213 lines
4.6 KiB
213 lines
4.6 KiB
#import "@preview/tidy:0.4.1"
#import "@preview/cetz:0.3.2": draw, canvas
#import "src/lib.typ"
#import "doc/examples.typ"
#import "src/circuit.typ": circuit
#import "src/element.typ"
#import "src/gates.typ"
#import "src/util.typ"
#import "src/wire.typ"
#set heading(numbering: (..num) => if num.pos().len() < 4 {
numbering("1.1", ..num)
outline(indent: auto, depth: 3)
#show link: set text(blue)
#show heading.where(level: 3): it => context {
let cnt = counter(heading)
let i = cnt.get().at(it.depth) - 1
let color = util.colors.values().at(i)
block(width: 100%)[
columns: (auto, 1fr),
column-gutter: 1em,
align: horizon,
start: (0%, 0%),
end: (100%, 0%),
stroke: color + 1pt
#circle(radius: 3pt, stroke: none, fill: color)
#circle(radius: 3pt, stroke: none, fill: color)
#set page(numbering: "1/1", header: align(right)[circuiteria #sym.dash.em v#lib.version])
#set page(
header: context {
let txt = [circuiteria #sym.dash.em v#lib.version]
let cnt = counter(heading)
let cnt-val = cnt.get()
if cnt-val.len() < 2 {
align(left, txt)
let i = cnt-val.at(1) - 1
columns: (auto, 1fr),
column-gutter: 1em,
align: horizon,
place(horizon + left)[
#rect(width: 100%, height: .5em, radius: .25em, stroke: none, fill: util.colors.values().at(i))
footer: context {
let cnt = counter(heading)
let cnt-val = cnt.get()
if cnt-val.len() < 2 { return }
let i = cnt-val.at(1) - 1
columns: (1fr, auto),
column-gutter: 1em,
align: horizon,
place(horizon + left)[
#rect(width: 100%, height: .5em, radius: .25em, stroke: none, fill: util.colors.values().at(i))
counter(page).display("1/1", both: true)
#let doc-ref(target, full: false, var: false) = {
let (module, func) = target.split(".")
let label-name = module + "-" + func
let display-name = func
if full {
display-name = target
if not var {
label-name += "()"
display-name += "()"
link(label(label-name), raw(display-name))
= Introduction
This package provides a way to make beautiful block circuit diagrams using the CeTZ package.
= Usage
Simply import Circuiteria and call the `circuit` function:
#pad(left: 1em)[```typ
#import "@preview/circuiteria:0.2.0"
import circuiteria: *
== Project installation
If you have installed Circuiteria directly in your project, import #link("src/lib.typ") and call the `circuit` function:
#pad(left: 1em)[```typ
#import "src/lib.typ" as circuiteria
import circuiteria: *
= Reference
#let circuit-docs = tidy.parse-module(
name: "circuit",
old-syntax: true,
require-all-parameters: true
#let util-docs = tidy.parse-module(
name: "util",
old-syntax: true,
require-all-parameters: true,
scope: (
util: util,
canvas: canvas,
draw: draw
#let wire-docs = tidy.parse-module(
name: "wire",
old-syntax: true,
require-all-parameters: true,
scope: (
wire: wire,
circuit: circuit,
draw: draw,
examples: examples,
doc-ref: doc-ref
#let element-docs = tidy.parse-module(
read("src/elements/element.typ") + "\n" +
read("src/elements/alu.typ") + "\n" +
read("src/elements/block.typ") + "\n" +
read("src/elements/extender.typ") + "\n" +
read("src/elements/multiplexer.typ") + "\n" +
name: "element",
old-syntax: true,
scope: (
element: element,
circuit: circuit,
draw: draw,
wire: wire,
tidy: tidy,
examples: examples,
doc-ref: doc-ref
#tidy.show-module(element-docs, sort-functions: false)
#let gates-docs = tidy.parse-module(
read("src/elements/logic/gate.typ") + "\n" +
read("src/elements/logic/and.typ") + "\n" +
read("src/elements/logic/buf.typ") + "\n" +
read("src/elements/logic/or.typ") + "\n" +
name: "gates",
old-syntax: true,
scope: (
element: element,
circuit: circuit,
gates: gates,
draw: draw,
wire: wire,
tidy: tidy,
examples: examples,
doc-ref: doc-ref
#tidy.show-module(gates-docs, sort-functions: false) |