2024-04-17 08:11:16 +00:00

99 lines
2.3 KiB

# Variables
open := if os() == "linux" {
} else if os() == "macos" {
} else {
"start \"\" /max"
project_dir := justfile_directory()
project_name := file_stem(justfile_directory())
typst_version := "typst -V"
typst_github := "https://github.com/typst/typst --tag v0.11.0"
output_dir := "05-pdf"
doc_name := "main"
# List all commands
just --list
# Information about the environment
echo "Environment Informations\n------------------------\n"
echo " OS : {{os()}}({{arch()}})"
echo " Open : {{open}}"
echo " Typst : `{{typst_version}}`"
echo " Projectdir : {{project_dir}}"
echo " Projectname : {{project_name}}"
# install required sw
echo "Install typst"
cargo install --git {{typst_github}}
# install required sw
echo "Install typst"
brew install typst
# watch a typ file for continuous incremental build
watch file_name=doc_name:
typst w {{file_name}}.typ
# open pdf
open file_name=doc_name:
{{open}} {{file_name}}.pdf
# build, rename and copy a typ file to a pdf
@pdf file_name=doc_name:
echo "--------------------------------------------------"
echo "-- Generate {{file_name}}.pdf"
echo "--"
typst c {{file_name}}.typ
mkdir -p {{output_dir}}
mv {{file_name}}.pdf "{{output_dir}}/{{project_name}}.pdf"
just clean
# build, rename and copy a typ file in all variants
@pdf-all file_name=doc_name:
echo "--------------------------------------------------"
echo "-- Generate all variants of {{file_name}}.pdf"
echo "--"
just pdf {{file_name}}
# cleanup intermediate files
echo "--------------------------------------------------"
echo "-- Clean {{project_name}}"
echo "--"
rm 00-templates/*.pdf || true
rm 01-settings/*.pdf || true
rm 02-main/**/*.pdf || true
rm 03-tail/*.pdf || true
rm 04-resources/*.pdf || true
# cleanup intermediate files
echo "--------------------------------------------------"
echo "-- Clean {{project_name}}"
echo "--"
del /q /s 00-templates\*.pdf 2>nul
del /q /s 01-settings\*.pdf 2>nul
del /q /s 02-main\**\*.pdf 2>nul
del /q /s 03-tail\*.pdf 2>nul
del /q /s 04-resources\*.pdf 2>nul