func
let display-name = func
if full {
display-name = target
if not var {
label-name += "()"
display-name += "()"
#set heading(numbering: (..num) => if num.pos().len() < 4 {
numbering("1.1", ..num)
outline(indent: true, depth: 3)
#show link: set text(fill: blue)
#set page(numbering: "1/1", header: align(right)[chronos #sym.dash.em v#chronos.version])
#set page(
header: locate(loc => align(left)[chronos #sym.dash.em v#chronos.version]),
footer: locate(loc => align(center, counter(page).display("1/1", both: true)))
= Introduction
This package lets you create nice sequence diagrams using the CeTZ package.
= Usage
Simply import #link("")[chronos] and call the `diagram` function:
#pad(left: 1em)[```typ
#import "@preview/chronos:0.1.0"
import chronos: *
= Examples
You can find the following examples and more in the #link("")[gallery] directory
== Some groups and sequences
import chronos: *
_seq("Alice", "Bob", comment: "Authentication Request")
_seq("Bob", "Alice", comment: "Authentication Failure")
_grp("My own label", desc: "My own label2", {
_seq("Alice", "Log", comment: "Log attack start")
_grp("loop", desc: "1000 times", {
_seq("Alice", "Bob", comment: "DNS Attack")
_seq("Alice", "Bob", comment: "Log attack end")
```, wrap: false, vertical: true)
#pagebreak(weak: true)
== Lifelines
import chronos: *
_seq("alice", "bob", comment: "hello", enable-dst: true)
_seq("bob", "bob", comment: "self call", enable-dst: true)
"bill", "bob",
comment: "hello from thread 2",
enable-dst: true,
lifeline-style: (fill: rgb("#005500"))
_seq("bob", "george", comment: "create", create-dst: true)
"bob", "bill",
comment: "done in thread 2",
disable-src: true,
dashed: true
_seq("bob", "bob", comment: "rc", disable-src: true, dashed: true)
_seq("bob", "george", comment: "delete", destroy-dst: true)
_seq("bob", "alice", comment: "success", disable-src: true, dashed: true)
```, wrap: false, vertical: true)
#pagebreak(weak: true)
== Found and lost messages
import chronos: *
_seq("?", "Alice", comment: [?->\ *short* to actor1])
_seq("[", "Alice", comment: [\[->\ *from start* to actor1])
_seq("[", "Bob", comment: [\[->\ *from start* to actor2])
_seq("?", "Bob", comment: [?->\ *short* to actor2])
_seq("Alice", "]", comment: [->\]\ from actor1 *to end*])
_seq("Alice", "?", comment: [->?\ *short* from actor1])
_seq("Alice", "Bob", comment: [->\ from actor1 to actor2])
```, wrap: false, vertical: true)
#pagebreak(weak: true)
== Custom images
let load-img(path) = image(path, width: 1.5cm, height: 1.5cm, fit:"contain")
let TYPST = load-img("../gallery/typst.png")
let FERRIS = load-img("../gallery/ferris.png")
let ME = load-img("../gallery/me.jpg")
import chronos: *
_par("me", display-name: "Me", shape: "custom", custom-image: ME)
_par("typst", display-name: "Typst", shape: "custom", custom-image: TYPST)
_par("rust", display-name: "Rust", shape: "custom", custom-image: FERRIS)
_seq("me", "typst", comment: "opens document", enable-dst: true)
_seq("me", "typst", comment: "types document")
_seq("typst", "rust", comment: "compiles content", enable-dst: true)
_seq("rust", "typst", comment: "renders document", disable-src: true)
_seq("typst", "me", comment: "displays document", disable-src: true)
```, wrap: false, vertical: true)
#pagebreak(weak: true)
= Reference
#let par-docs = tidy.parse-module(
name: "Participants",
require-all-parameters: true,
scope: (
chronos: chronos,
mod-par: mod-par,
doc-ref: doc-ref
||||, show-outline: false)
#pagebreak(weak: true)
#let seq-docs = tidy.parse-module(
name: "Sequences",
require-all-parameters: true,
scope: (
chronos: chronos,
doc-ref: doc-ref,
examples: examples
||||, show-outline: false, sort-functions: none)
#pagebreak(weak: true)
#let grp-docs = tidy.parse-module(
name: "Groups",
require-all-parameters: true,
scope: (
chronos: chronos,
doc-ref: doc-ref,
examples: examples
||||, show-outline: false)
#pagebreak(weak: true)
#let gap-sep-docs = tidy.parse-module(
name: "Gaps and separators",
require-all-parameters: true,
scope: (
chronos: chronos,
doc-ref: doc-ref,
examples: examples
||||, show-outline: false)
#pagebreak(weak: true)
#let notes-docs = tidy.parse-module(
name: "Notes",
require-all-parameters: true,
scope: (
chronos: chronos,
doc-ref: doc-ref,
examples: examples
||||, show-outline: false)
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
#let version = version(0, 1, 1)
#import "diagram.typ": diagram, from-plantuml, _gap, _evt
#import "sequence.typ": _seq
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name = "chronos"
version = "0.1.1"
version = "0.1.0"
compiler = "0.11.0"
repository = ""
entrypoint = "src/lib.typ"
@ -11,4 +11,4 @@ categories = ["visualization"]
license = "Apache-2.0"
description = "A package to draw sequence diagrams with CeTZ"
keywords = ["sequence", "diagram", "plantuml"]
exclude = [ "gallery", "gallery.bash", "docs" ]
exclude = [ "gallery", "gallery.bash" ]
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