2024-11-18 10:13:01 +01:00

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2.7 KiB

Yann Sierro - Rémi Heredero
# BikeComputer
This is a project done in the course of AdvEmbSoft during the master's degree. It contains a program for spinning bikes.
# Configuration
## Libraries
Add disco libraries :
mbed add
Add sensor libraries :
mbed add
Test sensor libraries :
mbed test -m DISCO_H747I -t GCC_ARM -n advdembsof_library-tests-sensors-hdc1000 --compile --run
## Run static scheduling
On `.mbedignore` put at the end of the file
On main.cpp include `"static_scheduling/bike_system.hpp"` and use :
static_scheduling::BikeSystem bikeSystem;
## Run static scheduling with event queue
On `.mbedignore` put at the end of the file :
On main.cpp include `"static_scheduling/bike_system.hpp"` and use :
static_scheduling::BikeSystem bikeSystem;
## Run static scheduling with event scheduling
On `.mbedignore` put at the end of the file
On main.cpp include `"static_scheduling_with_event/bike_system.hpp"` and use :
static_scheduling_with_event::BikeSystem bikeSystem;
# Some questions
## Question 1
`If you print CPU statistics at the end of every major cycle (in the super-loop), what CPU usage do you observe? How can you explain the observed CPU uptime?`
We observe a 100% usage because on each CPU cycle it compare if time is done.
## Question 2
`If you run the program after the change from busy wait to sleep calls, what CPU usage do you observe? How can you explain the observed CPU uptime?`
We can observe only a usage of 75% because the CPU is more on Idle with Thread sleep.
## Question 3
`If you run the static_scheduling_with_event program, what CPU usage do you observe? How can you explain the observed CPU uptime?`
We observe a light usage of 1% of CPU. The CPU is now sleeping all the time and doing small task only on event.
## Question 4
`When you run multiple tests for computing the response time of the reset event, what do you observe? Is there an improvement as compared to the static_scheduling::BikeSystem implementation?`
` - If you do not press long enough on the push button, the event may be missed and no reset happens.`
`Based on the program itself and on the task scheduling, explain these two behaviors. Explain also why such behaviors may be problematic.`
We notice, that we miss such less event when is event driven (or not at all). But with a static scheduling the response time is still long because the reset task is call with a certain period.