2024-05-16 23:35:53 +02:00
#import "@preview/cetz:0.2.2" : draw , coordinate
#import "util.typ" : opposite-anchor
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/// List of valid wire styles
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/// #examples.wires
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#let wire-styles = ( "direct" , "zigzag" , "dodge" )
#let signal-width = 1 pt
#let bus-width = 1.5 pt
#let intersection ( pt ) = {
draw.circle(pt, radius: .2, stroke: none, fill: black)
#let get-direct-wire ( pts ) = {
let anchors = (
"start": pts.first(),
"end": pts.last()
return (pts, anchors)
#let get-zigzag-wire ( pts , ratio ) = {
let start = pts.first()
let end = pts.last()
let mid = (start, ratio, end)
let points = (
(horizontal: mid, vertical: ()),
(horizontal: (), vertical: end),
let anchors = (
"start": start,
"zig": points.at(1),
"zag": points.at(2),
"end": end
return (points, anchors)
#let get-dodge-wire ( pts , dodge-y , margins , sides , ctx ) = {
let start = pts.first()
let end = pts.last()
let (margin-start, margin-end) = margins
let (side-start, side-end) = sides
let p1 = (start, margin-start, end)
let p2 = (end, margin-end, start)
let (ctx, p0) = coordinate.resolve(ctx, start)
let (ctx, p3) = coordinate.resolve(ctx, end)
p0 = (x: p0.first(), y: p0.last())
p3 = (x: p3.first(), y: p3.last())
let dx1 = margin-start
let dx2 = margin-end
if type(margin-start) == ratio {
dx1 = calc.abs(p3.x - p0.x) * margin-start / 100%
if type(margin-end) == ratio {
dx2 = calc.abs(p3.x - p0.x) * margin-end / 100%
if side-start == "west" {
dx1 * = -1
if side-end == "east" {
dx2 * = -1
p1 = (p0.x + dx1, p0.y)
p2 = (p3.x - dx2, p0.y)
let points = (
(horizontal: p1, vertical: ()),
(horizontal: (), vertical: (0, dodge-y)),
(horizontal: p2, vertical: ()),
(horizontal: (), vertical: end),
let anchors = (
"start": start,
"start2": points.at(1),
"dodge-start": points.at(2),
"dodge-end": points.at(3),
"end2": points.at(4),
"end": end
return (points, anchors)
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/// Draws a wire between two points
/// - id (str): The wire's id, for future reference (anchors)
/// - pts (array): The two points (as CeTZ compatible coordinates, i.e. XY, relative positions, ids, etc.)
/// - bus (bool): Whether the wire is a bus (multiple bits) or a simple signal (single bit)
/// - name (none, str, array): Optional name of the wire. If it is an array, the first name will be put at the start of the wire, and the second at the end
/// - name-pos (str): Position of the name. One of: "middle", "start" or "end"
/// - slice (none, array): Optional bits slice (start and end bit indices). If set, it will be displayed at the start of the wire
/// - color (color): The stroke color
/// - dashed (bool): Whether the stroke is dashed or not
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/// - style (str): The wire's style (see #doc-ref("wire.wire-styles", var: true) for possible values)
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/// - reverse (bool): If true, the start and end points will be swapped (useful in cases where the start point depends on the end point, for example with perpendiculars)
/// - zigzag-ratio (ratio): Position of the zigzag vertical relative to the horizontal span (only with style "zigzag")
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/// - dodge-y (number): Y position to dodge the wire to (only with style "dodge")
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/// - dodge-sides (array): The start and end sides (going out of the connected element) of the wire (only with style "dodge")
/// - dodge-margins (array): The start and end margins (i.e. space before dodging) of the wire (only with style "dodge")
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#let wire (
id, pts,
bus: false,
name: none,
name-pos: "middle",
slice: none,
color: black,
dashed: false,
style: "direct",
reverse: false,
zigzag-ratio: 50%,
dodge-y: 0,
dodge-sides: ("east", "west"),
dodge-margins: (5%, 5%)
) = draw.get-ctx(ctx => {
if not style in wire-styles {
panic("Invalid wire style '" + style + "'")
if pts.len() != 2 {
panic("Wrong number of points (got " + str(pts.len()) + " instead of 2)")
let stroke = (
paint: color,
thickness: if bus {bus-width} else {signal-width}
if dashed {
stroke.insert("dash", "dashed")
let points = ()
let anchors = ()
if style == "direct" {
(points, anchors) = get-direct-wire(pts)
} else if style == "zigzag" {
(points, anchors) = get-zigzag-wire(pts, zigzag-ratio)
} else if style == "dodge" {
(points, anchors) = get-dodge-wire(
draw.group(name: id, {
draw.line(..points, stroke: stroke)
for (anchor-name, anchor-pos) in anchors {
draw.anchor(anchor-name, anchor-pos)
let first-pt = id + ".start"
let last-pt = id + ".end"
if reverse {
(first-pt, last-pt) = (last-pt, first-pt)
if name != none {
let names = ()
if type(name) == str {
names = ((name, name-pos),)
} else if type(name) == array {
names = (
(name.at(0), "start"),
(name.at(1), "end")
for (name, pos) in names {
let point
let anchor
if pos == "middle" {
point = (first-pt, 50%, last-pt)
anchor = "south"
} else if pos == "start" {
point = first-pt
anchor = "south-west"
} else if pos == "end" {
point = last-pt
anchor = "south-east"
draw.content(point, anchor: anchor, padding: 3pt, name)
if slice != none {
let (start, end) = slice
let slice-txt = "[" + str(start) + ":" + str(end) + "] "
anchor: "south-west",
padding: 3pt,
text(slice-txt, size: 0.75em)
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/// Draws a wire stub (useful for unlinked ports)
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/// #examples.stub
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/// - port-id (str): The port anchor
/// - side (str): The side on which the port is (one of "north", "east", "south", "west")
/// - name (none, str): Optional name displayed at the end of the stub
/// - vertical (bool): Whether the name should be displayed vertically
/// - length (number): The length of the stub
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/// - name-offset (number): The name offset, perpendicular to the stub
#let stub ( port-id , side , name : none , vertical : false , length : 1 em , name-offset : 0 ) = {
let end-offset = (
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north: (0, length),
east: (length, 0),
south: (0, -length),
west: (-length, 0)
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let name-offset = (
north: (name-offset, length),
east: (length, name-offset),
south: (name-offset, -length),
west: (-length, name-offset)
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2024-05-17 23:52:43 +02:00
(rel: end-offset, to: port-id)
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if name != none {
let text-anchor = if vertical {
"north": "west",
"south": "east",
"west": "south",
"east": "north"
} else { opposite-anchor(side) }
anchor: text-anchor,
padding: 0.2em,
angle: if vertical {90deg} else {0deg},
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(rel: name-offset, to: port-id),
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