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NEORV32 Test Setup for the Terasic DE0-Nano FPGA Board

This setup provides a very simple script-based "demo setup" that allows to check out the NEORV32 processor on the Terasic DE0-Nano board. It uses the simplified neorv32_test_setup_bootloader.vhd top entity, which is a wrapper for the actual processor top entity that provides a minimalistic interface (clock, reset, UART and 8 LEDs).

  • FPGA Board: 📚 Terasic DE0-Nano FPGA Board
  • FPGA: Intel Cyclone-IV EP4CE22F17C6N
  • Toolchain: Intel Quartus Prime (tested with Quartus Prime 20.1.0 - Lite Edition)

NEORV32 Configuration

See the top entity rtl/test_setups/neorv32_test_setup_bootloader.vhd for configuration and entity details and create_project.tcl for the according FPGA pin mapping.

  • CPU: rv32imcu_Zicsr + 4 HPM (hardware performance monitors, 40-bit wide)
  • Memory: 16kB instruction memory (internal IMEM), 8kB data memory (internal DMEM), bootloader ROM
  • Peripherals: GPIO, MTIME, UART0, WDT
  • Tested with version
  • Clock: 50MHz from on-board oscillator
  • Reset: via on-board button "KEY0"
  • GPIO output port gpio_o (8-bit) connected to the 8 green user LEDs ("LED7" - "LED0")
  • UART0 signals uart0_txd_o and uart0_rxd_i are connected to the 40-pin GPIO_0 header
    • uart0_txd_o: output, connected to FPGA pin C3 - header pin GPIO_01 (pin number "4")
    • uart0_rxd_i: input, connected to FPGA pin A3 - header pin GPIO_03 (pin number "6")

⚠️ The default neorv32_test_setup_bootloader.vhd top entity is configured for a 100MHz input clock. Since the on-board oscillator of the DE0-nano board generates a 50MHz clock, the test setup has to be modified. This is automatically done by the create_project.tcl TCL script, which makes a local copy of the original test setup VHDL file (in this folder) and uses sed to configure the CLOCK_FREQUENCY generic (in the local copy) for 50MHz. The local copy is then used as actual top entity.

FPGA Utilization

Total logic elements 4,009 / 22,320 ( 18 % )
Total registers      1860
Total pins           12 / 154 ( 8 % )
Total virtual pins   0
Total memory bits    230,400 / 608,256 ( 38 % )
Embedded Multiplier  9-bit elements	0 / 132 ( 0 % )
Total PLLs           0 / 4 ( 0 % )

How To Run

The create_project.tcl TCL script in this directory can be used to create a complete Quartus project. If not already available, this script will create a work folder in this directory.

  1. start Quartus (in GUI mode)
  2. in the menu line click "View/Utility Windows/Tcl console" to open the Tcl console
  3. use the console to naviagte to this folder: cd .../neorv32/boards/de0-nano-test-setup
  4. execute source create_project.tcl - this will create and open the actual Quartus project in this folder
  5. if a "select family" prompt appears select the "Cyclone IV E" family and click OK
  6. double click on "Compile Design" in the "Tasks" window. This will synthesize, map and place & route your design and will also generate the actual FPGA bitstream
  7. when the process is done open the programmer (for example via "Tools/Programmer") and click "Start" in the programmer window to upload the bitstream to your FPGA
  8. use a serial terminal (like 🌏 Tera Term) to connect to the USB-UART interface using the following configuration: 19200 Baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity bits, no transmission / flow control protocol (raw bytes only), newline on \r\n (carriage return & newline)
  9. now you can communicate with the bootloader console and upload a new program. Check out the example programs and see section "Let's Get It Started" of the 📄 NEORV32 data sheet for further resources.